The Lost Child - Derek Hale x...

由 mrsstruggles

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Teen Wolf x Marvel AU Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen... 更多

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 33

1.8K 57 2
由 mrsstruggles

"So, what do we do?" Peter asks.

"We need to leave," Tony states, while, at the same time, Derek says, "We need to get the others."

"Leave?" Scott looks at Tony with a confused look.

"You said there's an army gathering outside of town, and they've put a target on Y/N's head. We're leaving." The Avengers nod their heads in agreement around Tony.

Y/N steps in front of Derek, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm not the only one with a target on my head."

"Yes, but you are the one with the biggest one. We just got you back and we still haven't been able to do anything about that. We've barely even spoken. We all thought you were dead for years."

"Look, I get where you're coming from but I'm not leaving. Leaving won't do anything, and it will only make it worse. I'd rather people think I'm a monster because I'm a werewolf than think I'm a monster because I ran and hid while innocent people got slaughtered."

Tony knows that the look of defiance on her face means she's not going anywhere, "Fine. We better ge–"

"No," Scott cuts him off. "We're in charge here."

"Excuse me?"

"I know you're the big Avengers and everything, but we deal with this stuff all the time. Beacon Hills is our home so we're in charge."

"No offense but how old are you? We might not be experts on werewolves or hunters, but we've dealt with much worse. This isn't our home like it is yours, but we know how to deal with things like this."

"Right, like how you dealt with the killer robot you created? Maybe we should ask the people of Sokovia to tell us how well you helped them?" Stiles looks at Tony with a slight smirk on his face.

"We don't have time for this!" Y/N interjects. "I'm in charge and that's final."

Tony looks like he wants to argue but decides against it. She's right, they don't have time to argue about who knows better. If people are getting ready to attack them, they need to focus on that and not on petty things.

"What do you want us to do?" Steve asks after Tony doesn't say anything.

"Stiles, you said we have two hours, right?"

"Right," Stiles affirms.

"Call Chris and put him on speaker."

Stiles quickly opens his phone and clicks on Chris's number before putting his phone on speaker. Everyone stares at the phone silently as they wait for Chris to answer. Y/N slightly paces back and forth as she thinks about what she wants to do.

"Hello?" Chris's voice rings out.

"Chris, you told Stiles that they're gathering outside of town. Where?"

"There's a safehouse about ten miles north of town. It's deep into the woods where no one can find it."

"But you know where it is?"

"Of course."

"Meet us at the old Hale house in 30 minutes. Bring whatever you got. We're bringing the fight to them." Y/N looks up at Derek for reassurance that she's making the right call.

"There's something else," Chris states.

"What?" Scott quickly asks, moving closer to the phone.

"It's not just hunters she's recruited. She's recruited something else as well. I don't know how she found it or if it found her, but she has an Anuk-Ite."

"What the hell is that? Is that some kind of weapon?" Stiles questions.

"It's an ancient shapeshifter that feeds off fear. It's already merged which means it's in its most dangerous form. Whatever you do, don't look at it in the eyes. If you look into it's eyes you will turn into stone and die. For humans, you would die immediately, but if you're supernatural you can survive long enough until someone kills it."

"What do you mean it feeds off fear? How can we not look into it's eyes if we don't know what it looks like?" Y/N asks. They can deal with hunters easily, but they don't know what this other creature is or anything about it. They don't have time to stop and research either.

Chris sighs through the phone, "It can amplify a person's fear and then feed off of it to make it more powerful. It can also implant illusions into your mind and trick you into looking into their eyes. It will take your biggest fears and use them against you."

"Great," Stiles states, "so we have to make sure the hunters don't kill us while also keeping our eyes closed so we don't turn into human statues."

The Avengers look at each other with worry and confusement in their eyes. They've dealt with terrorists, assassins, gods, aliens, and more but they've never dealt with something like this. Is this what Y/N and the others deal with all the time? They talk so naturally about people hunting them like it's just a normal thing they deal with.

"How do we kill it?" Scott asks.

"Trap it in mountain ash and it's powers will rebound on itself," Chris replies.

"Okay, thanks for letting us know. We'll call the others and gather as much stuff and people that we can." Y/N says. She rubs her temples as she starts to think about what they should do. Hunters and the Anuk-Ite are only the things that Chris knows about. Knowing Kate, she probably has more up her sleeve that they don't know about.

"I'll do the same. See you in 30 minutes." The line goes dead as Chris hangs up the phone.

Everyone stands silently staring at Y/N, waiting for her to tell them what to do. She said she was in charge, so they are ready to hear what her plan is.

"Stiles, call dad and tell him to block all roads leading in and out of Beacon Hills." Tony's face falls slightly hearing Y/N call someone else dad.

"Do I tell him why?" Stiles asks. He's not sure if he wants to tell their dad what's about to happen. They don't need him volunteering to help. Their dad isn't supernatural like Y/N or Scott. If he gets hurt badly enough or turned to stone, that's it for him. Stiles isn't supernatural either, but he knows he can take care of himself. He's been dealing with things like this ever since Scott got turned.

"No. Just tell him to close off the town and look out for hunters."

"Got it." Stiles walks away from the others to call the sheriff.

"What do you want us to do?" Bucky steps in front of Steve, ready for Y/N to give him an order. He never thought he'd see the day that little Y/N Stark would be leading them into a battle, but he can't hide the proud look on his face. While he never wanted her to know a life like the Avengers know, he's glad to see the woman she turned out to be. It's something he stopped believing he'd see after a while.

"You and Steve can go with Scott and recruit as many people as you can. There's a lot of supernatural people who live in this town. They need to be given an option to either fight with us or stay and hope we defeat the army before they burst into town and kill everyone they want." Y/N states, looking between Scott, Steve, and Bucky.

"Do you really think we can't defeat a mere mortal army?" Thor questions. This sounds like an easy win. Why do they need more people? Why are they putting so much thought into this? He can just go over there and take them all out with a single swing of his hammer.

"I think fear makes people do unexpected things and I've learned to never underestimate anyone. Even the weakest of people can take down the strongest with the right motivation."

"Yeah, like this one time we were almost taken out by a small creepy guy who also had an obsession with Scott's ex-girlfriend," Stiles states, coming back into the room. "He also had a giant lizard helping him but it's whatever."

"Or like Stiles." Stiles throws an offended look at Y/N as she says his name. "He's human and he runs around with werewolves and is constantly against hunters or other supernatural creatures and things. He's physically weaker than all of them and yet he's still here. Except for the time that he was the supernatural thing but that's beside the point."

"What about the rest of us? What do you want us to do?" Tony asks. He still thinks they should get Y/N out of here and let someone else deal with this issue. If she's the target, she shouldn't be here. They could take the quinjet and get her to the compound, but if she wants to stay and fight, and he can't convince her otherwise, he'll stay and fight with her.

"You, Peter, Stiles, and Derek should head back to the apartment." Y/N holds up her hand to silence the protest Stiles and Derek started to make. "Sneak back in and then go out where everyone who's gathered there can see you. Pretend like I'm with you and make sure they follow you. I don't care where you take them, just make sure they're away from the apartment. If any hunters get through the blockade, that's one of the first places they'll go, and we don't need more people getting hurt."

"Why do we have to go with them?!" Stiles exclaims, Derek nodding in agreement next to him.

"One, what four people will people be looking out for the most in the 'Y/N Stark's alive' story? Two, it's Derek's apartment so he has to be there to make it realistic. And three, because I said so."

"Then what are you and Scott doing?"

"Scott's going with Steve and Bucky to get others who want to fight."

"Then who's going with you? What are you doing?"

"I'm going with the rest of them to the Hale house to meet with Chris and figure out the best way to attack," Y/N states, looking at the rest of the Avengers to let them know that's what they were going to do.

Derek crosses his arms in a protective manner, "You're going with them. Alone." He knows that they are technically her family, but he doesn't trust them. He knows next to nothing about them except that the world's biggest heroes let Y/N be given to one of the world's biggest terrorist groups by one of their own.

Y/N rolls her eyes, "I'll be fine. I'll also text the others and let them know to go to the Hale house." She pulls her phone out of her pocket and checks the time. "We should go now since we only have two hours until they start killing everyone in Beacon Hills."

"Is everyone here supernatural?" Tony asks.

"No, but I doubt they stop and ask questions before pulling the trigger." Y/N turns to Stiles, Scott, and Derek, "Meet at the Hale house in about 45 minutes. An hour at the most. Got it?"

"Got it," Scott affirms while Stiles gives her a thumbs up.

Derek slowly walks over to her and slides his arms around her waist, pulling her in close. Their eyes lock as they silently communicate with each other. Derek's mind is swimming with things he wants to tell her but there's too much to say.

Y/N, noticing the scared and worried look in his eyes, leans into Derek and kisses him softly, "I'll be okay. I promise."

"I love you," he whispers.

"I love you too."

Derek places another quick kiss on Y/N's forehead before walking towards the front door. "Let's get this over with," he grumbles as he passes Stiles. Stiles huffs in frustration as he pulls his keys out of his pocket and follows Derek out the door.

"Steve, the keys to the car are on my dresser. You'll probably need them." Tony states before sharing a look with Peter and following Derek and Stiles.

Peter hasn't said much since they were told hunters are getting ready to kill Y/N and her friends. He wants to agree with their dad and say Y/N should get out of Beacon Hills, but his savior complex agrees with Y/N and knows they should stay and fight.

Steve runs up to Tony's room and grabs the keys to the SUV. He runs back down and shakes the keys towards Scott and Bucky, "Let's go."

"How are we getting to where we're going?" Sam questions, watching Steve, Bucky, and Scott leave the lake house.

"We'll walk there," Y/N replies.

"Walk there?"

"It's not that far from here. You should know that since we were just there."

"And there's the sass I remember," Natasha smirks, loving the exchange between Y/N and Sam.

Y/N doesn't comment or show any emotion to Nat's comment. She doesn't know how to feel when they make comments about who she used to be. "Grab whatever you need and let's get going."


No one has spoken a word since they got into Stiles' jeep. They sit in awkward silence as Stiles drives toward Derek's and Y/N's apartment.

Peter wants to say something but he's not sure what he should say. He has so many questions he wants to ask. He wants to know everything about Y/N that he can but he's not sure if they'll answer his questions or not.

Derek can feel the nervousness rolling off Peter. He can smell it too. He can't tell if it's because of the car situation they're in now or if he's nervous about what's to come. Derek wants to be nervous about what could happen in a few hours but he's just angry. He's angry at Kate. He's angry that Y/N, once again, has a big target on her head. And he's angry at the shit show their lives have become in just a few days.

While their lives have always been a bit of a shit show, this past week has been something else. His head can't seem to wrap around everything. Like, he's now sitting in Stiles' jeep with Y/N's other father and her other brother. He never thought that was something that would happen.

Stiles continuously glances over at Tony who's sitting in the passenger seat next to him. Maybe he should try to talk to him or get to know him. He's also Y/N's family and she doesn't plan on just cutting them out. Knowing her she's probably secretly coming up with a plan where everyone gets to be an equal part of her life.

Stiles will never admit it, but Tony was right. When he saw the photos of Y/N Stark's funeral, in the back of his mind he knew it was the girl he called his sister. He never fully dove into the case of the missing Stark because he was afraid that it would just confirm that the voice in the back of his head was right. So, he stayed away from it, locked it in the back of his mind, and never thought of it again. As he got older, he eventually forgot about the possibility of his sister being Y/N Stark.

"How'd you meet?" Tony's voice breaks the silence.

"What?" Stiles asks, confused about what and who Tony is talking to.

"Derek, how did you and Y/N meet?"

Derek clears his throat before answering, "Technically we met when she was trespassing on my property with Stiles and Scott."

"We were looking for Scott's inhaler," Stiles says defensively.

"You said technically. What do you mean by that?" Tony questions.

"We met more officially after she saved my life after my ex-girlfriend shot me." Derek answers. While they had technically met a few other times between meeting on his property and him getting shot, they never spoke much until she saved his life. That was also the moment that Stiles found out his sister was a werewolf.

As Derek was slowly dying from the wolfsbane-infected bullet wound, Y/N came rushing in and quickly got to work on burning the wolfsbane and getting it out of his system. While he could tell she was a werewolf when they first met, Stiles was in complete shock that she knew what to do. He wasn't even sure how she knew where they were.

After Stiles and Scott figured out Scott was a werewolf, they swore to not get Y/N involved. They obviously didn't know that she was already involved way before they were, but they just wanted to protect her from what was going on. After saving Derek, that's when she decided to tell them the secret she'd been hiding from them.

"Was it the same ex that's trying to kill you now?" Peter asks.

"The exact same one," Stiles answers with an angry smile on his face. Kate seems to enjoy fucking up their lives at any chance she can get. Every time they think she's gone, she comes right back.

"D-Do you think you could tell us about Y/N?" Tony asks quietly.

The quietness and the hesitation in Tony's voice startles Stiles. If there's one thing he knows about Tony Stark, it's that he's extremely confident and he never seems to be afraid of anything. It sounded like he was afraid to ask that question. Even looking at him Tony looks nervous.

"U-Um, what do you, uh, want to know?" Stiles questions back.


Stiles thinks for a moment, "Um, hmm. I literally have no idea what to say." What details do you tell your sister's first father and other brother who thought she was dead up until a few days ago?

"What's happened to her?" Peter asked, his voice full of emotion.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean she killed three guys and afterwards it didn't look like it affected her at all. This was before she got her memories back, so I know that wasn't Hydra's doing. When we were in the woods, and she got shot, she acted like it was just a normal day. What's happened to her where all of this is okay?"

This has been the biggest question on Peter's mind since he found out she is his sister. While he knows that she's going to be different from the last time he saw her, he doesn't know how it got to this point. Was it one specific horrible thing or have there been a lot of horrible things? He's assuming a lot since when they met she had people hunting her, now more people are hunting her, and the other Avengers have filled him in on the Deadpool situation and the other things they've learned.

He guesses he can't be too shocked about how she turned out because it's better than her being dead. She's also a lot better than he had prepared himself for. He's always had a weird feeling that she possibly wasn't dead, that they found the wrong body, but he never put much thought into it.

The last time he put any thought into Y/N possibly being alive was a year after they found her 'body.' He started thinking about it more and more at night because he couldn't shake the weird feeling. He started to prepare himself for what they could find if it was true. If she'd been with Hydra the whole time, they'd probably find her a shell of a human and being forced to do things she'd never do. What if they found her and she'd been held captive the whole time? He knows that with age she would change, but what if it was more than that?

"She's been through a lot. We all have. Everything changed after Scott got bit." Stiles says.

"We told you about Allison and Aiden and that they died but they weren't the only ones," Derek states, his jaw clenching in anger as he looks out the window next to him.

"Who are Allison and Aiden?" Peter asks. He wasn't there when they talked about them.

"Allison was Scott's girlfriend. She's also Kate's niece. She died after being stabbed by an Oni." Stiles explains. "Aiden dated Lydia at one point and he was an alpha with his twin brother. They could also merge and become this really big werewolf which was really freaky. He also died after being stabbed by an Oni."

"What's an Oni?"

"Oh, they're thes–"

"Look it up later." Derek interrupts Stiles. "If you ask him to explain everything, it will get confusing real fast."

"You said they weren't the only ones. Who else have you lost?" Tony asks.

"Well, there's Erica, who was killed by the alpha pack. And you also have Boyd, who was also killed by the alpha pack. That's exactly what it sounds like by the way." Stiles answers.

"Y/N was really close to all of them. She was there for Allison after her mom died and after her and Scott broke up. She was there for Erica and Boyd after they turned and when they needed help on full moons. She was even there for Aiden and his brother after they no longer had a pack and wanted to join Scott's." Derek says.

He remembers the sleepless nights that Y/N had after each one of their deaths. He remembers holding her tight while she wept for hours after finding out Erica was dead. He remembers her screams and cries of anguish when she ran into the loft to see Boyd dead. He remembers the night she finally broke after Allison's death after weeks of being strong for everyone else and the shoulder to cry on. He remembers how she shut down after Aiden's death and after Isaac moved away.

"The one that definitely hit her the most, even though she refused to ever let it show, was our mom's death," Stiles says.

"When did she die?" Peter's hoping he's not being insensitive or bringing up things he shouldn't be asking all these questions.

"Uh," Stiles clears his throat as he tries to keep his emotions in check, "she died when we were really young. She died of frontotemporal dementia."

"What else has happened?" Tony asks, changing the subject.

"The hunters have consistently been hunting us, so I won't bring up every instance of that. There was once a guy who was controlling a giant lizard and killing people. He eventually attacked us as well. Then Gerard took control of the lizard and that was a whole thing.

"Then there's the alpha pack who wanted Derek to kill everyone and join them. Then his other ex-girlfriend was committing human sacrifices and tried to kill our parents. There was also the time I was possessed by an evil spirit. And not too long ago, Derek was forcibly taken to Mexico and de-aged by Kate."


"Yeah, there's a lot there. I'd tell you but I think he'd actually rip my throat out."

"Wait, so not only do you have one ex-girlfriend who's a hunter and she killed your whole family, and she's now trying to kill you again, but you also have an ex-girlfriend who committed human sacrifices?" Peter asks, confusion evident on his face.

"I don't want to talk about it." Derek quickly states.

"Dude, you really do have terrible taste," Stiles says.

"What about Y/N?"

"She also has terrible taste," Stiles smirks as Derek slightly growls at him.

They go silent once more as Tony and Peter process everything they were just told. They know Stiles just gave them the short version of some of the things that happened, but they didn't sound good. Several people who were associated with Y/N and her friends have died. While the Avengers have had some close calls, none of them have yet to die.

Peter still doesn't understand what has happened to where she is how she is now. At what point did she feel comfortable killing others? While he knows she was given a choice between him and the three teens, and he's grateful that she saved his life, she acted like it didn't bother her. Maybe he just didn't see it. Even after she got shot, she was more upset by the thought of him driving Derek's car than the fact she was dying.

"How was she able to kill three people and not even blink?" Peter asks, nervously playing with the sleeves of his hoodie.

"What happened to make her kill them? We have our theory, but we don't know what happened." Derek questions back.

"They drugged me with something and told her I was going to die if I wasn't given the cure. They told her she'd get the cure after she killed them. They also said their mission was to kill us."

"So, she was protecting you and saved your life?" Stiles asks, confused about why Peter was questioning Y/N's choices if her reasoning was clear.

"I guess but why did it seem like it didn't affect her?"

"Let me tell you one thing about Y/N. She will never let you know how she really feels, and you will rarely see her mask falter. She uses sarcasm and jokes as a shield. While you see it as it didn't affect her, I promise you it definitely did. She doesn't even have to tell me anything to know it's true. She's also very protective of the people she considers family or even a friend."

"He's right," Derek affirms. He knows better than anyone how Y/N really is. She saw the walls he built around himself and helped tear them down, and he did the same to hers.

"Well, it looks like more people have shown up," Stiles mumbles, noticing that the number of people outside of Derek's and Y/N's building has doubled since they left as he pulls into the parking garage.

"What's the plan?" Peter asks as Stiles pulls into a parking spot.

"First we're going to go up to the apartment and go out onto the balcony where everyone can see us. They need to see that we're here. All of us except for Peter. Then we come back down but we throw a blanket over Peter."

"Why me?"

"Because I said so. Everyone will think you're Y/N and see us leaving together so they'll follow us."

"You know we aren't blood-related right? Why would they think I'm her?"

"They're just going to see us trying to get someone out of the building. They'll assume it's Y/N."

"They didn't see us leave earlier. They didn't even notice us pull in now. What makes you think they'll follow us?" Derek questions.

"I've got that covered."

"When did you come up with this?"

"When you were too busy having a disgusting goodbye with my sister." Stiles quickly gets out of the jeep before Derek could hit him.

Derek rolls his eyes at Stiles' antics and gets out of the jeep as Tony and Peter do the same. They stand in silence as they take the elevator up to the loft. Once at the top, Derek takes out his keys and opens the loft door for them to go in. Peter stays in the living room while the others walk out onto the balcony.

On the balcony, Derek and Tony look over the edge and look at the crowd below. Screaming and yelling can be heard when people notice them.

"Alright, let's go," Derek says, walking back into the loft to grab a blanket to throw over Peter.

Stiles and Tony follow Derek back into the loft. Derek grabs a blanket off the couch before walking out of the loft with the other right behind them. As they get into the elevator, Derek throws the blanket over Peter.

"This is stupid. There's no way this will work." Peter says.

"We're about to find out," Stiles mutters, texting someone on his phone. The elevator suddenly dings open, and they slowly start to walk toward Stiles' jeep.

"Oh my god, it's them! They're over here!" Derek looks towards the entrance of the parking lot to see Mason and Liam yelling and pointing toward them.

"Really?" Derek growls lowly to Stiles.

Stiles goes to respond to Derek before his eyes widen in shock as the group of people previously standing outside the building are now running toward them. They quickly rush towards the jeep and get in as quickly as possible. As Stiles slams his door shut, the jeep is surrounded by people yelling questions at them, taking pictures, and some of them banging on the jeep trying to get their attention. "If they bang up my jeep, Y/N's paying for it."

"I'll buy you a new jeep. Just get us the fuck out of here." Tony hisses, trying to shield his eyes from the bright camera flashes.

Stiles slowly drives out of the garage while trying not to run anyone over. Once they get onto the street, he starts to speed up and drive away from the apartment. He looks into his rearview mirror to see cars driving after them. People are also clamoring into cars and onto bikes to try and follow them. There is even a few running after them.

"Can I take this off now?" Peter asks, not enjoying being under the blanket.

"Not yet," Stiles mutters, trying to focus on where he's going and making sure they're being followed.

"Where are we going?" Derek asks.

"I'm taking them towards the edge of town. Not the one near the hunters but the other one. With the police block, I can make sure they either hold them back or send them out of town."

"What makes you think they won't just follow us back?" Tony questions.

"I know a back way."


Everyone Scott talked to decided to stay home and prepare for if the hunters get into Beacon Hills. He had Lydia text him pictures of the old Deadpool list, so he knew who to talk to. Some of the people he'd never heard of or didn't know who they were but most of them he knew.

"How'd you become a werewolf?" Bucky asks.

"I got bit by Peter. The guy who's Derek's uncle." Scott replies, looking out at the trees from the backseat as they drive towards the Hale house. It didn't take them long to contact or find everyone on the lists.

"What about Derek?"

"He was born one."

"What's he like?" Bucky ignores the warning look Steve gives him from the driver's seat. They had a conversation where Steve told him that he needs to be nicer to Derek if they want to get closer to Y/N.

"He's broody, a bit grumpy, and sometimes an asshole but he's also like an older brother I never had."

"What's the story with him and Y/N?" Steve throws Bucky a glare as Bucky continues to interrogate Scott about Derek.

"Um, I don't really know the whole thing. I know they've been friends for the longest time. She saved his life once and I think it just went from there. Stiles told me he caught her texting him a lot at night at one point when some friends of ours died. I think that also brought them closer. I don't really know how their relationship changed from being just friends to more." Scott knows a bit more than that but he's not comfortable sharing everything with them.

Scott knows they got together sometime after Y/N saved Cora's life and around the time their parents were taken by the Darach. Cora was dying and Jennifer refused to heal her, so Y/N did. They don't know how or what she did. Derek just left Cora for a second to go to the bathroom and when he came back down, she was awake and healed.

He doesn't know the exact moment or what the conversation looked like because a lot was going on at the time. He just remembers after the whole Jennifer/Darach situation and while they were trying to help Malia get out of her coyote form, she was tracking down Derek and Peter with Braeden. Then when they went to the loft to check on Derek, they caught him and Y/N making out on his couch.

Bucky sighs, "Does he at least treat her nice?"

"You've seen them. I'm pretty sure you can answer that yourself."

Bucky tries not to huff in frustration. He was hoping to get more information about Derek, but Scott doesn't seem willing to talk much about him. He just wants something to understand him. Steve says he thinks Bucky doesn't like him because he's exactly like him.

The car comes to a stop as Steve parks outside of the burnt-down Hale house. There are a few other cars already there, but the jeep wasn't there yet. They get out of the car and follow the voices they can hear into the house.

"We can't just kill them all!" Lydia's voice rings out.

"Why not?" Malia asks.

"What's going on?" Scott asks, stepping into the room where everyone is gathered. He notices that Liam, Kira, Chris, and Mason are also there.

"We're coming up with a plan," Y/N says, standing over and looking at a map with Chris and Bruce.

"I found out that the Anuk-Ite isn't the only thing Kate has. She also brought Berserkers." Chris states.

"Great," Scott mutters, walking over to the map they're looking at.

Y/N points to a spot on the map, "This is where they are. I think the best way to attack would be to lure them out into the woods and take them down one by one."

"Why do you say that?"

"We don't know how many of them there are. If we just go in and attack, it could end badly for us. They probably have hundreds of wolfsbane bullets ready to shoot them through our heads. Even if they just get us somewhere else, the wolfsbane will take us down. We can't risk that."

"Okay. What about the Anuk-Ite and the Berserkers?"

"Try not to run into them."

"I brought mountain ash for the Anuk-Ite. Someone will have to trap it." Chris pulls out a jar of mountain ash from his jacket.

"Stiles will probably want to do that," Scott says.

"I think we should split into groups and lure them out at all angles," Y/N says, staring intensely at the map of the woods. "If we can get them to break up into small groups we'll take them down easily."

"Do we get to call dibs on who gets to rip out Kate's throat?" Peter Hale asks, stepping out of the dark corner of the room and moving towards the group gathered around the map.

"No, and even if we did it wouldn't be you. You had your chance, and we all know how that went."

"What groups are you thinking?" Scott asks, ignoring Peter.

"We need a few people stationed closer toward Beacon Hills in case any of them get through. I think that should be Mason, Lydia, Bruce, and Thor."

"Why us?" Lydia asks.

"If you or Mason get shot, that's it for you. Bruce and Thor might be great for fighting aliens or killer robots, but we don't need them for who we're fighting. No offense but I don't want to kill people that we don't have to." Y/N explains.

Bruce wants to argue but he can see her point. If she thinks the Hulk isn't needed, then he won't complain.

"I think we're perfect for fighting the Anu-kite and the Zerkers," Thor says, laughing a bit at the thought that he shouldn't fight.

"She's in charge so if she says your backup then your backup." Sam pats Thor on the back in a comforting manner. "What about me? Where should I go?"

"You'll go with Malia and Bucky and take the east end." Y/N points on the map where they'll go. "Kira, you'll take the north with Natasha and Wanda."

"Who's going with Stiles?" Scott asks.

"Stiles will go with Liam and Peter."

"Why do I have to go with him?" Peter Hale asks with an annoyed look on his face.

"Other Peter. You'll go with Chris and Derek and take the south end."

"Who's going with you?" Everyone turns to see Derek walking into the room with Stiles, Tony, and Peter following him.

"I'll go with Tony straight to the house." Tony hates that Y/N calls him by his name.

"Why him?"

"His suit gives him the best advantage in getting into the house against the bullets."

"What's the plan?" Stiles asks, walking over to stand next to Scott.

"We're luring them out into the woods and taking them out in small groups. That doesn't mean we're killing them; it just means we're taking them down." Scott looks at the Avengers as he says that.

Chris holds out the jar of mountain ash toward Stiles, "You're in charge of taking down the Anuk-Ite."

"So, no pressure," Stiles huffs nervously, taking the jar from Chris.

"Scott, you and Steve take the west end." Y/N watches as Scott nods in confirmation. "If you need help or anything, call, scream, or howl. Whatever you feel like doing."

"And remember, don't look the Anuk-Ite in the eyes. If you're not 100% human and you look into it's eyes, you gotta hope we can kill it before you die. If you are just human, then you're dead." Chris reminds them.

"Wow, so no pressure at all," Stiles mumbles to himself.

"Is everyone ready?" Y/N looks around as everyone nods in confirmation, gives her thumbs up, or vocally lets her know they're ready. "Let's go then."


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