Totally Merged (Totally Spies...

By Soloik

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Sam, Alex and Clover, the famous international spies, get their hands on a strange artifact that will bring t... More

All together
The eternal rival
The second step of the podium
Wishes granted
Becoming a spy again
The battle of the titanesses

Ultimate Mandy

98 1 0
By Soloik

Several hours earlier...

Most of the employees and technicians had long since returned home and the Woohp tower that stood proudly in the middle of the city was slowly emptying of its essential personnel. Only the light on the top floor, the management floor, was still on.

Sitting behind the desk, Salver was consulting the Woohp's supercomputer connected to the global surveillance network. She was dressed in a sexy green, red and yellow outfit that revealed her muscular belly and arms, wide pants that came down to her ankles and sneakers.

In front of the young woman was the image of the real-time security cameras of the central prison. Dominique and Caitlin, still in their bikinis, were being held in a special high-security cell and placed under constant surveillance. Their hands and feet were shackled with high-tech handcuffs to minimize the risk of escape. But even so, they had managed to knock out three elite guards before being neutralized and put in the cell. Salver had questioned them herself, of course, but they had refused to answer anything but threats and provocations. It seemed impossible to get anything out of them.

But Salver was only watching the security screen with one eye, she was more interested in the data that was displayed right next to it. Fortunately, the Woohp had several methods of getting information...

"Any news on our guests, girls?"

Jerry, the Woohp's former boss and now consultant had just entered the office with a steaming cup of coffee in hand.

"Jerry," Salver replied, "call me by my name..."

"Sorry, I still can't get used to it. But you could take it off some time, you know" He pointed to the strange ring the young woman wore on her finger.

"No way. I've done more for the world since I've been Salver than I did when we were...apart. Now we're more united than ever. It's like I've finally become what I was always meant to be."

"I see...well if that's what you want..."

"Now," Salver resumed, "take a look at this Jerry." She pressed a button on the keyboard and the giant screen lit up right behind her. Dominique and Caitlin's biometric and genetic data were displayed under the old man's questioning gaze.

"What do you see, Jerry?" asked Salver, crossing her arms.

"Hmmm...It seems that Dominique and Caitlin have some foreign DNA in them that has mingled with their own. And it has strengthened their bodies and minds considerably! But who could such DNA belong to?"

Salver tapped on the keyboard and the face of a teenage girl with long red hair and a determined look appeared, along with her own biometric and genetic data.

"This is Kimberley Possible's. Does that ring a bell, Jerry?"

The former spy didn't need to think. He had known the name for a very long time.

Kimberley Possible," he said. A young high school girl who spends her free time as a mercenary. She operates solo most of the time. Like you, she had a colossal potential that she developed in kindergarten! Her power level has been skyrocketing over the years. As you can see, she is at least the equal of a super agent.

On the big screen was now a comparison between Kim and Sam, Alex and Clover and then with Britney, the fourth best spy in the organization and currently permanently assigned to Australia. Indeed, from what Salver could see, Kim Possible had the perfect profile to join the Woohp super-spies. Even if she seemed considerably more talented than Britney herself. And by far.

"Wow! I can see why it made them so strong... This girl sounds amazing. Admittedly, not as much as me, but still, it's impressive."

"We tried to recruit her for years," Jerry continued, "but alas, without success. So we put her on priority watch in case she became dangerous. But how did her DNA end up in these two girls? It's incomprehensible..." Jerry scratched his chin, looking confused.

Salver thought back to her fight with Mandy. She too had clearly had a massive improvement in her physical abilities. And she called herself Kimandy... And then there was that ring she had tried to point at her. What if it had something to do with it?

"Jerry," she said slowly, "if I tell you about a ring, does that mean anything to you? A ring that can fly or mix DNA?"

Jerry flinched, as if suddenly startled.

"Oh no, don't tell me that...Good God, someone got their hands on the Cat's Eye! If that's it, it's very serious..." he said gravely.

"Cat's Eye? What exactly is it?" asked Salver.

"A legendary artifact of unknown origin. It is capable of absorbing the traits and characteristics of anyone. The owner then becomes much stronger. It is of the same ring family as the one you wear. But unlike yours, it is not a fusion at all. It has the power to offer the best in the unfortunate victim: physical attributes, mental attributes, skills, experience,..."

"So, that means Mandy must have gotten hold of this jewel. But why do Dominique and Caitlin have Kim's DNA in their bodies? Are there more than one of these rings?" asked Salver.

"No, the Cat's Eye is able to distribute a copy of the DNA or stolen traits to those it has absorbed at will. If Mandy has come into its possession, we are in grave danger!"

"That's for sure... What are the weak points of the ring, Jerry?"

"It works through the will and feelings of its wearer. A positive or negative emotion powerful enough to fuel it. Mandy's must be fueled by her jealousy of you."

"So all we need to do is make Mandy less jealous, power-hungry, angry and evil..." said Salver in a breath.

There was a long, awkward silence.

"Or you can just take it off her finger. I think that's the easiest way," Jerry remarked.

Salver stood up and began to pace around the room.

"So, Mandy absorbed this girl, that's why she was so strong. It's kind of like an ant becoming a dragon. She's bound to seek to gain power and attack other people, we need to stop her before she becomes totally invincible."

"Yes, she could go on a rampage or try to get revenge for her defeat against you," Jerry continued. She could attack anyone. We need to declare a state of emergency immediately and put our best agents on alert."

"The best agents, you have them in front of you," Salver said simply.

"Oh yes...that's right."

"Anyway, no need to involve others. I have to deal with this alone, because it's me she wants. Above all, keep a close eye on the other two, Jerry. Maximum security "

"All right...But don't forget: Mandy is nothing like the one you knew. She has become extremely dangerous."

Salver then struck a pose, contracting her right bicep and holding it in her left hand.

"Me too!"

In the distance, behind the large glass windows of the executive office, the swarm of mini-spy drones camouflaged by invisibility screens had recorded the entire conversation. They had photographed the most essential information: the existence and location of Britney the super-spy. Soon, Kimandy would learn all about Salver's true identity and her connection to the Woohp. She would "visit" this Britney and, through her, learn everything there is to know about the Woohp's watch list, the one that contains the names of the most dangerous and powerful people around. A real Christmas gift list before its time...


Mandy's huge villa, next to Salver's, was completely empty, of course. No trace of the young woman. This didn't surprise Salver at all because she knew that Mandy was immensely wealthy and therefore owned several properties in the city and around the country and it seemed ridiculous to think that she would hide in the most obvious one.

But Salver hadn't come to find Mandy. She was looking for clues. Standing in the middle of the spacious and colorful living room, the super-spy was scanning the area with her trusty compass.

Interesting, she thought. It seems that a particular and unique energy reading has been detected here. That means Mandy's ring emits an identifiable energy signature when it activates. An interesting lead. But that meant Mandy would be one step ahead of her!

Salver then programmed her compowder, linked to the Woohp's satellites, to automatically identify the Cat's Eye energy signature anywhere in the world and warn her. This was her only serious lead. It was impossible to guess what Mandy's next move would be, but she was up to something. It was obvious. No need to go to the beach or Dominic and Caitlin's house to investigate, she told herself. She was sure she wouldn't find any additional clues there.

Salver had stayed up all night. It was impossible to sleep knowing that Mandy was walking around with such power on her finger. The prospect of what she could do with it almost scared Salver. But she remained focused on her mission.

So she had spent much of the night tracking down and questioning black market dealers and treasure hunters in the city, hoping to gather information about who had provided Mandy with the ring. But her search had turned up nothing.

Frustrated, Salver was on her way home when a distinctive beeping sounded. It was her compowder. An alert message warning her that the special energy signature had been detected. Mandy.

"Already?" gasped Salver. "She didn't waste any time..."

But something was wrong. The location of the energy discharge matched exactly with Britney's secret place of residence!

There was no way this could be a coincidence. But how had Mandy made the connection? It didn't matter. Her friend was in danger and Salver had to go save her. With any luck, Britney had managed to escape Mandy, she was capable of it. After all, it was Salver who had trained her, in a way...


Britney's apartment was as luxurious and comfortable as the city of Salver. Saving the world on a regular basis was a great way to make money. But Salver wasn't there to admire the owner's undeniable sense of taste and decoration, she had a friend to save.

"Britney! Britney!" shouted Salver as she walked through the apartment. But no one answered her call, it was probably too late. There was no sign of a break-in, but on the floor of the gigantic balcony, a beach chair was turned over. No doubt a trace of a recent fight. The analysis did not lie: the Cat's Eye had been used here. Britney had been absorbed by Mandy, there was absolutely no doubt about that.

"Shit!" shouted Salver in anger, hitting the wall with her fist and leaving a huge hole in it.


She was angry at herself for not getting there in time, but it seemed impossible to determine that Britney was Mandy's target anyway. Because she wasn't supposed to know her, or be able to locate her. But maybe she had gotten her hands on some secret information from the Woohp, it was probably not impossible with her current abilities. And if that was the case...

Caught by a sudden intuition, she activated the detection signal of Britney's compowder. But there was no response. That meant it was either destroyed or Mandy had taken it and disabled the GPS signal. This trail seemed to end there. Unless...

Salver immediately called Jerry. The old man's image appeared on the small screen of the compact.

"Girls? What's going on? Have you heard anything?"

"Jerry, Britney got screwed...Mandy absorbed her with her ring." said Salver with a serious look.

"Oh my god...Britney? But how?"

"Never mind that for now." she interrupted him. "I need you to log into the mainframe and find the last search entry in Britney's compowder."

It was her last hope, Mandy had to have used Britney's computer to access information and if that was the case, then the computer had to have kept a record of it.

"Good point," said Jerry. "Apparently, Britney's compact activated once and she entered the Woohp's database to specifically access...the top secret watch list of dangerous people! Her focus was on Cammy White, a former senior British Army officer turned mercenary known as the world's best street fighter."

"I knew it," Salver said, slapping her forehead. "She wants to absorb the best, and this Cammy is her next target."

"You have to get there before she does or you won't stop her," Jerry continued. "According to the simulations, Mandy's power level increased dramatically by absorbing Britney. And if she absorbs Miss White..."

"She's going to be a monster and cause a lot of trouble," Salver continued. "It must be stopped at all costs.


The shouts and screams of the crowd were echoing. They were all gathered inside this large hall to watch the underground fights that took place there regularly. Everyone was betting on their champion and reaping the benefits accordingly. On a gigantic wall was projected the giant portraits of the various fighters. Now it was finally the grand finale and almost everyone had bet on one person: the one who was undefeated in the arena after more than a thousand consecutive fights...

The announcer of the fights came forward on the stage that overlooked the arena and cleared her throat. She was a young woman with red hair styled in a bun and she wore a low-cut purple crop top that highlighted her curvy and sexy figure. She readjusted her hair and grabbed the microphone. Her smooth and charismatic voice was projected to the four corners of the underground stadium.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're ready for the event you've all been waiting for: the grand finale of our Tournament of Legends!"

The howls of joy and excitement from the crowd redoubled in intensity and exposed like thunder.

"I hope you all have your bets down because the show is about to start .... Ah, here are the contestants, you already know them of course!"

On both sides of the arena, the two finalists appeared. First, it was the turn of a giant, almost three meters tall, enormously muscular and with a body full of tattoos and scars. He had a black beard and a huge scar in the middle of his face that gave him a fierce look.

"On my left is Vodka Gobalsky, known as the Hammerhead. He has beaten so many of his opponents to a pulp to get to the finals that I suspect he has eaten them through a straw. They say he's a cannibal, I wouldn't be surprised if it's true, just between us" she said, winking at the camera.

"But don't worry kids, he also loves teddy bears, it reminds him of his childhood when he used to strangle real ones with his bare hands... By the way, this is the occasion to remind you that figurines and goodies of your favorite fighters are on sale at the reception desk... "

In the ring, the "Hammerhead" contracted his huge biceps and harangued the crowd that was screaming more and more.

In front of the enormous colossus appeared a young woman with blond hair styled in a long braid dressed in a green leotard covering her torso and her voluminous chest and which molded perfectly her muscular body. Her powerful abs seemed cramped, screaming to get out of this embrace. At the end of her arms adorned with powerful biceps, she wore some kind of weighted red gloves that she delicately readjusted while cracking the bones of her neck.

When she arrived, the explosion of screams and shouts increased in intensity again and some spectators seemed to be on the verge of hysteria. Men and women were screaming the fighter's name in unison.


The announcer waited a few moments to let the excitement of the audience build.

"Hey yes, here it is! The one you all came for. The one and only Cammy White!"


"Cammy White, fifteen time world champion in free fighting and 1250 consecutive victories in the ring! Today she returns to challenge for her title! Cheer for our undefeated champion!"

The explosion of cheers did not cease. In the audience, everyone seemed to have chosen their champion. Many spectators seemed to be proudly wearing t-shirts or short tops bearing Cammy's image or waving flags inscribed with her name. Others, more rare, lifted in the air figurines in the image of the Hammerhead or wore a false beard identical to his.

The huge pile of muscles approached Cammy and stared at her. Since he was much taller than her, he almost had to lean forward to look her in the eye.

"Hehehe. I can't wait to compete with you. I came all the way from my native Siberia so I could crush you and end your reputation. Show me what you got, American girl."

"She's English, you moron," said a voice behind the Hammer.

"Huh? What? Well it's the same..." he said.

Cammy didn't react and just stared at her opponent with a fearful look while cracking her fists.

"Are you ready?" shouted the announcer. "Then let the fight begin!"

The tattooed behemoth grinned sadistically at his young opponent. "I don't care where you come from, I'm going to crush you like a bug. Then I'll grind your bones into dust and use them as seasoning for my stew. Then I'll show off what's left of your body and display it in my living room like a trophy. And I'd make boots out of your skin and then, of course, I'd..."

But no one ever knew what the Hammer would do next because the huge punch he received in the face and made him spit out his teeth was enough to knock him down in one blow. His huge, body-built body collapsed to the arena floor in a grotesque fashion.

"You talk too much," Cammy said simply.

There was a brief silence in the assembly which was followed by another huge explosion of screaming.

"Well, well, well... This is... unexpected," said the announcer. "It looks like Mr. Gobalsky will be able to go back to the far north sooner than expected, or he'll have nothing left but his muscles to console himself!"


"Anyway, we have a winner! Our champion retains her title, congratulations to her! Who will be able to defeat such a legend? Who will be able to defeat this war machine? See you next year to discover our new selection of relentless fighters who will compete for the pleasure of all of us! And don't forget to get your money back at the end! See you next year, friends of the big show..."

She tossed her microphone, gracefully jumped off the stage and landed gently, then walked over to Cammy who was already heading back to her dressing room. Gobalsky, on the other hand, remained stunned on the floor while two of his assistants tried in vain to pull him out of the ring. They couldn't even lift him, and one of them was so red-faced from trying that he too fainted.

"Miss White, Miss White! Wait a moment, please..." the announcer shouted at her.

Cammy did not turn around and continued to walk briskly.

"Miss, I asked you to go at least two rounds before knocking him out. People paid for show!"

The blonde fighter stopped and pointed to the still jubilant crowd that continued to scream her name.

"Do you think they look unhappy? You've had your show. Now give me my money and call me when you finally find a worthy opponent."

The announcer did not let herself be disconcerted. She put her hands on her hips and pouted.

"Listen...There is no one left, Miss White. You have crushed all your opponents. No one dares to face you anymore. I'm finding it harder and harder to find fighters..."

"That's your problem, not mine. Find me some opponents or I'll go elsewhere." said Cammy, resuming her walk.

"Hey come back, you have autographs to sign! "the announcer shouted at her.

She turned around and saw a crowd heading towards her, cameras and papers in hand.

"Ha...Me too, right," she said with a smile. She clasped her hands behind her neck and posed as dozens of flashes illuminated her.

Cammy opened the door to her dressing room and slammed it shut.

"Pfff...Bone powder to season his stew...Nonsense," she said as she threw herself onto the comfortable couch. "They just keep getting bigger and stupider."

From across the room came a sarcastic, mocking voice:

"I wonder why a woman like you is wasting her time in illegal fights."

Cammy abruptly stood up and got into a fighting stance. In the darkness in which she had been hiding, a woman appeared.

She was wearing very short blue clothes that showed off her muscular and athletic body, long raven black hair and slightly slanted violet eyes that glared fiercely at Cammy.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" she asked with her fists raised and ready to pounce.

The stranger slowly ran her hands through her hair and smiled mischievously.

"Call me Kimandy. As for how I got in here, let's just say I have my ways...."

"What do you want, Kimandy?"

"What do you think? I want to fight, of course. I want to know if the famous Cammy lives up to her reputation."

Cammy didn't answer anything and watched her interlocutor more carefully. From what she could see, this "Kimandy" did look like a fighter. The way her muscles were sculpted, the way she walked and even the way she moved showed a body ease that was characteristic of martial artists. Cammy let her guard down but remained defensive.

"You want to challenge me? Then get on the waiting list."

"Oh, no...." replied Kimandy crossing her arms. "I don't have time, I want to fight now! I can't wait to see what the champion is capable of. And I want her to give me EVERYTHING she has. Understand?" she said in an authoritative tone.

Clearly, the young woman had a strength of conviction and especially a determination far superior to what Cammy was used to until now. And it wasn't just arrogance or recklessness. She seemed to exude confidence and mental strength, coupled with insolent courage. This intrigued Cammy to no end.

"If you're so determined... Then so be it. Follow me."

She motioned for her to follow her and Kimandy followed without a word. Cammy opened the door to the dressing room and they both walked down the hall to a metal door. Cammy took a key out of her pocket and pushed it into the lock of the door, which she then pushed nonchalantly.

Kimandy then followed Cammy inside and she closed the door loudly. In front of her was a fighting arena almost as large as the one used for the tournament, but this time without an audience. All around, weight training instruments, training dummies and various weapons and fighting clothes. Obviously, it was here that Cammy spent most of her time training.

"Well, are you ready?" asked the street fighter. "I warn you, I'm not going to make you any gift" she said while going up on the ring.

" Perfect " answered simply Kimandy by going up in her turn.

Cammy made crack its joints and its shoulders then put itself in position of fight.

Before she could react, Kimandy was already charging at her and attacking her with a powerful overhead kick. Cammy parried it easily but was surprised by the strength of the blow. It was clear, precise and powerful. She understood immediately that she was not mistaken: this girl was out of the ordinary.

And Kimandy enchainait again the attacks, Cammy parried them all systematically and counter-attacked in its turn with a burst of kicks and punches. Kimandy had the intelligence not to try to block but seemed to play on its agility out of the common by jumping and by dodging its attacks. She made an impressive jump and passed right behind Cammy's back who immediately turned around with a sweeping kick that Kimandy simply dodged by jumping once more. Then, Cammy multiplied again the kicks and punches and Kimandy dodged them all. Kimandy then jumped back to the other side of the arena.

The exchange of blows had lasted only a few moments, but it was enough for both protagonists to measure the strength of their opponent.

"Impressive," said Kimandy, wiping her forehead with her forearm. "Frankly I'm not disappointed..."

"Where did you learn to fight?" asked Cammy. "How come I've never heard of a warrior like you?"

"Hehehe...Go figure. By the way, you didn't answer my question earlier. Why does a champion like you participate in underground fights?" asked Kimandy.

"Because here there are no rules or limits: this is the real fight, the one where you put your life on the line," Cammy answered, readjusting her weighted gloves.

"I see...Good. The warm-up is over, isn't it? How about you stop taking it easy on me and finally go all out like you promised?".

"If that's what you want... But I'm warning you, the medical teams have gone home, if I rip you to shreds you've only got yourself to blame."

"GO!" shouted Kimandy as she charged headlong at her opponent with an intricate spin. This time, Cammy didn't dodge and systematically parried the attacks with her legs and arms that served as both formidable weapons and shields. However, she felt that the strength of her opponent was gradually weakening her endurance. It was indeed necessary to finish as soon as possible because, if not, she would end up taking the advantage in the long run.

Kimandy was preparing to hit her again but this time, Cammy jumped on the woman's shoulders, made a graceful rotating movement and sent her a powerful double kick in the back. She used the force generated to propel herself into the air while spinning and then landed on the ground. Kimandy barely had time to recover from this technique that had caught her off guard that Cammy was already preparing to attack her again. She lifted herself off the ground and, with her feet forward, became a veritable human whirlwind! Kimandy wanted to intercept the attack with her hands and catch her by the feet, but the power of the blow was such that it made her fly away and hit the wall at the back of the arena. She got up in an instant but Cammy was already close enough to attack her again! Kimandy then performed a series of precise and fast Kung Fu moves designed to paralyze her opponent's body by blocking her chakras. But Cammy, who had understood the danger, parried the attacks with the back of her fighting gloves which made the technique fail. Immediately, she jumped on Kimandy's neck and squeezed her with her two powerful legs. Then, with the help of her extraordinary strength, she tipped her backwards and she fell face first onto the ground.

Kimandy got up again, this time with an angry expression on her face. She was angry at herself for letting herself be dominated like that. But at the same time, she was happy to meet someone as strong as Salver. Yes, she had not been mistaken. This delightful strength, this incredible skill. All this would soon be hers. She was looking forward to it....

"You're very strong," Cammy told her. "But your fighting style is wild and brutal. You have the power and the talent but you lack the discipline. Why do you fight?"

Kimandy wiped the thin stream of sans that flowed from her mouth. "There's someone I want to outsmart..."

"All right," said Cammy. "Healthy competition is a powerful engine. Focus on that goal and you'll always get stronger."

"Oh...But I have my own method of gaining power..." said Mandy in a barely perceptible voice as she mechanically stroked the ring on her finger and got back into fighting position. Now she had to take the chance to hit Cammy with her beam without her being able to dodge it. One mistake and it would be a failure. It was necessary to provoke her, and to trick her.

"You are right. There's nothing like facing stronger than you are to progress. But how can I learn from you if you don't give it your all? You could have ended it sooner than this. Come on, I'm waiting!"

Cammy smiled in turn. "Fine, if that's what you want..." She then untied her weighted red gloves which came crashing against the floor with a loud crash that echoed in the room.

Kimandy barely had time to understand what had just happened. Cammy seemed to have literally teleported right in front of her. In fact, she was moving so fast now that the untrained human eye could not follow her. Without her being able to do anything about it, Cammy threw a titanic, lightning-fast punch into her belly that was so powerful that even her steel-hard abs couldn't stop it. She spat out blood and collapsed to the ground.

"Come on, get up. I know you can still fight," Cammy said as she looked at the spasming body of the young woman still on the ground. Kimandy turned over on her back and apparently began to moan in pain and then whimper.

"You're making fun of me, right? Are you a warrior or a whiner? Come on, get up and fight!"

Cammy then came closer to the young woman's body, took her by the shoulder and turned her to face her. But Kimandy was not crying, instead she had a strangely satisfied and mocking face.

A strange green glow engulfed Cammy's body and she felt paralyzed. Was it possible that this was a secret technique? No, it was something else... Magic? Impossible...

Kimandy struggled to her feet, hand outstretched and Cat's eye forward, and looked with satisfaction at Cammy White trapped in the magic beam.

"Yes...Come to me my dear. Come complete me...Ahahahahahahahahah!"

Cammy was literally engulfed in green energy and disintegrated into an amorphous form that was sucked into Kimandy's ring.

"Yes, that's it, that's it...give me some...OH FUCK .....YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... !!!!!" Mandy screamed already overwhelmed by the mind-blowing amount of raw power she was receiving in one go.


She felt literally drowned in power. She was receiving the knowledge and mastery of hundreds of new techniques on top of the old ones, and the resulting mix dramatically amplified her martial abilities. All her muscles shook and swelled and her hands, arms and legs seemed to vibrate in response to such an accumulation of skills. At the same time, her shoulders widened somewhat to accommodate her burgeoning back muscles.

Mandy's face, distorted by pleasure and the overflow of power generated by absorption displayed a crazed look and clenched teeth in a mouth filled with dripping drool.


She felt like she was going to explode or that the massive expansion of power she was experiencing would eventually drive her insane. But Kim's indomitable will combined with Mandy's own tenacity would keep her mind from breaking. All she felt now was the pain and extreme pleasure of her evolution.

"Grrrrrr...This feels so good" she managed to articulate as the veins in her neck pulsed in unison. She felt all her body to galvanize and her reserves of energy to reach new heights almost infinite. She grew a few inches and her muscles grew even larger, covered with pulsating veins that fueled them. Her already massive chest grew like two helium-filled balloons and inevitably tore the top of her blue suit.

The massive experience and wisdom of combat flowed into Mandy's mind and brought her the serenity and patience of champions while exacerbating her will and hunger for victory. Adding all this new knowledge to her already enormous body of knowledge, Mandy experienced enlightenment when she finally saw the bigger picture of martial arts.

Mind, body, energy. Everything was linked into a cosmic whole through the ultimate art of combat. Discipline was at the service of body and soul. And true power was obtained through its own transcendence.

"Yes...It's beautiful. It is so beautiful. I understand now!"

Kimandy's drool was dripping onto the floor. Her muscular arms hanging down, she was barely recovering from her new transformation.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Kimandy immediately fell in love with her reflection.

The young woman, from the top of her two meters looked like a Greek goddess doped with growth hormones. The features of the three girls who composed her had blended perfectly to form a powerful and fearsome being. The creature sported a face with fierce features and a provocative, sarcastic smile that gave her an air of total confidence. Her now slightly slanted black eyes glittered with malice and sadism mixed with a fearsome wisdom and an implacable sensuality.

Her long mane of shimmering black hair that flowed down to her buttocks added a touch of seduction and absolute, unfathomable beauty.

Her body, sculpted in marble and lined with veined muscles offered the ultimate vision of a war machine indestructible like a mountain, formidable like a volcano and unstoppable like a storm.

Kimandy had become the ultimate being. The Absolute Grand Mistress of the Martial Arts. The Queen of Combat. The Goddess of Victory.

She clenched her fists and felt the power flow through her.

"Wow....This is unbelievable," she said slowly. Never before had a mortal gathered such strength, such mastery. She had achieved true perfection. No, she was more than perfect.

Kimandy then sent a punch into the air, straight ahead of her, and the force was such that the air released punched a hole in the wall in the shape of a fist.

"Yes...This is power, and nothing else...Now I am finally invincible. I am...Ultimate Mandy !"

She glanced down at her finger and the cat-shaped ring she wore at all times. Now that she had achieved absolute perfection, that trinket had become useless. One day, she would surely find a way to get rid of it while keeping its current form. Being so dependent on a material object disgusted her to the core. She would see that later. For now, she had other more important things to do.

She picked up Cammy's red weighted combat gloves, put them on and headed for the exit.

In the corridor, she passed the sexy announcer of the championship who had just come out of Cammy's dressing room.

The young redheaded woman was upset once again. Her undefeated champion seemed to have deserted the premises without fulfilling her contractual obligations to her clients. Cammy White had made her extremely wealthy and influential in the underworld, but her lonely, sullen attitude was infuriating her.

When she turned and met Mandy's gaze, she was at a loss for words to express her surprise. The woman in front of her literally exuded confidence and power, her penetrating gaze gave her the impression of piercing her with all her being and inflicted an indescribable fear that practically paralyzed her on the spot. She had never seen her here, but her look and attitude were familiar.

"Who...who are you? Where is my champion?" she asked, struggling to hide her excitement at the sight of such an Amazonian beauty.

Ultimate Mandy stopped and looked her up and down. The redhead in front of her was cute and adorable despite her criminal activity. Perverse thoughts sprang to mind as she figured she now had enough DNA stored in her ring to make anyone superpowered.

Mandy pulled off her red glove and pointed her ring at the announcer who screamed as the green beam hit her. Mandy had decided to give her a good amount of Britney's DNA as a gift to enhance her mental abilities as well as all of Cammy's DNA to turn her into a fighter.

The redhead fell to her knees as her body literally roared and her muscles pulsed and contracted in unison.

"Gnnnnn....What's that ?????" she asked blankly, but no one answered her.

The young woman's hair tied in a bun exploded and cascaded and became progressively lighter with a few blonde strands, her green eyes lit up with wisdom as her brain received an astronomical amount of new information. Her body continued to bulge with strong, powerful muscles as Mandy looked on in amusement.

"Aaaaarg....Oh....That's good! Yes! YES!" she screamed, gradually overwhelmed by the pleasure of so much power filling her.

She stood up and admired her now athletic body. Her tight clothes were torn in places, unable to support the volume of her new muscles. For her, it was more than a Christmas present, it was a real blessing. A total and unexpected ascension.

"Holy shit! That's power! I'm going to smash all these bums! Roaaaaaaarrrgggg!" she screamed as she savagely pounded her chest with her fists. She seemed to have almost lost control of herself.

"Now you're the champion ahahahahahah" said Mandy as she resumed her walk without adding anything more, leaving behind the young mutant commentator who continued to admire her super athlete body.

With what Mandy had offered her, she would soon become the boss of the underworld and when she came back, she would owe her.


Salver landed in the middle of the large courtyard that overlooked the secret entrance to the underground fighting arena, hidden in one of the apparently abandoned buildings. She only had a short time left before Mandy found Cammy and absorbed her. She had to hurry to get to her before it was too late. The day was winding down and the sun was slowly descending over the horizon. Salver's long blonde hair fluttered in the light breeze. The thrusters that allowed her to fly, located in her heart-shaped backpack, automatically stowed away and she took out her compass to more accurately identify the location of the Cat's Eye energy signature. Then she heard a dangerously familiar voice behind her back.

"Are you looking for me?"

Salver turned around and was struck with horror. The Mandy standing before her was nothing like the one she had humiliated at the beach. She was now much more muscular and clearly stronger than ever. She had arrived too late...

Mandy slowly approached Salver with her usual provocative smile. Salver felt something strange and unpleasant rising inside her, a kind of inner paralysis. Her hands were shaking slightly.

"So? Have you lost your tongue? Are you usually more talkative? Especially with Clover's personality inside you..." asked Mandy, squinting her eyes.

"Mandy...You absolutely have to return the Cat's Eye," said Salver, contracting her fists to keep her hands from shaking.

"Ah, you know about that. But why would I do that? I've never felt so strong in my life, never felt so complete. Do you want to take that satisfaction away from me when you yourself benefit from such power?"

Salver didn't answer. She couldn't deny it, she herself had a similar feeling: an absolute completeness that resulted from the fusion of three similar beings.

"The difference is that you stole these bodies. You have to give them back, Mandy," she said.

"Oh? Well then, you must come and force me to do it. It's simple, right?"

Salver swallowed and got into a fighting stance. Her legs were shaking slightly. Mandy had stopped moving forward and was simply standing there, hand on hip and looking more confident than ever. A bead of sweat beaded on the mega spy's cute face.

"Well, well, well... Could it be fear I detect? " said Mandy, running her hand under her chin. "Don't tell me you're going to break down and cry and beg me to spare you? Because that would be very disappointing. Really disappointing..."

Mandy then moved with lightning speed toward Salver and punched her in the throat. The blonde felt like she was choking and reflexively put her hands to her neck. Mandy executed a powerful roundhouse kick that hit Salver in the face and sent her crashing to the ground.

Salver got up and stood guard, fists out. Her throat still hurt, but her anger and the stakes allowed her to ignore the pain. She absolutely had to stop Mandy. But her rival had clearly become far too strong, she had to find a solution as soon as possible.

Salver rushed forward, fists in front and rushed Mandy with her most powerful blows. But she, with her eyes closed and one hand behind her back, systematically dodged or parried every one of her attacks, no matter how formidable they were. It was as if she was striking in the void, Mandy seemed to anticipate each of her movements ....

In a simple gesture, Mandy grabbed her wrist and gave her an amused look. Then she kneed her in the stomach and she screamed in pain.

Mandy gently stroked the fusion ring Salver wore on her index finger, the one that had changed her into what she was now and the source of her power...

"Very nice... You know, I could destroy it and ruin your meager chances of victory forever. But for me, the easy way is over" She then simply let go of her wrist and Salver took the opportunity to try to hit her again but without success because Mandy simply grabbed her fist and clenched it so hard that she broke the bones of her hand.


"There's nothing you can do," Mandy told her, "I have become the ultimate warrior. Your own fighting instincts screamed it in your ears the moment I landed the first blow. No, as soon as you saw me, actually."

Salver tried to strike her again with her still-intact fist, but Mandy simply dodged it by taking a step to the side.

"Get a grip! You're the only one worth fighting for, so fight back!" yelled Mandy and kicked Salver in the face with a powerful kick.

The spy, out of breath and overwhelmed by the strength of her opponent massaged her still extremely painful broken hand.

"Look, Mandy...I've always...We've always been exasperated by our rivalry but we never thought it would go this far. We don't need to fight. Give up what you stole and at least let's face each other on equal terms. I'll give up my power if you give up yours. You don't need to steal other people's power to be extraordinary..."

Mandy burst out laughing. "I see what you're trying to do. But it's futile. I'm past that point. My ego doesn't hold me back anymore. I feed off it, but I'm not dependent on it like I used to be. Look what I've become!"

Mandy then took off her weighted gloves and seemed to teleport directly to Salver. She bombarded her with a hundred punches so fast that her arms became blurry.


Then she grabbed Salver by the arm again and broke it. This time, Salver didn't scream in pain because she was already completely passed out under the force of Mandy's deluge of blows and collapsed on the floor.

"Now we're even," Mandy said, "Maybe I should finish you off but you make me too ashamed... That said, I'm still going to get a trophy" She leaned over Salver's unconscious body and reached for the ring on her index finger.

Suddenly, a strange whistling sound came from behind her. She turned around and saw two helicopters with a large W on their sides had just turned off their optical camouflage and one had launched a missile behind her. The explosion shattered a piece of wall. They were flying very low and close to the ground, their special rotors making almost no noise.

"Ahahahaha! Let's have some fun!" said Mandy as she ran toward the nearest helicopter. She dodged another missile that was thrown at her by doing an aerial pirouette and scaled the metal fence at full speed, then, once she reached the top of it, propelled herself powerfully towards the cockpit of the helicopter, on which she clung.

From where she was, she could see the pilot's face and his eyes widened in surprise. She gave him back his bewildered look by winking at him. Then she punched the window, which shattered, immediately entered the cockpit, knocked out the pilot and maneuvered the helicopter so that it was facing the second helicopter, then unleashed a rain of missiles that pulverized it instantly. She smashed the cockpit door and simply jumped out to land gracefully on the tarmac. Behind her, the helicopter she had "borrowed" simply crashed to the ground in an explosion of flame and metal.

She turned toward the courtyard and saw a third helicopter, out of which came WOOHP agents holding Salver at arm's length. The helicopter took off quickly as the crew members had just set foot on it. It then positioned itself in his direction and sent a shower of missiles at him. Mandy was running too fast for the missiles to hit their target, and she even managed to escape the explosions they generated. Then the helicopter flew further into the sky and disappeared into the distance with Salver on board.

Ultimate Mandy rubbed the dust off her outfit and readjusted her hair.

"That's it, run away. We'll see you again real soon...Hehehehehe.... "


Salver opened her eyes. She immediately recognized the white ceiling of the Woohp headquarters' infirmary.

"Oh no," she said. "Not that..."

She stood up abruptly and Jerry's friendly hand came to rest on her shoulder.

"Relax, you're safe. I did the right thing by having you followed in case this goes wrong."

"No Jerry, you don't understand. We are in danger, Mandy knows everything now. And she's coming here to finish the job, she's coming here for me!"...

"Boss! Boss!". A Woohp officer dressed in a traditional three piece suit and opaque sunglasses opened the door to the infirmary.

"Boss, the prisoners Dominique and Caitlin have escaped. They've taken control of the central prison, they've freed everyone..."

"Here we go," Salver said with a sigh.

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