His Mia

By obsessive_writer0

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Mia Rives 18 year old Mia lost her parents in a tragic accident when she was 15. She found herself in an abus... More

Chapter 1: Interview
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Eyes
Chapter 4: Fun
Chapter 5: Lying
Chapter 6: Pain
Chapter 7: Butterflies
Chapter 9: Kiss me
Chapter 10: Embarrassing
Chapter 11: Nightmare
Chapter 12: Sparks
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Bleeding
Chapter 15: Love
Chapter 16: Heartbreak
Chapter 17: Listening
Chapter 18: Apologies
Chapter 19: Talking not touching
Chapter 20: Art
Chapter 21: Healing
Chapter 22: Beach house
Chapter 23: Pleasure
Chapter 24: Leaving
Chapter 25: Threat
Chapter 26: Hospital
Chapter 27: Home
Chapter 28: Please
Chapter 29: Tell her
Chapter 30: Party
Chapter 31: Cheater
Chapter 32: Mind
Chapter 33: Forgive me
Chapter 34: Need you
Chapter 35: Truth
Chapter 36: Afraid
Chapter 37: Destroy her
Chapter 38: Best Option
Chapter 39: Weeks
Chapter 40: Tests
Chapter 41: Surprises
Chapter 42: Wake up
Chapter 43: Living
Chapter 44: Future
Chapter 45: Baby

Chapter 8: Beating

113 0 0
By obsessive_writer0

Warning: abuse, mentions of rape, violence and blood⚠️

Mia's pov:

I wake up to someone lightly shaking me. I open my eyes and am met with my brother.

"I have to head into work, wanted to let you know in case you needed something." He says rather loudly. I just grunt and shake my head, pulling the covers back over my head. He laughs as he walks out.

I know I have to get up, Elliot will be here sometime today and I need to be ready to end things with him. I have to work in a few hours so hopefully he comes before that.

Elliot didn't come and I needed to be at work. I texted him but he never answered. So I went into work. I was silently hoping Aiden came into the cafe. But he never did. I texted him a few times apologizing for kicking him out last night but he didn't even read them. I probably ruined anything between us. He hates me now. Why wouldn't he? Elliot tells me all the time I'm a nobody who no one could ever love or care about. He's right.

The bell above the door chimes catching my attention. It's not who I want it to be.

"I thought you said you'd be at home" Elliot's annoyed voice speaks. I barely can look him in the eyes. All I can think about when I see him is what he did to me.

"Well I thought you were going to be stopping by earlier, I didn't know it would be this late in the day." I explain softly so I don't piss him off.

"Well tell whoever's In charge you're leaving, we're going to my house." He demands. My chest sparks with fear of what could happens when we're alone. But I don't argue. I listen. I tell Julia I had an emergency and needed to leave. She didn't mind and told me she hopes everything's okay.

I hope it will be. But I know deep down he's not going to let me leave him.

We pull up to Elliots house and go inside. I sit on the couch and prepare myself for what Im about to do.

"Elliot, we need to talk about something" I say to get his attention. I'm never usually like this with him so he's surprised. He doesn't show it for long.

"What" he say blankly.

"I think maybe we shouldn't see each other anymore" it all comes out fast, I'm terrified of what his reaction is going to be. Elliot turns to look at me with the darkest glare iv ever seen on him.

"Excuse me?" He growls out. My breathing increases. "What the fuck did you just say?" He steps closer making me stand up and back into the wall.

"I j-just think it's for the better Elliot" I say quietly. He doesn't even give me time to say anything else before he's grabbing me and slamming me into the wall, making me scream out in pain. Pain spreads all down my back.

"What's this about? Huh? Is it that dushbag I caught you with? You've always been a whore Mia but this is a whole nother level! You're not leaving me!" He yells in my face, grabbing my hair and throwing me on the floor.

"Stop calling me that!" I scream at him, I know I shouldn't have but I'm tired of him treating me however he likes. Elliot bends down, grabs my hoodie and punches me in the face. I yell out in pain and try to get away.

"So you got guts now huh? Thinking you can talk to me anyway you want!" He kicks me me in my stomach. "We're not done Mia, we're not done until I say we're done." I shouldn't have tried to end things with him. I knew this was the outcome.

I'll never get away from him and I'll never be able to be with Aiden. It's not possible when Elliot is always on my back about everything.

After Elliot was done with my beating he gragged me to bed and he went to sleep. I can't be here. I need to find Aiden. I need to talk to him.

Slowly getting out of Elliot's bed I tip toe out of his room and slowly down the stairs and out the door. I don't know where Aiden lives. Iv never been to his house before. I walk to my house and go to my room.

I take a shower and wash off all of the blood. Once I'm out I change into leggings and Aidens hoodie he gave me the night we went ice skating. I text him something that I know he'll respond too.

Me: Aiden please help me. His response comes immediately.

Aiden: What's wrong? Where are you?

Me: I'm home. Please help me. He reads it but doesn't respond. I can only hope he comes.

Not even 10 minutes later I hear someone banging on the door shouting my name.

"Mia! Mia open the door!" Aiden screams as he bangs harder. I wish I could run to the door but my body is bruised and it hurts to walk. I reach the door after about a minute of him banging and swing it open. He immediately wraps me in his arms which makes me whimper due to the pain. He lets go of me and takes in my state. The bruises, and my swollen eyes. He sucks in a long shocked breath looking all over my face. He brings his hand up and gently strokes my bruises.

"Mia...who did this to you" he whispers. I need to tell him. To come clean. I look between both of his eyes before telling him.

"Elliot" I breathe. As soon as I say it Aidens eyes darkened. He looks like he's planning a million ways to kill Elliot. He goes to turn around and walk out the door but I grab him.

"Aiden don't leave please." I beg him. He stops but doesn't turn around.

"Mia please. Let me go, I'm not going to let him get away with this." He says without turning to me. I step around him to go in front of him and look up at him. He doesn't look at me, he's clenching his fist at his sides. I grab them and unclench them intertwining our hand together.

"Please don't go. We can deal with him later, don't leave me here alone please." I whisper. He looks down at me and shakes his head.

"I should've known. All those times after he seen us together, when you showed up with new bruises. And the way he spoke to you, the way it was so obvious you were scared of him." He's blaming himself. "Fuck! I can't believe I didn't see this before, he's been hurting you and the evidence was right in front of me." The sight of him is breaking my heart. His breathing is erratic. He hunches over holding his chest.

"Aiden you need to breath please." His heart. He can't get worked up. "Look at me please, breathe" I say rubbing my hands along his jaw. He sits on the couch and runs his hands through his hair. I sit next to him and he grabs me and pulls me onto his lap. I let out a shocked gasp at the sudden movement but eventually relax and wrap my hands around his shoulders. His breathing calms down and he slowly runs his hands up and down my back.

"Is there more?" He asks quietly. I know he's talking about the bruises. I hesitantly nod my head and the look in his eyes breaks my heart. "Show me please" he whispers. A tear falls down my face as I slowly start to lift my his hoodie off. I sit the hoodie down next to us and lift my shirt a little.

A noise crawls up his throat as he looks at the bruises. He gently brushes his fingers along my stomach making goosebumps rise on my skin. I let out a shaky breath and more tears fall down my face. Aiden slowly lifts me and lays me down on the couch, he hovers over my stomach and leans down. His lips brush over the bruises and he starts pressing feather like kisses to them. I let out a light sigh at the contact. He continues to press kisses to every spot that's covered with a mark, including my scars. When he's done he moves up to lean over my face. At first he just stares into my eyes then he talks.

"I'm never going to let anyone hurt you again. I promise" he tells me trailing his fingers over the mark on my jaw. I nod at him and pull him down so his head is laying on my chest.

We hold each other for i don't even know long before I doze off.

Aidens pov:

As soon as her breathing evens out and I know she's asleep I slowly lift myself off her and pull a blanket over her. I grab her phone and try to search for this dicks address.

When I seen her body covered in those bruises I nearly lost it. My chest constricted in pain. Seeing her so beat up made me want to do horrible things to anyone who so much as looked at her. I'm never going let anyone do something like that to her again.

I finally found his address in her notes. I lightly kissed her forehead before I headed out the door. He's not getting away with this. Even if it kills me I will do everything in my power to make sure he never even looks at her again.

Pulling up I hop out of the car and bang on his door. He opens the door with an angry look on his face, I don't even give him a chance to speak before I'm dragging him out of the house. I grab him by the front of his shirt and start punching him in his face. I throw him to the ground and he finally gets a look at me.

He starts laughing. "No shit, that little whore told on me?" He thinks this shit is funny? "Did she tell you everything? Or only the parts she didn't like?" I knee him in the face making his head jerk back and blood fly. He keeps laughing. He catches me off guard and tackles me to the ground. He punches and kicks but I still end up on top of him.

"You think this is a joke? You like to beat women?" I say as I punch him again. He looks up at me and smiles, there's blood covering his face. Her bruised body keeps flashing through my mind. Making me angrier and angrier.

"I didn't just beat her. I fucked her. I fucked her while she screamed and begged me to stop. But It only made me want more." He's laughing like a maniac.

"If you ever fucking touch her again I promise it will be the last thing you ever do." I throw him back into the concrete.

He laughs like I'm joking. "What are you going to do? Call your daddy to come shoot me?" He smiles at me like a maniac.

I laugh as I grab his shirt again. "I'll hunt you down and beat you until you're begging me for mercy, and then maybe if I'm feeling generous I'll give it to you. I doubt it though, don't ever touch what's mine." I spit in his face. This makes him angry. He starts to try and fight back. I punch and punch, my knuckles spilling open. I don't stop until he's unconscious on the ground.

My chest is starting to hurt with how fast I'm breathing, I need to get back to Mia before I pass out.

Mia's pov:

I wake up on the couch alone. He left? Why did he leave? Before I get the chance to text him he comes stumbling through the door. I run towards him and he drops to his knees. I drop in front of him trying to get him to look at me.

His clothes and face are covered in blood. He's breathing heavily and looks in the brink of passing out. "Aiden what happened? Is this your blood?" He collapses in my lap holding his chest. I run my fingers through his hair and he starts to go in and out of consciousness. "Aiden stay awake, don't close your eyes. Please" I'm crying. My tears are dropping onto his chest.

"It's okay angel. I'm okay" his voice is barley understandable. Before I can even reply he goes limp in my arms. I hold him close to me silently crying. Begging him to wake up.

"Please Aiden. Wake up!" I scream stroking my hand through his hair.

Told you things were about to get crazyyy.
Aiden doesn't play about his Mia now does he?

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Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed📚

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