By shanaya434

39.9K 2.1K 159

"Oh my dear Bella, you were mine the moment I laid my eyes on you, His calm words, spoken close to my ears, m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 3

2K 100 7
By shanaya434

John POV:

I will own Isabella and also own the kingdom. I had adored her since my childhood. I have never seen a girl as beautiful as she is.

As I turned 18, I asked my father, who served on the council, to marry me to Bella. He went to ask the king after agreeing, and I was furious when the old man refused. I promise to make Bella mine from that point on.

When I questioned my dad about the reasoning, he replied that Bella was too young to marry and that even as an adult, she would be free to choose who she wanted as her spouse. Since then Bella and I have been spending time together.

She was so innocent to even think that I planned to make her fall in love with me and make me king of Fiore. If that didn't work out, I would be forced to take her as my bride, at which even the king would be powerless.

Then it occurred to me to ask her to marry me on her 20th birthday.


As the evening unfolded following Bella's modest birthday celebration, she opted for a quaint gathering with the locals rather than the grandeur of a lavish party.

I found myself waiting outside her room, anticipation building with each passing moment. Suddenly, the soft shuffle of footsteps drew closer, and I glanced up to behold Bella's radiant presence, as captivating as ever, her smile lighting up the corridor.

"Happy birthday, Bella!" I greeted her warmly, extending a carefully wrapped gift towards her.

"Thank you, but why weren't you in town with us?" she inquired. "They baked the most delicious cake, I almost didn't want to share it with you for missing out," she teased, her words sending a flutter through my chest.

Her simple desire for companionship and cake rather than extravagant gifts or celebrations was endearing, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her jest.

"My apologies, Bella. I had pressing matters to attend to," I explained, hoping she would understand the reasons behind my absence amidst her special day.

Seeking a moment of privacy, I gestured to the guards standing watch nearby, requesting their absence. With a respectful bow, they complied and retreated, leaving Bella and me alone in the quiet hallway.

Bella's expression shifted, confused and intrigued as she carefully unwrapped the gift I had presented her.

Seeing her delighted smile as she beheld the contents warmed my heart, the joy in her eyes reflecting the beauty of the peacock-colored dress nestled within the wrapping.

"Oh my goodness, this is exquisite," she exclaimed. Grateful that she appreciated my gesture, I returned her smile, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me.

"Go ahead, try it on," I encouraged her, nodding towards her chamber. "Then meet me in the garden. I have something else for you," I added, anticipation bubbling as she disappeared into her room to change.

I hurried through the winding paths of the castle garden. My hands were slick with nervous sweat, and my heart seemed to pound a rhythm of its own against my ribcage.

I paused, inhaling deeply, attempting to steady myself before the moment I had been eagerly anticipating arrived.

Footsteps echoed softly, heralding her arrival. With bated breath, I watched as she entered the garden, her presence drawing my attention like a magnet. She was a vision of elegance in her off-the-shoulder dress, her delicate skin illuminated by the soft glow of the evening light.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Do I look alright? Have I done something wrong?" she asked, casting a sidelong glance at the dress.

Unable to tear my gaze away from her, I managed a reassuring smile. "You look stunning, Bella. It's not that at all."

A blush graced her cheeks as she cast her eyes downward, murmuring a shy thank you.

"So tell me why you brought me here", she asked, curiosity in her eyes

"Close your eyes"

"Huh," she frowns.

"Close your eyes," I instructed.

Confusion flickered across her features, but she complied, hesitantly closing her eyes.

Seizing the moment, I positioned myself in front of her.

"Open," I whispered, my heart skipping a beat as her eyes fluttered open, her expression shifting from curiosity to bewilderment.

"What... what is this?" Her voice trembled slightly as she struggled to make sense of the scene before her.

Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself, holding out the ring. "I want you to be my wife, Bella. I love you more than words can express."

Silence stretched between us as she gazed down at the ring, then back up at me, her eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't quite decipher.

"I can't, John," she finally whispered, her words hitting me like a blow to the chest.

Confusion and frustration bubbled up inside me, mingling with the sting of rejection. Why had she turned me down? What had I done wrong? The questions swirled in my mind.

Calmly, I ask, "Why, Bella? What's wrong with it? Am I not a good man?"

"I...I don't love you, John. And you're seven years older than me, it just feels inappropriate," she hesitates.

"Age doesn't matter in love, Bella," I insist, hoping to sway her.

"Maybe," she concedes, "but I don't love you. Please, I'm sorry. I just see you as my friend, like a big brother." My heart sinks at her words. Despite the countless moments we've shared, she perceives me as nothing more than a sibling.

"What the hell, I'm not your big brother, Bella, you have to accept my proposal, " I grumble, my frustration boiling over.

"I can't, John. I'm sorry. I don't love you," she repeats softly, her voice filled with empathy. "You can take the dress back. Maybe you'll find someone better than me. But we can still be friends," she offers her words like a balm to the wounds of rejection.

My blood surged with an unbridled fury at Bella's rejection. How dare she spurn me? The audacity! Gripping her arm firmly, I halted her mid-turn, my fingers digging into her flesh.

"You are mine, Bella," I declared with a menacing intensity, "I will ensure that neither you nor your father will ever dare to reject me again."

Blinded by the searing rejection coursing through my veins, I failed to perceive the world around me, consumed only by my wounded pride and desire for control.

Bella struggled against my grasp, her attempts to break free met with resistance. "Let go, John! You're hurting me! Someone, please help!" Her desperate cries echoed through the courtyard, but I remained deaf to her pleas.

"Silence!" I snapped, my voice laced with venom. "I'm as good as dead now, thanks to you. If the guards catch me, I'll rot in the dungeon for eternity."

As if on cue, a stern voice cut through the tension, commanding attention. "Keep your hands off the princess!" It was one of the castle guards.

Panic surged within me as reality crashed down. I needed to escape, and fast. With a swift motion, I released Bella, snatched up a smoke bomb, and hurled it to the ground, obscuring our surroundings in a thick haze. In that moment of chaos, I bolted for the safety of the jungle, my heart pounding with fear and adrenaline.

As I disappeared into the shadows, leaving Bella behind, I vowed to return. "Bella, I promise," I muttered to myself through gritted teeth, "this time, I'll make sure to claim you and Fiore as mine.".

Flashback end

I was exiled from the kingdom, but my father continued to serve on the council, and we began plotting the king's assassination from that point on.

When we next learn of King Lucian's ascent, I initially didn't think it was real and assumed it was only rumored. But I was mistaken.

My father suggested that I seek King Lucian's help, and it was a wise move. We too shall live by this. I am aware that to get what he wants, the beast will kill every person who stands in his way. Our request for help was granted by King Lucian.

We were now at the Fiore Kingdom entrance. My dad has left to retrieve the sword. We were anticipating his arrival accompanied by King Lucian, his second in command, and the wizard along with four of his soldiers.

How do they all have such large, muscular bodies? They weren't even riding horses, instead, they were riding wolves. A single wolf can easily destroy half the town.

This is the last day you will get to enjoy, Bella.

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