Top Gun: G-Force

By Catnoirxladybug07

32.5K 724 280

A Top Gun fanfiction that takes place after the events of Top Gun: Maverick. The story will follow the young... More

Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Becase she was inverted
Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
She knows... He doesn't
Girls Night!
A Few Weeks Later...
Jessica "Jade's Mom" Pearl
Beach Soccer
Dinner at Penny's
Just a Girl and her Mom
You get a RIO! You get a RIO! You all get a RIO!
Holy Shit, It's Maverick and Goose
My Girl?!
I'm as Right as the Mail
Home, she's finally going Home
Janson's Trail
The Exam
Clear for Take Off
Top Gun Class
Penny Benjamin? Yes
In the Air Again
31 days Until Doom
Doom Squad
Highway to Hell
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye
! Top Gun: Accelerate !

All Hands on Deck

604 13 8
By Catnoirxladybug07

Although we all drove separately - we all arrived at the locker room around the same time. We all dressed in the same locker room, it had become a shared space - because everyone was respectful of one another. 

They all were silent as they got dressed in their flight suits. Not quiet, silent. Jade mumbled fearing her own voice as it filled the emptiness, "Guys - this, this..." she couldn't find the words. She sighed, and shook her head as she took a deep breath, "Could this mean war?" 

If silence could become quieter, it did at that moment. It seemed that no one would answer the question, they all knew the answer - that was yes, this could and most likely would cause another world war to break out. Who knew how large this mobilization was from the enemy... Obviously, it must be large considering the mass amount of pilots Admiral Beau has ordered to North Island. How long would it take for the world to unite and mobilize against the enemy? They did just explode that uranium plant in the Dagger Squad mission that was in violation of NATA law. We helped our NATA neighbors there. Would they help us? Surely. 

Norman aka Stealer spoke next, slamming his locker shut, causing every pilot in the room to look at him, "I think the more defeating question is who are we going to lose?" He then looked across the locker room into Jade's eyes. 

Everyone turned to look at Jade, like she somehow knew the answer, "Guys - I," She paused before straightening her shoulders as she put the final touches on her flight suit, attaching her new helmet to her waist with a clip. Her teammates, no her colleagues, no - her family, needed her leadership and advice. She would give it, she took a deep breath, "We're going to lose people - a lot of people you know this. We're not going to come away from this unscratched, unbroken, mentally okay... some of us might not even come out of this with a heartbeat. There will be nothing we can tell their families, no heart that won't ache after this. But you know what we will have? What we always will have has fighter pilots. People to protect. People who not only fund our paychecks and planes but people who depend on us. Families, little boys, and girls running around who have no clue as to how dangerous the world is! We will lose, each other, we will lose this family we have created over the past thirteen weeks - don't fool yourselves! But we will never not have people to protect - we will all throw our lives down for them before they all perish. Is this understood? We protect those who cannot protect themselves." Jade puffed out her chest. 

Norman nodded toward Jade reaching his hand out to shake hers, "I'll follow your lead any day, Mitchell" 

Jade accepted the invitation and pulled him in for a typical "bro hug". She laughed, "Bullshit Stealer, I'll follow yours!" 

With that Captain Mitchell and Lieutenant Bradshaw entered the locker room, "It's time to go Aviators." Maverick called hanging his head low. 

Jade's heart ached, she can't lose them two. She'd do anything not to lose them two - she had only just found them again. Why - why did the enemy have to be so cruel?! 

They arrived at the hangar as Admiral Beau briefed the older pilots on what the mission would include - just the basics of the information the Admiral had already briefed them on prior - after he let the beans spill at Penny's house. There had been some Top Gun Graduates in the room - including a few who might not have passed but were still in the system. There must have been about one hundred other pilots in the room, some way too old to fly - but surely helping out with the mission in some way. 

Maverick and Rooster going to sit with their own groups - this Top Gun class waited off to the side for the Admiral to finish. They awaited recognition and command to be seated. 

Admiral Beau continued on, with no disruption at all to what he had been saying before they entered, " - as you can see this mission will most likely soon be followed by NATA protocol, after that who knows what will ensue - but we must all be prepared, there will be little vacation time after this mission for those of you physically able to be stationed. That being said, I'd like to introduce the newest group, who had to join us later due to the fact they merely graduated a few hours ago. I'm sorry graduates to be sending you out to the dogs to fight for not only your lives but the lives of the world in this mass mobilization." 

Admiral Beau paused as if awaiting an answer from the group, Norman nudged Jade forward from behind. She took a step forward, steadying herself from Stealer's nudge, "Sir - I have already talked with my fellow pilots from graduation. We have acknowledged that not every pilot in this room will come back with a heartbeat - despite how much we pray certain ones might. We knew the risks when we signed up for this job, and we do not intend to deny them now. We fight for our country - no matter the circumstances, no matter the consequences." 

She took a step back in line next to Norman, who nodded at her. Admiral Beau continued, "Wonderfully stated Lieutenant Mitchell. Your class may be seated - and will be known as the Doom Squad forward on." He gestured to the empty seats on his left. They all moved to sit there, Jade being the last one to sit. Admiral Beau continued, "Stand when you hear your callsign -" He began assigning lieutenants/captains/admirals to lead the different squads - the squad leader. " - Maverick, Rooster, -" He continued with others before the Doom Squad, "-Renegade?," he turned to her with a smile, "Welcome back from the accident, can you manage this?" 

Jade stood tall, "Sir, yes, Admiral Beau Sir." 

Admiral Beau nodded, " You all may be seated," they all did as instructed. He turned to the board of the west coast, it had red dots as to where they would all be stationed. " So far the message we've intercepted stated they only planned to attack America's west coast. However, we will be putting squadrons in Alaska and Hawaii." Admiral Beau began explaining what squadrons would be placed where. 

Jade fiddled with the rings on her hands, her gloves off for the moment. Norman leaned into her shoulder slightly, " You alright there Mitchell?" 

Jade leaned over slightly to keep the conversation hidden, "Yeah - just worried. I say I'm fine - but, I need to get in the air Stealer and fast. And - I, I can't lose my dad. I just found him." 

Norman's smile fell slightly, "We'll get ya in the air soon enough Ren, and don't worry Mav can hold his own." 

Jade rolled her shoulders, "I lost Ice already -" She tensed the shoulder roll doing nothing for her nerves, and the slight ringing in her ears. 

Norman stopped her leg from bouncing, she didn't even notice it herself - boo's I didn't even know it was bouncing and I'm the narrator goddamn. He leaned in more, keeping his voice quieter, "If I can do anything about it - I will ensure your father and your lil boytoy come home. Sound good?" 

Jade straightened her posture out, moving from Norman, giving a slight nod and Admiral Beau explained the last few stations. " The last three squadrons will be closer to North Island, the coast. 86ers and Admiral Mitchell -" 

Jade almost jumped out of her seat as she threw her head to the side to stare down her father who stood up to receive his unit's commands, 'admiral?' she mouthed as she caught his eye. 

Pete smirked, 'yup, just you wait!' he mouthed back. 

Admiral Beau continued, "Alright - so with the 86ers out near San Clemente. The Dagger's, Commander Rooster -" Jade almost got whiplash again as she looked behind her towards Rooster who simply smirked at her, "You will be near Catalina - the message stated hinting towards a major hit on San Deigo. If the Daggers or the 86ers have enemy pilots breach their barriers, Doom Squad," Jade stood up ready to receive her group's assignments, "will have to immediately engage - firing no questions asked. You Lieutenant Commander Jade 'Renegade' Mitchell, will need to order a mass evacuation of San Deigo and North Island. Doom Squad you will be stated here on North Island - hopefully, none of you will be seeing action. In the world of pilots, you are yet an infant. However, you are also our last defense here in San Diego. Can your squadron handle it, Lieutenant Commander?" 

Jade's smile was evident across her face at the new promotion, " Yes sir, I trust this squadron with my life. The weeds have been ridden out." This made the Doom Squad laugh. 

Admiral Beau motioned for her to sit, "Yes, yes and we will find you a new Wingman I am sure." he sighed putting his hand in his head - unaware that the microphone still could pick up his voice, "Leave me with two of them Ice?!" This made all the pilots laugh. 

Soon the laughter settled down as Admiral Beau cleared his throat, "You'll have a few months before mobilization. I expect you to go to the nearest bases to your locations in the morning. I wish you the best of luck aviators. Doom, 86ers, and Dagger you'll be staying here. When they begin mobilizing, Doom Squad you'll be permanently moved back on base if you are not living there already now. I recommend getting any family living here - out of the city before the possible evacuation. Renegade understand that before your plane even moves you are to call for an evacuation - you know how traffic can be out here." Jade nodded, "you're all dismissed." 

Every pilot stood up, Jade immediately went to her father and Bradley, "We - we got promoted? I got promoted? I just graduated, I just got out of an accident! How -" She fumbled in awe as she questioned her father. 

Admiral Beau placed his hand on her shoulder, "Because Renegade - no one has ever and I mean ever scored a perfect score here at Top Gun. You earned all points possible on your exam and in-flight practice. You also survived the crash, with barely a scratch on you, when in reality you should be dead right now. Not to mention before you arrived here for Top Gun you had more confirmed kills than Hangman, he's got two. You've got there from the deployment that had before you came to Top Gun. I had meant to promote you since you first stepped on north island." 

Jade was in shock, she had no clue anyone knew of her confirmed kills - she had thought they were meant to be secret, or classified as her previous Captain had told her. "Sir, I don't deserve..." 

Admiral Beau laughed, "Of course, you do - now" he spoke louder to the squadrons that had flanked behind their leaders, "I recommend you all go get some sleep, tomorrow you will be off. It is a Friday, so you will have the weekend before our first meeting here with the three squadrons on Monday. In these next few months, I want you all in your whites as you go out - I need you to stick out from the next round of Top Gun students, who will be training with your stay here. They will not be ready in time - but will be here in case they are needed. They will not be informed of the inmate danger - it is to be classified. Lieutenant Commander, I recommend you get up in the air before then." 

A/N: This is by no means related to current world events please note that! The enemy is just that the enemy - there is no specific country attached to that name. This is not some political statement, it is simply where I've always planned this story to go! Please understand this. I am by no means saying this will happen or is going to happen. This is simple FICTION. Hence why some names are changed; like the NATA (North Atlantic Treaty Association). Please understand I say again this is all mere fiction! I KNOW NOTHING of what is happening in the real world - please please I beg of you to understand this. I AM VERY nervous about posting this part - so please be kind and at least respond to this in the comments. So I know my nerves aren't completely wasted! Love you all my aviators!

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