Wednesday (Wednesday X Reader)

By HorrorFox_Universal

58.8K 1.2K 732

You play as y/n,a blood elf driven by mischief and get kicked from your previous school for losing... More

Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 2
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 3
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 4
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 1
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 2
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 3
Friend or Woe Part 1
Friend or Woe Part 2
Friend or Woe Part 3
Woe What a Night Part 1
Woe What a Night Part 2
You Reap What You Woe Part 1
You Reap What You Woe Part 2
Quid Pro Woe Part 1
Quid Pro Woe Part 2
Quid Pro Woe Part 3
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 1
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 2
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 3
A Murder of Woes Part 2
The Addams House Part 1
The Addams House Part 2
Addams House Part 3
Idea for chapter.i need comments help.

A Murder of Woes Part 1

1.6K 45 29
By HorrorFox_Universal

I woke up feeling awful.

I had a bad feeling.

But I ignored it as Wednesday was waking up.

I forgot we went to sleep watching a movie.

Wait,a movie?

We kissed.

She likes me.

Are we a thing now?


I could tell i was getting flushed.

"You awake y/n?"Wednesday gently brushed my hair with her fingers.

My ears pinned and I nodded a yes.

Enid entered the room to grab something and laughed at seeing us.

Like a fake evil laugh.

I glare and run behind her,quicker than the normal eye could see and booed in her ear.

"Enid jumped in fright and tried to swing.

I grabbed her fist right before it hit my face and smiled coldly.

"God.You are scarier then Wednesday when you want to be."Enid trembled.

I let go of her fist and my ears twitch in annoyance.

I walk towards my little cooler and grab a blood bag.

And I remember that Tyler is the Hyde as well.

Waking up is stressful when you find something out.

Wednesday tells me she has a plan to get Tyler to transform.

The plan is ruthless.

"I like it.I won't be there to see the torture though.I'll be looking for something fresh to eat.Something harder to catch.'I explain.

"I see.Shame."Wednesday closed her eyes in thought for a moment.

"I know Raven."I pat Wednesday's shoulder,not realizing what I called Wednesday.

Wednesday's pov.

Y/n called me Raven again and it made my cold heart warm once more.

I must say,I do like the idea of being in a relationship with her more and more.

Y/n yawns,her ears still pinned.

She looked disturbed by something.

"What's wrong mi amor?"I ask,looking her in the eyes with a gentle stare.

She looked at me with a glare and confused look.

"I will not succumb to your flirts and blush,you dark abyss."y/n hmpffs.

My face flushes the slightest bit.

Her face is too beautiful.

"I wasn't just flirting."I firmly state.

"Just woke up with a headache.Like I said.I'm hungry."Y/n sits on my chair and drinks the blood that was in her cup.

"Ugh.It's stale."She groans in disgust.

Her eyes glow that pink.

"Who the fuck is bleeding."She adds,looking at the door right when Enid runs in.

"I'm bleeeeediiing!!!'She frowns.

"I'm aware."Y/n scoffs.

Her eyes glow a brighter pink.

"Either let the blood drip into a cup,or bandage it."Y/n adds.

"Why let the blood drip?"Enid looks at y/n like she's crazy.

"Why do you think?"Y/n looked at Enid with another cold glare.

Enid backs away,leaving the room.

Y/n giggles.

"Class?"She smiles,looking at me.

I give a small nod.

Y/ns pov,slight time skip.Lunch.


I'm so hungry!!!!

But I ran out of food and can't leave until after classes end.

I decide to just go to the dorm and curl up into a little sad ball.

Wednesday is also there.

"Oh,hello y/n."Wednesday waves.

"Hi Raven."I manage a smile.

I really wish she wasn't here.

I'm so hungry.

I can feel my fangs growing longer and sharper.

"Are you feeling ok?You look like your getting overheated."Wednesday frowns.

"I'm just hungry.Like usual.And I'm out of fucking blood.That's why i'm hunting today?Might share something with Enid if I have leftovers."I laugh before making a sad whining noise.

I get really hangry if I have no food around.

Not always when I haven't eaten,just when I don't have the option to eat or not.

I also feel really tired now too.

I kind of wanna curl up in Wednesday's lap,not gonna lie.

Or brush her soft hair.


"I need to go soon.Class.Thornhill already gave you a pardon,but I have no need for one,even though I would much rather stay here with you."Wednesday sighed.

I nod and she leaves.

I end up sleeping a bit past Wednesday's little thing with Tyler.

The beginning of it,that is.

I wake up feeling ravenous and let my body elongate,my teeth grow sharp and long,my arms growing spiky,my hands growling claws,and my eyes glow the bright pink.

???s pov.

So she's hunting tonight.


I can catch her.

I know how powerful she can be,and since Wednesday is causing so many problems,I don't want her to have any help.

Especially since y/n and Wednesday's bond is so strong.

I just need to make the potion and y/n will be under my control,with no memory of even doing anything.

And then that pesky Wednesday will be out of my way.

Well,I'll keep her alive.


Y/n's pov.

My hands and mouth was extremely bloody,but this fresh venison was to die for.

Def bringing Enid and Wednesday some.

Thankfully I wasn't wearing my uniform,and I decided to use my magic to bag up the foo and drop it off at the dorm before seeing what Wednesday was doing to Tyler.

Ah,but would that be wise.

Whenever I eat something fresh that was a chase,I tend to act a little...sadistic.

Or even yandere like.


Another stupid thing I can't control that dear mother says 'you must figure it out'll catch on'.


I walk quickly walk to wherever Wednesday said she would be.

(I don't know,ok?I'm think it's either the crypt,or the shack.Or somewhere else.I don't remember and the script doesn't tell me shit about the where of things.)

(I'm going to say the shack.)

(If I'm wrong,I'm wrong.)

I hear the loud screams of Tyler and I walk in.

"Y/n?Y/n!Please!AGGGHHHGHHHHH!Help Me!!!"Tyler screams in agony.

My eyes light in in a crazy way at seeing his pain.

"Now this is fun."I giggle.

"What?"Tyler looks at me with pathetic eyes.

"I said this is fun."I grin.

"Taser?I would have gone with a good old fashioned knife,but a taser works too."I looks at Wednesday,my pupils becoming pink hearts.

She's even more amazing.

"Well you are terrible at cleaning up."Wednesday judged.

"I came here right after dropping off the fresh meat.Like I said,I want more for later,and I want to share."I shrug.

"And I don't want to kill Tyler.Yet."Wednesday pointed at Tyler before tasering him again.

My tail flicked around.

Normally,my tail stays stationary in any situation,granted my tail moves with emotion.

(Totally not me using a terrible excuse to have not brought up the tail before.Not at all.)

And I am feeling a lot of emotion right now.

My love for Wednesday has grown,although I thought it couldn't since I lover her so much already,but seeing her do this level of pain,and be willing to do more is so sickening in the way I adore.

Oh I sound crazy.


Me and Gomez have some things in common about how we love people.

Cause I would kill and die for Wednesday right now.

I giggle a bit.

"You are crazy."Tyler quivers.

Wednesday glares and almost tasers him again when I stop her,grabbing the taser.

Tyler looked hopeful for a moment.

"You would be right.I'm crazy in an assortment of ways."I grin with a crazy and sadistic smile before turning the tasers power to ten and electrocuting the poor asshole.

He screams in pure horror,agony,fear,and torture and it was pathetic.

I turn and hand Wednesday the taser,smiling the whole time.

If I haden't recently eaten something alive,I would have just stared at Wednesday's work normally,no grinning,no interrupting,nada.

But that's because I normally let people do their thing and watch in admiration.

I mean,have you seen Ted Bundy's work?

I think my mother was actually very close to where one of the murders happened.

Wednesday grabbed a hammer and was about to smack Tyler on the head with it when Sheriff Galphin and other police officers with guns in their hands busted the door open.

"Get away from my son!Drop it!"Galphin pointed the gun at me and Wednesday.

She and I put our hands up,Wednesday dropping the weapon.

"Well then.This is a predicament."I grin,glaring at the same time.

One police officer almost gagged at how much blood was on me.

"Did you kill someone?"He asked,looking terrified.

"No.Just did a little deer hunting.And I have proof in the dorm."I smile,walking into the car with no protest.

"Why are you so happy."Wednesday looked at me while we were driven to the station.

"I'm not.I'm just feeling a little...sadistic after my live kill."I giggle.

We get to the police station,and we were told to sign something after a bit.

"How long have you known?"I ask the Sheriff after Wednesday said something to Weems and they finished conversing.

"Excuse me?"Galphin glared.

"When Wednesday gave you that claw from the cave,did you already know?"I tilt my head mockingly.

He's a sheriff like all the others.

Let their kid run a rampage and do nothing,even if evidence is given.

"You two,that's enough.Xavier Thorpe is our Hyde.We've got evidence,thanks to Wednesday,and technically you.That's why i'm giving you one pass."Galphin sighs,tired of us.

Wednesday looked at me,wondering what i'll say next.

I start laughing,still off from my kill and seeing Wednesday torture someone with pure perfection.

I'm utterly obsessed.

"What's so funny."Galphin seeths.

"Tyler will turn on you too.Your not safe.And you're pathetic for not realizing that.And you call yourself a Sheriff."I mock,pretending to not be smiling and pretending to look a little 'guilty'.

"Get out."Galphin looks away.

"We...Wednesday!Y/n!Wait."Tyler calls out.

I give him a confused look,a feeling of distrust coming onto me.

""Tyler!No,what are you doing."Galphin speaks to his son.

"They're my-they used to be my friends.I need to talk to them.We're in a police station.What can they do?"Tyler pleads.

"Make it quick."Galphin glares.

"What do you want."Wednesday stared angrily.

I stood next to her.


I grew another 2-3 inches.

I should stop soon.

This is a bit taller than the average female elf.

Anyways,back on the track of distrusting this bitch.

"To ask a question."Tyler frowns.

I raise an eyebrow,listening to him.

"What does it feel like?"Tyler asked.

"What does what feel like."I reply.

"To lose"Tyler smiles evilly.

My eyes widen in slight shock.

I already knew he was the Hyde,but I thought maybe he just didn't know,and couldn't remember,or that his master was controling him and keeping him quiet.

"You know,at first,i'd wake up naked,covered in blood,no idea what happened.But over time,I started to remember everything.The sound of their screams,the panic in their eyes,and a fear so primal I could taste it......And it was delicious.You have no idea what's coming."Tyler grins.

I got angry and started to growl.

"You...little...BITCH!!"I yell,trying to slash him.

Wednesday grabbed me and held me back,even though I knew she didn't want to.

"Let me go!I thought you were being controlled!!Forced!!!You ASSHOLE!"I scream,my claws coming out and getting Wednesday.

She still held me back.

Galphin helped Wednesday hold me back and got me outside.

He started shaking his head.

"Fucking....bitch."i seeth,my hands shaking.

My angry growling continued even as we were driven back to Nevermore.

I was told to calm down in the dorm.

I went on the balcony to take a few deep breaths.

I felt something sharp hit my neck,but assumed it was a stupid bug.

???s pov.

Can't catch her yet,but I can soon.

y/n's pov.

Whatever it was,dropped dead or something,and I didn't bother to look at it.

Wednesday comes back after an hour,saying she went and talked to Xavier.

She told me she even explained I had nothing to do with getting him caught.

"This isn't good Raven.This isn't good.It's either we leave,and let Tyler rampage and let his master finish whatever,or stay and possibly cause more issues.And why do I keep thinking of those god damn boots!"I yell,slamming my fist on the wooden post that once held hand and cracking it slightly.

"Boots?You talked about those before."Wednesday looked at me.

"I wish I could tell you,but when I got attacked,I could barely see anything.All I know is I saw boots that looked like they would be a brighter color,but in dark lighting."I groan,feeling useless.

"It's ok love.You were attacked suddenly,you were too confused and had no time to see what your attacker looked like."Wednesday's expression softened,as she stroked my cheeck to try and calm me.

Enid walked in sadly while we were packing.

She tried talking to the both of us,but I tuned her out.

She made a mark in my life,and I have to admit,I will miss her.

"I'll miss you too Enid."I murmur,knowing she heard me.

"I know.But on a good note,Eugene woke up.Go visit him while I say goodbye to Thing."Enid smiles.

"I'll stay here,let you ask him questions and not overwork or stress him with too many people."I state.

"Ok."Wednesday gave me a small kiss on the lips before leaving.

The tips of my ears brightened and colored a bright red.

Enid also left,wanting to tell her friends and Bianca the news.

A few minutes passed and I felt...sad.


Wait a minute,when did that happen?

It's only been around 10 minutes since I was outside,and if I was gonna feel tired,it would not be now.

And I feel a weird level of tired.

"Ugh."I stumble a bit,the world starting to spin.

Just before i hit the ground,I feel arms around my waist,and an annoyed Thornhill muttering

"Ugh.At least she's light."

Wait,Thornhill is Tyler's master.



"no."I whimper.

I need to stay awake.

"Come on little darling.Fall asleep.Don't want you trying anything."Thornhill stated,a mocking smile in her voice.

I try to reach for the door in my tired and weakened state.


1994 words --------- 1/8/2023


Sorry,but that chapter will be too long and I want at least a part two.


Don't worry too much,the next chapter will be out soon.

Have fun!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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