Little Enigma

By Debdon59

10K 876 80

Jungkook was a painter he needed a new muse More

My muse
Hard to get
It makes sense
No going back
Fools paradise
Setting things straight
Laying her to rest
Good advice
Only you
I cant live like that
Never let him go
Your my life
This new life

Meeting the landlord

609 63 5
By Debdon59

Jimin was tired, in the last five days he'd done ten hour shifts,as well as learning the job he found as the new boy he got a lot of extra work.
Going to parties and serving food was part of it, clearing the tables and chairs away and stacking the dirty plates in containers was another, the staff had to make their own way to the locations too.
"Jimin hurry up, we want to get back it's late already!"
"Yes Ma'am ,"
He didn't add that it would be a lot later for him because he walked home.
Finally the work van was packed up and his boss drove off.
"Jimin can I give you a lift?"Chanyeol another server asked.
"But you don't live in my direction , thank you anyway."
"How about I drop you at the crossroads at least it's a bit nearer?"
Jimin bit his lip then nodded, glad that from the crosssroads it would only take him ten minutes instead of forty five if he walked.
Driving along Chanyeol spoke," can you not drive Jimin?"
"I can but at the moment it's an unnecessary expense"
"But doesn't it scare you walking home in the dark?"
"A bit," he said honestly.
"What job did you do before this?"
Jimin hesitated then," I was a paediatric nurse."
"What an earth made you give that up for this!!"
Jimin couldn't say it was because people spread rumours in the hospital about his mother and watched him all the time, one mother had refused to let him treat her child.
"I um, took the first job that came up."
"So you'll probably go back to nursing then?"
"Er no, it's time for a change."
"Oh...well here we are, your off tomorrow aren't you? You'll get sent the address off the next job tomorrow night, have a good rest."
Jimin thanked him getting out of the car and waving goodbye.
He trudged along the road tiredly eventually getting to his home and just shutting the door as a car sped up the drive. He knew his landlord lived there but had been told not to bother him just pay the rent regularly to his accountant via bank transfer.
Due to the hours he worked he'd never seen him in person, but he was glad of that he didn't think they would have much in common.
He went to his bedroom showered and got into bed totally drained, he was asleep within minutes .
Jungkook slammed the car door irritated, he'd gone to a club to chill out, he'd not found his muse yet , he'd gone back to the coffee shop but Jin said he hadn't been in, he'd driven around town, he'd even sketched his face but no one had seen him.
Going to Hobi and Tae's club had seemed a good idea, he'd sat with them in the VIP section moaning about his muse. Tae had suggested that maybe he was a visitor, this had riled him up even more, he wanted this man!!
He'd left in a worse mood than when he got there, rushing home past the gatehouse as lights turned on. He hadn't seen the new lodger which suited him fine, he didn't need someone getting too friendly.
He tipped some whiskey in a glass and drank it neat, he might have to turn the project down as he knew he couldn't work with anyone else.
Sighing he went to his bedroom, he couldn't even be bothered to pick someone up because all that was in his head was the face of his missing muse.
Once in bed he lay with eyes open, he could sketch him but it wouldn't have the detail he'd seen, shit this was annoying.
He suddenly remembered that he was hosting a party the day after tomorrow , fuck that's the last thing he needed but it had to be done.
He'd decided on a marquee in the garden by the pool area. The paintings would be auctioned off after people had their fill of food and drink, it always made them more generous.
With that thought in his head he drifted off to sleep to dream of a dark haired male with plump lips.
Jimin had woken up late, he dragged himself out of bed and seen that it was twelve thirty.
Going to the kitchen he made himself a snack and drank orange juice then put his washing in the machine.
Picking up a book he went back to bed reading until his washing was done then he hung it out to dry on the small back patio.
He went back inside and saw a van advertising Marquees pass along the drive, maybe the landlord was having a party....
Jungkook told the men where to set up the marquee, he'd arranged to have it delivered today so that there would be no problem with the caterers tomorrow putting up the tables.
An hour later and it was done, he thanked the men and then went upstairs to his studio, sketches covered a table, all of his unknown muse and he stared at them, sighing as he went to the window looking out where was he?
Jimin pressed his clothes ready for work tomorrow he wondered how far away it was. He honestly didn't know if he could keep the long hours up but for now he'd have to.
His phone pinged, it was his boss telling him where he needed to be tomorrow , he gulped in surprise, the venue was his landlords house! He. Was told they needed to set the tables up by 2.30 so everyone was told to meet outside the venue by 12.30.the party was roughly six hours then they would clear up.once the dishes had been used and stacked away in the van it would be a case of just serving drinks so only Glasses to collect after and pack the table and chairs away once people left. Jimin smiled that meant he'd still be home earlier than normal.
Obviously his boss didn't realise how close he lived and honestly he'd keep it that way, he would wait for the van to arrive and slip out as if he'd walked there.
Jungkook was stressed and the party hadn't started, once the caterers had arrived he told them what he wanted and left them to it going up to his office and sorting emails out as he heard the chatter of the caterers.Some poor boy was getting an earful,
"Jimin! Go get more glasses hurry up we don't have all day."
"Jimin can't you carry more, why did I employ you!"
A quieter voice said sorry.
"Jimin that's too heavy for you let me take it...."
"No Chanyeol I'm already in her bad books."
Jungkook laughed in derision and he thought he was having a bad day!
He went and got ready for the party and soon guests arrived,Jimin was kept busy out of sight filling glasses as people arrived, he caught a few glimpses of the guests all elegantly dressed, talking to a handsome dark haired man..., was that his landlord ?
Eventually the guests sat at tables and he could hear the man welcoming everyone. His talk was quite witty and Jimin smiled, he wished he could be as confident.
His boss came in," Jimin I want you to go to the van and help plate up the food your not as sloppy as the others. Jimin nodded going to the van and setting out dishes in a clean appealing manner. It was hot in the large van and he stood near the door to cool off, he remembered seeing a pool in the garden how nice that would be he thought, then quickly turned back to help plate up the second course.
The day wore on , Jimin had quickly stacked the used dishes and gone back to pouring drinks out, he sneaked a peek at the party, people were now sitting staring as his landlord spoke again and then ushered someone forward with a painting that was placed where everyone could see it, he realised people now had batons with numbers on.
Another man came to the microphone introducing himself as the auctioneer.
Soon batons we're going up as was the money, Jimin was shocked at the amount.
Chanyeol came and stood next to him.
"Amazing isn't it what people will pay for an original Jeon picture."
"Jeon? He's famous isn't he ..,"
"He's throwing the party this is his house." Chanyeol laughed.
Jimin didn't know he was renting from someone famous, he stepped forward a bit to see more but then saw his boss frowning and walking his way.
Jungkook knew the party was going well people were chatty and very keen to show of their money. He glanced around then blinked , Damn it he was seeing his muse everywhere, he looked again but of course it was his imagination.
Sighing he realised bidding had stopped so he put on a fake smile then congratulated the buyer. The two other paintings were sold for large amounts too. Jungkook thanked everyone on behalf of the charity then soft music was put on and people carried on drinking.
Jungkook escaped up to his office for a few minutes peace.
He could hear the caterers dimly.
"Hello pretty boy where have you been hiding?"
Jungkook recognised the voice of a local businessman.
"E-excuse me sir I'm working," a quiet voice said.
"Now come on, let's find a little place we can get to know each other..."
"Argh! Please let go."
"Don't be a tease, now come here...."
"Lee,Lee where are y....what are you doing here who's he?!?"
"Darling this little trollop was trying it on with me, thinks I will pay him..."
"I didn't you..." a resounding slap was heard.
Jungkook had heard enough he hated bullies. He went downstairs walking to where he'd heard the commotion only to see the catering woman apologising to the business woman and his wife.
"Sorry sir, he's new I didn't think he was like that, Jimin your sacked, you can't behave like that!"
Jungkook went to step forward when a woman screamed and a splash was heard.
"He's drunk he can't swim help him!" A tearful woman said.
Jungkook dived in reaching the man and getting him to the edge where others pulled him out, as he hauled himself out a small figure ran to the man checking his breathing and doing compressions.
"Your a waiter what do you know !"the man's wife screamed at him, another waiter stepped up,
"Jimins a nurse he knows what he's doing!"
Jimin kept up compressions unaware that his landlord was staring in disbelief.
"Call an ambulance ,"the small male said.
"I've done that another person answered.
Jimin was getting tired but knew he had to keep up, he blew into the man's mouth then did more compressions, the wail of an ambulance was heard just as the man coughed up water Jimin turned him on his side and when the ambulance men came he gave a report.
"Male late forties I think, fell into the pool, I did reps for five to ten minutes he came around. He's had alcohol but worried that he may relapse."
Jimin stood up tiredly and pushed through the crowd. It had been an exhausting day, someone had come into him, then he'd been slapped then fired then saved a life.
His wrist was grabbed," where are you going?"
Jimin looked up to see his landlord," home " he muttered.
"No let me see these people out and the ambulance off, then I can get you some dry clothes."
He went to say to his guests that due to circumstances the party had ended.
Jimin meanwhile walked past his boss and around the side of the house down the drive to his home.
Jungkook saw all his guests out and then went looking for his muse.
He saw another waiter," that boy you said was a nurse where is he?"
About to answer the boss came up," Mr Jeon can I help you?"
"That boy who saved my guest where is he?"
"Oh er Jimin? Er his employ has been terminated."
"He was the one you sacked! He was telling the truth unfortunately one of my guests tried it on with him before his wife came and he lied about Jimin, what's his other name?"
The flustered boss was unable to think,
"It's Park Jimin," Chanyeol told the man.
"Thank you, also madam you should treat your staff better, now hurry up out of here!"
The woman looked guilty and then hurried the staff to clear up quickly.
Once they had left Jungkook went in and changed he got on the phone to Namjoon.
"Hey Kook how was the party?"
"Eventful!" He then explained about the pool story.
"Good job you had a nurse there"
"He was one of the waiters, but Joonie it's him!"
"Him who?"
"The muse I saw in Jins cafe, the one I couldn't find."
"Great news!"
"Not really he disappeared again! I need you to get in touch with your contacts and find him."
"Ok I'll try what's his name?"
"Park Jimin...."
"Park Jimin?" Namjoon started laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"You, you've been looking for over a week....haha!"
"Jungkook have you met your lodger yet?"
"Why bring them into this? Can you find him or not!"
"Jungkook your lodger is Park Jimin former nurse!"
"He's been under your nose all the time , oh wait til I tell Jin hahaha!"
Jungkook rang off then grabbing his house keys he ran down the drive to the gatehouse banging on the door.
It opened to show a pale tired looking boy who blinked up at him.
"You left???"
"I was tired..."
"But I told you to wait!"
Jimin swayed on his feet , his vision went blurry and he fell forward straight into Jungkook armsv
Jungkook caught the small boy picking him up and kicking the door shut before he carried him into the bedroom laying him carefully down.
"Now I have you," he said as he brushed a thumb across the pouty lips.
He stayed by the bed content to wait until the other woke up, staring at him from head to toe.
"Perfect," he muttered," just perfect."

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