Don't Be Foolish (Naruto Mal...

By MarilynneCadance1218

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Hadeki has a curse on his family that he intends to break. The thing is, his family isn't a normal Leaf Villa... More



437 14 3
By MarilynneCadance1218

(Before any of you think you skipped a chapter you didn't but I realized I labeled half of them wrong and I'm too lazy to change the chapter names again so from here on our this is chapter seventeen even though it's technically sixteen. 🤣)

I look around at everyone who passed the first test. It's impressive how many passed.

I stand with my squad at the front of the death forest gate. I've been in this forest before.

My uncle once trapped me in the forest for a month as survival training. It was good training and I would definitely do it again. So here I am, doing it again.

Anko our new examiner is explaining the rules. The same stuff, try not to die, finish with the rest of your squad and steal a scroll.

There are two different types of scrolls, Earth and Heaven scrolls. You're given one and while you survive in the forest you have to take the other scroll from another squad.

I'm surprised at how easy it's going to be. You just have to steal one? I thought we would have to find both or something.

Some ninja hands me a paper of terms and conditions.

I scim over it and sign while I wait for Naruto and the others to finish.

I look around and read every ninja.

Most are normal knock-offs but some are powerful. I'll have to remember to keep my squad away from some of them.

"You'll be out there for five days of survival" Anko says "I only have one more thing to say, try not to die."

I chuckle but no one else does.

I meet up with my squad again and we all go to the tent where we give our terms and condition papers to the men.

They hand us a heaven's scroll and we walk to a gate.

"Who's holding it first?" Sasuke asks.

"I will!" Naruto says.

I put my hands behind my head and say "Maybe we shouldn't give it to you right now Naruto. You couldn't keep track of your knife remember?"

Naruto grumbles.

"I'll hold it" Sasuke says.

I shake my head. "Why?" Sakura asks.

I look at her "Right now we are considered the weakest team but the only team with four members. People will want to see how strong we are. They think the strongest on our team is Sasuke so they'll already be going to fight him normally and I'm sure that they think we'll let him hold it"

"I bet you think you should hold it then" Naruto grumbles.

I scoff "You kidding? No way! I hate holding things. I'm afraid I'll drop it"

"Then who?" Sasuke asks.

I nod at Sakura "I doubt they'll suspect us to give it to Sakura, you know, since she doesn't yell out or show off her power"

I give the other two looks making them grumble.

"Me?" Sakura asks.

I nod "If you think you can."

I take the scroll from Naruto and bounce it from one hand to the other.

"I guess I can," She says thoughtfully.

I smile "Okay but you need to keep your head. This forest really gets to your head"

She nods "I can do it"

I smile and blow out making the dust rise up around us coveting our presence.

"What are you doing?" Sakura asks.

I hand the scroll to Naruto. "Everyone is watching us right now" I say in a quieter tone. "They heard me telling you guys that Sakura is going to have it. So through this entire game we're gonna pass it between each other. No one suspects Naruto to have it."

Naruto puts the scroll in his belt and grins. "Alright" He says happily.

I look at Sakura who looks like she's in astonishment. "Oh good! I didn't think I would be able to have it first" She sighs in relief.

I smile and turn when the dust falls away.

Sasuke scoffs a little but I just stare at the gates.

"Go!" Anko yells.

Everyone runs forward but I walk in with my hands in my pockets.

I follow my squad while looking around.

Okay, if I remember right, the tower we're supposed to go to when we find the scrolls are in the middle of the forest.

The worst animals in here aren't very sneaky so we'll be able to avoid them all.

Of course I haven't been here since I was four so it might have changed.

We walk around for awhile when Naruto says "I need to pee!"

He turns away and starts to unzip his pants.

Sakura hits his head and says "Oh no you don't! Not in front of me! Go find a bush or something!"

Naruto grumbles.

I frown "We probably shouldn't separate like that. Someone should go with him"

Sasuke and I look at each other.

"I'm not going with him." Sasuke says.

"Come on! I need to go!" Naruto complains.

I sigh and turn "Fine I'll go." I say walking after him.

We walk a few feet away and I lean against a tree while Naruto does his business.

I play with my yoyo while I wait.

There's a rustle near us and I stop playing to look around.

"Ahh! That feels better!" Naruto says walking to me.

"Shh" I say looking around.

Naruto frowns but holds his stomach.

"I gotta go again," He says, turning.

I look up at the branches as they rustel "Stay here, I'll be back" I say. I stop walking though as I turn to him "Hand me the scroll, I don't want to leave you here with it"

He tosses the scroll over his shoulder as he sighs in relief again.

Catching it I quickly jump and climb the tree to the leaves and branches.

I look around then hear another rustle.

I chase after it as it moves away quickly.

The sound is getting louder as I get closer. Finally I close in on it and jump out grabbing the thing.

To my surprise it's a bird.

It's a blue Jay with beady eyes. It's chest is thumping against my fingers as it seems terrified.

I let go of the bird when I hear Naruto make a yelp sound beneath me.

I drop down and look around. Naruto is nowhere to be seen.

"Perfect" I grumble.

At least I took the scroll before he became lost.

"Sasuke!" I hear Sakura scream.

Turning I run towards her voice.

I break through brush to see Naruto tied up on the floor, Sakura standing on a big root and Sasuke fighting some weird ninja.

The ninja flees into the forest leaving us alone.

I quickly untie Naruto and ask "What happened?"

"He ambushed me when I finished relieving myself," Naruto says, chuckling nervously.

I roll my eyes and turn to Sasuke "Sasuke are you okay?" I ask.

He nods then says "Just some rip off ninja"

I smirk "You do realize we're all rip off ninjas unless we pass right?"

Sakura walks up to us.

"Did he get the scroll?" She asks.

I shake my head "No, I took it before he could"

"That's good," Sasuke says.

We all sit down to rest as Sasuke starts to tell us a password so we can tell each other apart from the fakes.

Naruto forgets it and I realize that Sasuke doesn't plan on him remembering it not word for word at least.

Suddenly something blows hard and slices past Naruto's cheek.

I turn to see where it came from.

"What now?" Sasuke asks, getting up.

We all get up and I look down the long strip of open forest.

My eyes widen "Move!" I yell jumping up and abandoning them.

A sudden gust of wind almost as strong as a tornado hits them and separates them from each other.

I land in the high branches of a tree. Where I'm safe.

I watch Naruto get flung a mile back while Sakura and Sasuke get blown to the sides.

It hit them hard and I'm almost surprised that they didn't move quicker. I'm always surprised when someone on my squad doesn't do something I was trained to do at birth. I don't know why though.

I watch as a squad of three appears. They are earth ninja's. The one in the middle was a tall woman with a snake like tongue that could grow very long.

She had a certain thing about her that should send off chills.

I watch as the other two earth ninja's go off in different directions.

She changes into a fake Naruto and walks to where Sasuke and Sakura landed.

I watch her but wonder who I should help. Naruto or Sasuke and Sakura?

Sasuke is good but is he good enough to fight against this woman?

I think but then decide to check Naruto. He isn't a very good fighter so I need to make sure that he's okay.

Once I see he's fine and on his feet I'll go help Sasuke and Sakura.

I run through the forest and after a minute I see Naruto.

He's laying on his back against a tree.

For a second I think he's unconscious.

Then I hear him groaning and muttering to himself.

Okay he's fine, now I'll go help the other two.

I run back when I hear Gaara's partners calling for Gaara. I look at them but decide to ignore their calls and keep going. A minute later I run into Gaara who's standing on a branch.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

Gaara looks at me and frowns

"I'm trying to find my squad. We got separated" Gaara answers.

I nod and wonder if I should tell him that they are a just a few minutes away.

Finally I point behind me.

"About two hundred yards back they're calling for you and making themselves big red targets" I say.

He groans and rolls his eyes to the sky.

"They're such idiots" I nod and we pass each other.

"Oh, and your teammates are in trouble," Gaara says before disappearing.

I frown and run to help.

Getting within forty feet I can feel the strong bloodlust in the air.

I look down and see the woman staring at Sakura and Sasuke who are shaking in terror and have fallen on the floor.

She must be showing off her bloodlust to paralyze them.

I use my Chakra to protect myself from the force of the bloodlust and terror in the air.

As soon as I do it all disappears.

Just then she throws two knives at my frozen teammates.

I don't think they can move.

I move quickly and appear in front of them catching both knives in my either hand. I stand there as the wind seems a little delayed from the movement and hits right as I look up at the woman.

Oh yes, I can see why my squad can't move.

We've been out here maybe thirty minutes and my team is already petrified.

I need to teach them how to block bloodlust before this test is up because if this is how fast they fell over then we are in trouble.

"That's some nice bloodlust. It's a shame it was so sloppy though" I say, looking at the woman who is a little shocked from my sudden arrival. I point her own knives at her "What, did you practice that your entire life or did it just come to you this morning?"

She smiles a little "Oh little boy, you think that's all I can do"

I smirk and flip the knife around my finger.

"Actually I'm hoping that's not all cause if it is then this will be boring" I say.

Her bloodlust increases as I stare into her eyes "Wow," I say "I felt a little chill that time"

She chuckles "What are you going to do? I swallowed the scroll so you can't just swipe it from me and your teammates are in no condition to fight. You can't possibly think about fighting me alone."

I don't need to look at them to know that they aren't ready for a fight. It was as plain as day.

Come on guys get a grip. Figure it out, she's just messing with your head.

"You swallowed it?" I ask, tilting my head.

She smiles and chuckles. I raise the knife to my face and say with an eerie tone "Then I guess I'll just have to rip it out of your stomach"

Her smile falls at the sudden change in my tone.

I drop my arm and she finches. "But like you said I don't plan on fighting you alone. This is a team test so I'll have to wait for my team to fix themselves up" I say, smirking.

"What?" She asks in surprise.

I raise a hand, ready to throw the knives.

She lifts her hands to catch them but I turn last second and fling them at a branch while I kick my foot up making a gust of wind push dust up to hide us.

I grab Sasuke and Sakura then jump away.

While I would fight her and get her out of the way I have to get them out first. If she tries to hold them hostage then it could make things difficult.

I jump them away and set them down.

"Sakura?" I ask looking at her.

She stared at the floor still shaking. Wow, was I like that the first time I felt bloodlust too?

I'm surprised Sasuke can't move though.

"Sasuke!" I say turning.

He suddenly lifts up his knife and stabs it into his leg to wake him up.

I stare at him in surprise. Okay that was clever and yet stupid. Many animals can smell blood in here.

The sudden stab brings him back and makes Sakura gasp, waking from her stunned trance.

Sasuke groans and rolls over.

"Sasuke are you okay?" Sakura says shakily.

Sasuke puts his hand over her mouth and looks behind the tree.

"What was that?" Sasuke asks me his entire body shaking.

"Bloodlust" I say "She showed her Bloodlust of what she planned to do so you could see it vividly."

Sasuke stares at me "What? She stunned me from Bloodlust"

I nod. "It can stop most people and can kill the weak"

He grits his teeth "How do we fight against that?!" He hisses.

I feel something to my right and turn right as Sakura screams.

My eyes widen as I grab Sakura and push Sasuke off of the tree.

A huge snake the size of two of the tall trees leaps for us.

I jump away with Sakura and land on a branch.

The snake looks at us and hisses.

We land and it launches for Sasuke. "Sasuke move!" I yell.

Sasuke in a desperate attempt flings his throwing stars at it screaming "Get away!"

I watch as he hits the snake in its kill points.

The snake falls to the branch under it and is still for a moment.

Sasuke stares down at it shaking.

Sakura is vibrating me from her shaking body.

Suddenly the Snake rips open at the neck revealing the blood thirsty woman smiling and jutting out her tongue.

Her bottom half is completely snake like and slimy as she stared at Sasuke.

"There you are!" She hisses "In your desperate attempt to get away you let your guard down"

She laughs making her tongue jut out.

Sakura is shaking so much that it's making the branch shake.

"Sakura," I say, grabbing her shoulders and turning her to face me.

She stared at me as she shakes like she was in the Antarctica wearing a bathing suit.

I look into her terrified eyes and say "Get a grip."

That shocks her. She was obviously expecting some sort of words of comfort.

Her eyes move to look at the snake lady as she laughs.

I turn her head back to me. "Don't look over there" I demand.
She stops shaking as much as I stare at her with firm eyes "If you can't handle this then leave." I say "Leave us to fight the snake lady and find Naruto or something to help us. You're of no use to us like this. So either get a grip or go find Naruto."

"But-" She starts.

I shake my head "No. I just gave you two options, pick one. When I let you go you better make up your mind otherwise you'll die"

She stares at me in a weird way. Finally she nods and I nod.

I let her go and turn to the snake lady, pulling out my yoyos.

Something tells me that she isn't who she is posing to be.

I fling my yoyo out and swing to stand next to Sasuke.

Sasuke gasps as I land next to him.

"Can you fight?" I ask quietly while I stare down at the snake lady as she slowly slivers herself up to us.

"What?" He asks in shock.

I turn my head to him completely ignoring the snake lady as she gets closer.

"Can. You. Fight?" I ask slowly.

He understands my meaning. I'm asking him if he's gonna stay or run away on me.

Finally he says "She's very powerful. We are outskilled"

I frown and turn back to her.

"If you believe that" I say, getting ready. "Then you're a fool"

Right as the woman is about to reach us throwing stars come out of nowhere and land in her path stopping her.

She gasps and looks to where they came from.

I do too and when I see who threw the stars I smile.

Naruto stands on a branch grinning at us.

"Hey what was that password again?" He asks.

I grin "Took you long enough" I call.

"I like the late entrances," Naruto says smiling.

Sasuke next to me yells "Naruto get out of here!"

I turn to Sasuke in surprise. Was he suggesting retreat?

Naruto frowns.

"Yeah right!" Naruto says, turning to the woman, "Hey! You better leave my friends alone before I turn you into shoes!"

The woman's tongue just out and pulls back in. "Oh, fresh meat" She says.

"Naruto shut up and run!" Sasuke yells again.

Okay that's it!

I grab Sasuke and slam him against the tree with my arm against his throat.

What is wrong with Sasuke?!

"Who's side are you on?!" I growl.

He struggles to get free but I don't budge.

"You better get your priorities straight before I kill you myself" I snarl.

He glares at me "We can't fight her!"

I glare into his eyes and see the fear for his own life.

I release him and drop my arms by my side in fists.

"No you can't fight her" I say "Naruto and I will."

"No you should run!" Sasuke argues angrily as he reaches for me.

I kick him against the tree and hold my foot on his chest to keep him in place

"What are you?" I ask with fury in my tone "A ninja or a coward?"

Sasuke tries to push my foot away but I release him and turn.

"You shouldn't fight," Sasuke says quietly.

Naruto shakes his head "No way! I'm gonna fight!"

I smile inwardly. While Sasuke is strong he's worried about his own skin. Naruto can't be stopped. He'll fight and fight until he passes out.

Naruto is the kind of fighter I would want beside me in battle.

Sakura and Sasuke are frozen in fear but it should have worn off by now.

Are they choosing to accept the fear?

"Don't worry little boy" The woman says "I'll get to you right after I kill your little friends"

"No!" Sasuke suddenly yells.

I glance at him. What is he doing now? Do I need to knock him out?

The woman turns to him.

"Here." Sasuke says, pulling out the Heaven's scroll.

He must have taken it from me without me knowing.

"What is wrong with you?!" I shout.

"Don't give her that!" Naruto screams out.

The woman unravels herself and stands like a normal person and not a snake.

"Sad but wise" She says holding her hand out. "Sometimes the prey needs to distract the predator to save their lives"

"Sasuke dont-" I start but before I can finish he throws it.

My eyes follow it. I'm about to grab it when something flashes in front of me and snatches it before the woman can grab it.

Naruto lands next to Sasuke and suddenly punches him.

My eyes widen. Naruto was fast, like really fast and he punched Sasuke so hard to make him fly off the branch and to another.

It was a well deserved punch and was satisfying.

"Who are you?!" Naruto yells at Sasuke.

"The Sasuke I knew would never cowar away! So, who are you?!" Naruto yells in a new voice.

I can see Naruto's eyes and see the nine tailed fox letting out just a little of its power.

No one in our squad except Kakashi and I knew Naruto was the nine tailed fox.

Sasuke stares at Naruto "What are you doing?" Sasuke asks" Don't be an idiot! You can't fight her!"

"Shut up imposter!" Naruto growls turning to the woman who's smiling.

Suddenly a giant snake rises and is about to attack.

"You are very powerful," She says. "But I have to kill you"

The huge snake attacks Naruto but he moves and starts punching it crazy fast.

Things are being destroyed left and right and I can only hide behind a branch to avoid the debris.

A huge branch goes flying for Sakura but she's too shaken uo to move.

I growl. "Darn it move!" I yell quickly, grabbing her and yanking her to a different branch.

She gasps as where she was sitting becomes nothing but rubble.

I drop her on a branch and turn to see what's happening.

Suddenly the snake lunges for Sasuke.

I jump to help but I won't reach him in time.

Sasuke gasps but can't move.

At that moment it stops and there's a huge gust of wind.

I cover my eyes from the dust then after is leaves look to see what happened.

Naruto had stopped the snake with pure strength alone.

My eyes widened, he saved Sasuke's life.

"You aren't hurt are you kid?" Naruto asks Sasuke.

It sounds exactly like what Sasuke had said to Naruto the first time Sasuke saved him.

"Sasuke, you're a coward!" Naruto growls.

Suddenly something snake grabs Naruto and holds him in the air.

It's the woman with her snake arms.

"Oh yuck! Let me go!", Naruto yells struggling.

"My, my, you are powerful! Let me help you with your power!" She says pulling her hands back.

She suddenly stabs his stomach with her fingers. It doesn't go through him but surrounds him in Chakra.

Naruto yells in pain then sags unconcious.

"Naruto!" Sakura screams.

"Any last words you two?" The woman asks Sakura and Sasuke.

I move quickly and appear behind her.

"Just three" I menacingly say, holding a knife to her neck. "Let. Him. Go"

Her eyes widen as they travel through her eyelids to try to see me.

Something in me snapped. I take on a new person. My savage crazy and murderous yellow side is slipping out. If I didn't have my contacts on everyone would be able to see it.

She smiles "How can you possibly defeat me if you aren't even aware of your surroundings"

I saw her deception from a mile away and with my other hand raise a knife without looking.

The knife blade stops one of her clones that were trying to come up behind me.

"Oh I think I'm aware" I say, slicing the throat of the fake.

It turns to smoke and I push the blade closer to the real ones throat.

"Should I cut your throat or will you do as I say?" I whisper without any emotion.

My own blood lust seeps out and into her veins.

She shivers a little then releases him.

He falls and lands on a branch below us.

"You don't have the guts to kill me" She says.

I chuckle crazily "You misunderstand, I have all intention of killing you and taking the scroll"

She melts away and I drop my arm unsurprised. I turn and she reforms in front of me.

I suddenly lash out.

My blade cuts her arm in a vital artery and blood starts seeping out.

She holds her arm in surprise and anger. She turns her head up to see me and her eyes widen when she meets my eyes.

"Wait, you have The Jubaku eyes" She gasps.

I grin evilly. "Yeah but now that you know, I gotta kill you" I laugh "This is gonna be fun!"

I throw my knives to the side and lunge forward.

She jumps back but I appear behind her.

I grab onto her shoulder then spin and pull my body to the ground.

When my feet hit the ground I pull her off her feet and drop her into the ground.

She hits hard and grunts.

I slice my knife but she catches it in her palm. I yank it away leaving blood in its wake.

The woman jumps up and tries to fight but is missing me. I cut her tongue and smile.

"So are we going to play like this until you're all shredded up?" I ask

She tries to punch me but I avoid it and grab her wrist. I push her against the tree's trunk and lick my lips.

I push her own arm against her throat and say "So, who are you really? You aren't this woman cause you don't smell like the original, the one I sat by on the first test"

She struggles to pull away but just then I press a pressure point on her wrist that makes her fingernails grow to her throat slowly.

Her eyes widened.

I learned to make another person's body do what I want by pressing certain hidden pressure points. Everyone has them but many are hidden under much muscle.

"So, who are you really?" I ask grinning madly. "I like to know the name of the people before I kill them"

The nails start to dig into her skin now, revealing small picks of blood on the nails.

At that moment a gigantic gust of wind yanks me off of her and throws me high in the air and through the forest.

Sticks and branches fly past me for a few minutes before I suddenly hit a tree and fall to the ground.

I groan as I fall through the tree.

My yellow side gets pushed back into my control and I become myself again.

I grab my yoyo and fling it up.

It wraps around a branch and catches me a little before the branch snaps and I fall again.

But now I have control over the situation.

I jump down the branches until I land on the grass beneath me.

At that moment, though, a rope wraps around my ankle and yanks me upside down and into the air.

The rope sways as I stay there.

"Ha! Caught you!" A voice says.

I turn my head to see Ino walking out from behind a bush.

"Oh great" I mumble rolling my eyes.

The rest of her squad walks out behind her as well.

"Huh? Who are you?" Shikamura asks.

I frown.

"I'm in the squad with Sakura," I respond.

"Oh" He says uninterested.

"Wait but there are only supposed to be three members!" Ino growls.

I shrug "Yeah well not in my squad, now what do you want?"

Shikamura shrugs "Your scroll I guess"

I smile a little "My scroll?" I ask, holding back a chuckle. They all nod and I shake my head laughing "Uh I should have known" I say reaching up and cutting my ankle free.

I flip over and land then put my knife away.

I start to walk away when Ino says "Hey wait!"

I stop and glance at her. I don't have time for this. I got flung across the forest and have to make it back to help fight the weirdo lady.

"What?" I ask gruffly.

"Can you help us get a scroll?" She asks, putting on puppy dog eyes and trying to look pretty.

I stare at her then say simply "No."

She gasps and growls "What? Why not? My charm is irresistible!"

I sigh and turn back to her. "If you think you can get a scroll by hoping someone will just drop it then you're gonna fail this test. And I don't think you can charm your way past it."

She grumbles while her squad members chuckle.

"Start thinking as a team, set better traps, and use the forest to your advantage" I shrug "Adapt to what's around you"

I turn "Now excuse me, I have to go save Sasuke's sorry butt"

Ino gasps "What's happened to Sasuke"

I just disappear and run through the forest.

I take the branches to go faster. I don't know what's happened but I hope that Sasuke has gotten out of whet ever slump he's in.

If Naruto is down for the count, Sasuke won't fight, and Sakura is to scared, who is fighting right now?

I travel for a long time before finally coming onto where we were before.

It's getting dark quickly with the setting sun. We have about half an hour of light left at most.

It's quiet until I hear Sasuke's groans of agony.

My eyes widen and I leap forward. What happened? Did only Sasuke live? How did I get blasted so far that it took me this long to get back?

I quickly look around but don't see the woman.

Instead I see Sakura sitting next to Sasuke and Naruto's bodies.

My pulse rises when I first see them. Are they dead? No, they're chests rise.

Nevertheless, Sasuke is groaning and shaking.

I jump down and land behind Sakura.

"Sakura what happened?" I ask.

Sakura gasps and grabs a knife turning to me.

I stop walking and are shocked at how much terror is in her eyes.

"Hadeki!" She cries out, jumping up.

She throws her arms around me and starts crying into my shoulder "I thought you were killed! I was left alone and I don't know what to do! Sasuke is in so much pain from fighting and Naruto hasn't even woken up yet."

I stand there shocked with my eyes wide. Was she really so frantic and scared?

After a second of hesitating I wrap my arms around her and pat her back.

I don't know what to say though. What does she want to hear? I've never seen someone cry. I haven't cried since I was much younger.

I don't know what she wants from me.

Finally I let her go and ask "What happened?"

She let's go of me and wipes her face, desperately trying to clean herself up.

"Sasuke started to fight the snake woman after you got blown away. He fought her with his Sharingan eye and his dragon fire" Sakura explains.

I crouch down next to the two boys and look over Sasuke for anything that could be hurting him.

"Then her head grew and she grew over to Sasuke where she bit his neck"

I stop looking as my heart stops and my blood runs cold.

"Where?" I ask panicky.

She turns to me "What?" She asked.

"Where did she bite him?" I ask demandingly.

"On his neck" She stutters.

I turn Sasuke's head and see it. The cursed marking already on his neck.

"Oh no" I say quietly.

"What is it? What's on his neck? Is Sasuke going to be okay?" Sakura asks in a panic.

What should I say? I can't say anything to her, not like this. She's still so scared and frightened and tired and panicked.

No, I'll lie to her and tell her the truth when she can take it.

I shake my head and say "He'll be fine,"

I look around and frown.

"Okay, we need to find a safe place for the night," I say.

"But where?" She asks.

After a second I think about the places I passed while running here.

I get up "There's a tree that's been uprooted at the bottom. It will make a good shelter for now."

I grab Sasuke and put him on my back.

"Can you carry Naruto?" I ask.

She's hesitant before I shake my head "Nevermind" I say.

I set Sasuke down on Naruto then say "Walk in front of me and make sure there aren't any enemies ahead"

She nods because she's too tired to argue.

I sigh then pick up both Naruto and Sasuke together.

It's not that hard but just a little unbalanced.

I walk ahead and follow Sakura's pink hair.

If she can hold herself together at least until we get to the tree then we should be fine.

I sigh. It's been a long day. I'm sure it's gonna be even longer tomorrow

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Fuyu Namikaze, daughter of the fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. When she's five, the attack on the village by the Nine Tails happe...
20.6K 369 37
Naruto and his twin sister Kazumi, are the one of the last Uzumaki and Namikaze's left. Sasuke, is a different story. He doesn't want to seek reveng...
353K 11.1K 36
{Sakura Haruno Fanfiction} A name most people know as just another member of Team 7. However, there is more than what meets the eye. Not many know of...