promises - edmund pevensie

By prdxqx

180K 3.6K 574

"I want you to promise me that you will find someone that will love you as much as I have" | THE COMPLETE TRI... More

author's note - 11 aug. 2021
a/n - 04 sept. 2021
update - 9 nov. 2021
update - 27th dec. 2021
update - 20th August 2022


385 15 1
By prdxqx


ˏˋ°•*⁀➷DELETED SCENE #4 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
(act i)



THE PEVENSIE'S AND EMILY had been living in Narnia for nine years. In Narnian time, of course. Peter is 26, Susan is 25, Edmund and Emily are 23 and Lucy is 19. Lucy and Emily are closer than ever. And Lucy is much stronger.

Courtesy of Emily. The two practiced all day, while the two Kings answered requests from the people of the country.

The evening spring air whistled past. Only slightly creating a breeze for the two girls. Still outside. "Lu, attach your arrow and lift the bow up." Emily instructed Lucy.

Lucy did as she was told, using two fingers to hold the arrow in place on the string. "Hold on," Emily reached forward, picking out a third finger for Lucy to hold onto. "Always use three finger when holding your arrow, you'll have better grip." Emily gave her a small smile as Lucy nodded, turning her face back to focus on the target.

"Okay, now focus on the middle of the target and aim slightly away from the middle of the target. It is a bit windy so keep that in mind. Focus. Focus is key." Emily pointed out.

"Unless your in a life-threatening situation." Lucy smirked, glancing towards Emily. "Uh-huh. And.. what do we do in a life-threatening situation?" Emily asked, raising her brows.

"Shoot immediately." Lucy repeated Emilys words from earlier. Emily motioned for her to let go of the arrow. Lucy let the arrow fly and it hit the rim of the middle of the target.

Lucy squealed in excitement. Emily quickly hugged her, wrapping her arms around Lucy's body. The two jumped around celebrating. "You're learning so well, Lucy! Soon you'll be as great as me and Susan." Emily linked her left arm with Lucy's right arm as the slowly walked back into the castle grounds.

"I'll never be as good as you and Susan." Lucy confessed. "Nonsense! You are doing so well. I'm really proud of you, Luce!" Emily reassured. "Now, come on. I think we're late for dinner."

"We are?!" Lucy burst. "Peter and Susan won't be happy with us." Lucy added. "Well, that's the fun part!" Emily answered, dragging Lucy by the arm towards the huge dining room, for the five of them. Lucy giggled, linking her arm with Emily's once again as they skipped through the concrete halls and towards the large door that lead to the dining room.

As they both pushed open the big doors of the dining room, laughing loudly at themselves after Emily almost tripped over nothing. Their smiles dropped when they saw the silence among the rest of the Pevensie siblings.

"Nice of you two to join us." Peter began. He was sat at the head of the table, as usual, Susan on one side and an empty seat left for Lucy on his other side.

Next to the empty seat was Edmund, who seemed slightly amused by the two girls. Susan also looked extremely disappointed as Peter was. "Sorry, we're late." Both the girls apologised.

"Just sit down, the two of you." Susan ordered. The two girls, glanced at each other and unwrapped each others arms, moving to their seats. Lucy took her seat on the empty seat to Peter's right and Emily moved around the table, past Peter and Susan and took her seat next to Susan and opposite Edmund.

"Where were you two that made you so late for dinner?" Susan questioned as Emily sat in her seat.

"I was helping Lucy practice her bow and arrow skills." Emily answered. "She doesn't need those skills. She's not going out into war anytime soon." Peter addressed.

"Peter, I'm not a little girl anymore. I need to know how to survive if there is a war." Lucy pointed out. "And what if Lucy needs to find food. If she gets stranded somehow. She should be able to hunt." Emily pointed out as she ate the food off her plate.

"That's enough, you two." Susan said. "Besides, me and Peter have news!"

"You both are being put into a mental home?" Emily muttered under her breath. Edmund snickered, hiding his laugh by looking away. "We are hosting a ball to the other kingdoms!" Susan declared.

"What!" The three younger children shouted, all their cutlery clattering against their plates "But it's only March. You're annual ball isn't until July." Lucy pointed out.

"It's a different kind of ball, Luce. It's a masquerade ball." Susan replied, eating more of her food. "What's that?" Lucy questioned.

"It's a ball where everyone has to wear masks to hide their identity and at midnight everyone reveals their masks to show who they really are. It'll be a chance for the three of you to find potential husbands and wives." Susan explained.

"I'd rather hang myself in the stable." Emily said at the sound of a husband. Lucy grimanced at the thought. "Lucy isn't even 20 yet? And you want her to be married off. And I don't want to marry anyone!" Edmund pointed out.

"Edmund, the girls love you. Just give them a chance." Peter advised. Edmund grimanced at the thought. "Yeah, Ed! Give the prissy princesses a chance." Emily smirked, placing the last bit of her roast potato in her mouth. "Ha, very funny!" He squinted his eyes at her and stood up.

"Ed! Where are you going?" Susan questioned, frowning at her younger brother. "Away." He simply answered. "I'm not hungry anymore." Lucy said and stormed away, out of the dining room.

"Well, that went well." Peter spoke up. "I can't believe the two of you." Emily stated, standing up, downing what was left of her wine, slamming it onto the table and storming towards her room.


It was the evening of the masquerade ball. Emily sat in the bath, zoned out, overthinking about the ball. All the people. All the men. All the potential husbands. That was the point of this. She didn't see Susan presenting herself for marriage. And neither was Peter. So why did Edmund, Lucy and her have to be the ones.

"Miss Emily? You all right in there. The ball is in 45 minutes and we haven't begun on your hair." Emily's maid shouted from outside the bathroom door.

Emily internally groaned, slipping out the bath, drying herself off as her maid helped her into her ball gown. Emily's hair was scattered with small plaits among her curly hair.

Nothing too extreme. It was a very basic hairstyle. Once Emily was ready. Her maid tied her mask around her eyes. Emily looked at herself in the full body mirror. "Are you sure people won't recognise me from this?"

"Don't be silly they won't!" Her maid waved her off. "It's quite obvious. My features are quite noticeable." Emily pointed out. "Oh, shush. Go to your ball and have fun!" Her maid pushed her towards the door and slammed the door in Emily's face.

Emily rolled her eyes and made her way to the ballroom. With the thrones. There were fauns at the front doors, opening them for Emily as she walked in. She lifted her dress as the doors opened so she couldn't trip on the end of it.

Heads turned at the sound of the door opened and those around her, audibly gasped. Emily awkwardly looked around the room, noticing the table filled with drinks. She did a small curtesy before making her way there as everyone returned to their usual conversation.

Emily reached the drink station, picking up a glass of champagne and taking a sip. "You certainly turned some heads." A voice spoke. Emily turned her head towards the voice.

It was a girl with dark brown hair and a light purple gown. "Susan, it's quite an extraordinary ball you created." Emily pointed out, glancing around at the party. "Shhh. Em, keep your voice down!" Susan scolded her.

"I don't want to find a husband." Emily sighed. "I know." Susan replied. Emily frowned, glancing at Susan. "So then why are you doing this?"

Susan sighed, placing her drink on the table. "Archenland want to form an alliance with us. And me and Peter thought it was best to make one of you three to marry someone from the royal family up there." Susan explained. "How perfect." Emily sarcastically pointed out.

"But there aren't enough family members for the three of you to marry. So, I included you as well. I asked Peter to keep you out of it. But he knew that they would protest and say how 'it's not fair how Emily escapes everything'." Susan further explained.

"Right, Susan. Thanks for the inclusivity." Emily slightly raised her glass. One man turned at the sound of Susan's name. "Queen Susan? Oh, may I have this dance?" The man asked, holding out his hand for Susan to take.

Susan gave Emily a look of disapproval. Emily, in return, raised her glass, smirking before gulping the drink as she walked in the opposite direction.

Emily made her way to the food table where she helped herself. "And what's a pretty lady like you doing by the food. Shouldn't you be dancing with the prince of your dreams?" A voice spoke.

Emily turned her head to the voice. It was a man about her age, a black suit with light brown messy hair. His eyes were brown and he had a small smile on his face.

"Why would you assume that I don't already have the prince of my dreams?" Emily asked, placing a hand on her heart sarcastically. The man chuckled, lowering his head.

"Well, where is your prince then?" He questioned, glancing around before looking down at Emily. He was also quite tall as well. "I don't have the prince of my dreams, yet." Emily concluded.

"Well, in that case. Would you care to dance?" He held his hand out for Emily to take. "I would be delighted." She took his hand and he lead her to the dance floor.

The two waltzed around the ballroom with the other couples. After each song, the two practically ran to the drinks table for more champagne. They were drunk. Very drunk.

One of the dances was a slow dance. Emily wrapped her arms around the man's shoulders, while his were on her hips. Her head was laid on his chest as they swayed to the slow music. She didn't even know the man's name. But that didn't matter.

She wasn't going to see him again. And why not have some fun. Lucy and Susan watched form the side, watching the two dance together. "Do you think that's—?" Lucy began.

"No! Of course it's not! Their hair colour is completely different. Well, his is lighter anyway." Susan pointed out at the guy Emily was dancing with.

Emily stroked the man's back with her fingers, an idea popping into her head. She removed her head from his chest and leaned up to his ear. "Do you want to go somewhere a little quieter?" She whispered.

"You lead the way." He whispered back in her ear. They pulled away from one another and Emily grabbed his hand leading him out of the ballroom door nearest to them.

"Where are they off to?" Lucy questioned, reaching onto her tiptoes to see where they had disappeared to. "Oh, Lucy. You'll understand one day." Susan sighed, downing the rest of her drink.

Emily lead the mystery guy through Cair Paravel's walls and towards her bedroom. "Come on. Hurry!" She whispered excitedly to him.

Yes, they were still very drunk. She pushed open the door to her room and she dragged the boy into her room. The door slammed with a large noise.

The boy immediately pinned her against the wall nearest to the door and passionately kissed her. Emily immediately kissed back, running her hands through his hair and down his face and neck to the jacket he was wearing.

She grabbed the fabric, pulling it off and undoing the first three buttons of his shirt. There was a loud clang. Meaning that the clock had struck midnight. "Time to take your mask off, love." The man began, smiling down at her.

She slowly took off her mask, slipping it off her head, revealing her identity. She looked up at the man. "Ahh. Queen Emily. I finally see how truly beautiful the High Queen is." He smiled.

"And what about you." She reached up and pulled off his mask. "I'm Prince George of Archenland." George revealed.

"Well, Prince George," Emily began, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Are extremely hot." She leaned in to kiss him.

He immediately kissed back but pulled away making it a short kiss. Her back was fully pressed against the wall, his hands were gripping her waist as he glanced down at her, smirking. "Oh yeah?"

"Just shut up and kiss me." Emily leaned in again, her hands ran up and down his chest and his shoulders as she kissed him. One of George's hands moved to move Emily's hair out of the way and he pulled away from the kiss and began kissing down Emily's jaw and down her neck.

Emily leaned her head back against the wall, closing her eyes, sighing at the sensation.


The Pevensie siblings sat at breakfast, their plates empty. "I think it's safe to say that last nights party was a success." Susan began, ruining the awkward silence between them. "It was a horrible night." Edmund concluded. "It was not. I actually had a very nice time, surprisingly." Lucy said, frowning at herself.

Edmund scoffed at her. "Edmund, did you find anyone suitable to potentially be your wife?" Susan questioned, taking a sip of her orange juice. "No. I don't like any of them." Edmund blatantly stated.

Susan rolled her eyes. "Ed, do you have to be so stubborn all the time? Why can't you give them a chance?" Susan questioned in annoyance.

Edmund only stayed silent, not daring to make eye contact with his family. Susan and Lucy shared a knowing glance from across the table. "Where is that girl?" Peter questioned looking towards the dining room doors.

"I'm sure she'll be here soon." Susan assured, placing her hand on top of her brothers. "She's probably asleep in her bed with that guy from last night." Lucy giggled, remembering watching Emily run out the doors with him.

Edmund frowned, glancing towards his sister but thinking nothing of it.

"Lu!" Peter scolded. Just as Peter said that, Emily walked through the doors, her hair a mess and an oversized button-up white shirt.

Lucy turned towards Peter, flashing him a 'I told you so' look. Edmund looked up at the sign of movement in front of him. And he saw Emily with someone else's shirt on.

He frowned as she sat down, looking extremely worn out. There was a silence as the siblings all looked at Emily, different looks planted across their faces. Peter cleared his throat. "Right, shall we begin?"

The fauns bought in the plates of breakfast and each of them were given their breakfast. Emily slowly ate her food, while the others ate normally but nobody spoke a word.

Edmund kept stealing glances at Emily. He stared at her for a minute too long and noticed something purple on her neck. And that's when he realised.

He dropped his cutlery on his plate, catching the attention of everyone at the table. "I'm not hungry." And he stormed off. Just like the other night.

Lucy and Susan glanced at each other and then at Emily who watched as Edmund left the through the door. Emily turned her eyes away from the door and slightly jumped at the three pairs of eyes staring at her. "What?"

Susan and Lucy raised their eyebrows at her. "Do you want me to go talk to him?" Emily asked, glancing between the two. "Emily, just go and get ready. Please." Susan advised.

Emily looked down at what she was wearing. "Right. I'll be down later." She stood up from her seat and made her way back to her room.

When she got back, George was still asleep in her bed. She picked a pillow that had been thrown on the floor and whacked him with it.

He startled awake. "You psychopath." He said, looking up at her. "That's how you wake people up?" He questioned, raising a brow at her.

"What happened last night? And why am I wearing this?" She questioned, referring to the top she was wearing.

"We were drunk. I'm sure you can guess what happened, love. And you took my shirt. Which I'd like back actually." He summarised, shrugging his shoulders. Emily's eyes widened. "We did what?"

"You didn't like it?" He questioned, standing up from her bed. She didn't answer, she just rolled her eyes. He smirked, reaching to unbutton the top she was wearing.

Emily immediately slapped his hands away. "Hands off." She scolded him, staring up at him. "You're grumpy in the morning." He noted, flashing his eyebrows with a smirk on his face. "I would just like my shirt back, if you don't mind, love."

Emily rolled her eyes, before turning her back to George and unbuttoning the shirt, leaving her in her underwear. She stuck her arm back and handed him his shirt, as he smirked at her behaviour.

"You don't have to hide from me. You certainly didn't last night." He said as she walked towards the bathroom. "Out. I don't want you in here." She turned him away.

He chuckled to himself as he buttoned up his shirt only halfway and slinging his coat over his shoulder and walked out of Emily's room.

As he was walking down the hallway, he almost bumped into Edmund walking down the hall, in a huff. "Watch where you're going." Edmund said, as he bumped into George.

George smirked as he made his way out the castle. Edmund shook his head at the guy before stopping in the middle of the hallway, realising. The shirts were matching.


A few days later, Emily was in the small village in front of Cair Paravel, looking around at the pretty flowers. She wanted to take her mind off what had happened the past few days.

She had hardly seen Edmund as he never wanted to eat with the rest of the family and if he did, he would only stay for a few minutes before heading off claiming he was not "hungry".

As she was searching around the small market, she was holding a basket filled with some fresh fruit. She noticed an arrangement of beautiful flowers and moved to smell each of them.

"Em?" Emily turned at the nickname, her face falling when she noticed who it was. "Didn't expect to find you here." George carried on, raising his brow at her. "You don't have permission to call me that." Emily told him, beginning to walk away.

"Right, I forgot how stubborn you were." Emily turned back and glared at him. "You barely know me at all." Emily scoffed.

"Well then, this is my chance to get to know you." George remarked. Emily raised her brow at him. "I want nothing to do with you." Emily pointed out, turning to walk away.

George jogged to catch up with her as she walked back up towards Cair Paravel. "Thats a shame for you." He began.

Emily stopped, as he kept walking until he stopped, noticing she had stopped. "What on earth are you on about?" She questioned.

George sighed, looking down and avoiding eye contact with Emily before explaining. "My father wants to make a deal with High King Peter to unite our countries together."

"Peter? I'm the High Queen, above Peter. Why am I not deciding on this union of our two countries?" Emily asked in frustration.

"They mean an arranged marriage." George whispered. "Absolutely not. There is no way I am being married off to form a new alliance. I'd have to leave all my friends and my position at Cair Paravel." Emily angrily stated.

"You'd have me." George added. "I do not care. I am not leaving Lucy or any of them for the matter. I am not accepting your proposal." Emily finished and stormed away. George sighed, running his hand through his hair and began walking off.

Edmund stood on the balcony, arms crossed on the railing of the balcony, he had witnessed the two's interaction, jealousy etched across his face.

Yet, he did not know what words had been exchanged between them. He looked out onto the misty scenery of the woods surrounding Cair Paravel, the wind whipping against his clothes, setting his cup of wine onto the balcony side.


Emily stormed back into the castle and into the large sitting room, where both Susan and Peter were sat. Both occupying themselves with books.

"I am going to murder you both." Emily began as she stormed into the room. The two elder royals jumped at the outburst.

"Em, whatever do you mean?" Susan questioned. "Your plan to marry me off to the Prince of Archenland?"

"Em, you have to understand." Peter began, standing up from the sofa, walking towards her.

"Understand what? I specifically told you that I did not want to be married off to any man, let alone a Prince. I shall not!" Emily protested.

"Em, there was no other choice. The King has ordered that you two are to marry. Otherwise it's war. We need to unite our countries. We cannot afford another war." Peter explained.

Emily stopped, her eyes watering. "So, I am going to Archenland, to be married off. For the sake of our country?" She questioned.

"Yes. It's the only way. The King did not want anyone else to marry his son." Emily shook her head, scoffing. "I really appreciate it, Peter. I'll just let them remove my title and have all these other girls walk over me because they want the Prince. Thank you so much for making my life terrible." Emily finished before storming out the room.

"You handled that well." Susan acknowledged. "She'll understand eventually. She'll do us well." Peter sat back in his seat.

"And what of Edmund and Lucy. They'll be devastated." Susan reminded him.

"They'll understand. Besides there's nothing we can do." Peter finished.

Edmund, who was stood outside the other door, listening in to the words exchanged, was shocked.

He knew what words were exchanged while he was stood on the balcony now. And it made him furious.


Later that night, at dinner, four sat at the table. The usual absence of Edmund was still there. "Are you sure he's okay?" Emily asked, as they waited for the food to be bought out.

"He's still in one of his silly, grumpy moods. He will come to his senses eventually." Peter noted, taking a sip of his wine. The food began to be bought out and placed on the table in front of the royals.

The servants still laid out a plate for Edmund even if he didn't turn up. Whenever he didn't turn up, Lucy would steal the food for herself, smiling giddily as she ate.

Just as the four began tucking into their evening meal, the loud doors opened, signalling someone had entered.

Each of them turned to the entrance seeing Edmund scratching his head as he kept his head down.

He sat down in his seat, next to Lucy and opposite Emily, not making eye contact with anyone as he sat down.

"Where've you been for the past few days?" Peter began, leaning back in his chair. "Doesn't matter. I'm here now." Edmund answered, beginning to eat his food.

"It does matter, Edmund. We need you. We need you out helping those soldiers train in case of an upcoming war." Peter continued.

Lucy frowned, stopping eating her food. "Upcoming war?" Lucy questioned. "Since when?" Peter sighed, glancing towards Susan.

"The Kingdom of Archenland are threatening war with us unless we unite our countries. In the last few years, we've lost so many soldiers. They can provide us with soldiers. And they can provide the less able down in the village with provisions. If we don't unite our countries, we'll all be gone in the next few years at most." Peter finished, picking up his cutlery and continuing to eat his food.

"Would we still be considered royals if we do unite the countries?" Lucy questioned, slowly beginning to eat her food.

"I'm not sure yet, Lu. That's up to the King of Archenland." Peter answered, glancing at her.

"How exactly are we going to unite our countries?" Edmund questioned, looking around at the other four. Peter and Susan stopped, glancing at each other.

Peter cleared his throat. "To unite our countries, the King wants his son and Emily to marry. Or else, its war." Peter explained.

"What!" Edmund and Lucy gaped, glancing at each other. "She'd stay here. Wouldn't she? She doesn't have to go to Archenland." Lucy asked, glancing between her elder sister and brother, looking for confirmation. Peter sighed, glancing at Susan.

Lucy's face dropped as she heard Peter's sigh. "She'd have to go to Archenland. She wouldn't be able to stay here. That's what the King said." Susan explained. "No!" Lucy blurted out, standing up from the table with tears in her eyes. "She can't leave me. She can't leave us!"

"Lu, calm down. Sit back in your chair." Peter reassured her. "No. I can't believe you two!" Lucy cried before storming out of the big dining room doors. "Well, you handled that well." Susan noted, glaring at Peter.

"Archenland is a horrible place." Edmund noted. "And how would you know? Did you visit there in your few days you haven't been with us?" Emily scoffed, sitting back in her chair. "I'm just saying, why would you go there when you can be here with people you actually like." Edmund pointed out.

"I am just as shocked as you are. This is news to me also." Emily argued back.

"Liar. You already knew." Edmund answered. Emily frowned, turning her attention to him. "And how would you know that. We haven't spoken in days."

"I saw you and him talking. I wondered what you were talking about until I overheard you and Peter arguing in the living room. But if you want to go off and marry the Prince, I won't be the one to stop you." Edmund got up and stormed off after Lucy.


Edmund made his way throughout the halls of Cair Paravel to find Lucy. He finally reached her room and knocked on the large door. "Go away, Peter." A voice croaked from inside the room. Edmund slightly opened the door. "It's not Peter."

Lucy looked up from her spot on the floor. She stood and ran into her brothers arms. He welcomed her with a hug, lightly stroking her back as she cried in his arms.

"I don't want her to leave, Ed. I'll be all alone." Lucy cried. "You have Susan." Edmund pointed out, pulling away from the hug.

"Susan doesn't understand. She's always busy with something." Lucy huffed, slumping on her bed. Edmund sat down next to her. "Fine, you and me. We stick together to get through this."

"What? Are we going to bond over loosing Emily?" Lucy questioned. Edmund sighed. "More or less." "Ed, we all can see you like her. You don't exactly hide your jealousy well." Lucy pointed out, smirking.

"Fine, I'll admit. But I have no chance now. I know she's going to do it. For the sake of our kingdom. And I'd rather her to go there than the dumb Prince come here to live with us." Edmund admitted.

"Oh, yes. The jealousy would be worse. I don't think we would be able to handle the tension." Lucy joked, sniffling.


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