My hero academia: Dawn Of The...

By rinji17onfire

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This story follows a new character named Rinji Yagi... The number one hero All Might's nephew. After the deat... More

1. USJ Attack!
2. Class 1A!
3. The Number One Hero!
4. Plus ultra!
5. After the USJ Attack
6. Let the world know that you are here!
7. Dr. Uozumi Kyuso
8. Sports Festival day
9. The Obstacle Race
10. Team Shinso
11. Seeing Endeavor
12. Izuku vs Shinso
13. Rinji's fake power
14. Izuku vs Shoto
15. Pick someone else
16. Bakugo is pissed 
17. Meeting the Akagi family 
19. Who is the strongest?
20. XY-6.
21. Pick a hero name 
22. The internships
23. Meeting Mirio Togata
24. The underground fighting ring. 
25. Big mission info. 
26. Undercover. 
27. Looking in the mirror. 
28. The Scar...
29. A worried mother. 
30. Before Hosu City
31. Back to school!
32. Rinji's Red bandage. 
33. The final exams. 
Bonus: the sleepover. 
34. UA swimming Pool
35. Time for camp!!
36. Class A and Class B
37. Feelings Revealed.
38. The Ambush.
39. Blue Flames....

18. Mint Green Hair

195 6 1
By rinji17onfire

Sometime head past and the family was just relaxing and catching up a little bit. The twins finally got tired of playing with the dog, and decided to start coloring pictures at the coffee table in the living room.

Since the sports festival was recorded, they had it on to watch different parts of the sports festival not just the first year but different parts of the whole thing. Especially replaying Kels' last match.

Rinji did not realize until now, how much he missed seeing his family. Yes, he got to see them on video calls, and a handful of them would come to America to see him, but almost all of them were in one spot just hanging out and enjoying everyone's company..

Hinotama finally came up behind Rinji and started to nudge him... "You really want me to play this game with you don't you?" Rinji said, as he turned around and looked up at his older cousin...

"Yeah just because I want to beat your ass." Hinotama replied.

Rinji decided to get up. It would not hurt to just play a video game for a little bit. It's been a while since he actually had a chance to play any type of video game since enrolling into UA...

Add this time Mimi had finished laying out the rest of the snack foods. She was not planning to have a big meal for lunch just enough to keep the family satisfied it was mainly just finger foods...

"Yo, get a plate full of food and especially make sure you grab extra sweet on your way up.." Hinotama said as he turned to his cousin, pointing towards the kitchen as he walked upstairs..

Rinji pretty much rolled his eyes, but he did not complain since he was going to be eating the food as well.. as soon as he got more than enough food for the both of them, he had it upstairs to the room that the grandkids called the hang out room..

When he walked in Hinotama had the game already set up and was waiting for him in front of the TV on the couch.. Over at the window Rinji saw Kels on her phone, just chilling.. When she noticed him coming in, she noticed the plate of food. "Hey throw me a Oreo ball."

Rinji gently grabbed one of the Oreo balls and flipped it toward her as she caught it with her mouth and ate it in one bite. "Thanks." She said as she continued messing with her phone.

He joined Hinotama in front of the TV and place the food down between them. Hinotama handed him a controller as he sit down... "So what are we playing?" Rinji asked.. "It's a Old shooter game."

The time passed pretty quickly since they were playing video games...

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the Akagi estate...

" I swear that's not fair that the UA brats gets to have a few days off..." a light brown haired boy with pierced ears, said as he kicked a rock as he walked up the road... "Because of that I missed a good breakfast..." he was still complaining as he slightly grind his teeth...

"Come on they just had a sports festival. It's basically so they could have a relaxed few days before going back to school..." a redheaded boy said slightly following behind him...

" I know but still why do they have to be the only school that have the sports festival?"

"Well, they are the number one hero school in Japan..."

"Again I know that but hell even your school is supposed to be at their level..." the light brown headed, boy, turned around to look at his cousin...

"Come on Kaen... me and you are part of the three top heroes schools in Japan yeah UA gets a lot more. I guess you can say benefits, but look at it this way we're off tomorrow."

"Yeah and I'm going to use that time to go one on one with Rinji..." Kaen said as he clutched his fist together...

"Of course you are..." Ken'Ichi said as his eyes rolled...

"And then when I beat him, I'm going to beat Kels!! She thinks that she's so strong and so smart, because she skipped a grade, and now in the same grade as us... HELL NO!!! Somebody need to put her in her place!!!"

"And that somebody as you? Come on she'll chew you up and spit you out...." Ken'Ichi added...

"SHUT UP KEN!!! We can't let those to outdo us. You probably don't care, but I sure in hell do!"

" I care but you don't see me going to try to start a fight that I can't finish... both of them have two separate quirks meaning, they have more weapons in their arsenal, then us... so yeah, it's going to take a lot of work to pass them up..."

Kaen graded his teeth once again... and it look like he was fixing to start on a rant again, but then he noticed something... "HEY MUTT!!! Hurry your slow ass up!!!!" he yelled down the road... to a girl that was several yards away from them...

She had mint green hair and mixed matched eyes ...

" I'm sorry that I don't have long legs like you two, and also, you know that I'm not used to climbing this mountain!!" the girl yelled back!!

Ken started to beat himself up a little bit not realizing how far she was behind him, and Kaen stopped in the middle of the road to give her a chance to catch up. "Sorry about that Tay... I really got into Kaen and mine argument that we were having, and I didn't realize." he said, with a warm smile, with a slight guilt look.

"It's OK I understand how Cinderfoot can get sometimes..."

"How many times do I have to tell you stop calling me Cinderfoot!!!"

"And how many times have I told you to stop calling me  Mutt!!!" She quickly yelled back.. and then stuck out her tongue.

This made him have a little bit of a sour look to his face. " OK both of you stop that..." Ken quickly step between the both of them...

"Ken take care of your girlfriend!" Kaen hollered out. Causing her to slightly blushed a little bit.

"Kaen calm down, think of it this way you'll have a new sparring partner..."

"Sparring? No I'm going to be his ass."

"Fine then have it your way, but I'm not going to help you get out of this one... Ken added...

Kaen was filled with excitement, excited to fight his younger cousin, and show everyone how strong he has gotten... The three of them continued up the road as all three of them were excited.... Kaen was excited for having two new rivals... Ken was excited to see his cousins again. And Tay was excited to see her old friend again...

Later, the three of them finally reached the house, and made their way in quickly, removing their shoes, placing them with the others.. like always Mimi was the first to greet them, Hugging the three of them. She could tell it was hard for Tay to hold her excitement in.

Mimi couldn't wait for the two of them to reunite... they haven't seen each other in years... "Rinji... come on down your surprise has just arrived..." she said loud enough for him to hear upstairs. It was loud enough, but yet it was gentle.

Rinji quickly pause the game... "Hey man! I was winning!!" Hinotama said

"Mimi is hollering for me..." he got up from the couch, made his way out of the room and started downstairs. And he made his way to the corner of the opening of the kitchen seeing two more of his cousins. Kaen... and Ken.. he was happy to see the both of them, but then he noticed a green, mint haired girl with mix match eyes... he looked confused for a moment...

"Is Kaen and Ken the surprise?" Rinji said as he slightly turned around to look at his grandma.

" Do you not recognize her?" She asked in a soft voice...

"Rinji? It's me..." the girl said...

He then thought back at the sports festival when he talked to Chitrinee... and she gave him that weird vision that flashed through his mind... even though it was for a split second he does remember seeing her, but it was in a UA school uniform not a Shiketsu uniform..

The girl's excitement started to slowly go away on her face... she figured that he would recognize her as soon as they saw each other again, but did he completely forget about her when he moved to America? They did not keep in touch. It was just because of the weird timing, and it just seem like everything was just thrown at her all at once with her training and studying to make sure that she got into Shiketsu high after Ken did...

"So you don't remember me?..." she asked him.

He look like he was on the spot, but he honestly could not remember her he did think maybe she got him confused because he hadn't been in Japan for a long time and the only places that he has been to school since he came back...

"Are you serious Tin Man! How can you forget me? We play together here for years before you moved away, we practically grew up together." She said, as she looked at him a little flustered, but it could be because she was upset that he did not remember her....

(Tin Man...)

(Tin Man...)

(Tin Man......)

That nickname it seems like it opened up a door in his mind and a wave of memories came flowing back....


The burst from him, surprised everyone...

"Wait! Do you remember me now?" She said, with confusion on her face.

"Yes I remember now we play together when we were little kids. Your grandparents are friends with my grandparents and you practically live next-door with them.... And it totally left my mind until you called me by that nickname...."

She was so excited to hear that she practically ran to him and gave him a big, huge hug, and was glad to finally see her friend again after so many years...

"Geez Bingo... I can't breathe..."

It's been along time since she heard that nickname... "Hey, don't start that!!"

"Hey you called me Tin Man.. so I think it's fair for me to call you Bingo... I'm sorry for not recognizing you at first you've changed a lot. I mean in a good way, of course and I see you are finally dating Ken..."

She quickly got red when he said that... "What how did you!!?"

"Come on.. every since I believe when you could talk you've had a crush on him..."

"Stop that!!!" She quickly blurted out, making the others chuckle a little bit..

"Alright!! Rinji!! You, and me one on one match!" Kaen said quickly, interrupting their little moment...

"Wow.. Kaen... good way to ruin the moment..." Ken...

Rinji and Tay just looked at him... "You want to fight me??" Rinji asked...

"Hey you and me, and also I want to see who's the strongest!!! Where is Kels!? I want to see who's the strongest out of me and her as well..."

Perfect timing she had just walked downstairs realizing what was going on. She leaned on the rail at the staircase, looking down at the group... "Oh... really..."

Kaen graded his teeth... " I want to prove that I am the strongest out of all the grandchildren..."

Quickly, she looked over him and spotted Tay... "Oh Tay it's been a long time you look great.."

"Th.. Thank you... you too and amazing work at the sports festival.."

" thank you I heard a lot about you from Ken... we stayed in contact here and there... He basically just needed advice about you. You know how some guys are they need help sometimes with things like this.."

Ken got a little red... "Come on don't call me out like that..."

"Hey, I'm not saying anything bad..."

They did not realize that Kaen was getting hot... because they basically was ignoring him now... "I will fight the both of you, and then we will find out who is the strongest, and that will be me!!!!" he yelled out looking at Kels and Rinji...

"How about this if you beat Rinji then you can fight me but if you lose we drop this..." Kels said...

He looked at the both of them again... "So if I beat him, then you will fight me one on one?"


"Ok..." Kaen said as he got in fighting position in the middle of the kitchen... "Let's go...." he said, with a serious look like he was ready to go all out, and everyone could feel a slight temperature rising in the kitchen.....

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