To Dazzling Darkness - Bucky...

By MetallicRed

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''He was like heroine to my body, injected straight into my veins. So beautiful yet deadly.'' Fallon Alarie i... More

Content Warnings and Author's Notes
Prologue - Bad Boys World
Chapter one - Bad Girls World
Chapter Two - Gala
Chapter Three - Secret Possession
Chapter Four - Ultimatum
Chapter Five - Toxic Mind
Chapter Six - Wanderlust
Chapter Seven - Ocean Eyes
Chapter Eight - Addiction
Chapter Ten - Devil is, as Devil does
Chapter Eleven - Forgive My Sins
Chapter Twelve - Vincere aut mori
Chapter Thirteen - No Saints Here
Chapter Fourteen - The Stars and The Moon
Chapter Fifteen - The Creator
Chapter Sixteen - Echoes of Eternity
Chapter Seventeen - Toils of War
Chapter Eighteen - Heart Made of Glass
Chapter Nineteen - Russian Roulette
Chapter Twenty - Hell Is Home
Chapter Twenty One - I Broke My Rules for You
Chapter Twenty Two - Demons and Clichés
Chapter Twenty Three - Goddess Sent to Hell

Chapter Nine - Monsters Under The Bed

500 12 8
By MetallicRed

Chapter Warnings: child abuse, murder, panic, knives, sex, oral sex (f receiving) bondage , inappropriate use of ties and belts, orgasm denial, overstimulation, nipple biting, spanking, choking .

Please comment and like to let me know what you think of this so far :) Enjoy the ride!

Fallon grabbed her fathers gun from the nightstand and turned around. Her little teenage hands were shaking. As her father lurched towards her with many curse words coming out from his alcohol stenched mouth Fallon aimed it at him and without thinking about it pulled the trigger. A loud bang echoed in her eardrums and made them sting. She screamed. It almost didn't sound like her. She didn't feel like it was her screaming, but her throat stung. It took her a moment to calm down and when she opened her eyes, her father was laying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood.

Fallon stared at his lifeless body. Her hands still cradling the gun, it felt so alien in her hands back then. As she stared back at his empty eyes she started to laugh.


She felt free...

Her laughs turned hysterical and she collapsed onto her knees, the gun falling onto the floor. She wrapped her tiny arms around herself and her laughs turned into sobs.

Fallons eyes flew open with a gasp. Her body was drenched in cold sweat and she slowly looked around. She was in her bed, the sun hasn't reached the curtains yet and the whole room looked dusky. She pressed the pads of her palm to her eyes till she could see stars and sighed.

Talking to James about parts of her childhood must have triggered these memories that she wanted to burry deep, deep down. In some ways all of this made her who she is today. Though, she didn't want to relive them any longer. Neither did she want anyone to know them. Will James think differently of her if he knows? What kind of monster kills their father and gets to live a life.

Fallon rolled out of her bed and slowly walked to the bathroom. She turned the shower on and stared at it for a few moments. The glass started to mist up from the hot water. She stepped in and started to wash all the thoughts away. She shampoo and conditioned her hair. Scrubbed herself down in vanilla and coconut scented shower gel and fully shaved.

If only water could wash away all of our sins.

She stepped out of the shower, and wrapped herself in a towel. Applied some light make up with small eyeliner and her signature red lip. She was going to Natashas for the evening to see Dimitri. So she will touch up her make up before she goes to dinner. She curled her hair into loose beach waves, flicking it behind her shoulders. Her hair is so long it reaches all the way down the nape of her spine.

Fallon walked into her walk in wardrobe and looked around. She decided to wear high wasted skinny trousers that really accentuate her hips, a black blouse and a blazer. She's got a few meetings to attend to and this will be comfortable and professional enough. She showered herself in her favourite perfume and headed downstairs.

On the way down the stairs she checked her phone and seen a message from James.

[Barnes] - I missed you last night. Look forward to seeing you later.

Fallon read the message with a big stupid grin on her face and stopped mid step.

''Oh no... no.. You're smiling now...'' She groaned to herself. If she's already smiling at his texts that might mean she's already in too deep.

None of this was ever part of her plan. However, that's how life is. You're not able to stick to a plan as life is full of curves and potential cliff ends; in Fallons case.

[Fallon] Can't wait to see you later

She typed the message out a few times and deleted it before pressing send. Its almost like she didn't want to sound too needy. Not like being needy is her style anyway. Though, she craved his attention more than she needed food.

Fallon made her way into work, on the way she picked up an ice coffee. Even in the cold weather she preferred them. Ice coffee just hits different. She placed the sloshing plastic cup down on her desk and opened her laptop. It pinged a few times with the emails that came through.

Olivia knocked on the large wooden door and pushed them open. ''Fallon sorry to interrupt but I have a gentleman here, he says he has the information you requested''

Fallon leant back in her chair and pressed her lips in a thin line. ''Let him in. Thank you Olivia'' Fallon smiled at her assistant.

''Of course'' Olivia nodded and disappeared behind the doors for a moment. Olivia was good. Came from a small family background, couple of siblings and happily married parents. She was clever, which meant she knew which questions not to ask. Olivia came back with a slightly rugged looking man, wearing a cheap beige jacket and some oversized jeans. His hair was scattered everywhere and he walked in looking around. Clearly intimidated in some way.

''Please sit'' Fallons sweet voice broke him out of his thoughts as Olivia shut the door behind her.

''I've got the stuff you asked for'' He said in a groggy voice as he sat down at one of the black leather chairs in front of Fallons desk.

Fallon reached over to slide the folder over to herself, but before she could the guy slammed his hand on top of hers stopping her.

''Why do you need these old files from Starks company anyway? ''

''Touch me again and I will cut those fingers off one by one''

The guy smirked, but when he looked at Fallons dead pan expression his smile dropped and he moved his hand.

''And my payment?''

''Your payment has been taken care of'' Fallon muttered as she picked up the folder opening it. ''Now don't let me see your face again''


Fallon pulled on a dark green dress with a slight shimmer to it, hitting her mid thigh. It had no straps and a very small slit in it. It was an odd combination against her red hair but she liked the way it made her dull grey eyes pop, giving them a tinge of colour. She grabbed her Christian Louboutine Stiletto platform sandals and slipped them on doing the clasp around her ankle. They gave her quite a few inches and arching her back out to accentuate her curves. Fallon looked at herself in the mirror and touched up her make up. Slightly darker eye and topped up her beloved lipstick. Shaking her curls out to make them bounce around her waist.

By the time she was done James was already waiting on her outside. She rushed out the door with her handbag and coat.

''Hello beautiful'' James said as he stubbed his cigarette out and grinned at her.

Fallon walked down the stairs and stood in front of him, looking up at him through her eyelashes. She took his hand in hers and raised his bruised knuckles up looking at him. ''Someones been busy'' She smiled and leaned forwards to kiss him, slightly going on her tippy toes.

James grinned against her lips and then moved his hand to her cheek. Most women would have been screaming and asking him if he was okay. But not Fallon. She understood his job, better than any woman he has ever had, even if they have never really spoken about their actual occupations. As if they have been subconsciously avoiding it. They not suppose to fit into one another. Two mafia bosses fighting for the power of New York.

''Never too busy for you''

''Now you're just sweet talking me'' She laughed.

''I would sweet talk you some more but I don't want to make us late'' He grinned and opened the car door for her.

He tapped her ass as she went to get into the car and she shot him a sideways glance.

''What? It was tempting me'' He shrugged and shut the door.

James walked round and jumped into the driver seat and turned the car on, it came to life with a loud roar and Fallon smiled at the sound. He pulled out of Fallons driveway and started speeding down the road. He slid his hand onto Fallons thigh and started drawing little circles with his finger, taking in her soft skin.

Fallons phone pinged a few times and she looked down at it. Her face momentarily turned into a frown and she pressed her lips together.

''Everything okay? ''

''All good'' She said and turned her phone over and placed it into her bag.

''You know at some point we are going to need to talk about us'' James said with a little sigh.

Fallon looked at him then out the window onto the dark streets. ''At the moment I just like how everything is ''

James nodded '' Me too, but we can't avoid the fact forever''

''What fact?''

''The fact that we suppose to be rivals''

''Are we rivals?''

''You are a closed of person''

''That makes two of us''

''I think I have been more than honest with you''

''We will see''

James gulped as he parked the car in front of Natashas penthouse. '' We will. '' He turned to look at her '' I will be so good to you''

Fallon felt her heart melt into those gorgeous blue eyes and perfectly plum lips. ''I believe you'' She smiled.

James jumped out of the car, walked round and opened the door for her. He took her small hand helping her get out of the car without falling over in those ridiculously high heels that he has no idea how she walks in them. They make their way to the entrance of the penthouse door.

''Hi Bernie'' Fallon says as she walks up to the door and the clerk opens it for her with a smile.

''Hello Miss Alarie'' He clearly recognises her as Natasha has been living here for a while. James nods at the clerk and he gives him a small smile and a nod.

They walk up to the elevator and Fallon presses the correct floor number. James is cradling a bottle of expensive wine. He told Stevie to bring the whisky. After all it is him that suppose to be impressing Natashas father.

When the doors to the elevator pinged they opened onto a beautiful open plan apartment. Glass pane windows that went from floor to ceiling overlooking New York lit streets. There was a few pillars holding the place together and somewhat separating the living room from dining room. James looked around, as Fallon carried on walking towards large oak dining table.

''Nat?'' She called out and looked around.

Natasha quickly ran out from a different room with an apron. James assumed she must have been in the kitchen.

''You made it!'' She said as she gave Fallon a hug. ''And you brought tall dark and handsome with you''

James turned his head away from the sofas and beautiful grey Persian rug under the coffee table. He pointed at himself with confusion and tilted his head.

''Obviously you! '' She laughed. ''Make yourself comfortable''

Steve walked out from the kitchen with some drinks and handed them out to everyone as they settled into the sofas. Chatter filled the place, it was in many ways calming. Not like their lives outside these walls.

Moment later the elevator pinged open and a stocky well dressed man stepped out. The sound of his cane made a dull thud on the porcelain tiles as he took a few steps in. His salt and pepper hair was slicked back showing his true age. Heavily tattooed hand that was adored by two rings was gripping the handle of the cane, that was carved in a shape of a birds head. He walked with an obvious limp.

''Papa!'' Natasha said as she stood up and rushed over to give him a hug.

''моя любовь'' (moya lyubov') Dimitri always called his daughter his love.

He wrapped his arm that was not supporting him on the cane around her waist and kissed her forehead. They conversed in Russian for a moment until Dimitri looked around the room. He set his eyes on Steve and then moved them to James. Definitely asserting his dominance.

He had eyes of a killer and it was evident.

''Where is my other angel?'' He asked in a thick Russian accent.

''Dimitri'' Fallon stood up from James lap and started to walk over to him.

''Малышка'' (malyshka) Dimitri said. Fallon was like his second daughter to him.

Fallon gave him a hug and asked how his journey was in Russian. Dimitri kissed both of Fallons cheeks as he responded; Making Fallon laugh.

One of the maids took Dimitris long black coat off of him, revealing a dark blue three piece suits underneath. Dimitri always wore suits and nothing else. He believed the value of a man was in how he dressed and how he treated women.

James watched with surprise, he didn't know that Fallon could speak Russian. He stood up and buttoned up his suit jacket. Steve was evidently nervous, but trying not to show it. This was not like usual meetings with mafia bosses, this was the father of a girl he really liked. Steve walked over to Dimitri and extended his hand out.

''Its nice to meet you Sir. Steve Rogers'' Steve said.

Dimitri grabbed his hand in a strong hand shake. He was old but not frail. ''Call me Dimitri son'' He said in the thick Russian accent.

''Dimitri'' Steve smiled and so did Dimitri who's eyes fell onto James.

James took this as his queue to introduce himself. He took a few steps forward and shook Dimitris hand. ''James Buchanan Barnes Sir''

''Just Dimitri son'' Dimitri said again as he let go of James hand.

''Come Papa, sit'' Natasha said as she motioned to the set table. ''I imported some of your favourite cigars''

Dimitri started to walk over to the chair at the head of the table. The limp in his right leg was evident as he supported half his weight on the cane. His body showing the consequences of life that he lived. He sat himself down and Natasha walked over with a box and opened it that was full of cuban cigars. Dimitri took one out. Natasha motioned for everyone to sit. Both James and Steve pulled the chairs out for Fallon and Natasha before they sat themselves down.

Natasha asked the maid for the food to come out and delicious food started flooding the table.

The dinner went smoothly with them all drinking wine and having conversations about traveling. Dimitri didn't discuss business at the dinner table, as this was his family time. Once the dinner was over Natasha and Fallon were chatting by the window with champagne glasses and the men stayed at the table.

''Now do you gentleman drink something stronger than this?'' Dimitri asked as he swirled his glass of wine.

Steve grinned as he stood up and walked over to the side bar where has brought over a gift to Dimitri. He picked up the wooden box and handed it to Dimitri to inspect. It was the Macalan Valerio Adami 1926 60 Year Old whisky.

Dimitri inspected it, opened the box to reveal the bottle and grinned. ''Good taste young man''

James grabbed three whisky glasses from the bar that was set up in the corner, popped some ice into them and brought them over to the table. Steve topped the glasses up with the million dollar whisky.

Dimitri pulled out another cigar, light it and looked at Steve then at James.

''Stevie! ''Natasha shouted from the kitchen after she left Fallon by the window to make a phone call. She was making an apple pie, it was Dimitris favourite. His mothers recipe.

Steve smiled looked behind him to see where it's coming from.

''Dont keep My Love waiting son'' Dimitri spoke.

''Excuse me'' Steve said as he stood up and walked off to the kitchen.

Fallon was on the phone, speaking quietly and pacing up and down with a frown on her face. Her heels were making soft clicks against the floor with each step that she took. James watched her for a moment and smiled to himself. He adored her figure, her hair and most definitely her feisty attitude. He could watch her forever.

''So James, tell me what is it that you do?'' Dimitri asked in his thick Russian accent and followed the line of sight, to see where James was looking. Dimitri watched Fallon for a moment too and then turned to James as he started to speak.

''I run the worlds largest logistics company'' James took a sip of his whiskey.

Dimitri laughed. ''No Son, tell me what is it that you really do''

''What makes you think I am involved in anything like that?''

''You have the same look in your eyes that I did when I was your age''

''And what look would that be?''

''The look of a killer''

James smiled. ''I mainly import drugs and guns into the country. ''

''Ah.. and where does my Malyshka fit into this?''

James gulped and looked at Fallon who now was aggressively typing on her phone by the window. She looked beautiful in her dress, her skin looked glowy in the dimly lit room. ''We will make it work''

Dimitri picked up one of the knifes from the table, skilfully flipped it over in his old hands and suddenly slammed it down perfectly in between James ring finger and middle finger not even grazing his skin. James didn't flinch, he didn't even blink. He looked back at Dimitri, then down at his hand. Dimitri smiled. It wasn't a genuine smile, it was a threatening one.

''Papa!'' Natasha gasped.

Steve was looking between James and Dimitri with his eyebrows so far up his forehead that they might as well would be gone.

Dimitri laughed In that gravely voice that you could tell has smoked too many cigarettes in his life time. ''I like this guy'' He pointed at James with his index finger that also held his cigar.

Fallon was looking between Dimitri and James with her eyebrow raised. Not quite sure what just went down between them.

James started laughing with Dimitri. The other three continued starting dumbfounded by what just went on.

Fallon strutted over, her heels making a clicking noise. She reached over and pulled the knife out of the table. ''Surely I don't need to remind you the etiquette of silverware boys?'' Fallon said in a playful tone pointing the knife between them two.

Before anyone could answer Fallons phone started ringing again. ''Play nice'' she looked at both of them, flicking the knife skilfully in her hand and placing it down before answering the call.

''Fallon'' She said as she strutted off out of prying ears.

Natasha proceeded to dish out her desert and once Fallon finished her conversation James walked over to Fallon with another champagne flute in one hand and his whiskey in the other. He stopped behind her and handed the drink to her. Fallon thanked him as she took the flute. James leant forwards and placed a few open mouth kisses to her shoulder.

"Everything okay doll?" James asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes.." Fallon closed her eyes at the sensation of his lips.

"You know you can talk to me right" he muttered again as his kisses went up to her neck.

Fallon sighed out all the frustration she was holding in seem to just melt away at his touch. "Just have some cop sniffing around my containers"

"Anything I can do to help?" He ran his hand up her arm.

"I've got it handled"

"Of course" he smiled as he took her hand and lead her to one of the big single sofas and sat down pulling Fallon into his lap so she would sit on him. Fallon side sat on him and crossed her legs over, leaning into the arm rest and his shoulder. James ran his hands over her legs and took a sip of his drink.

Dimitri was listening to his daughter talk but his eyes drew to James and Fallon and he watched them walk to the sofa for a moment.

Natasha extended her hand and placed it on her fathers "Papa, she's fine" Natasha smiled.

"I know, I know. She doesn't have great... track record with men" Dimitri laughed.

"Oh don't I know it" Natasha laughed.

Steve chucked "neither does James so that makes two of them"

Natasha smiled "Well maybe they found each other"

Steve gulped as he looked over at James and Fallon laughing at something while cuddled up together. He knows that James is in too deep already. This was suppose to be a quick operation to find out her weakness and take her down. It seems that Fallon might have become James weakness instead.

James leant down and kissed Fallons shoulder again. "God I can't keep my hands off of you in this dress" he muttered against her skin sending shivers down Fallons back.

Fallon wriggled in his lap slightly and bit her lip. "I don't want you to keep your hands off of me... and I definitely want those lips all over me" she whispered in his ear.

James licked his bottom lip. "Oh I want to worship every last inch of you with my tongue"

Fallon could feel herself twitch from his words and reached over to play with his neck chain and twist it round her finger. "Shame we can't sneak into the bathroom"

"Oh what quick and dirty?" He squeezed her thigh a little bit with a smirk.

"I'll take you any way I can get"

"You can have me any way that you want" He smirked and took a sip of his whiskey. His half hard cock was pressing against her thigh and he slightly shifted to try and make it less obvious.

"So easy to rile you up" she grinned and went to get up but James grabbed her hip and pulled her back down.

"Don't you dare" he huffed and Fallon laughed.

"Alright Alright " she chuckled and ran her fingers through his hair. She bit her bottom lip as she looked at him.

James reached his hand up and peeled her bottom lip out from between her teeth. The lip Biting drove him mad. "What are you thinking about doll?"

"Will... Will you stay at mine tonight?"

"I thought you'll never ask" He leant forward and kissed her cherry red lips. "Though I will need to leave early morning" He leant back.

"Oh, of course" She nodded and took a sip of her champagne.

"I will be out of town for a week " he started to draw small circles on her thigh.

Fallon nodded trying not to get distracted by his little touches "I understand"

"Is just a work thing in Los Angeles. A few things I need to take care of" he tilted her chin up with his fingers.

"You don't need to explain things to me" Fallon Smiled.

"No, but I want to. If we are gonna make things work you need to know"

Fallon bit her lip again. "So we making things work are we?"

James laughed. "Was I not obvious enough doll?"

"Meh" she shrugged and laughed too.

"I'll text and call while I'm out there just to keep you convinced" he winked.

Fallon rolled her eyes at him.

James arched an eyebrow. "Want me to fuck that bratty attitude out of you?"

Fallon squeezed her thighs together and licked her bottom lip. "I would like to see you try''

''I think I will take you up on this challenge" He grinned.

Fallon hopped off his lap and walked over to the dining table where, Dimitri, Steve and Natasha were having a chat.

"We think we will leave you guys to have some family time" Fallon Smiled.

"Child, you are my family" Dimitri looked up as Natasha was nodding in agreement.

Fallon walked over and hugged Dimitri again and rounded the table and gave a hug to Natasha.

"Oh papa she just wants to spend some quality time with her new crush" Natasha wiggled her eyebrows and Dimitri laughed.

James shook Dimitris hand in that stern grip that men do when they fight for dominance. After a moment they let go of each others hand and James patted Steve on the back.

"We will see you later... and Dimitri it was very nice to meet you."

"Likewise James" Dimitri grunted in his gravely voice.

"Malyshka" Dimitri said as Fallon and James turned to walk towards the elevator. Fallon turned around and looked at him.

"прошлое рано или поздно настигнет тебя, малышка" -(The past will catch up with you sooner or later, baby girl) Dimitri took a drag of his cigar.

"это уже начало догонять"(It already started to catch up) Fallon said and Dimitri grunted with an understanding nod.

Fallon turned on her heel to follow James out.

"Is everything alright?" James asked curious as he doesn't speak Russian and has no idea what just happened.

"Its all good" Fallon Smiled as they stepped out the elevator and walked over to his car getting in.

The ride to Fallons home was totally silent. They had music playing through the car and Fallon watched the streetlights out the window. Her past was catching up to her. But she wasn't sure exactly what Dimitri meant. Does he mean that she will eventually need to tell James if they make this serious? The only reason the past would ever catch up to us is just to show us how far we have come. How much we achieved. And she has achieved hell of a lot more than she ever anticipated. She just hopes that her past doesn't come crumbling down and taking everything that she build. But maybe if she just stays busy enough the truth of her life will just never catch up with her. And she can keep all her demons buried deep deep down.

However, we all know that demons don't live under our beds. Just inside our heads.

James placed a soft hand on her thigh and she turned her head to look at him.

"We're back" James smiled sweetly.

Fallon looked up to realise they were parked right in front of her house.

"Oh right" she chuckled. "Sorry was totally out of it."

"Its okay I could tell you were deep in thought" he smiled "I just hope one day you'll let me in enough to tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours"

Fallon Smiled at him and went to get out of the car and James followed suit. She was not used to sharing her inner thoughts with anyone, but James made her feel safe. They stepped inside her house and Fallon took her heels off and headed over to the kitchen. Her bare feet tapping slightly on the hard wood floors.

James took his shoes off and his blazer and followed her in looking around. Fallon grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge and filled both of their glasses.

"I didn't know you could speak Russian" James took a sip of his wine as he watched her.

"Oh I'm full of surprises" Fallon grinned.

James took a step forwards and moved a curl away from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"Aren't you just" he grinned.

"After Natashas family took me in I made an effort to learn" She said as she closed her eyes to his touch.

"Took you in?" He tilted his head. "After your father died?"

"Yeah something like that" She gulped.

James took a step closer to her and leant down to kiss her shoulder and then moved his lips up her neck. "How old were you when he passed away?"

Fallon leant her head back allowing him more access. "I was fifteen"

"That's young.." He muttered against her earlobe as he flicked it with his tongue. "I was twenty two when my father passed away"

Fallon looked up at him and offered a kind smile. "I'm sorry"

"Its okay it was a long time ago now"

"Is your mother still around?" Fallon took a sip of her wine.

"Yes " he nodded "while we talking about family... My sister wants to come and visit from Toronto when I'm back from Los Angeles. I would like you to meet her"

Fallon raised her eyebrows. "Uhh I'm not really a girl you take to meet your family"

James cocked his head to the side and pinned her against the cabinet. He snaked his hand up her leg and under her dress, rubbing her through her underwear. "You're exactly the type of girl to meet my family"

Fallon leaned her head back and moaned out from his touch. She was already soaking through her panties just thinking about him.

"And I want to take my sweet time to get to know you" he whispered as he pushed her panties to the side and rubbed his fingers through her folds. Gently massaging her throbbing clit. "What makes you happy, the foods you like, the things that make you moan, shake and squirt "

Fallon placed her wine glass down and gripped onto his strong shoulders to stabilise herself. She felt James push two fingers inside of her and she had to stifle a gasp.

He curled his fingers inside of her and pumped them a few times, giving just the right amount of pressure to her clit with his palm. This man knows what he's doing and that drives Fallon mad. He suddenly pulled his fingers out of her and Fallon whined at the loss.

James grinned looking at her and placed his fingers on her chin. "Open that pretty mouth for me baby girl"

Fallon did as instructed and opened her mouth sticking her tongue out slightly, he slipped the two fingers that were just inside her pussy into her mouth and Fallon lapped at them.

"That's my good girl" James grinned with a moan. His apparent erection was straining against his suit trousers. Fallon would do anything to hear him talk to her like that and to hear all those moans and whimpers escaping his mouth.

He pulled his fingers out of her mouth and crashed his lips against her. The kiss was intense, fiery and explosive. He was such a good kisser. His lips glided against hers so perfectly. He nipped at her bottom lip and slightly tugged it making Fallon moan in his mouth. He suddenly grabbed her ass and lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist and grinded her hips into him.

"Fuck baby, you'll be the death of me" He moaned and started heading for the stairs with Fallon wrapped around him. Fallon started kissing down his neck sucking on that sweet skin.

Fallon pulled her head back .. "Oh fuck.." she said and moved the collar of his shirt slightly.

"What?" James snickered as he kicked the door to her bedroom open with his foot both his hands still on her ass supporting her.

"I may have left a hickey on your neck"

"I don't care doll." He said as he laid her down on the bed and hovered above her. He sat up and peeled his tie off and placed it on the bed and started to unbutton his shirt. "Leave as many marks on me as you want, this is all yours"

The most gorgeous man on the planet is all hers. It is a good time to be alive after all.

"I might just take you up on it" Fallon licked her lips as she sat up on her elbows and then went to reach for him.

James grasped her chin and shook his head. "Nu-uh princess... I'm gonna take my sweet time with you"

Fallon gulped and laid back down watching him as he took his shirt off and discarded it on the floor. He traced a hand up her thigh and leant down to kiss her deeply. He reached over and took one of her hands placing it above her head. He then grabbed the other one and kissed her knuckle before placing the other hand above her head as well. He grasped the tie from next to them and ran the edge of it over her stomach and up to her chest. Fallon watched with with a grin on her face.

James stared at her eyes for a bit. Those deep blue ocean pebbles searching her grey ones. The bulge in his pants was straining. "You want me to tie you up with my tie?"

Fallon nodded quickly.

James frowned and grasped her cheeks with his fingers leaning down to kiss her cherry red lips. "Words angel. I need to hear your words"

"Yes sir" she said against his lips.

"That's a good girl" he said as he slipped the tie under her wrists and expertly started to tie them together. Not too tight, but not too loose.

Fallon tilted her head up and tried to look at the knot he made while chewing on her lip. She hasn't known this man for very long and here she was trusting him to tie her up in her own home. A disaster waiting to happen. Maybe. But she started to trust James for what it's worth.

James gently took her hands that now were tied together and moved them to her eye sight so she could see them clearly.

"How far are you willing to go with me?" He asked as he moved her hands above her head again. His voice serious, no smile no mocking.

Falling gulped and licked her lips. '' right to the edge of insanity''

They both know what they meant. Fallon was able to sense that James had an animalistic tendency for sex but he has been holding out. She wonders if its for the fear of scaring her. Has that happened to him before?

''At any point you don't feel comfortable, unsure or want me to stop. You say and I stop.'' He ran his thumb over her cheek in such a gentle manner, as if he's scared to break her.

Fallon nodded. James arched his eyebrow.

"Yes sir"

He nodded his head for approval while his expert fingers left her cheek and slid down to start gliding and circling around her clit.

"You're already so wet for me doll" he grinned and suddenly pulled away. Fallon whimpered from loss of contact. He was really edging her today. He stood back and grinned watching her like he was ready to eat her. "God you're so beautiful" he palmed his own cock through his trousers. And suddenly reached forward and grabbed Fallons thighs flipping her over.

She slightly yelped with a giggle. He undone the zip to her dress. He tugged on the bottom of the dress and Fallon propped herself on her elbows to lift her hips so he could slip the dress off of her. He discarded the unwanted fabric and slapped her ass fairly lightly making Fallon moan, leaving a faint mark on it.

He grabbed her hips and raised them up, Fallon propped herself on her elbows. James rubbed the red mark that he made on her ass and suddenly smacked her again, this time harder, in the same spot. A loud crack echoed through the room making Fallon arch her back and moan.

''Shit...'' She bit her lip almost trying to hold back a smile as James moved his hand to rub his fingers through her folds.

''You're soaking doll'' He grinned and suddenly smacked her ass again. Welt like bruises forming on her skin. The sting was painfully beautiful. James reached over and slid his fingers in her luscious hair and suddenly grabbed it making Fallon arch her back with a groan. ''Will you be a good girl for me?''

''Yes sir''

''Good'' He let go of her hair and sunk down to his knees. ''Then you'll come all over my face, before I fuck you like the slut that you are''

Fallon groaned as she bit her lip and felt the stubble of his bear over her thighs. He licked up her thighs towards her dripping pussy. Before Fallon could even fully moan out, he flattened his tongue over the sensitive bud flicking it a few times.

''Fuck..'' She groaned and pushed her hips back further into his face desperately chasing the release she so wanted.

James grabbed her hips to steady her as he continued to assault with his tongue. Lightening like sensation was going through her body and a knot forming at the base of her belly. Her knees felt like jelly threatening to give out.

''J-James I'm going to come...'' She gasped as she desperately tried to buck her hips against him to get even more friction but before she could chase down her release he pulled back. ''N-No...'' She whimpered.

''Thats for teasing me earlier'' He grinned as he licked some of her juices of his lips and traced a finger over the red skin on her ass.

Fallon slightly groaned in frustration. ''Maybe I'll just have to tease you more often'' She sounded out of breath.

''That bratty mouth of yours will get you another smack'' He grumbled.


''You want me to spank you again?''

''Yes sir''

James face spread into to devilish grin. ''Where have you been all my life'' He rubbed the red skin with his palm before lifting it up and cracking it over her skin with slightly more force this time. Fallons little body shuddered at the action. ''Again?'' He asked.

Fallon nodded. ''Yes please''

He lifted his palm again, cracking down at her ass cheek harder. It echoed through the room along with Fallons moans. ''I'm so close'' She gasped as she felt James drop to his knees again and attack her cunt with his mouth. Desperately sucking and lapping at it. Seconds later Fallon gasped as orgasm washed over her body like a wave. Her vision went blank and she bucked her hips against him in desperation and pleasure. His tongue was heavenly, the best sin she has ever felt. She felt her own slick run down her legs and she collapsed on the bed, turning her head to look behind her at him.

James chuckled as she tried to wipe his face off. ''Damn... Now I know how to make you squirt '' He grinned as he licked his lips. Pride swelling in his chest. Fallon hid her bright red face back into the bedsheets and groaned. James chuckled as he flipped her over so she couldn't hide. ''More please...'' He smiled in that most charming devilish grin the world has ever seen and leant down to kiss her. The kiss quickly turned heated. The desperation between them never fading. Before Fallon could hook her bound arms over his neck he pulled back and started undoing his belt. The bulge in his trousers almost looking painful. ''Can I tie you up to the bed?'' He asked and made eye contact with her.

Fallon licked her lip and nodded. ''Yes''

James eyes bore into hers, as he pulled the belt our of the hoops of his trousers in one swift movement. Fallons face changed into panic for a brief second before she collected herself and gulped down. James held eye contact with her the whole time as if to reassure her and looped the belt around the knot of the tie and then looped the belt over the edge pillar of the bed frame and tightened it together making Fallon stretch out.

''So beautiful for me'' His eyes raked over her body like an animal with a prey in front of him. He stood up to take his trousers and boxers off.

Fallon spread her legs apart showing him her glistening pussy. ''I thought you will fuck me like the good little slut that I am sir?''

He looked up at her and then raked his eyes down her body to her cunt he looked like he fell in love with her at that moment. ''Fuck... You will kill me doll'' He knelt in between her legs rubbing his throbbing and pre cum leaking cock in between her folds, coating it in her slick.

''Please sir. I want you to fuck me'' She said again and bucked her hips. She was so desperate to feel him, her pussy was clenching over nothing.

''God you're so sexy when you beg'' He positioned the tip at he entrance and pushed in slightly.

''P-Please sir '' She said again breathlessly, desperately trying to move her hips up but James placed his hands on her hips holding her down.

''Beg me again'' He said, she swears his eyes turned a shade darker.

''Please sir fuck me'' She looked at him, her eyes glazed over from lust. She felt pathetic beginning him like this. But somehow in some strange way she felt like she held so much power in this situation.

James slammed into her in one movement, making Fallon gasp and tug at her restrains. ''So tight for me, princess'' He said as he pulled out all the way making Fallon whimper and slammed into her again with a groan. Bottoming out. He wiggled his hips slightly and then picked up a sweet and agonisingly slow pace. Fallon desperately tried to move her hips to make him move faster but he had an iron grip on them keeping her down. He leant down traced her nipple with his tongue before he bit down and then started sucking on it.

It felt like nothing in the world made sense anymore. Just their two bodies moving together in unison. In desperate act to be closer to one another. Morph into one another. Be absorbed by darkness together.

James moved his attack to the other nipple making it pebble in his mouth. Fallons body was covered in sweat, and it was so sensitive that her skin felt on fire. She thought she was on fire. Or maybe its just the world around her.

''I'm... James'' She gasped as she watched him suck on her nipple.

''Cum for me doll'' He muttered with her nipple between his teeth. His hips so painfully slow but harsh. Such a contradiction to one another.

Fallons body snapped like a twig as second orgasm washed over her. If it was possible it was stronger than the first one. James violently bit down on her nipple tugging on it. As Fallon screamed and tugged on her restrains marking her wrists all over again.

''Shit doll I can feel you coming all over me'' He groaned as he let go of her nipple and leant back to look at the bed below them that now was now soaked through. He grinned and picked up the pace of his hips not allowing Fallon to compose herself.

She swears those ruthless slams from James hips will leave bruises on her hips but she didn't care. She wanted him to fuck her till she couldn't remember her own name.

Her was body spread out perfectly right in front of him. Just for him. And James couldn't take his eyes off of her. Her moaning, her twitching and begging riled him up so much he felt like an animal. He reached over with one hand and wrapped his thick fingers over her dainty neck and squeezed. He grinned when Fallons eyes rolled back in her head. He loved that he knew her body so well already. He wanted nothing more than to please her and make her feel good.

''One more orgasm princess'' James said in a raspy voice and Fallon whined, her body was so consumed by pleasure that she wasn't even sure if she understood him. ''I want to feel you cum all over me again. So perfect when you cum on my cock'' He said as he moved his other hand to rub her swollen and very sensitive bud.

'' Shit'' Fallon arched her back and moaned as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her vision blurry from lack of oxygen in her brain. Walking the thin line of pain and pleasure. Her body almost convulsed at the height of her third orgasm. She screamed his name in a coarse voice.

James gasped at how tight she squeezed him making him spill out inside of her without warning. He leant down and placed his lips against hers while his body twitch from his overly sensitive orgasm. Their heavy breathing making their chests rise and fall dramatically.

Fallon chuckled slightly once his grip on her throat loosened. ''Fuck...'' She flopped her head back down on the bed. Her body felt like jelly, all tingly and weak. Her ass cheek stung.

James reached over and wiped the tears of her cheeks with his thumbs and leant down to kiss all over her face. Fallon chuckled and scrunched her face up. He chuckled too. ''You okay?'' He asked softly as he pulled out of her and leant down to kiss her lips again.

''Amazing'' She smiled, her skin glowing with slight sweat.

''I know its not something we actually spoke about... and I must admit I definitely have never been this careless but..'' He looked at her as he started to undo her restraints carefully as not to make them tighter.

Fallon had her eyebrow arched and then laughed at his worried face. '' Don't worry I am on contraception and not going to be coming after you for child maintenance money'' She snorted.

He shook his head and took her wrists into his hands examining them and then placing a few gentle kisses where the marks from the silk tie were. '' I am by no means fit to be a father but if that was your decision you would be getting a lot more than child maintenance money''

Fallon pulled a face. ''Okay... that got too serious too soon.'' She chuckled and watched him. '' I appreciate the gesture but you don't have to worry about me getting pregnant''

''Just wanted to make sure we not continuing doing something stupid''

''Is that how little you think of me?'' She mocked him.

''Not what I meant and you know it'' He rolled his eyes and laid down next to her pulling her in closer to him ''Being a responsible adult and all that''

''Since when are we so grown up'' She laughed and nuzzled into his overly masculine chest. It felt like home.

''Since we decided to rule New York''


''Yes we. Will you take a dance with the devil darling?'' He grinned and extended his hand our for her.

''Oh darling you might be underestimating which one of us is the devil'' Fallons voice was sweet. However, she took his hand and he suddenly pulled her up.

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