Are We Enemies?

By oXShimmeringMoonXo

17.5K 657 668

The Purple Dragons was a group of tech geniuses, aka a group of nerds even when they were little kids causing... More

How I missed this
Uhm, Oops?
A Dramatic Entrance
Movie Time
A Long night
Time To Cause Some Chaos
Mysterious Criminal Mastermind
Glitter goop
PFFT Bad Boy?
It's All About Misdirection
That's ME!
Were Villains They're heros
I Am The Girl Anarchism!
You had THE NighT!
Am I not good enough?
Pie... with a side of depression.
Familys... complecated

My little Robot

543 27 89
By oXShimmeringMoonXo

Y/n was in her room slightly swaying side to side on her swivel chair. She had just gotten home from a long day of  school and was ready to get started on a replacement for her old bag since it's been a few days. She had a couple of ideas already, but so far none of them were good enough for her.

Of course she had to make this quick because April had called for a late night hangout and she was bringing the boys. Y/n almost declined knowing she was very busy and couldn't afford many distractions, but she had to admit they were quite amazing company.

Y/n let's out a huff and leaned back into her chair trying to relax a bit but it failed. "Come on big brain think think think..." She lightly hit her head on the desk in hopes an idea would hit her but it never came. "Hmph maybe some music will help... Hey Sam! could you please turn on some music?" Y/n called for her little robot but there was no response.

"Sam?" She called again. No response. Y/n called for Sam a few more times but there was still no response. She decided not to worry to much as she did have a tracker on the robot, and Sam did tend to stay at the hideout for naps. Still it was strange that she didn't tell Y/n she was leaving, she always did. If Sam wasn't back in the next hour or two Y/n would go check up on her, but for now she was going to turn on some music, relax, and get to work. Y/n pushed herself out of her chair and stepped towards her speaker. There was a little sticky note placed on it that she hadn't noticed before.

I know you have been struggling with ideas on what the new replacement should be for your bag. So I decided to list a few songs that may help you or get your brain uhm... flowing?

- Sam \(•>•)/

Sam's hand writing was quite messy and looked like it had been rushed. This was odd now Y/n really started to wonder where she was.

"She's probably fine."

"Why would she leave?"


"I refuse to be an overly paranode mother."

"Yes I referred to myself as her mother-"

"I do NOT have to answer that!"

"Everyone shut up! I need peace and quite while I work."

Y/n put on the list of songs Sam suggested and flopped back into her chair. A few of Y/n's favorite songs came on she danced and bobbed her head to the music, trying to get her brain flowing just like Sam said. and after a while a very specific song came up.

Worlds smallest Violin -by AJR

"My~ myy Myyyy  Myyy!

My grandpa fought in World War II
He was such a noble dude
I can't even finish school
Missed my mom, and left too soon

His dad was a fireman
Who fought fires so violent
I think I bored my therapist
While playing him my violin.

"Why does this feel oddly specific?" Y/n questioned. This song was different it felt sooo hhhmm.... She couldn't quite put her finger on it.

that's so insane
(Oh, my God) that's such a shame
Next to them, my shit don't feel so grand
But I can't help myself from feeling bad
I kinda feel like two things can be sad (one, two, three, four)

The world's smallest violin
Really needs an audience
So if I do not find somebody soon (that's right, that's right)
I'll blow up into smithereens
And spew my tiny symphony
Just let me play my violin for you, you, you, you

"What? what are you talking abou- WAIT THATS RIGHT!" Y/n jolted up and started scavenging through her closet.

Y/n began to tug her old violin case out of her closet. When she was little she wanted to be a violinist but she was better with tech and soon enough her old passion wasn't even a hobby anymore. But Sam that clever little robot reminded her about it.

Y/n then fell to the ground when she pulled out her old case. "What a clever little robot she is." She said proudly. "I love the idea  its so amazing! Oh I could use some of that mystic mojo stuff from before too!" This project was going to be AMAZING spectacular even.

Y/n immediately got to work Oh-ho, and this was gonna call for a music dance party! She was about to turn on one of her and Sam's new favorite songs to listen to together.

Teenagers - My chemical romance. Yeah not what most mother and daughters would listen to together was it? But her and Sam would have such a blast making silly faces, funny voices when singing, going too high or to low depending on the lyrics. Running around the room and being overly dramatic or jumping up on the bed and singing at the top of their lungs. Then at the very end of the song Y/n would have to catch her breath but it was hard since she couldn't stop laughing.

. . .

. . .

. . .

Her hand froze right before pressing the play button. How had she gotten so much closer to her little robot in such a short amount of time? Sam used to just be a little alarm clock that stood on her night stand and gave her messages or told her what time it was. Now they both dance together have fun together laugh together make memories together... Now instead of Sam being a machine that did Y/n favors she... She was now, like a....



Is that what you would call their relationship?

"I don't have time for this."

"Stop making me overthink I need to work."

The girl shunned the voices away and began to drown herself in her work once again. Maybe about 20 minutes passed of Y/n trying to transfer the energy of the mystic objects into the violin case. Hell don't ask Y/n how she did it she doesn't even know herself. But hey, it worked. Now half of the project was already done so Y/n could get to baking.

It was going to be so fun! She could finally teach Sam how to bake pie with her and they could maybe have a messy food fight and-

Right Sam wasn't here...

Where was her little robot?


Hello Sweet souls so I'm sorry that there wasn't really any progression in this chapter I'm gonna try to start speeding things up. But I want this to be more of an individual story rather then JUST revolving around the turtles. Soon there will be a lot more going on like ehem Fluff flirtyness and angs- sorry what? I didn't say anything... ehem

anyways hope you all are enjoying this so far and just a check in do you think theres anything that I could do to make this story better? Or anything you have read that just doesn't look right or makes the book feel out of wack. Has it been really going too slow or is it nice and feels like a good slow burn? yall dont have to answer but it would be nice to get feed back because I want to be a great author for you all. Anyways over and out Sweet souls <3

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