Olympians in the City: Zeus'...

By Sakiko22

409 167 2

God of the underworld named Hades, wants to destroy the Olympus and become powerful than Zeus, his brother an... More

Writer's Note
Prologue: Plan of Hades
Chapter 1: The Attack of Hades
Chapter 2: The Lost of Hermes
Chapter 3: New Life
Chapter 4: Saving Aphrodite
Chapter 5: The Destruction of Olympus
Chapter 6: Reason of Hades
Chapter 7: She's Still a Warrior
Chapter 8: Athena's Story
Chapter 9: The "O" Detector
Chapter 10: The Beginning of Journey
Chapter 11: Battle of Musicians
Chapter 12: The Grown-Up Love
Chapter 13: Apollo's Journey
Chapter 14: Apollo's Journey II
Chapter 15: Apollo's Journey III
Chapter 16: Courageous Love
Chapter 17: Words of Love
Chapter 18: Nanny Goddess
Chapter 19: Story of the Queen
Chapter 20: Story of the Queen II
Chapter 21: Story of the Queen III
Chapter 22: Story of the Queen IV
Chapter 23: Story of the Queen V
Chapter 24: Story of the Queen VI
Chapter 25: On to the Next
Chapter 26: The Village of Minjos
Chapter 27: Gods in the Village
Chapter 28: Ares and Hephaestus
Chapter 29: Ares and Hephaestus II
Chapter 30: Ares and Hephaestus III
Chapter 31: Ares and Hephaestus IV
Chapter 32: Ares and Hephaestus V
Chapter 33: Ares and Hephaestus VI
Chapter 34: Ares and Hephaestus VII
Chapter 35: The Preparation
Chapter 36: The Second War: Minjos vs Centaurs
Chapter 38: The Secret of the Fisherman
Chapter 39: Poseidon's Secret
Chapter 40: Poseidon's Secret II
Chapter 41: Poseidon's Secret III
Chapter 42: Poseidon's Secret IV
Chapter 43: Poseidon's Secret V
Chapter 44: Poseidon's Secret VI (Larry and Dixie Love Story)
Chapter 45: Poseidon's Secret VII
Chapter 46: The Revenge
Chapter 47: Making Memories
Chapter 48: Lost in the Forest
Chapter 49: The Mission of Artemis
Chapter 50: The Mission of Artemis II
Chapter 51: The Mission of Artemis III
Chapter 52: The Mission of Artemis IV
Chapter 54: The Mission of Artemis VI
Chapter 55: A Danger in the Cave
Chapter 56: Fighting the Python
Chapter 57: In the Farmer's Place
Chapter 58: The Help of Demeter
Chapter 59: The Help of Demeter II
Chapter 60: The Help of Demeter III
Chapter 61: The Help of Demeter IV
Chapter 62: The Help of Demeter V
Chapter 63: The Help of Demeter VI
Chapter 64: Incoming Chaos
Chapter 65: Protect the Land!
Chapter 66: Payback Time
Chapter 67: Servants in the Mansion
Chapter 68: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants
Chapter 69: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants II
Chapter 70: Dionysus and Hestia III
Chapter 71: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants IV
Chapter 72: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants V
Chapter 73: Dionysus and Hestia VI
Chapter 74: Dancing in the Night
Chapter 75: The Revelation
Chapter 76: The Daughter of Hades
Chapter 77: The Daughter of Hades II
Chapter 78: The Daughter of Hades III
Chapter 79: Journey to the Underworld
Chapter 80: Encounters in the Underworld
Chapter 81: The Sacrifice
Chapter 82: The Final Battle
Chapter 83: The Farewell and Reflection
Epilogue: The Return of Red Army

Chapter 37: The Celebration

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By Sakiko22

Chapter 37
The Celebration

As the evening comes, also that day, after the victorious war against the centaurs, all the citizens are here, celebrating and partying for their success against their enemy. All the people, men, women, children, old, and the warriors are celebrating. The servants prepared and cooked many foods for the citizens, and while the adults, especially the warriors, are drinking native alcoholic drinks. And there are people dancing and playing instruments. There is a king table for the supreme leader, Ares, and beside him sit with his fellow Olympians and also with Marielle, Williams, Sandra, Kevin, and Captain Paul. All of them, they are watching the celebration with foods and drinks on their table. It was indeed a very joyful celebration, they enjoy dancing, playing instrument, drinking or even singing. Finally, the freedom came to their village and land, no more slavery and no more poverty.

Ares and the Olympians enjoyed that celebration. Here, Ares the supreme leader was already drunk a little. Then Ares, raised his hand to ask for a silence, then all the citizens saw that signal, so they followed that order. As the crowd is quiet, Ares stood up, and again speaks to all of them...

"Listen, my fellow citizens. Tonight, remarks our success and our victory. But remember this, we successfully avenge our late supreme leader, Anthony. I know that he is here with us, I know that he's smiling right now while watching us celebrating from the freedom that he wants for this land and his people. Now, even if he's gone, still, we fulfill his dream for this village. Finally, the freedom is in your hands."

Here, the people remained silenced and remembered their late supreme leader who died just week have passed. Especially Kevin, he remembered his father, and Sandra, the wife. All of them, the memories with Anthony came up into their mind. They assumed that if Anthony is still alive, for sure, they are with them, celebrating and drinking. But sadly, he's not, for he gave his life for their land.

Then, Ares, proceed in speaking and tell something to his people...

"And everyone here in Minjo village, I also want to say that this will be my last night to be with you, and also Hephaestus'. For we are coming with my dearest Olympians to come back in Olympus. I want to thank you for welcoming us here."

The people were saddened because Ares and Hephaestus will leave them. Like how they wish that Ares will be their supreme leader and Hephaestus as the chief of blacksmiths. But, Ares, as he saw the people in sadness, again, he speaks to them...

"But don't be sad, because we will always be with you even if we returned in Olympus. We will still guide you and protect every one of you. As for now, I will celebrate with all of you tonight for our victory."

Here, Ares raised his glass and tell everyone...

"Let's toss everyone! Long live Minjos!"

Then, the crowd responded...

"Long live Minjos!"

Then, the happiness returned, and they proceed from celebrating. Everyone back in dancing, playing instruments, and drinking. Later on, Ares, the supreme leader went in the floor of the people dancing and danced with them, and followed by the other Olympians, Hermes, Apollo, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus. Later on, Hermes went to Marielle and ask her to dance with him. At first, Marielle was shy, but Hermes still convinced her...

"Don't be shy, my love."

Then Marielle went with Hermes and danced with him. While having fun in dancing, the two lovers, Hermes and Marielle staring at each other and smiling. Their feelings in each other, become deeper as a sea. How Marielle hope, that Hermes will never leave her once he came back to Olympus. While Williams, who already drunk a lot, also went to the floor and dance clumsily and cheerfully. It was like he never felt any shyness in his body. There, he approached Athena and show her some dance moves, like John Travolta's moves...

"Hey, see this, Athena? This is my favorite dance move, oh yeah!"

But Athena, just laughed a bit from Williams's stupidness. It was like how come Williams is not ashamed of himself? But it makes Athena laughed though. Then, they just proceed from that celebration. The village is full of happiness, all the people are drunk and enjoying that especial night. For finally, their village is in peace and free. It was such a great blessing, for they also learned new tactics and most of all, improved weapons. Those are the great memories that Ares, Hephaestus, and the other Olympians left them. Since Leo is already dead, the curse to get died when some of them dares to get out that village also disappeared and vanished.

As many of them are already satisfied on their enjoyment and many of them are tired and drunk, here, it was midnight, the celebration was ended and decided to go back to their homes and sleep. While Ares and the other Olympians, Sandra and Kevin are walking to go back in supreme leader's hall. Sandra and Kevin were beside Ares, here, Sandra told Ares while walking...

"Ares, thank you for everything, and to Hephaestus. You've done a lot for this village."

"I must be the one to thank you Sandra, and especially to Kevin. I will not change because of him and to all of you. I learned a lot while I am here in this village." Ares responded.

Sandra smiled back to Ares, for she's glad that she knew how Ares and Hephaestus are so happy for being with them. Then, Kevin joins the conversation by thanking Ares...

"Ares, thank you for avenging my father. I'm sure he also wants to thank you just like what I did."

"Yes, indeed." Ares responded.

Then here, all of them entered the supreme leader's hall and to their room. But there is someone left outside, it was the two lover, Hermes and Marielle. All of the people in that village were already asleep, even the guards. As the whole village was in silence, there, it was a momentum for this couple.

"It was an enjoyable night!" Marielle told Hermes.

"Yes, indeed my love." Hermes responded.

They were standing at the front door of the supreme leader's hall. Here, Hermes realized that all of them are slowly gathered, it was like they will become almost complete. There are only five left to be found, Artemis, Dionysus, Hestia, Demeter, and Poseidon. But he knows that it is not yet the end when they are already complete, for they will have to go to underworld and fight Hades and find out how to make their godly power and immortality returned. But still, he's happy, for they are almost complete. He also realized that unlike before, they, the Olympians, are always in arguments, fights, rivalry, and conflicts. But now, when they threw away here on Earth and became mortals, they learned a lot and caused them some development. As a result, they turned into a nice mortal being and they slowly have a good relationship in each other, as an Olympians.

Then, Marielle, of course, she's so happy for Hermes, and to the Olympians. But she's still never forgot that Hermes will leave her once they are successfully returned to Olympus, and she will be alone again just like before. Imagine, she still didn't see her mother nor meet her, then her lover will leave her. It was indeed a sorrowful time, even if Hermes promised before that he will still there for her, still, she can't stop herself from overthinking. Marielle just remained silenced and smiled back from what Hermes have told her. Here, Hermes realized that his lover is quiet, and he already knows what she feels. Hermes holds Marielle's cheek, looked her in the eye and said to her...

"I know what you've feel right now, my love. But I already told you before, and many times, that I will still be here for you. Since I am a god, learned a lot and changed, you will be the last woman and the only one that I will be loved. So, stop thinking and worrying, my love. Life is too short to become emotional. Instead, enjoy every good moment that comes in your life and earn it as your memories. I love you, Marielle."

Marielle, blushed from Hermes' words for her, then she responded...

"I love you too, Hermes."

Hermes kissed Marielle's lips harder, as a sign that their love becomes deeper. They felt the tenderness of their love in each other by the kiss of their lips. As it was like the world never existed that moment, but only their love. The world stops that moment, as it was like they are hoping that it will not ends. Love is indeed wonderful, once you feel it, even if you're a mortal or a god, you will never escape this feeling.

Hermes embraced Marielle after that, and she, Marielle, leaned her face to Hermes' chest. She's safe in Hermes' arms, for she knows that he will always protect her. And she knows that Hermes' promise is true. They will proceed in their journey tomorrow at the morning. So, these couples walked in holding hands and went inside to supreme leader's hall to rest for their journey. But who will be the next god to be found? There are only five left, Artemis, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, and Dionysus. Who are among them will be the next? They will find out soon.

Here, when all of them are already asleep, and the morning comes and another day is here, and Ares and Hephaestus will now leave this village. The Olympians will now continue to their journey. All the people gathered before Ares and the other Olympians say farewell to them. Paul is now again the supreme leader for Ares will leave. Here, as the Minjos gathered, Ares told all of them...

"To my beloved citizens, I want to thank you for all of you. Now, I will go with my beloved Olympians and go with them in the journey. Now, the only memories that I will leave you is the freedom and peace you are feeling right now. Because of you, the old Ares are died, all of you made this new Ares. I've learned a lot from staying with you and in this beloved land. Thank you, and I will guide you always."

Then, it's Hephaestus turn to make a speech. While Aphrodite holds her in his arm, Hephaestus step in, Aphrodite let him go, and spoke to the people everywhere...

"Just like what my brother Ares told you, I will also want to say thank you for welcoming us here. It was indeed an unforgettable moment that happened to me from many centuries have passed. I, Hephaestus, leave you also unforgettable memories, and that is the improved swords and weapons I made. Please keep it up and never forget what I have taught you. Just like Ares, I will never forget you and will guide you always."

The citizens are sad for these great gods will left, but of course, they are happy for these two for they finally met the other Olympians and return to Olympus. Then, the supreme leader Paul and some of his men holds many swords, went in front of Ares, and gave it to him.

"Our lord, please take these weapons, for these will help in your journey."

"Thank you, supreme leader." Ares responded.

Ares gets those swords and gives the others to his dear Olympians. There are also some extra swords left, and that is for the unfound Olympians, it will still help in their journey. Before leaving, Sandra and Kevin went to Ares. The kid, Kevin, cried and embraced Ares. Ares is so touched and of course, deep inside, he is saddened for he will leave Kevin. He has a great memory with this kid, here, Ares sits, touched Kevin's head and he told him...

"Don't cry Kevin, you are a man, aren't you?"

Kevin stopped crying and just listened to what will Ares say to him...

"Kevin, when you are already in your right age, I believe that you will become a great supreme leader, just like your father. Be brave always, future supreme leader. I will be here with you always."

Then Ares embraced Kevin and smiled, as a farewell. Ares stands, and looked at Sandra, then Sandra told him...

"I will never stop thanking you, our lord, even if I thanked you many times. Goodluck to your journey."

"Thank you, Sandra, I believe your husband is resting peacefully right now. Yes, I believe." Ares responded.

Then after that, here, Ares, Hephaestus, and the Olympians decided to leave that village. As they turned around and walked, Supreme Leader Paul yelled saying...

"Long live Minjos! "

Then the Minjos yelled back...

"Long live Minjos!"

Ares and the Olympians stopped as they heard that. Ares looked back and smiled from what the Minjos are saying. The Minjos are repeating that words, and Ares was so happy for this village, as he will leave them in peace and free from slavery. Then, they left in the village and the Minjos didn't see them anymore. Here, the Olympians, with Marielle and Williams are walking in the forest, it was like they're having a conversation, like Apollo and Hera told Ares and Hephaestus about their experiences when they meet their mortal friends, while Hermes and Aphrodite tell how they meet each other and Marielle, and how they found Athena. Here, they get out in that forest, and all of them ride in motorhome bus of Williams that also helps a lot in their journey.

As everyone sits in the sofa, here, The O Detector again, detected someone...

"Someone has detected!"

Athena quickly gets the detector in her pocket, and everyone looked at that device. And that device told them where the other gods will be found. But this time, it is only one, unlike from Hephaestus and Ares, and this god will be found in Oklahoma City, beside the sea. It is expected that it was five hours of travel from Kansas City into Oklahoma. So here, Williams asked them cheerfully...

"So, where is the next my lords?"

"It says that it is in Oklahoma, in a sea." Marielle responded.

Then here, Williams starts the engine, and begins to drive that bus. And here, their journey to find the other Olympians continues. 

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