Unwelcomed Guests

By that_one_weasel

429 12 1

This is a TFP and TSX crossover, for those who don't know what TSX is, (Transformers Series X) it's my own ve... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

87 2 1
By that_one_weasel

Limping through the forest, using nearby trees for support, I wondered about the groundbridge that had appeared. Groundbridges were meant to send you to one location to another, but when I had fallen through, the place looked the exact same. But then again it was a forest, it was full of trees and green. Green was an odd color.

Pain flaring from my abdomen caught my attention, it obviously would. Pink energon spilled all over my hand, frag. I trudged through the forest, coming across a rather wrecked.. barn? I think that was the human term. It looked abandoned, which would be perfect to make a pit stop to patch myself up and heal. I stumbled over to the barn, forcing the barn doors open. One of the barn doors fell to the ground. Oops. I slid inside and nearly collapsed. I settled down and immediately got to repairing my injuries.

POV Switch

"Hurry up you two! You bunch of lazy bums!" She impatiently stood upon on a steep hill, waiting for her two comrades to join her.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Her taller comrade questioned as she helped him up.

"Nope!" She exclaimed, grabbing ahold of the shorter member of the groups hand and pulling him up. "Now come on!" She ran off, the two after her.

"Miko, slow down!" The taller comrade yelled out to her, grabbing the shorter ones hand before going after her. The bots were all busy and Miko had insisted on going out to explore. After running through the groundbridge for Bumblebees mission.

"Shouldn't we let the bots know where we are?" Raf questioned as they came to a stop.

"Yes we should."

"But, we should definitely check out this first!" Miko exclaimed as she ran towards something.


"Jack!" She mockingly yelled back. The two running after her. "Woww, what happened to this?" She questioned, pointing at the fallen barn door. Jack looked up at the barn, inspecting it as they got closer.

"Um, guys!" Raf stepped back, pointing towards the inside of the barn. The other two looking at what he was pointing at, only to be greeted with a red glowing visor staring back at them. The dark figure resembled that of a cybertronian. This mysterious cybertronian had gotten up abruptly, shocked by the humans appearance, only to fall back down.

"Woah." Miko awed, wanting to go closer.

"That's it, I'm calling the autobots!" Jack backed up. The mysterious bot immediately started shaking their head and attempted to go towards them, only the fall to their knees.

"It's- it's injured, I think?" Raf stated, seemingly very unsure.

"That's why we should call the autobots!"

"It doesn't want us to." Raf said, fairly certain this time.

"We need some more light!" Miko exclaimed as she started pushing against the intact barn door, it was barely opened. The door suddenly opened all the way with ease, Miko nearly face planting. The bot had managed to get closer, and open the barn door for her. The light shined brightly, the mysterious bot now alot more visible. Aswell as the Decepticon insignia on its chest.

"Miko!" Jack exclaimed, pulling her away from the con. The con was nice blue color, its entire frame littered with scars. Miko awed over the scarred con, Jack glared at the con as he kept the two behind him, and Raf looked upon the con in curiosity and fear. The con only stared at the three before retreating back into the barn.

"What do we do?" Raf whisper yelled.

"I say we call the bots." Jack said, again.

"Well I say, we befriend it!" Miko retaliated, recieving strange looks from the two. "Think about it! If we can befriend this con, maybe we can get them to join the autobots! And Optimus will be so proud of us!"

"And angry. He'd be mad we didn't tell him about this!" Raf argued. But there was no way he was going to change Mikos mind.

POV Switch

I had gone back to tending to my wounds, I heard the three earthlings argue over something. I figured they weren't worth it, and would only bring problems upon me with the autobots if I harmed them. My hands were now stained in my own energon, but atleast I was patched up. Mostly. I had gained the habit of carrying medical supplies on me at all times since before the war, although I mainly didn't carry it for myself. Hearing pede steps, I looked over to see the female earthling running towards me, the taller male earthling chasing after while the other stayed behind. "See? I'm right here and he isn't squishing me." Miko, as I recall, said while leaning on my pede. Humans. Weird creatures. Never had the chance to study them.

"Miko, get away from it!" The black-haired male ordered, he was worried. And I did want her off my pede, considering it was currently injured. I lightly pushed the female off, being careful of my claws. Adjusting myself so I could lay my pede down. I inspected the wound on it as the two started bickering. It wasn't too deep and wasn't leaking too much. I vented as I got to work on it. After a while, the sight of the small male right infront of me caught my attention. My sight wasn't the best, considering both my optics were heavily damaged, but I had learned how to use my unique ability to tell where and how close they were to me. The rather huge holes in my optics made everything a struggle, but over time I got quite used to used the corners of my optics to see everything. He seemed quite hesitant and scared from my presence. His thoughts and emotions lingered ever so quietly. Perhaps I could use these humans. They seemed to have a good relationship with the bots. The small human seemed interested in my injury, it wasn't leaking as much by now but it was most definitely stained.

"Is this.. energon?" The human asked, I only nodded in reply. I got back to tending to it, as much as I could. I didn't exactly carry a bunch of medical supplies with me, I did carry first aid, which at the moment was very helpful. "But, it's pink." The human inspected the energon. Of course it was pink, energon is pink. What other color would it be? I nodded. "So it's meant to be pink?" I nodded once more, getting back to the injury. The other two humans had come closer as well, now interested in our one-sided conversation.

"Wow, isn't energon blue?" Miko asked. I shook my helm. Why would it be blue? I had done all I could for my injuries, it wasn't the best but it would do. I started getting up, only to totally fragging eat it. The humans managed to get out of the way.

"I think we should call the bots, then Ratchet can get a good look at those injuries." The small human suggested. No way was I going to have autobot help. I got up, much slower this time, limping towards the exit. The humans following after. I exited the barn only to be met with an autobot.

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