Broken trust

De marvel_maximoff11

701 52 48

Sabrina and Tessa were in the Sokovia research facility with Pietro and Wanda. They were all close to each ot... Mais

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty

Chapter eleven

30 2 1
De marvel_maximoff11

Tessa's POV

Bruce had let me go back to my room the next day when I better.

It's been a week since the incident and I haven't gotten much sleep, I kept on thinking about my mum. I was told by alejo she was killed in a bombing, but he never told me she was burnt alive, or maybe she wasn't and it was just an illusion.

I'm starting to get real and fake events mixed up with each other. Yesterday I had this dream about a company named Marvel and it was all about our lives, there were phases and it showed every event.

Different plots though, Pietro was dead, Tony was dead, Vision, Loki, Nat, and Gamora were all dead. Steve was an old crippled man.

I didn't tell anyone cause I figured it was a weird dream but the thought of being in a movie, and you don't know you were being recorded would be... creepy.

I went to the common room in Wing b and sat next to Wanda while sipping my coffee. Sabrina and Pietro were still asleep, Sam was in wing A and Bucky was sleeping on the couch next to us.

I wanted to tell someone about the weird dreams but other universes don't exist.

Wanda put on the tv quietly while I ate a bowl of cereal and checked my socials. Taylor swifts new album comes out in a week- Tony is going to be all over it and be in his lab listening to it for the next year.

About an hour later Pietro came out, Sabrina was still in her room. Sam came back eating a protein bar.

He leaned over Bucky "Wake up, Sunshine" Sam shook Bucky, Bucky groaned and pushed him away.


Around half way through a movie we were watching FRIDAY announced Steve wanted us in the meeting room.

All 6 of us walked there, the whole team was there "In Romania Europe there was an attack from robots and super soldiers. Somebody has created more serums and created an army, they also got ahold of Osborn Nanotechnology"

Ha passed us files of the guy who started it, he was wanted for war crimes. MatTac.

He went over our plan "Alonso your with Pietro, Müller your with Wanda" Steve switched us up, usually I was with Sabrina.

He discussed the plan and how to take action on MatTac. "We leave at 6 pm on the dot" Steve said before walking out.

We all had these bracelets from Tony that activates our suits- just in case we were out in Public and a disaster happened.

Sabrina gave me a deadly look while we were leaving the meeting room, I flipped her off before following Tony. Didn't know where he was going but I'm going there with him now.

"Why are you following me, Greeny?" He asked before I jogged up next to him "Someone doesn't want me around so now I'm with you because you always want me around" I joked and he smiled a little.

Tony liked me, I was the first one to forgive him about what happened to all of our families- I shouldn't have forgave him for all the pain it caused me but it wasn't his fault.

I forgive too easily.

He went to his lab and handed me something "bring this to the Jet. Don't loose it or break it" he demanded, I nodded my head. It was a type of weapon with a sticky note code thangy on it.

I brought it to the jet and took our seats, I went to sit near Pietro but Sabrina took the spot. Wanda was on the end and Pietro was next to her and I was not sitting next to Sabrina.

I sat next to Steve, Bucky, and Sam. "Why don't you just talk to Sabrina?" Bucky asked, I gave him a look "remember what happens last time?" I whispered.

"She went for a swim and also got shocked" Sam joked, Bucky and Steve gave him a look. Sam stopped laughing and cleared his throat "she hates me" "but she has every reason too" I added.

I looked down and Steve gave me a sad look, I wish me and Sabrina had a relationship like Steve and Bucky did. They have been best friends for the longest time and they don't hate each other.

We were in the air for about seven hours, we had to leave our phones at the compound and I didn't have anything else to do.

Tony handed us all comms and we got off and made a circle "Tony's team will get the robots and help the people. My team will get MatTac and take the serums" Steve announced before separating us.

This time I was on Steve's team, I was usually on Tony's team but Steve wanted me and Pietro on his team.

Yelena has warmed up and trusts me a little bit luckily. I walked next to Pietro till we got to the location "Alonso, Maximoff go through the back and check for guards. Wilson, Belova do an on roof and find best opening" Cap said, me and Pietro nodded before he grabbed me and zoomed.

He put me next to a gate and I hid, he zoomed around "there's 13 guards, 4 main entrance, 4 back entrance and 1 on each door" Pietro said threw Comms.

He went back to me "take out the west wing guards. Belova and Wilson are already in" Cap was fighting someone.

I froze one of the guards before knocking him out. A guard heard us and starting yelling in Romanian.

An alarm started going off, Pietro speed attacked some of the agents before Yelena shot a guard that I set on fire.

I lifted a guard and threw them to the ceiling, Steve went upstairs and hit some people with the shield before breaking into a room.

"The files are here" Steve said in the comms.
He came running down when some more guards came, we ran before they got to us.

Steve had files while bu it and Sam were carrying these test tubes. "Stark, where are you?" Steve panted into the comms. "Uhh... ya we won't be leaving anytime soon" Scott said.

"There's so many robots" Wanda yelled before a big blast was heard near the facility.

"We need to help them" Bucky said.

We ran to the city and saw Tony blasting some robots while flying.

I used telekinesis and ripped a robot in half while Pietro zoomed and ripped the robots heads off, the leader was no where ti be found.

"Where's the big guy?" I asked in the comms.
"Not here" Wanda said
"Not here" Sam said
"Not here" Clint said
"Not here" Rhodes said
"Not here" Steve said.

I ran ti a building where Sabrina was getting attacked by robots, I helped her and she panted. "I could've handled it" she scoffed

"A thank you would be nice" I rolled my eyes "you don't deserve a thank you, you deserve a go to hell"

"And stop making requests to be Pietro's Partner" she yelled "I didn't even make a request! I'll talk to Steve and let you be partners with him. Damn don't be so accusing" I yelled.

She threw me against a wall "fuck you!" I yelled "fuck you too!" She yelled before ripping a robots head off and speeding off.

I grunted and stood up, I had gotten scratched on my arm but other than that I was ok.

I went back to Pietro while killing some robots on the way "find MatTac?" Pietro asked before panting, I shook my head and set a robot on fire behind him before melting it.

"What about the warehouse?" I asked Pietro.
He grabbed my hand and zoomed me there without warning. I was used to it but that didn't mean I liked it.

We walked in quietly and saw a tall man with these robots talking "take out the human avengers then get the new avengers" he said.

"QuickSilver and Whiplash will be the easiest. Get ScarletWitch last" MatTac walked towards us and we hid behind a hall.

"Found the big man" Pietros whispered into comms "don't engage till someone else gets there" Steve said.

A few minutes later Bucky and Sam arrived, they made some military signals I understood- mostly.

Bucky aimed an electrical gun at a robots head and shot it.

"BillyBobJoe!" Another robot yelled "they found us!"

Me and Pietro attacked before some more avengers arrived.

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