The Tale of Ignite and Ultra...

By PameliaGoodwin

13.3K 445 128

Just the tale of my OC, Ignite, and Ultra Magnus. Starts out with a bitch ass teacher. Language will be used. More

Chapter One: Eyes of a Demon
The Awakening
Just Dance...... Gonna be Okay
Flashback: Cuteness Warning
What's an Easter?
Another A/N
Somethings Wrong
Sparkling Troubles
Sparkling Preparation: The Complete First Season
Why It's A Bad Idea To Let Arcee Plan A Party
Air Support
Air Support, Part Two
The Party
Alrighty then.
Kidnapped, Part 1
Kidnapped, Part 2
Human, Part Two
Human, the Trilogy
Promposals: The Stressful Story Behind the Beginning of Jiko
Sword Training
Is it Mary Sue??????
I havent any inspiration.


427 15 2
By PameliaGoodwin

Ignite clutched her abdominal plating, which was covered by one of Ultra Magnus' chest plates, due to her own armor not fitting properly. She had been fighting the intense pain for nearly two hours, not wanting to wake her bondmate from his peaceful slumber.
Ignite fought against sending a wave of pain through the bond, and gasped as she failed. She silently prayed to Primus that her mech was in too deep of a slumber to notice
Ultra Magnus' optics shuttered open, and he groaned.
"Sorry." Ignite nearly cried out.
The commander's optics widened, and he sat up, and leaned over the femme.
"Ignite, love, what's wrong? Is it the sparklings?" He asked, worry clouding his vision.
"No, no, I'm- AH!" The Seeker's claws dug into the berth, carving deep gouges into the metal.
"Ignite. They're coming, aren't they?"
Ignite nodded with a whimper. Primus, it hurt.
"Come, let's get to the medbay. I'll wake Ratchet." Magnus attempted to keep his voice calm, but it wavered.
"Well you fragging aft, its not exactly like I can WALK!" Ignite snapped.
Magnus knew that she would be a bit angry. After all, she was in a tremendous amount of pain.

"Optimus! Pssst! Optimus!" Bumblebee whispered. "Wake up, Boss!"
"Bumblebee? What is it?" Optimus yawned. No sir, he was definitely not a morning bot. Especially early morning.
"Ignite's having the sparklings! Get up!" The scout whispered excitedly.
"What? Right now?" Optimus opened the door, revealing a grinning Bumblebee.

Optimus raced into the main hangar, causing Arcee to nearly crash into the wall to avoid getting crushed after her and Bulkhead went to pick up the kids.
"Where. Is. Magnus." He growled, before spotting the mech, who was attempting to drive ruts into the floor as he paced.
"Commander!" The Prime screamed.
"Optimus, if you leave a mark on him Ignite will have your head!" Arcee warned.
"Is she alright? How much pain is she in? Is your bond closed too?" Optimus panicked, shaking the mech by his shoulders.
"Sir, I am not sure if she is alright, nor how much pain she is in. Our bond closed naturally, as it always does when one goes into spark pain, you know this!" Magnus attempted to calm the mech as his once stern attitude returned.

Several hours later, the medbay doors opened, and Ratchet emerged with a happy smile on his face.
"I'm am honored to announce that the first sparklings since Cybertron went dark, have officially become a part of this universe."
Magnus quietly slid into the medbay, followed by Optimus, who stayed at the doorway instead of fully entering.
"Ignite, they're adorable." Magnus commented. "What are their designations?"
"I was thinking Supernova for her." Ignite looked down at the little Seeker she held in one arm, the little one's natural armor in a shade of pink and white. In the other arm, a small mechling lay, nearly identical to his sire.
"Can you hold one? My wings are cramping." She asked.
"I-I'll probably drop it." Magnus' voice was nervous.
"No, you won't. Here. Hold your mechling." The femme gently slid the little mechling into her bondmate's arms.
"I think we should call him Circutbreaker." Magnus suggested, his optics locked on the mechling who looked like a tinier version of him, minus the shoulder pads.
"It's perfect. Oh, Brother! Come in here and see them!" Ignite motioned to her brother with her free servo, and the Prime fully entered.
"Since Hatchet won't let me up, why don't you and Magnus take them out to meet everybody?" She asked.
Optimus gingerly took the pink femme from his younger sister, and smiled as the little one opened her optics to look at him.
"Welcome to the universe, little one." He said.

"They're so cute!" Miko quietly exclaimed from Bulkhead's shoulder, as to not wake the beings that were around the same size as Raf.
"What are you going to call them? Raf asked.
"The mech will be called Circutbreaker, and his sister as Supernova." Magnus responded, bending down so the humans that were not perched could see.
"Those are wonderful names, sir." June spoke up from beside Jack.
"Just like they are."

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