HER KNIGHT. IsabelaxFeMreader

Da Kumase_Kurushii

1.7K 60 5

Prizma the title awarded to most powerful mages and masters of their Aura Nature. Only one prizma can exist a... Altro

The Beginning
Knight's Selection
Mages and Knights
A Duel
Calm Before Storm
The Return
Matching Pieces

Daemon Extermination Arc

96 5 1
Da Kumase_Kurushii

We set camp in the clearing before the barrier line. Professor Litwit gave the instructions that we will camp until lunch, fortifying the base with Dolores assigned as the main source of communication from the base to the students as well as the institution.

"Ice Glacier," I heard Elsa casted on the open, making sharp iced fortress. "How about that mossy bitch,"

"You call that casting?" Isabela interjected. "Let me show you how it's done," she then casted a swamp forrest with thick thorny humongous vines swirling on the gates.

"And here they go again," Mariano muttered as he casted the basic spell which is area surveillance.

"Still not used to it?" I asked him, while he shrugged. "I thought they'll be scared or something,"

"Maybe that is their way of coping," I chuckled before casting black haze masking as area surveillance.

Technically, it help me to pinpoint the enemies around.. like area surveillance but it can also function as tranquilizers for deamons.

Every student had casted the barrier in the base walls by lunchtime, when professor Litwit call the student body for an announcement.

"The Daemon Extermination will start now. If you fail to bring 10 Manalith then you fail." He simply said as he grouped us dpemding on the area we are stationed for that needs to be checked.

Mariano and Elsa were assigned in the Western Part while Me and Isabela were situated at the east. I felt Mariano pat my back as she gestured to Isabela.

"Take care of my love Eksa," He said giving me a steeling glance.

"I will don't worry," I nudge him. "Come back safely," I said as I mounted on Raven, assisting Isabela who bit her lip, sitting way too tense.

But then again it is their first Extermination, and based from my experience its not a pretty sight to have or even to experience in multitude amount of time.

We both trudged along the forest, passing the thick trees and bushes, into the heart of the eastern forest. We are planning to clear out the area with a yellow ribbon tied to them. Me and Isabela falls under the fifth pair released just before the clock strikes 1.

I already put raven on a significant part of the area as we continued walking on foot. Since some part are too dangerous to venture with a horse in tow. I can feel Isabela moving bit close than usual and hearing her breath in quick succession.

"Isabela? You ok?" I couldn't resist the urge to asked her, holding her hand as she looked at me with panicked eyes.

"I'm fine..." She gasped hyperventilating. I immediately scan for a place to rest as Isabela looked like she's about to faint in a second.

" Breath Isa," I said to her as I rubbed her back. "You're ok, I'm here we are not in danger ok? I'll protect you," I reassured her, giving her some time to get used to the surroundings and wrapped her head around that we are currently in a mission.

Thankfully, she's quick to adapt and her battlefright lessens in a course of 20 minutes, which is admirable seeing that even a veteran mage is prone to quitting just before a daemon appeared.

"How can you be so calm that we're out here fighting the things that are discussed in our class as theory only? Aren't you afraid?" she whispered asking me.

"Well, if you're in the battlefield more than half your life its hard to be scared." I told her honestly, yet I know myself that I wasn't scared because I have a capacity to obliterate the enemies with my restriction unleashed.

"But don't worry I already gave you my oath, I protect and give you what you desire, until graduation that is," I smiled as she huffed standing up.

"You better be," Isabela resolutely said before coming face to face with a 3 meter Daemon. I put my hand on her mouth, muffling her scream as I slashed the deamon in half.

"Th-that is..." She breathed petrified.

"A deamon, a normal one by the looks of it," I then looked forward as I saw them swarming ahead of us. 1..2...4....6? That's a lot for a normal extermination.

"Isa could you stay here for a moment?" I asked her as she gripped my arm.

"What are you doing? are you going to commit suicide?" she asked as I felt myself chuckled.

"No but I'm going to dispose of them before letting them reach you," I kneeled, kissing her knuckles.

"I am your knight. I'll aggro and you'll finish them as soon as you're ready," I smiled before unsheathing Baal and facing the enemy.

Using mana, I jumped on trees, propelling myself forward and slashing the daemons down. I thanked the knight training for the strengthening and endurance part as I fluidly cut them down with ease as they dissipate and only leaving a Manalith.

I quickly dispose of the four daemons when I saw Isabela's vine jutting out and strangling the figure. "I'm a Mage, and I'll be PrizmaVert," She then killed the remaining two with ease.

"So don't treat me like a damsel," She gave me a frightening smile moving close to more daemon and likewise strangling them to death with Manalith piling up at her feet.

"I don't plan to," I sighed as I watch her sweeping clean the area. I must remind myself not to make her angry.

We moved in sync, killing off the white humanoid things. Daemon varies in appearance, depending on to where they are infected first, the area will generate a bubble and spongy appearance and the part usually targeted by the exterminators, their weak spot. But other than that they all share black eyes with distorted melted faces, sharp claws and long patchy hair.

It was almost sunset when we polished off our side, I helped pick up the sacks of Manalith, tightly securing it to Raven's hide. Isabela was picking up some, using her magic and handing it toward me.

"We should celebrate for a successful day," I said, wrapping the last sack. "Mariano challenge me to a cook off, any suggestion? Or what would you like to eat for tonight?"

"Chicken wings," Isabela mumbled before leaning to my back. "Not that I want you to win but I'm craving for some," she said smiling before running off to fetch the last core that somehow rolled off the horse's back.

"Chicken it is, I'll hunt some- ISABELA!" I turned to face Isabela when a towering drooling, humongous spider-like woman sneaked on her back, immediately gripping her body.

"What the?" She struggled as the being bellowed, draining her mana. "Urk...I can't move,"

A Licht?! and its not even a regular licht... a licht mage? born out of corrupted human mage. Why is this here? Yet, this explained the fluctuating influx of daemon in the border.

Gripping Baal, I jumped to action, reaching out for Isabela as a equally huge daemon tackled me. Luckily, I dodged right on time and slit its stomach open before splitting it in half.

"No time to waste," I muttered as I speed forward to where the Litch is, when I was interrupted again but this time its a paralyzing flash, aimed to my leg which I tumbled forward, landing in front of the daemon. In a closer look, I noticed its blood stained hands and her mouth with a blond hair attached in it.

I also caught a gaze of a yellow feather charm disappearing into the woods before hearing Isabela's plea, locking eyes with her dull hazel ones.

"Eksa.....I'm...feeling weak," she softly says as the Licht choke her, opening its mouth attempting to eat her whole.
*Thump* "Don't worry...I'm here," I grabbed a fistful of dirt as my energy slowly depleated.
"I...m....s.ca..red..." I saw her eyes tearing up.
*Thump* I can feel my body turned hot with rage.
I tried to reach out but... I can't move. Shit. I only have seconds before... I grunted.Feeling overexhaustion come over me as I'm nearing the limit of vincula.... coughing out loads of blood, I dazily stare at Isabela seeing the black veins formed on her rich chocolate skin.
*Thump* I have to save her.
I saw her slowly and weakly reach out to me before her eyes closed.
The atmosphere turned fully red.
And I snapped.

*Third person POV*

*plop...plop* *shwaaaaaa~*

The harsh downpour cancelled the extermination as Dolores called forth the participants. Everyone is back in the base except for Isabela and Eksa, plus the remaining four pairs of students assigned in the east. Minutes turned to hours and the more the time dragged on, the more it instill fear and danger to those who are close to them.

Dolores paced back and forth with Mariano and others, patiently waiting for the remaining students."Isabela is still not here," Dolores worryingly said while Mariano stood up about to go out when He was stopped by Professor Litwit.

"Down boy, with this heavy rain all we can do is have faith," He firmly said gripping the student's hand.

"Have faith...Have faith?! There are students missing and you mean to tell us to have faith?" Mariano raged, pulling his arm back as he turned to the exit. "I'll look for them,"

"And risk your life? You know and all of the student know here that there are some sacrifices to be made," The professor said before Mariano gripped his collar.

"You do that and I do mine," He seethes about to march outside when two silhouettes emerge from the outside.

Eksa was seen holding Isabela on her arms with Raven on tow. Her hair turned darker, almost like dirty blond as her gaze is unusually sharp and threatening. She silently proceeds to their tent as Dolores followed.

"What happened? How's Isabela-" She was cut off by Eksa who instruct her,

"Help me change Isabela, she's freezing," Eksa ordered Dolores while she got on the table situated inside the tent and started to brew a potentially dangerous antidote.

Grisstia, is a poisonous herb that will kill a person in just a single drop but if it was combined correctly with lightwick and nightshadow herbs it can generate a highly effective mana potion for mana drain. The only problem is to negate it... Eksa must use her original aura and reverse engine the negative effects of Grisstia and save Isabela who is dying from being exposed and drained by the Licht.

'Isabela or risk the deal?' Eksa grumbled as the thought passed her mind. She knew this will come and without thinking too much she used her original aura, letting it seep through the extract. She also put her blessing in it which is resistance to daemon aura and daemon drain for an extended amount of time.

"Propped up Isabela, hurry," She grimaced seeing the girl's veins starting to darken.

"This....This is a Mana drain...plus she's suffering from cursed point? What did you do? and what are you making her drink?" Dolores stopped Eksa from administering the drug.

"It's White Bell and if you stop me... we will lose her forever." Eksa firmly said as Dolores gasped.

"That potion is a myth!" she argued while Eksa stared her down.

"Either trust me or let Isabela die," She said her patience is thinning as the time is running out.

"I-," Dolores paused.

"Oh for God's Sake Dolores help me deliver it!" Eksa said putting the flask on Isabela's lips.

"She's unconscious Eksa... how?" Dolores panicked as Eksa bit her lip drinking the potion as she feeds it to the unconscious girl, mouth to mouth.

She let the liquid down Isabela's throat, delivering it without spilling a single drop. Black veins started to disappear and her rosy complexion returned. Dolores breathed in relief while Eksa lean back, about to separate from Isabela, when she feel the girl sucking her tongue down,

"MmH?" She gasped as Isabela started to kiss her, licking and fighting her tongue for dominance.

It took everything for Eksa to separate since Isabela can have a grip strength similar to her vines.

Eksa blushed as Isabela fell asleep again, while Dolores gasped.

"Oh my god!" she gushes eyes widening. "Did Isabela just?"

Dolores stared at the two suspiciously as Eksa stood up taking the remaining extract and poured it in four vials, shaking.

"Not a word Dolores, and if she woke up, make her drink one of these. I'll scavenge for more ingredients...and right my wrongs."

"And what do you mean by that?" Dolores gave her an incredulous stare, while the swordswoman sheathed her sword.

"There is someone committing a taboo and that harmed my master. I can't let him get away with it now don't I?" Eksa said her voice had a strange sharpness to it that chilled Dolores to the bone.

"Who knows, he will come after us again if I do," Eksa gripped her sword too tight turning her knuckles white.

"I am not going to question any longer but are you really Eksa?" Dolores asked doubtfully, seeing the small soldier in a new terrifying light.

"Of course I am, but as a thanks... I let you interrogate me after," Eksa said before casting one last look at Isabela.

"Just take care of Isabela, she gone through a lot in a whole day....I don't want her to think that I left her alone in our tent,"

"What about you? Incase you haven't noticed your arm and neck had been bleeding," Dolores pointed out as the young girl smiled.

"I'll be fine, I'll drag the one who is responsible here before the sunrise, so it helps a lot if you make a connection with the institution while I go on hunting." She stated before going out disappearing without a trace.

*Eksa's Pov*

Dolores is probably suspicious of my existence, but I don't care at this point. I have pride to protect....Even though archive is important to me I'm not a monster who would sacrifice a young girl's life in exchange of a silly bet.

Yet... I lost all the reasons involved when it pertains to Isabela. I clutched Baal sighing, feeling agitated that some common Licht is making me anxious and weak.

A Prizma couldn't touch human affairs..... or rather we are numb to things that require the matter of the heart. But why I want to....

Kill who touched Isabela and wipe their race?

Who am I kidding? I knew myself that Isabela had quite grew in me and I can't help but to look after her. She's someone precious even though sometimes she is the reason I want to pull my hair out.

I feel myself blush while remembering the accidental kiss. I bet she thought its Mariano helping her.

Her lips is kind of soft though.
And Addicting.
But now isn't the time to mull over, I must plucked out the traitor. I traced over my cracked vincula, crushing it.

Turning my capacity to 50%-50%

"That damn Licht might have escaped death earlier but I'm not one for unfinished missions," I drunk one of the concoction earlier, lifting the vincula drain before casting a simple scan spell.Immediately pinned their location, in a span of a minute.

"There you are," I felt my nerves burn in anger before ultimately teleporting to their location.

I glanced at the thick forrest probably the center and the heart of the daemon infestation.

"What a funny joke, playing house are we?" I grinned walking inside a makeshift village.

Although instead of grains and vegetation.....scattered bodies of students are present and bathed on mud.

"Such decoration, did you do that little girl?" I casted my eyes on the teen, barely 15 and barely considered a human.

Seriously an abomination, lesser reports have people crazy enough to impregnate a licht. Though they are considered mentally impaired or written off as poor souls drowned in madness after being in contact with one... This man had been teaching the institution with a sound of mind.

An achievement actually, in the worst case.

"Eksa, I see you found my daughter. Would you like to play with her for a while?" He grinned jumping off the hill and landing into the center.

"ₕᵤₙgᵣy ₕᵤₙgᵣy ₕᵤₙgᵣy," She muttered before attacking me with her sharp claws.

"She's a bit hungry though, you'll be a good snack like your partner... is Isabela still alive-" I dashed and gripped his neck.

"You seem to wish for death. Would you like me to speed up the process?" I swung the sword on his throat, before being deflected by a magical bullet, giving the wretched man an opportunity to dodge.

"Dₐddy....Dₐddy.....Dₐddy," The girl screeched summoning the nearby daemons.

"A hybrid with a capacity to talk, definitely a treasure for HECATE, will Isabela be happy if I gave her the remaining manalith?" I gave a dark smile as I parry the attack, flinging her across the hut destroying it.

But the girl was quick to her feet, dashing through the collapsed building and aiming her sharpened homunculus limbs on my neck.

I dodged, slashing through her bones and kicking her stomach.

"Hah?! Do you think you can defeat my perfect child and have the time to worry about others? You and those kids are food for my wife, my child and my army. I'd like to see you try to survive a daemon stampede," He crackled.

"You who have fallen on the trap, a beginner swordswoman, who has barely enough experience kill-" I heard Litwit voice shook to a stop, while I pinned his daughter down and quickly beheaded his child.

Black Manalith soon follow certifying my kill as it sprouted near the girl's body and silently rolled on the ground, bumping on his shoes.

I snatched it away before he can react grinning. "Your child is really special... Black Manalith is a Primadorial drop."

"Wha....T? LILITH! LILITH!" He cried gripping the mud. While the daemon spawned left and right. Due to the screech earlier.

And ironically... summoning the girl's mother.... One who attacked Isabela.

"I do have an unfinished business with you." I grit before smiling drunkenly.I felt my disguise melting away in the thunderstorm as I became more agitated, letting the redness shone through my blue orbs.

I slowly walked the approching hoard as the man desparately protect his disfigured lover.

"Back off!" Litwit growled as he made a protective barrier. "Illumina!"

"Think the flimsy shield could stop me? Hm?" Baal's steel screamed in delight when I concentrated my aura to it before launching a black clouded slash, breaking the high tier shield and beheading the Licht.

"What?! that's a S grade crystal shield of light.... LILITH!....h-How?" He looked at me baffled.

"If you want barrier.... I'll give it to you..." I snapped my fingers summoning an area barrier, while cutting down the deamons like they are made of chalk. Manaliths pooled below my feet, while Litwit clawed the thick barrier.

Faced with death, a sudden realization dawned on him. "Did you auto-cast?! No.... that's impossible... only one known person can autocast..." His eyes shook in fear gazing to my now purple-red gaze.

"No! Its impossible! Who are you?!" He screamed."Dear Wislaneti..... help oh guardian face adversary.... defeat the sins in your great world. Disperse the wrongs..Saint's song!"

I laughed, for someone who tampered on the rule of the world asking for divine help can be quite amusing in this point.

Also foolish, I sighed as the spell backfired on him and the hammer of justice was activated as punishment. Leaving him half dead and groveling on the muddy soil.

"What is impossible, can be possible." I gripped his hair making him yelp in pain. "Even God abandoned your spell,"

"You touched someone you shouldn't and you still thing I let you off with just a single warning? A threat or a death of your taboo family?" I breathed.

"No, I'll be giving you the punishment you deserve and I'll see you imprisoned at the Helthrus half dead for eternity."

I activated the sound cancelling spell with the barrier and smirked.

"You asked me who am I... I'll inscribe my name in your brain. So remember it well. My name is y/n.... I'll heal and beat you half dead until I'm satisfied. So don't go breaking on me that easily." I casted a mind strengthening buff before executing my punishment.

The night was filled with growls of deamons as I mutilate them one by one, clearing the border. Too bad Litwit broke only after two tries, I was expecting him to withstand up to five. So I was directing my anger on the remaining small fries.

The only consolation I have, was the Green and Black Manalith which were both rare.......and the abundance of White Bell materials near the hut.

I sighed as I reverted to my original appearance. "HECATE headquarters, PrizmaNoir... reporting,"
It was almost daybreak when I returned, exhausted and dragging the broken Litwit to the camp.

Dolores who heard all the commotion since last night except for the last bit, and Mariano who's with her rushed to the gate and stared at the 'perfectly fine Litwit'...... minus his mutterings that is.

"How's Isabela?" I said feeling my body ultimately give in. While Mariano restrained the Litwit, not that he still has the capacity of running away.

"Doing good.... bit better than when you left her. If that's what you mean." She said before holding my arm and whispering close.

"I'll take the offer of us talking... but for now, go to Isabela... she's worried sick. I'll keep Mariano here for the time being, can't have him going bollocks on... our former professor. "Dolores then let go before smiling.

"Thank you Eksa,"

I nodded and entered our tent, I almost collapse in relief when I saw Isabela's healthy disposition as she sat and stared at me.

"Isa," I gasped smiling. "You're awake I- oof," I grunted as she threw me a pillow.

"Idiot! What are you doing going outside and leaving me like that?! Am I a burden to you that you just throw away when I'm out of commission?! Aren't I your mage as you are my knight?!" She stood up stumbling as I caught her.

"I'm sorry..." I said as her hot wet tears wet my blood stained hands. "I'm sorry..." I repeated, while she hit my chest. "I should've stayed. I'm sorry Isa,"

"No! No! That's not it! I...I... I thought... I honestly thought you died and left me! You're a dumb third rate knight and those people tend to go in suicide! I.... I don't want....I..." she gripped my bloodied shirt and sobbed. Her tears stinged my open wounds but I just let her pour out her frustrations.

"It's okay... I'm here," I cooed wrapping my arms around her as I rubbed her back. "I'm here Isa... I'm here,"

We stayed like that until Isabela ceased to cry and slapped me. "Don't ever do it again! Or I swear I'll kill you myself!" She sniffed.

"Now let me heal you up," Her hazel eyes were starting to glow when I stopped her.

"Don't- you still have your mana pool drained." I sighed. "You still need to drink these potions for three days. I'll be fine... it's just couple of scratches,"

"But!" She protested before turning her attention and eyeing the 12 vials on her hand.

"What is this anyway? Dolores gave me these earlier and made me feel a lot better... but its bitter than the first one and colder....and rigid! Not warm, sweet nor soft," she muttured as I coughed.

"You.... you remember the first dosage?" I bit my lip, surprised as she cocked her head.

"It's blurry but I can vaguely hear you panicking as we left the woods and into our tent....why?" Isabela gave me her suspicious glare as I gulped.

"Nothing," I squeaked, nevertheless I was restrained by her vines. It's thinner than normal but still quite strong.

Truly a sign of a PrizmaVert.

"Tell me or else! You still have a lot to pay for and you know it. So talk." Her hazel eyes bore to my blue ones.

"I...might have administered the uh... potion in a particular way," I sweatdropped as the vines gripped me with vigor.

"Continue," Isabela said still maintaining the eye contact as I look away guiltily.

"I use m..mouth to... uhm," I whispered as the vines gripped me tighter. "I use mouth to mouth... to make you drink... Mariano is outside and you need immediate care so.... I'm sorry truly,"

"You.. what?...." She blushed, eyes widening. "YOU WHAT!" Isabela retrieved the vines before turning away.

"Eksa... say... sike.... SAY IT RIGHT NOW!" she stared at me as I gulped. For the first time in my life I felt afraid.

*Isabela's pov*

I stared at the beat up, exhausted, knight of mine, her gaze were casted downwards, and looking guilty as ever.

I sighed inwardly, I shouldn't pour ot my frustrations and incompetence at her. Afterall, it was me who is truly at fault... If I could just kill the Licht before it grabbed me... none of these would happened in the first place.

And its not her fault to administer the potion that way... it's not like she did that to kiss me....

But why am I feeling so disappointed? and that soft sweet taste still lingers in my mouth....stopping me to form coherent thoughts.

"I'm sorry," my eye twitched as I heard that word again.

"Stop it...I forgive you." I breathed out, patting the mat next to me. "Come here and I heal you.... don't worry of my mana drain... I have ten times the capacity of yours and I can still spare some to heal my knight, no?"

Eksa nodded while she trudged along, she can barely open her eyes or even walk from exhaustion.

"Just... don't over do it. I beg you," she said faintly, holding my hand while she fade in and out of her consciousness.

I bit my lip feeling electrifying sparks running on the skin she touched. "I won't and please rest." I helped her lay down.

"I will," she muttered barely hanging on, yet her hand still clasped mine.

I observed her figure, gathering my courage before I finally spoke.

"And Eksa?"


"Thank you, for saving me." I caressed her pale skin as she weakly stared at me.

"I'll do it again if I have to," she then collapsed peacefully sleeping.

I gripped her hand. Really... this third.... no.... my knight. I sighed.... changing my view on her entirely.

She deserve that and more, I can still picture the horror and worry her face contorted to when I was almost killed.

It was painful to see and her reaching out to me... makes me want to extend my hand and take it... never letting go and let myself be swallowed in my own selfishness and hypocrisy.

I do not know if this is the effect of the daemon encounter or the Licht's madness but....I just wanted to be beside her, supporting her and just.


I gasped at the intrusive thought that popped out.

I... I don't... no I don't...





"I...no...I," I gasped feeling loopy, feeling the nausea course throughout my body.

"What....what is...?" I sweat heavily and gripped my arm. Is this madness? No.... am I going insane I... I can't control my thoughts...I'm losing it-

"I...Mph?!" I felt a familiar taste as liquid run down my throat. It's sweet tantalizing and warm.

I desparately suck on it, wanting more... gripping the thing that helps me quiet down the voices.

"Mmmh.." I heard a soft moan while I roamed my hand on the warm thing, feeling myself give in to the warm embrace when it squeaked.

"Is?!" Eksa panted, her cheeks were tinted red and her hand gripped the opened vial.

I immediately jumped off her, mirroring her face.

"You kept on gripping my hand, waking me up," she started blushing but turned concerned in a flash. " The Licht curse still lingers on you," she slowly got up and pulled an ordinary Manalith, an health potion, a spiral herb and honey and milk.

"It will linger for a day or two... so it is best if I gave you another potion. I'll make it a bit sweet, this time." Eksa pulled our potion kit, grinding and mixing the ingredients, at the same time casting some unknown incantations.

The potion turned golden with one red marble floating around. "Here, it will help you ward off the effects." She gave me the concoction as I stared at it.

"What is this? And how did you learn... did you also crafted the other potion?" I observed the warm liquid on the vial.

"Its honeyblend... its made for kids who had extended exposure to daemon. I just made it stronger by adding Manalith and heartleaf. Its an ordinary potion in my hometown." She said. "As for the other potion its more of a trade secret,"

"How?....nevermind," I brushed the topic off. "If I die consuming this I'll haunt you," I glared at her playfully as I gulped the liquid.

It taste almost like her... yet she's much sweeter. I groaned.... Is this really the madness they are talking about?! But why does it pertain only her?

I finished the liquid in one swing, feeling a lot better after consuming it.

"I still like to know what happened when you're out in the woods." I told her, as my eyes landed on the afternoon sky peeking in from the gap in our tent. I must have been lost in my thoughts longer than I expected.

"It seemed that the place is too quiet and peaceful..." I commented while Eksa straightened up.

"Well....I," she started as she unraveled the most gut-wretching discoveries she found.
"A...a hybrid?!" I gripped my shirt, wrinkling it. "Is that even possible? Daemon is practically undead," my eyes shook from revelation. "That can't be,"

"Normally, it was impossible but professor Litwit is a light... or a Blanc category... those people are resistant somewhat to mind corrosion and madness," Eksa said pulling out a Green and Black Manalith.

"These are the things they dropped. Considering its almost a primodial drop.... they might have been doing this a longtime," she deducted as I nodded.

"That explains the growing population of daemon and the past accidents in the institution... but raising an army.... is that even..." I rubbed my temples. The university didn't brief us for this.... and it is the most dangerous thing to happen.

"We will see it later...." Eksa said as she cleaned herself and her clothes using magic, standing up.... before reaching her hand out to me.

"They're here anyway..." she said before our tent were flipped open by people with runes on their masks.

"All students must be on the center of the base, as per orders of the institution and HECATE."

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