Unwelcomed Guests

By that_one_weasel

429 12 1

This is a TFP and TSX crossover, for those who don't know what TSX is, (Transformers Series X) it's my own ve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

23 1 0
By that_one_weasel

I didn't recharge for too long, as usual. I always slept horribly, which caused me to lose recharge and become more focused on work or research. When I entered my work area, the place was empty. Currently, there were 2 others with me. I hadn't been given any work yet, so I was researching more of this place. I was so enveloped into my research that I practically jumped when the monitor let out a high-pitched pinging noise. A message telling me to go to the brig. I vented, saving my spot on the monitor before turning it off.

I eventually reached the brig, Megatron stood where he usually was, Starscream at his side, grumbling. "Alternate. You will be accompanying Starscream and his squadron on a patrol." Megatron explained, squadron? Like thundercracker and Skywarp? "Assuming your alt mode is capable of flight." The warlord looked to me expecting an answer. My alt mode didn't possess the means of flight, but I certainly could still fly. To give the warlord an answer, I transformed into my alt mode, the engine revving quietly. I didn't have an earth based mode. I didn't need nor want it. I transformed back to bot mode.

"How can he join us if he doesn't possess flight?" Starscream queried, quite glad I couldn't join him. He was wrong, I could fly, but this place wasn't exactly the area to show that I could.

"Very well then. Alternate, head back to your station." Megatron ordered. I took a step forward, gaining his attention. I gestured to myself then to the seeker. "You still want to join them?" I nodded.

"But you have no means of flight!" The seeker screeched. I only shook my head at the assumption. This got the warlord curious. "How is that possible, you-"

"Starscream, get your squadron to the hangar, and be ready for departure. You too, Alternate." Megatron cut him off, "I will be there to observe." The seeker only nodded and scampered away. The warlord gestured for me to follow, heading off to where I presumed was the hangar. I followed him. The data of the patrol was sent to my HUD. perfect.

When we arrived, Starscream was setting everyone into place, getting quite agitated with the drones. I wasted no time and took a spot at the back, all the way to the left. The drones to my right looked to me in confusion. I slowly turned my helm towards them and stared at them. And continued staring till they got uncomfortable enough to focus their attention forward. I kept a bit of distance to avoid being hit when the drones transformed. The warlord stood quietly in the corner as he watched.

When they were all ready, Starscream was first to transform and take off, the drones transforming nearly in sync and took off after him. I, on the other servo, ran to the edge, pushing myself off for a boost before activating the blaster-like functions in my servos and pedes. I couldn't say how the warlord reacted, I was long gone before I could grasp onto his thoughts or emotions. I caught up with the others quite quickly. The seeker was quite baffled, and the drones didn't know what to think. It was kind of amusing.


We had reached some cave, and apparently, there were energon readings in this place. Not that it mattered to me, I didn't even drink this type of energon. I chose to lead upfront. I wanted a clear view of everything that would happen. The only downside was that I had to listen to Starscream bicker. I was starting to miss my Starscream. My Starscream was annoying, but at least he knew when to not bicker or gloat. Currently, the seeker was going on and on about how he had recently extinguished an autobot. He really needed to shut up.

I began walking quicker to get ahead and away from the seeker. He chuckled nervously and scowled. He was agitated. Well, too bad screamer, you're annoying. If only I could say it to his faceplate. At times, I regretted my decision to speak so much to the point where my voice box snapped. If only that could happen to screamer, it'd make the place so much quieter and more peaceful.

The energon signal suddenly sky rocketed. Effectively scaring the living shit out of me. I nearly dropped the scanner. I shoved the device into the seekers' servos and went the required direction. When I arrived, the place was filled with blue crystals. What really caught my attention was the pink crystals. They glowed brightly, lighting up the entire cave. What the hell was my universes energon doing here?


(I'm sorry for not posting! I've been busy with schoolwork and other personal issues. I will be posting more often though!)

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