Wednesday (Wednesday X Reader)

By HorrorFox_Universal

55.1K 1.2K 702

You play as y/n,a blood elf driven by mischief and get kicked from your previous school for losing... More

Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 2
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 3
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 4
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 1
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 2
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 3
Friend or Woe Part 1
Friend or Woe Part 2
Friend or Woe Part 3
Woe What a Night Part 1
Woe What a Night Part 2
You Reap What You Woe Part 1
You Reap What You Woe Part 2
Quid Pro Woe Part 1
Quid Pro Woe Part 2
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 1
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 2
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 3
A Murder of Woes Part 1
A Murder of Woes Part 2
The Addams House Part 1
The Addams House Part 2
Addams House Part 3
Idea for chapter.i need comments help.

Quid Pro Woe Part 3

1.4K 49 17
By HorrorFox_Universal

It was the middle of the night and everything worked out fine.

Enid pulled off the lie and we got into a car.

The driver...was Tyler.


I rhymed.

Jeez!"I yell.

It was cold.

"Let's go."Wednesday glared.

We were wearing our snoods and she hated it.

I gotta say,these are warm.

I'll give Enid that small win

"Hi,nice to see you too."Tyler looks at me and Enid with a confused look on his 'charming' face.

"Wait,he's our uber driver?"Enid questions.

"Uber driver?I thought we were going on a date.And what's up with the weird matching scarf things?"Tyler asks.

I hate the date part.

But friends can go on dates too.

Friend dates.

I can't be too jealous anyways.

Wednesday most likely doesn't like me in that way.

I could only hope she does though.

It kills me that I can't be closer to her,be able to smell her,(as weird as that sound.)To hold her close,to show my affection.

Maybe even taste her.

In both the kissing and blood way.

"Hey!Back in this moment!"Enid snapped,gaining my attention.

"Also,I thought this was a girls night out?"Enid groans.

"There's been a change of plans."I give a mocking frown.

"I'd suggest driving."I sigh.

Time skip,at the house of horrors.Lol.

Seriously?You wanna go in there?This place is creepy AF,"Enid complains.

"I know."I reply,my eyes flashing the pinky red.

My magic flows more when I'm feeling emotions,and I'm excited to go snooping around in places I shouldn't be.

"Ok,this isn't what I signed on for."Tyler glares.

"Dotto."Enid adds.

"I didn't want to celebrate by going to a dinner or a surprise party.I want to do this."Wednesday surprisingly tells the truth.

"Then you should have said so.You didn't need to trick us."Tyler sighs.

"Ehhhhhhhhh.Wouldn't she though?Enid hates 'scary' places,and I don't think you would have initially said yes to coming to an abandoned house."I stick to Wednesday's side.

"Would you have agreed?"Tyler asked,slightly accusingly.

"Yes."I answer simply,walking towards the entrance.

The door doesn't open and Tyler tries,failing.

"Can I try?"Enid questions.

Enid easily opens the busted and locked doors.

"Woah."Tyler exclaims.

"Werewolf thing.Hell yeah girl.Damn it.Your rubbing off on me."I hive five Enid,saying the comment after the high five.

Enid smirks.

I shudder in slight disgust.

That little thing I did was way to preppy for me.

I prefer to be stabbed.

Wednesday taps my shoulder in an I understand you way before walking in.

I barely kept my cool.

Wednesday's touch is just that special to me.

We walked into the garage and found a certain car.

"This hit the mayor.Ok.This just took a dark turn.We need to call Tyler's dad right freaking now."Enid freaked.

"Why?So he can take me and Wednesday back to Nevermore to get expelled?Not happening."I growl.

"This is the night i'm gonna die."Tyler stated.

Enid whimpered in fear.

I zone out and just follow Wednesday's lead.

We split up after a bit,but I wasn't fully alive.

I smelt something weird.

Something familiar.

Like two familiar scents conjoined in a way I couldn't tell who was who or what was what.

It entrigued me.

Whatever the smell was,it reeked of not good.

"Wednesday?Y/n?You need to see this."Enid yelled,sounding a little off.

We walked into the room and the first thing I notice is how clean this bedroom is.

"The bed's made and there is no dust and cobwebs.Alarming."I state blankly.

"LG?"Tyler questioned,looking at something.

"Laurel Gates.Looks like somebody moved back into their old room."Wednesday stared.

"It's not possible.She dies 25 years ago.Drowned overseas."Enid stated.

Something glass smashed somewhere else in the house.

"Let's go."I start walking.

"This is officially the worst girls night out ever."Enid eeked.

"I think this is the best."I scoff."Guys!Guys!Get out!It's here!"Tyler suddenly screamed.a guttural growl being heard right after.

"The dumbwaiter.Go!"Wednesday pointed,shoving Enid forward.The monster came around the corner and nicked my leg right when I got in.

Enid kept yelling Oh my god in fright,and Wednesday's snood got grabbed by a claw of the monsters.

"No!Not your snood!"Enid cries.

"Let it go!"I giggle,feeling nervous.

I pull the rest of the thing off and we all tumble down the dumbwaiter,the box thing smashing.

I get up and see body parts in glasses.

"Oh shit.Evidance."I sing.

"Enid,take a pic.'I laugh.

"What?No!What are you doing?"She looks franticly at the both of us.

"These are the body parts from the monsters victims."Wednesday looked through the bottles.

I grab Enid's phone and take a quick pic.

It was a bit blurry,but the best I could do since we heard the monster growl behind the door.

"Come on."I hurry.

We get out the window and Wednesday asks if Enid's ok.

"Since when do you care?"Enid pants,definately extremely nervous.

Me and Wednesday remember about Tyler and quickly get up,starting to run.

"Wednesday?What the hell are you thinking?"Enid screeches

"We have to go back for Tyler!"Me and Wednesday yell.

"The monster's there!"Enid adds.

We find Tyler with some slashes at the front,him also breathing heavily.

"Enid,hold this."Wednesday commanded.

"That thing is still inside!"Enid eeps.

"Your hurt.Can you walk?"Wednesday asks Tyler.

He winced in pain.

Xavier suddenly shows up and asks what happened.

"Oh my dark lord.Whyyyyyy!"I stare at Xavier.

"Not to make this about me,but I am having a full blown panic attack now."Enid breaths heavily.

I'll have to make sure she's ok later."We need to get back before Weems realizes we've been gone."I softly tap my head.

"What the hell happened?This was you,wasn't it."Sheriff Galphin suddenly pops up,yelling at all of us.

Specifically me and Wednesday.

"Wait,Dad.Please.I'm ok."Tyler pleaded.

I suddenly felt a large wave of nausea.

An overwhelming smell of hate and evil filled my nostrils.

I fall backwards,one hand on my mouth and the other holding my head.

"Y/n?"Enid crouches.

The last thing I see is Enid's confused face,a very worried Wednesday,a mad and confused dad,and confused Tyler and Xavier before completely blacking out.

That smell was everything wrong with this world.

And it had a simalarity with the monsters smell.

I wake up in the schools nursery.

The nurses tell me i'm fine,and that something was just too much for me,but that I'm on the same very thin ice as Wednesday.

One more chance before we leave this school.

Well that's great.

I slowly make my way outside Weems,so I can wait for Wednesday.

I get there just as she is walking out.

"Y/n!Are you ok?What happened?"Wednesday questioned with weird worry.

"I'm fine.A disgusting and overwhelming stench suddenly filled my poor nose and I guess I blacked out because of it.It smelled like what you would think true and pure evil would.Not the good evil."I explain.

"Got it."Wednesday nodded her head slowly,just as confused as me.

What is with me blacking out?

It's unlike me.

I feel even more weak.

My ego will get over this though.

I'll be fine.

We walk back to our dorm and ebnter the room to see Enid packing some of her stuff.

"Where you going?"Wednesday asked.

"Yoko's room.Thornhill said I could crash there for a few nights."Enid sniffed.

"There's no need.You and Xavier won't be punished."Wednesday explained.

"Am I supposed to thank you?"Enid practically screamed.

"I already apologized.It's over."Wednesday raised an eyebrow in question.

"Over?Tonight was the icing on the birthday cake you couldn't even be bothered to cut.You'll use anyone to get what you want,even if it means putting them in danger,and you follow her like a lost pup."Enid points the last thing at me.

"We could have died tonight because of your stupid obsession."Enid added.

"But we didn't.And now I'm one step closer to solving this case.That is what is important."Wednesday stated,starting to look a little off.

"I've tried really,really,really hard to be your friend you two.Always put myself out there.Thought of your feelings.Told people 'I know they give off serial killer vibes,but she's just shy'."Enid continued.

"I never asked you to do that."Wednesday replied.

I don't like where this is going

I hate where this is going.

Not again.

"You didn't have to because that's what friends do!They don't have to be asked.And the fact you don't know that says everything.You want to be alone Wednesday?Be alone."Enid puts one more thing in her bag.

"And you.Your almost worse.You follow Wednesday around like a lost wolf begging for food.Your pathetic.Wednesday doesn't appreciate anyone,and neither do you.Your terrible and I hate you both."Enid roughly grabs her bag and slams the door behind her.

Me and Wednesday look at the ground in shock and hurt.


Not again.

I was even trying a bit.

I was warming up.

I thought I was getting better.


"Y/n."Wednesday steps closer and touches my shoulder.

I flinch and step back,looking at her with wide and hurt eyes.

My ears were down and I looked around the room in fear and hurt.

"Don't touch me."I state before running out of the room.

Wednesdays pov.

Enid slams the door and we stand in shock.

I turn to look at y/n and see her ears down and her eyes wide and fearful.

"Y/n.""I reach out to touch her shoulder and she flinches away,looking at me with the most hurt and pained eyes I've ever sseen.

It hurt me to see her like this.

She looked around the room in a panic.

"Don't..touch me."she states before running out of the room.

"Y/n?"I let out,feeling saddened.

I slowly walk towards the window and sit down to think,and calm down.

And to not feel the hurt.

I feel like I messed up,but I didn't.

I'm so...confused.

Y/ns pov.

I ran down the hallways,passing Bianca.

She knew something was wrong and followed me.

I was barely keeping a panic attack in.

I needed somewhere no one could hear me or find me.

I snapped twice and entered the secret nightshade library,letting out a deep exhale.

My breathing started to go fast,my heart pumping.

"Shit.Shit!SHIT!Not again!Pls no!."I yell as I hold my head,bumping against a wall and sitting down.

I almost started crying,but had enough strength to keep that in.

About ten minutes pass and my breathing slows.

I now had heartburn,and felt like throwing up.

"Yn?You good down there?"I hear Bianca ask,not coming down yet.

"I'm fine.I just...need some alone time,pls."look down.

"Ok...if you need someone to hang out with,let me know."Bianca sighs.

"Y-yeah.Thanks."I falter a bit,feeling numb.

I hear the passage open,and I let out a sigh of relief.

I hate this.

I lost my good friends,and I don't know if I can trust Wednesday.

Enid has a point.

Wednesday does and doesn't care about others health and safety.

Her level of safe is way higher than Enid's or Xavier's.

And Enid's right.

I do just follow Wednesday.

It's not healthy.


Is Wednesday trustworthy?

Am I overreacting?

Is there something wrong with me?

Am I that pathetic?



Maybe..I am...pathetic.

I start to feel numb inside.

Maybe I should just...keep away from people for a bit.

From Enid.

From Wednesday.

I'll still sleep in the dorm,but I'll stay here tonight.

That will be fine.


Wednesday's pov.

Goody warned I was destined to be alone.Maybe it's inevitable.

But for the first time in my life,it doesn't feel good.There's something else.

A knawing feeling.

"That death is close at hand.Watching me.

But I won't be intimadated.

And I will never give up.

Crackstone.The monster,Somehow me and y/n.

We all seem to be connected like a spider's web.

And when Mayor Walker got too close to the truth,he got silenced.

But I won't be.

So whoever's watching me,know this.

I will find you.

1694 words -------- 1/3/2023

Y/n having a mental break?

Hell yeah.

Is that a part of my storyline?

Also hell yeah.


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