Youkai Academy

By wolfYLady-sama

8.8K 511 53

Ouran Academy, only the best, brightest, and richest children can attend. And apparently, they're youkai too... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: Part 1 of 2
Chapter 16: Part 2 of 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 5

456 27 1
By wolfYLady-sama

Opening the door to the club room had Kagome speechless. Before her, in the large pink music room stood a fantastical vision of a tropical paradise. The air was heated with the smell of fruit and flowers pulling her into the magical illusion. A shiver of familiarity that brought with it a bang of loss and longing. The scene before her being composed mostly of kitsune magic.

Stepping in, Mitsukuni came running up to her with a huge grin. "K'gome-chan!" Catching the young demon, Kagome offered him an equally big grin and warm greeting as she pulled him tight to her chest in a welcoming hug. She held him there, taking comfort in the short hug; he smelled of chocolate and candy, reminding her of the kit she left behind.

"Hello, Hani-senpai," she slowly set him down. Behind him was Takahi, who offered her a short nod in greeting, whereas the twins gave her a sing-song hello in unison. "So is this the surprise you tried warning me about Mori-senpai?" he nodded with a grunt, a pale shade of pink coloring his cheeks- thankfully unnoticed. "So, do I get a costume?"

Mitsukuni nodded excitedly as he looked at the twins. Between them stood a mannequin with a Balinese tropical outfit that looked to have been made of fine fabrics and bright, colorful patterns. It consisted of a chest wrap and skirt, but after Kagome examined the beautiful outfit, she shook her head sadly, her mind going to the large scar running along her side and the many others that told the story of her adventures in the past. She wasn't ready to have to explain them away.

"I'm sorry, but I can't wear that," she said sadly but made a quick lie. "If I did, everyone would know I'm a girl. Is there anything else?"

Kaoru nodded, his cheeks heating as she looked up at him with her large sapphire eyes. In them was that sadness that he'd first seen a week prior when she'd joined, it seemed to always be there, and a part of him wanted nothing more than to get rid of her sadness. That thought had his cheeks immediately darkening.

The next outfit that was produced was a white shirt with a silk sash and brightly colored Kamen wrapped around the hips and overlaying a pair of pants. Then there were gold accessories that went on the ankles, wrists, and forearms. Although it wasn't as intricate as the other outfits, it would at least be comfortable and easier to keep her true gender concealed. There would be some scars showing but nothing too big as to draw attention.

Quickly putting it on in the dressing room Kagome then went about exploring the decor of the room. There were tall palm trees and beautiful tropical flowers that brought with it a lively fragrance. It smelt and felt just as she imagined it would.

Kaoru was the first to approach her, a flower lei of bright red hibiscus flowers in hand. "Don't want to forget your flowers," he said with a simple smile.

Kagome smiled happily, accepting them, not knowing that a strange set of scars were visible, ones Kyouya took particular note of. On both arms, in the same placement, were claw marks that had torn the skin outward, to a human, they wouldn't be of much notice, but to a demon, he knew exactly what they were. Kyouya was finding Kagome to be more and more interesting the more he tried to investigate; her files were locked, and he couldn't retrieve any personal data from the school's archives.

The club continued like Kagome had been expecting, and her guests were just as flustered with her as ever. It was actually kind of cute. She'd only ever been given this much attention from Kouga and Hojo- Inuyasha, although an old crush had never paid her much attention- but even with those two, they had simply fawned over her instead of showing interest in her as a person or getting to really know her.

She found herself almost blushing with the way the girls looked at her with such intensity and sincerity.

"Kagome-kun, that costume looks so good on you!" One cheered with a brilliant shade of red coloring her cheeks.

"Really?" She asked with a chuckle before smiling at the girl in a charming way that had the girl looking far more red in the face. Thinking to play the part of a charming young man, Kagome leaned closer. Taking one of the red flowers, Kagome gingerly placed it in the girl's chestnut hair, securing it behind her ear. "There." Kagome's voice came out in a low tone, just an octave deeper than normal. And the girl's reaction was instant, her eyes wide and cheeks practically glowing. Her lips parted with a small gasp. "Now you look just like an island princess."

The girl sunk into her seat as Kagome pulled away, allowing her fingertips to linger for a moment on her cheek.

Around her, Kagome's other guests squealed in feverish joy, and her fan club all but fainted in their delight. But Kagome only smiled gently, looking every part the ignorant gentleman despite the sudden pride she felt.

One of her guests nervously meets her gaze, a hue of pink dusting her round cheeks. Kagome smiles politely, watching the girl before green eyes shined with determination, finally finding the courage to speak.

"Are you excited about the dance next week?"

"Dance?" Kagome echoed owlishly before Kagome was hit with a memory of Tamaki bellowing excitedly about the dance that the club would be hosting. It was to be a wondrous event and held in the Central Building. The way he had spoken made it sound like a European Ball from the 17th century, but all in all, Kagome was excited despite her lacking dancing skills.

"Oh yeah," she smiled kindly. "I don't really know how to dance, but it sounds like a lot of fun, especially since you ladies will be there, right?" Kagome made sure to lean in close to the girl, her hand caressing a lock of the girl's dark blonde hair.

The girl turned red and nodded feverishly. Her other guests repeated the first girl's response with excited cries of 'yes' and 'of course.'

Kagome was really starting to get the hang of being a host.


After having changed into her uniform, Kagome took her place at the table with the rest of the members of the club. She boredly grabbed a book from her bag, deciding it would probably be best if she got a head start on her studies. And to be honest, she didn't really pay all that much attention during their club meeting; most of the club's activities were already planned out by Kyoya and Tamaki; these meetings were simply a formality at this point.

"I cannot accept this!" Tamaki cried dramatically. Kagome, annoyed, looked up slowly, her patience wearing thin.

Hikaru lazily turned to the blonde who had been moping all afternoon. "My lord, stop eating commoner noodles and help our planning for the dance party!"

Kaoru, in much the same manner, sighed. "Is he so displeased with the fact that Princess Kasuga prefers Haruhi now?"

"Her illness isn't something new," Kyoya explained.

"Illness?" Haruhi asked worriedly.

Kagome offered her a wide-eyed shrug, not at all understanding what they were rambling about. "She looked fine to me."

Hikaru perked up, seeming far too happy to explain. "The "host-wandering" illness."

"Oh," Kagome whispered more to herself. "You guys have too much time on your hands." She grumbled before turning back to her book.

Kaoru continued the explanation. "In other words, the "switch guys every now and then" illness."

Haruhi nodded, giving Kagome an "I regret I asked" look. The two both grew solemn, as if taking strength in the fact they weren't alone in this insane asylum.

Seems the guys still hadn't picked up on their disinterest as Kyoya took his turn in explaining. "Usually, regular customers decide on a host and designate them forever, but she has a habit of periodically changing her favorite. She'll undoubtedly be going to Kagome next."

"Just before this, that favorite was Tama-chan, right?" Honey asked.

Kagome dropped her head onto her hand, while Haruhi looked at them dumbly. "Ah, so it's just because his customer got snatched away."

"NO!" Tamaki screamed. "That's not how it is! Alright! I can't stand it anymore! Haruhi, look more like a woman already!"

"Huh?" Haruhi blinked before looking to Kagome, who looked up with a confused and annoyed expression. They stared at one another before looking at Tamaki and then back at each other.

"He does know that's not how that works, right?" Kagome asked in amazement. Somehow this youkai kept her guessing. The next couple of minutes had Kagome cradling her head, trying her best to suppress the migraine that was starting in her temples. And no matter how much she told herself to watch her temper, she simply couldn't.

Tamaki pulled out a large portrait, in it surrounded by roses, where the blown-up images of Haruhi's and Kagome's middle-school ID photos. "Daddy wants you, girls, to go back to how you use to be!" He cried dramatically, large tears overflowing from his eyes.

"What the hell!?' Kagome screamed, chucking her book at the blonde. The corner hits him square in the forehead. He fell back, almost in slow motion, with a loud cry. Storming up to him, Kagome began to stomp and kick at the blonde. "You fucking pervert!" She berated him. "What else have you done!? If I find out, you have any other pictures!" Tamaki gave a small cry as Kagome emphasized her implied threat by continuing to beat the blonde. Some may think she was going too far, but with him being youkai, Kagome would argue she wasn't hitting him hard enough.

The other members gave the scene a bored pass over before focusing on the portrait. It was nice in a creepy way, their images had been blown up, and yet both girls had a youthful and clear complexion, painting them both in a flattering light. It looked really good, but that didn't stop it from being disturbing and intrusive.

Cocking their heads to the side Hikaru started. "The more I look at it, the more I'm in awe. How did "this" become "that"?" he referenced the more boyish-looking Haruhi.

The girl gave a bored shrug. "The day before the first day of school, a kid in the neighbourhood put gum in my I cut it because it was bothersome. I really don't mind if I'm taken as a guy. Besides, to pay off my debt before graduation, it's much easier being a host and getting designations than being someone who does trivial chores."

"Mommy, save me!" Tamaki cried, briefly pulling the group's attention back towards the bruised blonde.

"How's he talking to?" Kaoru asked.

Kyoya gave a heavy sigh. "Position wise? Probably me."

Bored, Kagome grabbed her discarded book and rejoined the club conversation.

Seeing her, Kaoru grinned, giving her a high five that she cheekily gave. "By the way, do you have any ballroom dancing experience?

Hikaru finished. "That's a must for the party, eh?"

Haruhi looked at them nervously, looking to Kagome as if looking for backup. "Eh? But... the party has nothing to do with my assignment, right? I'm not interested in events, and actually, I'd like to be absent -"

Jumping up, as if he hadn't been thoroughly beaten up just moments ago, Tamaki looped a bruised arm around both Haruhi's and Kagome's shoulders. "No, ballroom dancing is common knowledge for a gentleman.I f you want to take the path of a host that much, show me exactly how serious you are, Haruhi-kun. If you cannot master the waltz in one week and show it off at the party... you will have to expose yourself as a girl and will be demoted back to trivial chores!"

Haruhi deflated, whereas Kagome growled before turning around and beating up the blonde for the second time and what would undoubtedly not be the last time.


The piano played in the background as Haruhi practiced dancing with one of their customers: Kanako.

Kagome, on the other hand, was begrudgingly being held in the arms of Tamaki. The normally excitable blonde was depressed as he simply went through the motions of dancing with her; his violet eyes were downcast as they stared after Haruhi.

Despite how energetic and idiotic the young youkai could be, Kagome was coming to find he was mostly just naive and inexperienced, but he tried. Although from the look of it, Tamaki had some confusing feelings towards Haruhi, and possibly herself seeing as he kept referring to himself as their "daddy"- now that's a bit creepy.

A tap on her shoulder had her finding the kind golden eyes of Kaoru. He was smiling in a mischievous way that almost had her nervous as his eyes gleamed intently. "I'll be taking over from here," pulling at her waist Kagome clumsily fell against his chest and out of Tamaki's weak hold.

The blonde sputtered angrily.

"Get away from my Kagome!" He cried, briefly snapping out of his stupor, "Your interrupting our family bonding time," but was comedically stopped by a banana peel that from the sneaky grin on Hikaru's face had been placed there on purpose. As the tall blonde fell, he yelled: "Curse you, shady twins!"

Kagome laughed before looking at Kaoru. "Thanks, Kaoru," she smiled.

He raised a brow but nodded with a 'no problem' response before adjusting her hand placement so that she was in the leading role.

"So why is Tamaki-senpai in such a gloomy mood?" She mindlessly asked, her eyes following their feet, making sure to remember the steps necessary.

Quick, quick, slow. Quick, quick, slow.

Hikaru came up behind her, hands on her hips to correct her posture. Kagome had to fight off the blush; she was, after all, being sandwiched between two attractive young men- youkai.

"I heard he wanted to be Haruhi's dance partner," Hikaru chuckled, his laugh being echoed by his brother's.

"It's impossible for him to be Haruhi's female partner because of his height." Kaoru snickered. "He was still leading with you too,'

Kagome, despite her best attempts not to be clumsy, she tripped, falling into Kaoru's chest. For a moment, she had expected to fall, but his arms had only tightened, pulling her tightly to him as he corrected their position. She looked up, catching worried gold and red streaked across her cheeks. They were so close, the way he held her far more intimate and their faces only centimeters apart.

"K-Kaoru," Kagome blushed, her voice barely a whisper as they stared back at one another. The music continued in the background, but all Kagome could focus on was the youkai holding her so tenderly.

"My turn!" the world around Kagome seemed to spin, her body feeling weightless before she was being pulled away. She was being spun before being dipped, allowing her to see Mitsukuni's warm honey-colored eyes.

She giggled as the shorter teen began spinning her around. They laughed through the rest of the song.

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