Scars and Snakes (Kyoka Jiro...

By Thaiph_Kaard

38.5K 1K 234

Scars... a mark left by a wound that has not fully healed. Scars can take many forms: scabs, cuts, burns, the... More

00 - Character Intro
01 - Entrance Exam
02 - First Day
04 - Heroes vs Villains
05 - Teamwork
06 - The Class Rep
07 - USJ
08 - Aftermath
09 - Next
10 - Obstacle Course
11 - Calvary Battle
12 - Tournament
13 - Giving Your All
14 - Power vs Mastery
15 - Anger
One Shot - Secret Love Child?
16 - Hero Names
17 - Internship
18 - Race
One Shot - The Question
Character Profiles
19 - Exam Prep
20 - Practical Exam
LOV 1 - Meet the Team
21 - Shoto and Bakugo
22 - Momo's Comeback
One Shot: A Glimpse
Funny Moment - Strenuous Activities

03 - Quirk Assessment Test

1.9K 53 30
By Thaiph_Kaard



"Last place will be expelled?" Ochaco spoke up, "But it's the first day of school! No, even if it wasn't the first day of school, this is too unfair!" she protested.

'Unfair? What are you talking about you naive idiot?' Obanai thought.

"Natural disasters, big accidents, and selfish villains. Calamities whose time or place can't be predicted. Japan is covered in unfairness." Obanai clenched her fist at that statement, "Heroes are the ones who reverse those situations. If you wanted to go talk with your friends at Mickie D's after school, too bad. For the next three years, U.A. will do all it can to give you one hardship after another. Go beyond. Plus Ultra. Overcome it with all you got." Aizawa finished.

'As expected of an elite school, it focuses on practicality rather than raw learning.' Obanai felt like she was really gonna like it here at U.A., she smiled under her bandages. Other classmates were making gestures of pumping up to do their bests on these tests.

"All right, demonstrations over. The real things starts now." Aizawa said.


Test 1: 50-Meter Dash

Obanai watched the first two students get ready for the 50-Meter Dash, one of them was Tenya, the other was some sort of frog girl. Aizawa walked up to some sort of camera robot, and then turned it on.

"On your mark... Get set... *Bang*" the two ran as fast as they could... well... the frog girl leaped as fast as she could? Tenya, with the help of his Quirk, 'Engine', which gave him boosters on his legs, finished the sprint in 3.04 seconds. The frog girl ended up getting 5.58 seconds, which Obanai thought was impressive for someone leaping.

Obanai observed the next runners, one of them being Ochaco, and observed her doing something to her clothing. 'I see... just propelling ourselves with our Quirks isn't the only way to move faster... I think I have an idea...'

After a few more people did the Dash, it was now Obanai and a Red head's turn. Obanai overheard something about 'being the manliest' from the red haired boy, but ignored it. 

"On your mark..." Obanai grew an eye on her palm, "Get set..." The red head got into a sprinting position, Obanai remained standing, *Bang*. Obanai activated her Quirk, surfing on the flat end of her red arrow. 

Obanai crossed the finish line at an impressive time of 3.36 seconds, with the red haired boy getting 5.7 seconds. "Omigosh Obanai! 3.36 seconds?! That's amazing!" Toru complimented.

"Great work," Kyoka similarly said.

Obanai merely huffed in response.


Test 2: Grip Strength

In the girls gym, everyone had a grip strength tester in their hands. Since none of the girls have any Quirks that enhance their base strength almost all of them got average results.

Although the Frog girl, Tsuyu Asui, gripped the tester with her tongue? 'Is that even allow- you know what, that's not worth my line of thought'

Obanai decided to get a little creative with this test. She summoned a few small arrows to wrap around the gripper as tightly as she could. This ended up giving her a score of 143 kilograms, the highest out of all the girls.


Test 3: Standing Long Jump

Obanai was suprised at how many people could actually make the full jump with their Quirks. A black haired girl name Momo Yaoyorozu for example summoned a spring board with her Quirk to jump over it effortlessly. 

Obanai decided to use the same tactic of the first test and surfed on another arrow, easily making the gap.


Test 4: Repeated Side Steps

For this test, Obanai thought long and hard about how she could use her Quirk to give herself an advantage. She could use her Quirk to send her self back and forth over and over, but Obanai wasn't confident enough that she wouldn't accidentally send herself flying.

Eventually, Obanai just settled for doing it the old fasioned way and did the side steps normally. Luckily she already trained herself in agility and was naturally nimble, so she got a pretty high score.

Kyoka also got a suprisingly high score for this test aswell without using her Quirk, making Obanai's opinion of her rise.


Test 5: Ball Throw

"You first, Obanai." Aizawa ordered.

"Yes," Obanai responded, taking the ball from Aizawa.

She stepped into the circle and started to pitch her throw, growing eyes all over her body under her baggy clothing. From an outside perspective, it just looked like she was throwing the ball normally.

She threw the ball with all her might and then activated her Quirk, launched dozens of arrows that pushed the ball at an incredible speed. Obanai ended up with a score of 1397 Meters.

"""Woah!""" the class gasped at the high score. 

"That's so manly!" A red haired boy exclaimed. 

Obanai glared at the boy extremely harshly, "Shut up."

"I-i'm sorry," the red head apologized, though he wasn't sure what for.

Obanai brushed him off and decided to pay attention to her classmates the most on this test. She reasoned that this is the only test where you can see the pinacle of each student's power in a single blow.

While being able to last in a battle against villains is important, actually defeating your opponent is the only way to truly get the job done.

Some notable results were Ochaco's Infinite, which Obanai assumed was due to a Quirk that removed gravity. Momo was also interesting as she summoned a literal mortar and loaded the ball into it, getting a score of 1573 meters.

By far the most interesting however, was Midoriya. Everyone was silent in anticipation for his throw, though Obanai appreciated it, she wasn't sure what all the tension was for.

Tenya spoke up, "It doesn't look good for Midoriya if he continues like this."

Bakugo looked confused, "Huh? Of course not. He's a Quirkless small fry, you know." he said, to the shock of Tenya.

"Quirkless?! Are you not aware of what he did during the entrance exam?" Tenya asked, receiving a "huh?" in response.

Midoriya winded his pitch, and threw the ball with all his might.

. . .

. . . . . 

Well... he certainly threw it. 

"46 Meters" a bot intoned.

Midoriya looked shocked, clearly expecting the ball to go much further. "I was definetly trying to use it just now..."

Aizawa's gray scarf started to move, his pitch black hair floating, "I erased your Quirk," Aizawa intoned, sounding very angry.

Midoriya gasped in shock, Aizawa started gripping his scarf, "That entrance exam was definetly not rational enough. Even a kid like you was accepted." 

'Ah... he's definetly going to get expelled,' Obanai thought coldly.

"You erased my Quirk?" Midoriya echoed. He then gasped, "Those goggles... I see! You can erase other people's Quirks just by looking at them. The Erasure Hero: Eraser Head!"

"Eraser? I don't know him." A black haired student said.

Tsuyu explained, "I've heard of him. He's an underground hero." 

As Obanai was listening, from the corner of her eye she spotted someone watching from behind the bleachers. 'Is that... Allmight?' Obanai thought in shock.

"From what I can tell, you can't control your Quirk, can you? Do you intend to become incapacitated again and have someone save you?" Aizawa said, though Obanai wasn't paying attention anymore.

'What the hell is Allmight doing here? Is he a teacher at this school? He seems to be watching us intensely. Did one of the students catch his attention?'

Obanai started to pay attention again, "You'll just be decked and turn into a useless doll after saving one person. Izuku Midoriya, with your power, you can't become a hero." Aizawa said while wrapping Izuku with his scarf. Obanai didn't hear the whole thing, but she agreed with Aizawa's sentiment.

Izuku glared at Aizawa, clearly not happy at being told he couldn't become a hero. Aizawa just released the scarf and said, "I've returned your Quirk. You have two turns for the ball throw. Hurry up and get it over with."

Izuku started mumbling to himself, which Obanai thought was really annoying. 

'Just hurry up and get expelled already. No matter what you do here you have no potential. If you don't use you're Quirk then you can't become a hero. If you use your Quirk, you'll become incapacitated judging from what Mr.Aizawa said, which isn't something a hero can allow to happen. Give up now you fool.'

Izuku then looked forward in determination, and pitched the ball with all his might. Obanai noticed that right at the end of his throw, Izuku's index finger had glowing yellow and red veins on it.

"SMASH!" Izuku yelled as the ball got released from his fingertip. The result was an extremely powerful throw that sent the ball flying through the sky at insane speeds, eliciting gasps from the whole class, even Obanai was shocked.

Obanai looked at Izuku's index finger, it was clearly broken but, "Mr.Aizawa, I can still move!" Izuku declared.

"This kid..." Aizawa muttered in an amused voice.

"He got over 700 meters?!" A lightning haired boy yelled.

"Finally, a hero-like record!" Ochaco yelled in glee.

"His finger is swollen! There was the entrance exam, too. He has a strange Quirk..." Tenya observed.

"It's not very stylish," A Yuga Aoyama, a dazzling yellow haired boy muttered.

'What the hell? Is his Quirk an insane amount of power in exchange for broken bones? All that power just came from his finger. I hate to admit it... but I shudder to imagine if I was hit by him using his full fist and arm.' Obanai thought.

"What is the meaning of this?" Bakugo groweled in a low voice, tiny explosions coming out of his palms. "Hey!" he said while charging at Izuku.

"Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard!" Right before Bakugo could grab Izuku, he was caught by Aizawa's scarf. "What the--? These clothes are hard..!"

"They're weapons for capture made of Carbon Fibre woven together with metal wire made of a special alloy. Jeez." Izuku gasped. "Don't keep making me use my Quirk over and over. I have a dry eye."

"""It's such a waste, since his Quirk is so amazing!""" the class spoke as one. 'What the hell?'

Aizawa let go of Bakugo, "We're wasting time. Whoever's next, get ready." he ordered. Izuku just awkwardly shuffled around Bakugo, scared of getting blasted.

Ochaco looked concerned, "Is your finger all right?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah." Izuku said awkwardly.

Bakugo just glared at Izuku heavily.


Test 6: Sit-ups

They went back to the Gym to test how many sit-ups each student could do in a row. Obanai and Kyoka decided to pair up and hold eachothers feet down.

Both Obanai and Kyoka respectively don't have much in raw physical strength, so their scores were quite low. Obanai did 6 sit-ups, while Kyoka did 10.


Test 7: Seated Toe-Touch

Obanai is very flexible, and managed to touch 20 centimeters past her feet.


Test 8: Long-Distance Run

Everyone started at the starting line at the same time, the goal was to do 4 laps around the track, or run about 1600 meters straight.

It was at this point that Obanai was completely sure that this was just training rather than a test. More than half the class have Quirks that do not help them whatsover in this race. Even Yuga's navel laser won't be much help considering the sheer distance.

"On your mark... Get set... *Bang*" and with that, everyone started running. Well... almost everyone. Obanai decided to surf on his red arrows again, easily ending up in second place behind Tenya, who was practically built for this race.

Obanai stayed in second place behind Tenya for the entire race, and ended up with a time of 98.32 seconds. Tenya having achieved a time of 91.46 seconds.


After the final test, everyone gathered together to see their total score.

"Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results. The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It's a waste of time to explain verbally, so I'll show you the results all at once." Aizawa explained, pressing a button on his phones to show a screen with everyone's scores.

Obanai ended up in 1st place on the test, ahead of Momo and Shoto Todoroki, who were second and third respectively. Obanai noticed that despite Izuku's impressive display at the ball throw, he still got last place.

"By the way, I was lying about the expulsion." the whole class was speechless, Aizawa smirked, "It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your Quirks." he explained.

"WHAT?!" a majority of the class yelled.

"Of course that was a lie." Momo said. "It should've been obvious if you thought things through."

"Right," Obanai spoke up, "Mr.Aizawa is a rational teacher, why would he expel someone because of their position in a subjective test?" 

A lot of the students in the class has looks that screamed 'I didn't notice...'

"That was a little nerve-wracking, huh?" a black haired student spoke. Obanai could see some smoke coming out of Toru's mouth in relief.

The red head pumped his fist, "I'll take up the challenge anytime!"

Aizawa then spoke again, "With that, we're done here. There are handouts with the cirriculum and such in the classroom, so when you get back, look over them." he said while walking away.

Obanai heard Izuku give the biggest sigh of relief she heard in her life. "Midoriya--" Aizawa said, gaining his attention.

"Have the old lady fix you in the nurse's office. Tommorow will be packed with even more rigorous tests. Prepare yourself." Aizawa said as he left.

"Nice job getting first place, Obanai," Kyoka said.

"It was easy, my Quirk made most of this test childs play." Obanai said a matter of factly. "Compared to others, I barely put in any effort." she finished.

Normally, that would be seen as boasting, but Kyoka could tell that Obanai was regretting having not tried hard enough, if her downcast expression and clenched eyes were anything to go by. She put a hand on Obanai's shoulder, "Hey, trying to try can also be difficult at times, you did great." 

Obanai looked away, "..........thank you..." she said.


Jesus, I'm on a roll with longer chapters, anyways, Ciao!

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