Jane |18+| ✔️

By IMZoetic

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When twenty-year-old Jane Albright arrives at the unwelcome conclusion that her life is absolutely aimless, m... More

1. The time I met my breaking Point
2. The time moth's fluttered with Anticipation
3. The time she unknowingly entered the wolf's Den
4. The time my life changed for the Worse
5. The time my life hung in the Balance
6. The time realization crashed with Implausibility
8. The time unfathomable realization sunk me Further
9. The time he considered a wolf to be in sheep's Clothing
10. The time she began to loathe Me
11. The time when I thought I could outrun a Wolf
12. The time I was politely Schooled
13. The time he tried to school Me
14. The time she began to accept the Implausible
15. The time I teased the wolf to the point of no Return
16. The time we went from unsullied bliss to pure Madness
17. The time when I explained adding to her Turmoil
18. The time of many Firsts
19. The time when life took a turn for the Worse
20. The time I awoke to meet hell on Earth
21. The time I decide to get the hell out of Dodge
22. The time I began to see this world as it truly Is
23. The time I began to reflect and Realize
24. The time I began to test my Willpower
25. The time I questioned his Motives
26. The time when I almost lost It
27. The time the beginning of the end Ensued
28. The time when I gained the Upperhand
29. The time when we were Duped
30. The time I was further Bamboozled
31. The time I began to rid the Vermin
32. The time I lost all Control
33. The time I felt insurmountably Empowered
34. The time when everything felt Off
35. The time when I began to Unravel
36. The time I was seduced by a Dream
37. The time when I called upon a Friend
38. The time a glimmer of hope Emerged
39. The time when dreams became my Reality
40. The time google provided its Worth
41. The time I became apprehensive and Aware
42. The time when my final destiny was upon Me
43. The time I seduced the wolf with Venom
44. The time I played russian roulette with a Wolf
45. The time of Reanimation
46. The time I ventured into the depths of Hell
47. The time hurdles turned to Squalls
48. The time I tried to say Goodbye
49. The time when our souls Reconnected
50. The time we began to Celebrate
51. The time we Confessed
52. The time happily ever after Began

7. The time the alpha showed his true Colours

235 17 5
By IMZoetic


Mentally, with my head lowered in thought, I rattle it, constantly searching for any remnant of information pertaining to High Court hearings. Shifter law operates quite differently from human proceedings. Where we allow both parties – the defendant and prosecutor – to have their say in front of a judge here in High Court is not the same. The Alpha asks the questions, and you answer—period.

"All stand and bow for the Honourable Alpha Silas." Before my eyes can even rise, my senses engulf with the most delectable scent imaginable. I've been scenting him for a while, but now there are no boundaries between us; it's nothing shy of sinful decadency.

Pushing my body to a standing position, my eyes remain cast low as I tip slightly forward until I hear the familiar growl from last night. Looking up through my lashes, I catch the tiniest hint of a smirk on Alpha's lips as he stares directly at me.

"You may be seated – aside from the accused." The court mediator recants as the room settles. "Straighten and face my Alpha." God, I feel like a child in kindergarten. But considering the Alpha holds all my cards at the moment, I have no choice but to comply.

As I imagined, the top level was reserved for the almighty shifter who glares down at us. His sights scanning the humans lined up next to me with intrigue and ponderance. Meanwhile, mine are glued to his every feature. Somehow in the light of day, fully clothed in a custom-cut business suit moulding to his implausible Godlike form, he appears more menacing.

Clearly, seeing his facial features is nothing less than spellbinding. His glorious shiny onyx-hued hair is pulled back on top and braided and twisted into various styles, shaven to the perfect fade down the sides and back. He's of Indigenous descent – there is no denying it with the inky black tones of his mane and dark brows and long lashes—that and the fact that his skin is a deep golden tan as well... a sheer giveaway.

He's magnificent.

"Let today's proceedings begin." The court's moderator loudly voices. "You, the accused, have committed misconduct here on Blood Moon territory... within the boundaries of the Sweetwater township. All acts will be heard, and our almighty Alpha will decide upon punishment, fines and/or detainment." The shifter with short, cropped blond hair speaks. His authority is present, but his undertone of compassion rings brashly as well. "My Alpha?" all eyes turn to the shifter oozing with power, only to find him sullen with a look of aloofness.

"Thank you, Crown Marley." He looks over at an elderly couple, squinting his glowing silvery blue eyes. All Alphas I've learnt about had blue eyes - never really varying in the shade as they were all cut from the same cloth long ago. But not Silas - his are so different with that lick of molten silver adding intensity and fire to his already brooding appearance.

"Mr. and Mrs. Fairweather, step forward to the podium." His gravelly voice travels down my spine, coiling with unwanted delight into my core. I catch the hint of a grin as his eyes shift to mine and his nostrils flare on his broad, straight nose. He lowers his eyes, presumably to read off the pages in front of him. "I hope my people have been treating you fairly," he begins as he continues to scan the now-lifted document.

"Yes, my Alpha Silas. Very well." He nods as he lowers the sheet. "Thank you for refuge from the Rogues. Otherwise, we wouldn't have survived the attack on our cabin." Silas leans back, steepling his long fingers in thought. He hums and nods with a pensive look.

"Your cabin lies within the Doranton Reserve up along Highway 87 or otherwise known to the locales as Deathwish Drive," he flicks his eyes toward the room as many chuckle. It's the deadly road that lies between the mountains... the one I swore I was on when I ended up here.

The older human chuckles, "yes, my Alpha—but worth the trek." Silas cracks a bit of a grin pondering. "My wife and fellow neighbours are incredibly grateful for the picturesque land you've authorized as a place for humans like me to live off the lands and be one with nature. Something my family and I cherish very much. The big metropolitan cities were never our thing." My eyes lower as I digest his comment.

I vaguely remember scanning the vast area that does indeed run along the west side of the treacherous roadway and recall the sheer size of the land being quite bountiful with its organic elements. I never made the connection that Doranton Reserve is a human zone, even though the dead giveaway was the ton at the end of the place's name. That's how we know where the majority of our race resides.

It surprises me that pockets of land within the north are provided for humans to live in aside from mass, overpopulated cities. I never learnt about that. I wonder if there are more I missed? I was just looking for the overly bolded named cities outlined and filled with the standardized brown—distinguishing the human zones.

"Have you had issues with the Rogues in the past?" Silas's viral voice breaks through my thoughts as he addresses the older man with his jolly, albeit worrisome, look.

"Once or twice, but our Rangers usually intercept them. They've never approached the way they had this last time. Demanding money and valuables, the Mrs. and I don't have to spare. We just want to live peacefully in our tiny cabin through our retirement years," he pleads while holding his elderly wife close in his arms. Silas looks over at a massive she-wolf standing next to the dark-skinned one that has been my charge since last night.

"This is Delta Mira," the couple looks over at the beautiful strawberry-blonde who smiles. "She will bring you to a temporary accommodation where you will stay on my land until I sort out what is happening in your zone with your Rangers. If the Rogues are misbehaving, I will personally see to it that they are... stopped," Silas grins for a slight moment. "You are free to venture around at your own will. No harm will come your way."

"T-thank you, my Alpha," Mr. Fairweather bows along with his relieved wife. With a nod, Mira steps forward and escorts the older couple out of the room. The space breaks out in chatter as my eyes resume to watch the Alpha make notes with his left hand before he calls the next person forward.

To my unbelievable surprise, High Court is just and compassionate. Us humans have every opportunity to speak and explain our nature and actions when breaking shifter law. No fines. No punishments. Just a chuckle from the room or a nod of understanding from the reining Alpha, who painstakingly listens and compiles never-ending notes. All accused so far have been let go or remain on Blood Moon territory for their own protection. "Miss Barkly."

My eyes follow the tall, caramel-hued blonde as she steps in front of me before sashaying to the podium decked out in an outfit to kill. Mile-long legs wrapped in sheer pantyhose give a glimmer to her definition. The expensive black stilettos only add to her sexiness and towering height, but the showstopper dress clings to her dramatic body and leaves nothing to the imagination. With the sunlight raining in beside her, she practically glows, revealing her perfectly shaped hourglass frame. Slender with just the right amount of curves.

Silas looks up from his page only to furrow his brows with what appears to be disgust. Immediately, a person enters the courtroom flying by me with a long ruby-red velvet robe. "Cover yourself in front of me," the Alpha grunts with indeed disdain. "Who allowed this human to appear in a court of law dressed like this?" He looks around as the woman in question cocks her head and tosses the robe to the ground in defiance. The Alpha turns his blazing eyes back to hers as she shifts to her left, giving him a full view of her front. Spreading her legs, he only becomes more riled. He's about to lose his shit—I can feel the waves of indignation radiating from him...

How is it remotely possible I feel this?

His eyes dart to my widened ones as I swallow, unsure of what will happen. Meanwhile, the guy beside me begins to rub his crotch. This can't be happening. Before I can scoff with unbelievability, my newfound guardian is standing in front of me as the yelp of a woman gasping for air is heard. The huge shifter squeezes between me and the guy who is no longer stroking himself and looks somewhat ashen.

"That's better." My eyes return to the woman to see she's cradling her throat, wrapped tightly in the robe that was on the floor a moment ago. With unsure eyes, I spot Silas adjusting his tie as he sits once again. "Now. Where were we..." he queries to no one in particular as the courtroom settles to an eery calm. "Right." He flips the file closed and looks over at the accused woman. "You were caught stealing from one of my establishments. Feeling you could entice my men who came to play and relax with a little female companionship."

"There is no difference when a male shifter entices human females with their miasma ways. I did nothing wrong, Alpha," she purrs as he watches her with disgust. "I acquired permission to Sweetwater on the pretence of striping at Perfectly Peachy – your adult entertainment club," she rasps, seeming to feel a bit more confident with every word. "So, your shifters were more into my assets, over your she-wolves... I can't help that I'm naturally a turn on," she adds as Silas actually smiles, but he's not happy. Not in the least. "I did not willingly steal from you. They fed me money willingly." He nods as his canines appear, along with one hell of a menacing grin.

"Mr. Barkly, take the stand next to your sister." The room breaks out into whispered shock as my eyes widen with shock. The man who was just giving himself a hand job – was turned on by his sister. My hand flies up to cover my mouth as vomit fills my throat.

"Are you okay?" the shifter from beside me asks.

"He was whacking off to his sister," I whisper, unable to stop myself. The shifter huffs with laughter as I look up at him. He smiles down at me, thoroughly amused.

"It's your fucked up species." I can't help but smile and bite the inside of my lip. Yep! I guess it is.

"Order!" the brashness of the Alpha's voice has me straightening in my seat and the shifter beside me smirking more. His bluish-silver eyes scan my face before turning to the accused. "As much as you think you have power over my packmates, Miss Barkly, you're sorely mistaken. Humans are powerless – no matter how enticing you may think you are. Shifters can usually sniff out deceit unless they are drugged with Wolfbane." The room begins to chatter as my eyes bulge again.

Wolfbane – is the only drug that can adversely affect all shifters, regardless of rank or vitality. My mind circles through the brief lesson trying to pull on what I was taught. Like human hardcore drugs, Wolfbane is typically cut and diluted with various fillers, altering the pedigree of its potency and purpose. Ultimately it can be used to control, manipulate or end a shifter if need be – it's that powerful. It's a flavourless substance usually pounded into a clear liquid made from the pulp of the Wollbaniea flower, only found in a secret cavern somewhere in the world. The finer details of the blossom and destination have never been published as it would have been too risky for humans or shifters to use as a weapon - as it has apparently been done here.

"As you are well aware, the use of Wolfbane is highly prohibited worldwide for recreational use. In my lands - both pack territories and human zones - it's illegal to sell, possess or use. You, madame, tried to pull the wool over our eyes by serving it to my men, drugging them to feed you money." He grits out with contempt. "While your brother found and preyed on a young female who is now paralyzed due to the amount you gave her. And for what?" The atmosphere shifts to a dark, brooding chill felt by everyone as my eyes scan the room.

Fear is amongst us.

"So, you can get your cock wet..." Oof! Didn't expect that. "She was mated and just starting her life. She will never be able to breed or feel the wind in her fur as she runs through her forested lands again. All because you thought you'd have a little fun with a girl who was trying to help you out with directions."

The Alpha leans back and eyes them as the room remains swaddled in the ominous blanket until a door at the front of the courtroom swings open. A girl with striking features enters. Her unsure expression turns to hatred in a moment. She is followed by three men, all younger and appearing to be just as pissed. They peel their eyes from the accused and bow, submitting to their Alpha, and Silas nods, releasing them. They turn and leave as we pause once again. The interludes are doing nothing but increasing my worry as I listen and wait with bated breath.

"Did they look familiar to you?" his voice-controlled and calm, prickling the hairs at the back of my neck. "Answer!" he yells as the room shakes to life.

"Yes," they say in unison. This makes the almighty smile that conniving grin of his.

"Good. I wanted you to see them as they will be—"

"She's not paralyzed," the male cuts Silas off. "This is fucking ridiculous. We did nothing wrong. They approached us wanting to feel the high from Wolfbane, not the other way around." He forges out as the Alpha's eyes take on a whole new sheen – one of blatant displeasure.

"Oh, shit!" the shifter beside me mutters. Immediately, the big, bad Alpha chuckles darkly... not a hint or lick of humour behind it.

"Seeing that you're a fucking imbecile, let me explain it to that minuscule mind of yours," he grits. "You took and paralyzed her wolf. Her very being. The one thing that is sacred to our kin. Without her, she can no longer produce... as a result, her mate will likely reject her. You. Took. That. From her." The waves of wrath are back and with vengeance. Honestly, I don't blame him as my temper is flared too. "Where did you get it?" he asks after a moment.

The brother-sister duo looks at one another. "We know you didn't enter our territory with it. My Gammas are trained and can scent it a mile away, so I know you obtained it from within Sweetwater," he continues as his waves of ire continue to flood over us. "Tell me, and I will go easy on you." My head cocks at his accusation. Wolfbane is flavour and odourless – any schooled halfwit would know that.

The woman is nodding her head as the guy smirks. "You wouldn't dare hurt us. We can sue you." Oh, man! I mentally slap my head. Where has this guy been? Silas takes it all in stride – or seemingly so.

"Where did you get it?" he probes. "This is the last time I will ask... nicely." He purposely turns his eyes on the woman who grasps her neck.

"It... it was a shifter. He arranged the whole thing. My contract to dance here, the men I needed to hit for information and money. He promised to cut the profits fifty-fifty..." The brother shoves her to the ground as a nearby guard intervenes, grasping the human male by his neck, causing him to gasp for breath.

"Who?" Silas presses, completely unfazed. "Who was it?" The woman lies on the marble floor with her head low. "Look at me." When she does, he snarls. "Who?"

"I don't know." Another guard steps forward, ripping her up from the floor by her arm. "I swear to you, I swear to you, I'm telling the truth. It was all done over the phone. He called my agency last month. My boss is a bit shady and pitched the idea to all of us, but no one else wanted the heat. Too worried about getting caught. But my brother and I," she looks at him for a split second, "need the money. So, we took the gig." She pauses, batting her overly made-up eyes. "I swear to God, all I know is that we were told when to come and where to go and who to prey on. The info and Wolfbane were waiting for us at our hotel."

Superficially satisfied, the Alpha smiles with his iconic hum. "Are we free?" the woman questions as the Alpha smiles more before it's gone.

"Not even close." He cocks his head. "The accused – Miss Barkly, will receive a fine of $10,000 on top of the money she took and is to remain detained until further notice." Her mouth drops as she's ushered out of the room bitching and complaining. "As for you, Mr. Barkly," the human smiles as the Alpha grins deviously in return. "You will be brought to the whipping tree..." the cocky grin slides from his face as the ashen hue returns. "The one that is located in Centertown Park. So, all that walk by can see you as we hang a sign around your neck explaining why you are there. In time—"

"That's all you've got?" Again, he cuts the Alpha off.

"How fucking dense are you?" Silas laughs. "My Goddess, you give your species a bad rep." His eyes meet mine, causing my lids to lower in shame. It's true... in this case. "You will be whipped. Repeatedly until her heart is content." My sights rise as I realize Silas is allowing the young shifter to carry out the punishment. "Then I will end your miserable, sick-minded life, myself. Taking back what you took." He's going to kill him?!

The human lifts his head and spits on the floor, causing the room to erupt again at the disrespect. "You've got a snake in your den, Alpha. I bid you the best of luck before he strikes." He insanely cackles uncontrollably.

"Get him out of my sight before I strike him, here and now." The room explodes in a mad clatter as my heart begins to beat out of my chest. The man in question smirks and winks at me before he's dragged out of the room. "Miss Albright. The podium, please." All business once again, however, the waves of fury begin to calm and quiet as the ominous blanket lifts while my panic rises with every step I take. "No need to worry, little one," he voices in an almost soft tone, "unless you, too, are harbouring Wolfbane." He tries to joke, setting my panic marginally at ease.

"I have one question. Only one," Silas voices in that heavenly gravelly tone as his shrewd eyes bore into mine. "Your answer will determine your sentence, am I clear." Nodding, not wanting to push his already pissed-off buttons any more than they already are.

"Yes, Alpha," I whisper as his eyes close for a long moment while he exhales, slowly flaring his nostrils. With a lift of his chin, a flex of his strong jawline, his magnetic eyes open.

"What are you fleeing from?"

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