Birch Hill High

By keenle1

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Brooklyn Moore's world has been turned upside down after her parents divorce. Forced to leave her fancy Manha... More

Birch Hill High
1: The New Girl
2: Group Project
3: Compendium Spirituum
4: A Narrow Escape
5: Demon
6: Sweet Dreams
7: Haunted
8: The Invite
9: Sneaking In

10: Maps and Werewolf Puns

86 22 16
By keenle1

It's been almost a half hour of silent shuffling through pages of old books before one of us speaks.

"What do you call a wolf that knows it's a wolf?"

We all stop and glance at one another to see if we heard that right but Ryker continues to wait for our responses, straight-faced.


Selene rolls her eyes but Tristan buckles into fits of laughter. Ryker remains stoically looking across the table at me. I try to hide a smile and shake my head.

From the corner of my eye I see Ryker smirk to himself.

"Let me see that," Selene yanks the werewolf book from Ryker's hands who shrugs and leans back in his chair.

"Are you kidding? This book has an entire chapter dedicated to werewolf trivia and puns." She turns to her brother, "Did you really research these books?"

Tristan leans over and grabs the book now. His pale eyes flick back and forth, "What do you call a wolf that uses bad language?"

Selene rolls her eyes, "Obviously, a swear-w-"

"A swear-wolf!" Tristan smacks the book down and starts laughing again.

"I think we're all getting over tired..." I say.

Ryker shakes his head, "Nah. He's always like this. I personally think puns are stupid."

"Yeah, that seems like your thing."

A dark brow perks up, "What?"

I tilt my head, "You seem to think everything is stupid."

His grin turns mildly less amused as he continues to stare at me, "You know what I find the most stupid?"

"Enlighten me."

Ryker leans onto his elbows towards me, "Prissy rich chicks who think they got everyone else figured out."

"Unlike you, who thinks you know me so well?" I lean across the table towards him now too, "You shouldn't be so quick to judge."

Tristan perks up at that, "I agree with her on that one."

Ryker covers his mouth and coughs in a way that sounds suspiciously like 'Simp'.

The blonde boy laughs but lifts the werewolf book in front of his face a little more. It's pretty obvious he's trying to avoid meeting my eyes. What's that about? He couldn't actually...

"Can we just focus!" Selene says, clapping her hands now. She's getting increasingly assertive the more tired she gets.

"Did anyone else find something useful?" she asks.

"Well actually this has some good information," Tristan pipes in, "Like how werewolves keep their human voices and eyes and are said to eat freshly buried human remains."

Selene scrunches up her nose in disgust.

"But I'm confused," I say, "I thought you said it's a demon?"

"Werewolves are a type of demon," Tristan says matter-of-factly. 

"The romantic werewolf books I've read say otherwise," I joke but he isn't laughing at that one.

He's slowly setting down the book with a furrowed brow, "People seem to forget but the demonic is often not something grotesque but actually can appear quite beautiful."

Tristan looks up and meets my eyes and for a moment every thought flies out of my head. All my mind can focus on is the way the light radiates along the edges of his golden blonde hair.

I can't think to say anything so I put my head down and look to the side. He looks away in the opposite direction in my periphery.

"Well my book just says a bunch of the stuff we already know," Selene waves the book around in her hand, "People going mad in the woods and killing their family then saying they were influenced to do it, no-go areas marked off by the locals using the trees and then even noted on old maps, and then a bunch of irrelevant stuff."

She smirks, "Unless we want to try hunting a leprechaun?"

"I would like a pot of gold," Ryker says, and then flicks a pen he'd been fiddling with at Tristan's head.

Tristan yelps as it hits him on the corner of his forehead leaving a little blue mark, "Ow! What was that for?"

"Tell me where yer pot a' gold be!" Ryker tries for an Irish accent but sounds more like a pirate. Tristan huffs a noise between annoyance and amusement and then grins.

He picks up the pen and chucks it back at Ryker but it goes wide, "You'll never get me lucky charms!"

Okay. Noted. Neither of them can do an accent. Though it does make it all the more amusing.

"I honestly didn't get that far into mine. The first couple chapters are nothing but a glossary of terms that I have no clue what they mean..."

I glance down at the book in my lap and rhyme off a couple random ones, "Mergence, Spectrometer, 'Turge," I sigh, "It goes on like that."

"Wait," Tristan swivels to face his sister, "Did you say old maps?"

Ryker stiffens in his seat now, too. I feel like I'm missing something as Selene seems to key in and starts hastily flipping through the pages in her book.

"What is it?" I ask, and Tristan glances at me side-long completely distracted before doubling back to look me in the eyes.

"You remember those pictures of marked trees from earlier for the group project?"

I nod, "Yeah, the weird one's with the X's on them."

"Well those would mark the spot of this supposed creature's attacks. But with modern forestry those areas have been so changed that the original locations are lost. No one recorded the exact location at the time."

Now it's starting to click.

"So you want to look at those maps in the hopes that we can see the old locations of attacks."

"Exactly. Because then maybe we can find this things lair," Tristan is beaming with enthusiasm but I can't help but feel like a pit just opened up in my stomach and all my lunch is about to come up.

Picturing that horrific creature is enough to make my nerves scream. I don't want to think what such a things lair might be like...

"We find it's lair and then what?" I say to a round of blank stares.

"We kill it," Ryker states with a no duh attitude.

"Don't know if you noticed but those watered-down knives weren't really doing the trick." I don't mean to sound so snarky but this idea is giving me a bad feeling.

"Our plan was never to take it down physically," Tristan slides the exorcism book towards me, "but spiritually."

I run a finger across the embossed latin on its cover, "And what if you're wrong?"

He blinks at me dumbly like the thought hadn't even crossed his mind.

"You mean-"

"Like what if it's not a demon. Or at least, not something these invocations will work on."

Tristan keeps staring at me like he can't comprehend how that could be. Selene hangs her head and her hands still from searching for the maps.

Ryker laughs.

"You think I care? I'll tear that thing limb from limb with my bare hands if I have to!"

I want to speak some sense to him but there's a look in his dark eyes that's actually kind of scary. That's almost begging me for a fight.

A noise from the hallway makes us jump.

We all instinctively duck down like that will somehow make us more quiet or hidden. None of us dares to move. The only sounds are the wind outside and the suddenly deafening creaking of the old wooden beams.

"Is there another way out?" Ryker is whispering in Tristan and Selene's direction. His voice is huskier when he whispers. It makes him sound older.

Tristan turns his head towards the second floor. Following his gaze reveals a small awning window above a bookshelf that's half hidden by stacked books.

I'm seriously doubting we'll be able to fit through it but the others are already scurrying towards the second floor so I follow. Tristan thought ahead and brought the chair he'd been sitting on. He gets up on it and passes the books that are in the way to Ryker who sets them on the floor at his feet.

There's a footstep sound in the hallway and our heads turn in synchronized panic.

"Hurry!" Selene is demanding her brother and Tristan grimaces, "I'm trying!"


The window opens with a squeal so loud that I shudder as though it were nails on a chalkboard. If there is someone out there they must have heard that!

When I look back Ryker is swearing at Tristan to get his butt through the window. He gets through with surprising agility and then Selene wiggles through the opening.

Ryker turns to me next and I can literally see the gears turning as he decides whether to go ahead of me or not.

He huffs and waves irritatedly for me to move. Surprising.

Tristan and Selene are grabbing me as I push myself through and then help me get my feet on the ground. 

We look to be in a small garden at the inner part of the church grounds. As the others shift to helping Ryker through I look around. My eyes steadily adjusting to the darkness.

Moonlights pale glow is caste over red brick walls and pathways. The ground is riddled with cracks overgrown with weeds. The few flowerbeds there are have either tomato stalks or herbs in them. Though they are sparse and don't look particularly healthy. It appears someone tries to tend to them without much luck.

Unadorned archways surround the area with one that is larger indicating a way out.

"That way," I point towards the larger archway and can just make out Tristan nod. Ryker has gotten through and the four of us run for it.

Something catches my eye and I glance to look. 

It feels like my heart stops.

There is a figure standing half-behind one of the small arches. In the dark I can't see a face... But that's unmistakably a person!

I find it hard to breath let alone say something to the others so I keep staring towards the person shaped shadow as I run. Staring until all I can hear are my own ragged breaths echoing around me. My heart pumping so fast it feels like it'll rattle up my throat and fall out my mouth. Sick with fear, I finally pass through the archway and out of view of the mysterious onlooker.

We keep running. Almost tumbling headlong down the hill up which we'd come earlier. Our feet smacking loudly against pavement as we race down the alleyway and only when we reach the edge of the park do we stop to catch our breath.

"That... was a... close one..." Tristan grits out between heaving breaths.

Ryker lies down on the ground with his arms and legs outstretched like he's making a snow angel on the pavement. He looks far too amused by what just transpired. Grinning like a madman.

Though Selene is the one that starts laughing now.

"What... is it?" I gasp out and turn to look at her.

She's holding up the book with the maps like Simba in the Lion King.

"Thought we could borrow this," she says.

Ryker who had tilted his head up to look flops it back down now but lifts his arm in a thumbs up. Tristan, who has sat down next to Ryker on the pavement, laughs softly and shakes his head.

Am I the only one who isn't thrilled? Maybe I'm just a coward...

"Them leprechauns better watch out," Ryker says in his horrible Irish accent and the others laugh along.

I wish that really was what we were hunting. Flashes of the creature appear in my mind and spike my nerves like it were hovering over me again. It's hot, putrid breath curling patterns over my skin and making the hairs stand on end.

"Brook?" Selene sets her hand on my forearm and I flinch.

I try to casually tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, "What's up?"

"You just seemed... are you okay?"

"Totally! That was a success so we should celebrate!" I blurt out and catch some mildly baffled looks. I may have overdone the trying to act normal thing.

"It's a bit late now..." Tristan says, "But how about milkshakes at Big Pop's tomorrow?"

"That's the most small town thing you've said yet," I laugh and the others actually chuckle along.

"Great!" Tristan stands, "Then it's a date!"

His beaming smile lands on me and my heart jolts again. The moonlight flutters off his hair like a warped halo. His eyes look so pale they're almost ghostly blue. But that smile is all boyish charm.

"It's a date," I say.


I'm still feeling the exhilaration of last night as I walk through the school doors. Not just from the tickle of fear at remembering that shadow person or from the adrenaline that pumped through my veins when we ran away from the church. The cool night air feeling amazing against my sweat-drenched skin.

But also because we had gotten away with it. My mom hadn't suspected a thing at breakfast!

I think a small part of me expected to be caught.

It feels almost surreal to have pulled it off. It fills me with a sense of confidence that maybe we can actually kill that monster. If we work together it might be possible.

"Watch it, you hobo!"

Down the hall a ways I see two boys who look like they've just run into each other. I recognize the one who spoke. He's the guy who'd yelled to get my attention in class the first day. I think his name was Nolan?

The other one is Ryker.

Well, this can't be good...

"Don't want your stink on me," Nolan continues. Is this guy trying to get punched?

I shuffle towards them slowly expecting for a fight to break out any minute. Instead, Ryker stands there stiff as a board. Clenching his fists into balls but not moving.

"Seriously, do you even shower?" Nolan laughs and a couple of his buddies nearby snort.

Okay, that's it. This guy needs to back off.

I walk up to Nolan waving my hand in his face with a disgusted look, "What I think we have here is a classic case of projection. Nolan was it? Lay off the Axe, please."

Nolan blinks in surprise with his mouth hanging open. His buddies who'd only half been paying attention are fully engaged now. No doubt because some girl just called out their friend.

Looking over my shoulder to a shell-shocked Ryker, "I'd get out of here before you start to smell like some soccer mom's car freshener."

Nolan's snarl starts twisting into a smile as I become the new target, "You're that new girl, aren't you?"

His tone is cordial but there's an undercurrent of malice that doesn't go unnoticed. I've dealt with his type before.

"To me you're the new boy," I say, looking him up and down.

His wavy auburn hair is swept back with shaved sides. Curls flipping up over thick brows and dark eyes that give the impression of a trickster. Nolan's entire vibe is class clown meets wannabe bad boy.

He clucks his tongue as he takes in my leather jacket and torn jeans, "Keepin' it trashy with your choice of new friends, huh? Trailer park princess."

My eyes go wide before I can stop it. Who does this little prick think he is?

"Just because you have one," I look to his crotch, "doesn't mean you have to act like one."

That catches him off guard a little. His smile drops for a second and he looks back and forth between me and his friends with a flustered pout.

Then he starts grinning again, "So you're thinking about my-"

"Nolan!" Tristan's voice is coming up behind us like he's running, "Hey man!"

He slaps Nolan on the shoulder and leans over with a pink sweater in his hand.

"Your mom left this at church the other day and Pa told me to give it to you!"

Tristan can sense the tension but pushes through with that incessantly cheerful grin. Nolan might as well have a loading wheel plastered on his face with how stupid he looks as he stares between me and Tristan.

"That's- thanks," he grumbles and takes the sweater from Tristan.

"No probs! And don't forget, band practice is this Saturday night!" He calls after as Nolan and his friends start walking away.

The moment they're out of ear-shot Tristan's smile falls and he mutters, "Troglodyte."

"Band practice?" I ask, quirking a brow.

Tristan shrugs, "He goes to my church. He plays piano and I play guitar in worship band. Thing is, he can be very two-faced. At church I actually get along with him. When we're here he's constantly trying to show off."

That doesn't surprise me. Tristan seems like the type who could get along with anybody given the chance. I look over to Ryker who's still fuming and staring at the ground.

Some of his pent up anger is making a little more sense now. Why didn't he stand up for himself?

"For the record," I say to him, "I think you smell fine."

At that Ryker looks up. Staring at me now with an expression I haven't seen before. When he isn't frowning or being snarky he actually looks kind of cute. With his dark curls hanging into one eye as they flick back and forth to take in my own. 

My face heats under his gaze and I lick my lips, "We should get to class."

I walk away without looking back. I can't explain why he looked at me like that or why it's making me feel nervous. Something about Ryker puts me on edge. Where Tristan is a calming presence... Ryker seems constrained. Like he's repressing something dark and I don't want to see what happens when it comes out.

Thinking back to what he said he'd do to the creature sounded like a joke at the time. Now I'm starting to be able to picture it.

Zoey slings an arm around my shoulder and breaks me away from my thoughts with a, "Hey girl. You look like shit. You not sleep or something?"

I laugh to myself and shake my head, "It was a long night."


Thank you for reading chapter 10 of Birch Hill High! If you enjoyed it please consider voting/commenting/adding to a reading list! Your support motivates me to keep going and I am beyond grateful to anyone and everyone for the encouragement :)

Who do you think Brook will end up with? I'm trying to make sure it's not too obvious! Some more easter eggs in this chapter. We're starting to pick up the pace now so stay tuned!

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