Bullied by the mafia son •Com...

By prixessjoy

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#1 Heartbroken #3 Crush As a Mafia King son, I had given myself a rule to never fall in love with any girl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 32

894 23 0
By prixessjoy

Justin pov

I was happy that marcel came to talk to me, the joy that I felt was something I couldn't explain.

When Marcel asked me if I wanted to stay away from him , I really wanted to say no but I kept my cool and ignored him.

I continued doing what I was doing  but something spark into me when Marcel hit me hard on the locker.

I was annoyed but I kept my cool, hitting him back as I talked a little before I walked out .

But I knew deep inside that I couldn't strip Marcel out of the football club.

I can't kick him out , he's the one that made me started finding interest in it. Normally I just play it because my father wants me to do it to hide my identity.

But lately I started enjoying it .

I noticed that Marcel wasn't focusing so I just benched him .

After practice Marcel walked up to me and started talking but I wasn't really listening to him I just wanted to lay in a quite place so I decided to walk away but he said something that made me stop .

He mentioned someone name, the person that was important to me.

Did he follow me yesterday, I wasn't able to think much as I lost all sense of morality pitting him in the cheek.

He fell down and I wasted no time in climbing on top him and hitting hit continuously.

But I was pulled by one of my team mate and i decided to pour my anger on him before returning back to Marcel.

I don't know what took over me but I pour my anger, pain I waa going through.

I expected marcel to hit me but he didn't so i stopped and held his collar "how dare you call her name, how dare you follow me, you don't have the right to do that ".

But then he mummered "am sorry" and I couldn't help but let go of his collar as I looked at Marcel who look at me with so much pain.

I felt sorry for him but he made me do it as tears started to pour from my eyes.

But then Marcel used his other hand to block it from my teammate seeing me cry.

Then I said "why can't you leave me alone marcel , why can't you".

I can't Justin no matter how i try I just can't .

Please tell me what's going on , you are not your self again . Marcel said.

I put my head down , you are making things harder for me Marcel .

Please just tell me what's going on.

I looked at Marcel and as I was about to open my mouth to talk, couch came in.

I got up from Marcel and the only thing I had was detention and we are suspended from football.

I just walked out , I don't know why you covered for me while I keep hurting you Marcel.

I just can't believe I almost told you my biggest secret thanks to couch.

I just walked in the hall way as I rested my back on one of the locker as I slide to the floor.

Why me , why me , why me, I didn't mind if anyone saw me as a tears fell from my eyes.

I just looked at the floor as i cried silently.

Minutes later I cleaned my eyes and i knew my eyes was already red

I just sat there for how long i knew.

Then I saw someone foot standing in front of me then I raised my head slowly to look at the person in front of me.

I saw it was Bella , but I was too weak to do anything as I just rested my head on the locker closing my eyes.

I knew that it was late and people most have gone home but I didn't care , I just closed my eyes.

And then I felt someone sat beside me and I didn't bother to open my eyes to see who it was.

Minutes later I found myself falling asleep as my head rested on someone shoulder before I let the darkness consume me

I opened my eyes which was blurring and I felt something on my shoulders.

I used my hands to rub my eyes and looked at my shoulder and I saw it was Bella.

I saw she was sleeping peacefully on my shoulders as I just didn't want to wake her up or even disturb her at all.

I just stared at her as I saw a string of her hair on her face .

I raised my hands and put it behind her ears.

Then I found myself resting my hands on her face rubbing her cheeks. But when I realized what I was doing I quickly redraw my hand from her face.

But I couldn't help but stare at her.

I don't know the feeling that I felt but I loved it in a way.

I don't understand this feeling and I felt like talking to someone but I can't.

I sat there for a while but she didn't wake up .

I stared at my phone to check the time and it was pretty late.

I wanted to wake her up but a part of me didn't. I still wanted her to stay on my shoulders as i decided to wait a little if she would wake up

But she didn't so I put my hand under her nose to check if she was still breathing because I was a little worried 

I saw that she was breathing and i sigh a little not to wake her up.

I continue staring at my phone to distract my self from looking at her and it helped in a Way.

One hour later I was still in that position and she hasn't woken up so I decided to drop her home without waking her up

I gently removed her head from my shoulder resting it on my chest as I put my right arm under her leg and my left arm at her waist.

Taking a deep breath as I lifted her up as I made my way to my car

I look at Bella and saw she was still sleeping and I felt like I was carrying a feather she doesn't even have weight at all as i jusy smiled.

Opening the door of my car and putting her in carefully putting her sit belt.

But as I was about to close the door her head came out as I adjusted it well for her before I drove to her house.

I didn't drive fast because I didn't want to wake her up and I want to still feel her head on my chest

Minutes later I was at her house and I looked at her and saw she was still asleep.

I got down and went to get side opening the door unbuckled her sit belt before carrying her again in my chest as I went to the door.

But it was locked I guess her mom isn't around .

I checked her bag and saw her key there and opened the door removing the key then closing the door.

I was about to put her on the couch but then she came too close to me and her hands went around my waist and i just stood here while my breath was taken for a moment.

I then saw the stair as I guess her room will be there.

Reaching here I was looking for the right door as I was her name written boldly on her door before opening it

Her room was beautiful not pink like other girls but blue as I layed her on her bed gently.

I stared at her because I noticed how beautiful she was

I kept staring at her, I didn't want to go but I stood up but a hand held me as I looked and saw she was still asleep as I smiled removing her hand before I went out of the house driving to my lonely home.

Bella's pov

I was in school bored as the teacher kept talking.

I already knew the topic he was teaching and I was bored as fuck. Immediately the bell rang i ran like someone was chasing me.

But then I heard my name as I looked back I saw Marcel and I gasp when I saw he was badly injured.

He's eyes where barely opened , and his cheek was swollen.

I quickly went yo him "what the hell happened to you ."

But he kept quiet "don't tell me that you and Justin got into another fight again".

He just kept quiet and I knew he and Justin got into a fight. I quickly held Marcel hand and took him to the school nurse.

But she was no where to be found.

"Am fine Bella, you don't have to worry."

No you are not fine at all, I said.

What happened to you .

"I and Justin got in a fight and it's my fault, I shouldn't have said what I said now we got suspended from football team and we have detention for a week."

"What did you say that made him go berserk."

But he just kept quiet as I started applying cream to lessen the swollen part.

"I know you don't want to talk about it but i won't force you at all".

He just nodded with a sad smile on his face before he murmured a sorry.

"It's fine , you don't have to."

We talked for a while that i didn't realize that school was already over.

"Bella I need you to do something for me".

"What is it," I asked

"Can you go and meet Justin right now he's down, I saw him in the hall way before I called you and I know he's still there.."

"You know I can't he literally hates me and you know that I can't go near him when he's still angry about the fight you just had with him."

"I know but he looks helpless can you please just go and meet him, he looks helpless sitting on the floor, i might not be the best person to see him right now even if i want to go and meet him..

It's only you that can help him right now and i know that deep inside Justin doesn't hate you at all".

I looked at Marcel who waa looking at me with pleading eyes as i just sighed and said okay

I took a deep breath before I walked out leaving only Marcel In the room

I walked to the hall way as i stopped when I saw that Justin was looking at the floor.

Truth he looks helpless and i took a deep breath before I went to stand in from of him.

Then he slowly raised his head up as I saw he's eyes red.

Has he been crying?

What the hell happened? I said to myself

He just rested his head on the locker closing his eyes and I couldn't help but admire him for a while.

Then I sat beside him , I wanted to ask him what happened but I knew he doesn't look like the person that wants to talk do I just respecter that

I continue staring at him but then I quickly looked forward, this is the second time am close to him like this

And I couldn't breathe well.

I loved it at least he didn't shout or give me cold attitude as I just rested my head too on the locker.

I guess I feel his emotions too, sometimes words are not used to explain how we feel but out silence gives a better description of how you feel.

I was in my thoughts for a while but then I felt something on my shoulders and I froze

I didn't even want to look as I froze for like two minutes before I turned and saw it was Justin sleeping on my shoulders peacefully.

I couldn't help but smile as a tears fell from my eyes. I didn't want to cry not to wake him up.

I looked at him for a while before I brought my hands on his cheeks.

I was lost just by looking at him, he was handsome, he was so handsome than other guys I've seen.

The one that stole my heart, the first guy I have ever loved, the guy that took my first kiss away.

I loved him, so much that no matter how he hurts me I just can't find a way to hate him.

"I guess this is what it means when you love someone you'll never imagine yourself do things you thought you'll never do".

I brought out my phone as I took a picture of the both of us with me smiling in the picture.

I looked at the picture as I added it to my favorite.

I quickly used it as my home wall paperwork and it was beautiful.

It's like we fit each other and I couldn't help but smile. I felt like we were meant for each other but I knew that can't happen.

Sometimes I wonder if Justin ever like me, he acts nice to me like the time we were project partners then he acts as if an a disease to him

I hate that feeling because everything I feel him treating me well it makes my heart race.

I looked at him again as he was still sleeping peacefully in my hands.

I didn't know when I bent and pecked his forehead.

Living me to smile again or even blush am madly in love with Justin.

"Why can't you love me back, I really love you that I can't stand it when you are talking or with Madison".

"Anytime you are sad , am always sad , I wish you could share your problems with me. I don't think I can ever love a guy like the way you do."

"I wish you'll see me differently, I even dream about you, you've occupied my mind in school , at home and even in my dream". I said as a small laugh came out of my mouth.

"Loving someone takes within a day but the pain that comes with it shatters you like a knife piercing through your heart slowly."

"The shortest word I know is I "

"The sweetest word have heard is love"

"The person here with me is you".

I looked at Justin one more time and a smile erupted on my face.

"I love you Justin, a lot I never imagine I'll love the person that made my life a living hell"

"I fell in love with my bully Justin pentagon".

After saying that I rested my head on his head smiling as I started feeling sleepy.

And I didn't know when I slept off too.

But then I felt conscious a little bit when I felt someone carrying me in a bridal style as I shifted closer to the person.

I felt safe, protected as i didn't want to let go of the person .

Then I felt my body laid on a soft thing and I knew it was a bed then I felt someone hand on my cheeks and that's all I knew before the darkness took over me.


Marcel pov

Looking at the scene before me was so heart warming.

I look at how Bella was looking at Justin with so much love and I couldn't help but smile. I quickly brought out my phone as I look a picture of her staring at Justin sleeping on her shoulder.

But then she leaned in and peaked him on the forehead as i snapped it.

This scene was Soo beautiful, only Justin can't see the love she has for him.

Only if he knows that the people his hurting are the ones that care for him the most.

Bella was the right person to see him, only if he could see how she loves him with all her heart.

I saw how she started taking pictures with the both of them and this is the first time am seeing her smile so wide.

She smiles but this one was different it held so much emotion and happiness in her smile and I couldn't help but smile.

I looked at the beautiful scene but then Bella looked at him and started speaking, I couldn't hear what she was saying so I moved closer but I made sure I made no noise

I took my phone as I started to video what she was saying.

It was her confessing her feelings to Justin and I couldn't help but smile a sad one.

Am sure she's in pain right now , if only Justin could see this video.

After she was done she laid her head on his head and slept off .

When I sae that the both of them were deeply asleep I came out and stood in front of them.

Taking a picture of both of them.

They look so cute together so much and i ship both of them together.

As I decided to go clean myself up because I look like a mess.

After I was done I decided to wake Bella so she can go home because it's late before Justin finds her sleeping on him.

But then I saw Justin awake staring at her as I couldn't let this moment go to waste snapping him and Bella sleeping.

Then he held her cheek as I snapped that too.

I know deep down that Justin is in love with Bella but he hasn't realized it because of the pain he's feeling..

He let him take over him and then making other emotions bury deep inside him

I saw and watched the beautiful moment before I saw Justin carry Bella in a bridal style and I couldn't help but take another picture again .

I watch as he put her gently in his car as if she's going to break any minute if he leave her careless .

I watch as he drove away as I made my way to my car before driving home.

Reaching home I was glad that my parents were not around and my sister was asleep..

I went to my laptop transferring all the pictures to my laptop and I couldn't help looking at the pictures over and over again and watching the touching video.


The next day i went to school pretty late because I was suspended from football.

I went to my class and then i saw Bella after class, I waved at her as she did.

We talked for a while and I said

"Bella there's something I want to show you".

I brought out my phone to show her the pictures but then I heard my name.

Marcel time from detention, I turned and saw it was Mr Mark but then he said and you too Mr pentagon.

I turned and saw Justin but he had the same expression on his face as he just passed I and Bella..

I waved at Bella telling her later but then she said "thanks for taking me home yesterday".

I stopped my track and looked back before I said "it wasn't me that took you home, it was Justin"

Before I walked away to detention class.

I was bored as hell.

Justin didn't even talk to me at all , he didn't even look as if I existed or someone that was sitting at the side of him

I was sick and tired of this as I said "am sorry Justin".

He didn't even turn to look at me.

"I Know I shouldn't have followed you and even say her name Mrs Ali......."

I wasn't able to complete my statement when I heard the sound of chair and table on the floor upside down.

"Don't even mentioned her name ever again."

I saw as our teachers jumped up from his sleep but then Justin walked out of detention and I followed ignoring Mr Mark shouting our name .

I quickly held Justin stopping him"I know what I did was wrong and I regret it which is why am trying to apologise to you".

"I know am not the right person to be talking to you right now but then please don't hate me , I don't think I'll be able to stand it if you hate me "

The look at Justin face softened a little bit as he just sighed.

I brought out my phone to show Justin yesterday picture but Bella came running to me ..

"How are you feeling now, I brought lunch for you"

I don't think she knows that Justin is besides me and I looked at Justin whose face was already hard now.

So I just said Bella as she looked up and then I looked at Justin then her eyes lift up.

Before she walked in front of Justin saying "are you ok"

But Justin just walked out but then Bella held his hand

As Justin just stood frozen there.

"Are you alright , please don't hate me, I swear i was only worried about Marcel and I didn't notice you were there."

Bella you shouldn't have said that, you aren't helping the situation at all. I said to myself as I just watched.

Justin just remove his hands from Bella but she held it again but what shocked me was when she hugged him

As she started crying , i just look at Justin who was frozen but Bella didn't even leave him at all.

I saw as Justin raised his hands attempting to hug her back but he stopped mid way as he just put his hand down..

But then Bella broke the hug as she looked at him "don't you feel anything at all".

And I already knew where this was going

I saw as Justin look at Bella with a confused face as he doesn't understand what was going on

"What do you mean, you asked me the same question the night we met in the convenience store".

Wait they met outside the school and I didn't know what the hell is going on as I looked at from Justin to Bella and from Bella to Justin..

"How can you not know what I meant at all Justin"

I looked at Bella as i saw the hurt on her face but I couldn't do anything Justin really need to know what she meant.

But then Justin looked at me as I looked at the locker avoiding his eyes before he looked back at bella with the same face

"I think I'll get going now" Justin said.

But bella stood in front of him stopping him.

"Can't you tell at all, this time she screamed at him

Just look taken aback and confused.

"Can't you fucking tell Justin"

There was a long silence before Bella said.

She cleaned her eyes before she looked at him

"I love you"

"I fucking love you Justin"

And I could see the shock on Justin face .


Awwwwn I love this chapter so much, I wish things will work well for Bella and Justin.

I really can't wait for Justin reply because I really don't know what will happen.

Don't forget to vote and comment
Love ya ❤️

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