Ice Cold

By InvisibleLantern

308K 9.5K 3.1K

Shouto Todoroki x [Female] Reader ••• Ice cold. An adjective often used for the one and only Y/N, a young gir... More

Before we do anything...
The Big Three
An Outing
Entrance Exams
The First Day
Hero Basic Training
The World of Pros
The Sports Festival Begins!
Obstacle Course
Cavalry Battle
Big Sister
The Final Exams
The Training Camp
Vanguard Action Squad
Breaking Free
Symbol of Peace
UA Dorms
Memories Lost in Time
Provisional License Exams
Room Presentation
The Fears that Hold Us
Christmas Special
Power of a Quirk
Quirks: A Gift and a Curse
Heroes Cry
Shie Hassaikai
A Reason to Stay
Remedial Exams
The School Festival
The Past
Open Up
Fighting Against Memories
A Familiar Face
A Feeling
Unready Bodies
The Past Never Dies
Family Ties
The UA Traitor
Class 1A
Unhealed Wounds
The Dead
Life and Death


1.2K 52 22
By InvisibleLantern

^ Character Profile ^
(Quick Note: Vie means Life in French)

"So my quirk..." You started carefully. "is some cruel combination of my mother's and my father's?"

"Somewhat. Your mother's quirk was life. She could input a piece of her into anything, essentially, but she confined it simply to earth so that she had more control."

Justin took out a piece of paper.

"Thus far, you have three quirks at your disposal: your mother's, the Water Hose heroes that you mentioned, and Nighteye's."

"But I've never used Nighteye's."

"Of course not. It doesn't just go off on its own. You may have noticed that you have more control over water and earth. Your quirk mimics the state of the quirk at the time of death, including how it has developed and what it controls. Naturally, you can control earth better due to your mother's control over it and water better due to the Water Hose heroes also accounting for your water side."

You looked down. "But... wouldn't I just get the quirks of anyone I interact with? My father simply needs to touch them to steal their quirk."

"Not necessarily. You need to form a connection with them first. I'm sure your father tried this with you?"

You nodded. "Just making me watch someone die to see if I get their quirk."

"Your quirk is an extension of your life force. Therefore, you must make connections. Have you ever experienced..." He thought for a moment. "A moment where you quirk seemed to be a whole other vessel?"

Your brows raised. "I..."

"Think of it like..." He brought two plastic cups of water. One was clear, the other was coloured red. "Water. This clear one is you. As changes are made to your life as a result of these people, your quirk gathers." He stabbed through the cup of red water with a toothpick and let it leak into the clear water. "Then, when the user of that quirk dies, yours swoops in and uses it." He swung the cup in Aster's direction, who was seated right next to him.

"Agh- Hey! What's with the red water?!"

"That doesn't explain why my quirk is... 'alive' I guess."

"Well, it still belonged to another person. It's still theirs. You're simply using it." He looked up at the ceiling in thought. "I bet, if you call loudly enough, the owners of the quirks your father stole will awaken."

Dabi looked down at the cuffs around his hands. "Damn, that's not something I thought you had the control for. Not worried you'll cut off my circulation?"

"Of course not. Your skin would probably fall off first."

He chuckled. "I guess your right." His wrists burst into flames, hot enough to melt the cuffs from his hands, and you brought them back to you, allowing them to become part of your outfit once again.

"Hm. It's rare for fire to be able to melt this." You muttered loud enough to hear. "Colour me impressed."

"You don't look the part."


Suddenly, Gigantomachia roared, attempting to tear through Best Jeanist's bindings.

You flew back and drifted to the ground, where you placed your palms on the ground and made vines burst from beneath the surface, mimicking Best Jeanist's bindings on Gigantomachia. Dabi had strayed from you but you were already occupied with Gigantomachia.

You stood on top of his head and placed your hands down, trying to share some sort of memory or thought to paralyze him in some state of fear. "Damn... he's totally blocking me out."

Shouto sped to his brother, immediately fighting fire with fire as flames of blue and orange intertwined. "You really send those villains our way?!" Shouto demanded. 

"One of them almost killed Natsu! Remember him? The brother you cried to every day?!"

"Almost killed? What a shame. That would've hurt Endeavour." Dabi continued to smile despite the words Shouto said.

"Are you freaking insane?!"

"Sure am, Shouto. See, your brother's not so big on 'feelings' anymore."


"And now I get to kill you after all."

You heard the words and nearly went over, but stopped when Iida came running to you with Bakugou in his arms. "Y/N— er.. Vie! Please heal Bakugou! He's too stubborn to go to the medics!"

You peered down at your classmate from atop Gigantomachia and jumped down, instructing Iida to place him down in a clearer area.

The healing glow from your hands transferred to Bakugou, dim at first then glowing brightly. For someone who persistently insists that he doesn't care about Midoriya, he puts himself into a lot of danger for him.

"Bakugou." You greeted once his eyes opened.

"The hell are you doing, dead eyes?"

"Healing your stupidly achieved wounds. Thank my mother." You inputed a bit more of your life force into his skin, which was the most uncomfortable feeling you had ever had, and started making it close again. "Don't move or it will heal oddly."

"Why the hell does it sting if you're healing me?"

"Why does medicine taste gross if it is helping you? You are breaking my concentration." Your other hand began removing dirt from the wound. "While it was stupidly obtained," The open skin finally closed completely. "I assume you have learned that Midoriya is more than a useless pawn in this game?"

He kissed his teeth in annoyance. "You're extremely annoying."

"A shame."

The both of your heads snapped towards Best Jeanist, who was surrounded by Nomu that the heroes fighting elsewhere had let slip.

The cuff around your dominant hand detached from your wrist and its tip sharpened. You flew to the area but before you could jump into action, someone emerged from the ground, his fist ready for combat. "POWER!!"

Your brows raised. "Lemillion...!"

"Hey, Y/N! You're back!"

"And not a moment too early, it seems."

"Where's your man?"

"Watch yourself." You spun your makeshift blade around your hand. "Tell me, do you really think that your punches will be able to take these things down?"

He didn't even need to think for a moment. "Nope!"

You blinked in his direction, unamused, and sighed. "Well, it doesn't seem like it'll become an issue. Right, Nejire?"

Her spirals of energy came shooting down, sending two Nomus to the ground. "I don't think so!"

A glint of light came from the distance and Bakugou came firing through, his explosions as rockets and enlarged gunfire.

"Well? Have you experienced the world, Bakugou?" Best Jeanist asked.

"That name was temporary." Bakugou began in reply. "I held off on the big reveal until you could hear it!"

Oh? And I thought I was the only one having a hero name reveal.

"From now on, I'm.. Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight!"

How childish!

Mirio laughed. "A fine hero name with a real sense of humour to it!"

Your eyes rolled but you didn't dwell on it for long. Bakugou's hero name wasn't of importance to you; as a matter of fact, he's going to stay 'Bakugou' because there's no way that collection of words is exiting your mouth consecutively.

"Let's finish-"

"Aw, your friends are having a blast down there."

You paused, making Nejire bump into your back. "Y/N? What's wrong?"

"Go on without me for a while." You wiped some sweat from the side of your face, making a burn on it sting before glowing to heal. "Someone is testing my patience."

"Poor Shouto." Dabi said, holding his brother with fake gentleness as his flames engulfed them both. "No fun for you. Just pain."

"But... you're burning up... too!"

"Seriously. It's great that you were raised with love. I'm fine because I'm really happy right now." Dabi smiled at his father's dumbstricken face. "The guy's about to watch his puppet masterpiece burn up and die in the fire of his failed experiment, and he can't do anything! Shouto! Once my fire burns you to ash, I wonder... what kind of face dad'll make?!"

"Let's not stick around to find out, shall we?" A small tornado formed between the two, sending them flying apart, one into your arms, the other into Midoriya's whip. 

You held Shouto close to you, holding the back of his head and covering his body with as much as you as possible, glowing dimly so his burns would vanish. "Y-Y/N...?" He whispered and you assured, "Don't worry. I am here."

He hummed and let you hold him. It was the first pair of arms that had hugged him with such affection since his mom. 

"I'd say that this family matter is none of your business, but..." Dabi stared at the two of you. his gleeful expression growing malice. "I'd say you've already made yourself a part of it. How annoying."


Midoriya's Black Whip yanked Dabi away from you and Shouto. His body couldn't move, but his tongue mimicked Tsu. "It's our business cuz Todoroki's our friend!" He insisted. "And Endeavour's my mentor who's made me stronger! Sure, the past never dies! And that's why I'm watching Endeavour real hard as he tries to be better! And guess what?! You aren't Endeavour!"

You looked down at Shouto. "You have good taste in friends."

"He's... your friend too."

You breathed out, holding Shouto a bit closer. "I guess so."

Midoriya was the type of guy that would blurt out whatever he was thinking, whether kind or not. Thankfully, he was a kind person through and through, so whatever he said never quite hurt. 

That's hard to find now. Someone who resented injustice more than they feared embarrassment. Someone who hungered for goodness than thirsted for power.

And as Endeavour shot through the air as a bursting flame, you knew that he thought so, too.

Gigantomachia plummeted to the ground and you let out a relieved sigh. Whether it was because of the sedatives that your class gave him or the flaming punch Endeavour gave, he was down.

Nomus came as the prime enemy and you let go of Shouto. "I'll be back."

"No. I'm coming to help you."

"Whichever you think works. But I remind you," Your eyes glowed. "I cannot revive the dead."

You jumped into battle with the Nomus, dragging one towards you using your cuffs, and another being trapped by a cone of earth. "Bakugou! There's no way you could take a hit from one of these without dying!" You warned when the one you trapped quickly broke through. 

"I agree!" Iida concurred. "Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, you must retreat! You're in no state to take a hit from these things!"

Are we really calling him that? You flung the cuffed Nomu towards Shouto, who burnt it to a crisp, and you dealt with the one that broke free from your earthly grip. As you stabbed it in the brain with a sharpened makeshift blade, you stopped.

A pounding headache similar to the one you had gotten when you were in France returned. Like your head was splitting or something was poking at it. 

"Are you okay?" Shouto asked, holding your shoulder.

"Just a headache..." You held your head. "Where's your brother?"

"On the giant villain."

You stared for a moment. "I was expecting more reckless flames."

"I... did, too." You looked at each other and jumped onto the limp body. Your headache suddenly got much worse and you gripped Shouto's arm. "Ugh.. Bordel de merde!"

"What does that mean?"

"I don't think you'd like to know." You shook your head a bit in hopes that it would go away, but it just felt like you shook your skull and made your brain jiggle around like pennies in a jar. 

Mirio suddenly flew back past the two of you and your headache vanished, just like the one from before. No warning, not even a winding down. It just disappeared.

"What was that?" Shouto questioned, mainly focused on the gust of wind that sent multiple flying back. 

Hm. I guess I unintentionally redirected it.

"I'd recognize it anywhere." You moved some strands of hair behind your ear. "This is a family matter, Shouto. Jump in when Death gets involved." 

You ran across Gigantomachia's back, spotting Shigaraki stood not far from you. Then you stopped again, finding a mangled body with an unfamiliar face at your feet. You knelt down, recognizing the fabric on the torn pants.

"Hey. Compress." You tilted your head. "Are you dead?"

Without a response, you placed your hand on his chest, feeling no heartbeat, no rising or falling of his chest to signify breath. 

You saw Nomus running towards you from the side of your eye and stopped staring at the body before you. "I don't know why... but it feels like you just ignited a fire in my soul, father."


Nejire, Shouto, and Mirio all tried running in to help you, but the moment your glare turned to the Nomu, they all stopped.

The three came to a halt. Shouto finally started feeling the burning sensations that you were numbing again. Bakugou felt the pain of being stabbed through his stomach even though you made the wound disappear.

Every ounce of life that you gave to anything and anyone came back to you and into the bodies of the Nomu. After all, without true life... they were just objects to you.

Shigaraki turned to you and smiled. "Ah... you have gotten stronger, my dear." It took those two words for you to realize that your father had taken over. There was a lot you wanted to say to him, but only one thing was running through your mind.

"This will be your brother from now on. His name is Tomura Shigaraki."

"In such a body, I don't think I can take you, as much as I hate to admit it." All For One stated. He held out his hand and it burst, a gust of wind blowing in your face and making you step back until you redirected it away from you, making your life force leave the Nomu in front of you. By the time you did that, he was already running off.

Instead of the Nomu attacking you, they came to aid him in his retreat.

You started running after him, but Mirio grabbed your by the torso and you fell into him. "Y/N, that stunt's left your pale!"

"No, I'm fine, I-"

"You can barely move."

"So what?! Let go of me!"

"I get that you're angry, but-"

"No!" You tried pushing him away but the toll of having most of your life force separated from you was too much, so you simply stared at Shigaraki retreating in the distance and callled, "You... Give my brother back!!"

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