Can't You See Me?

By Haeminji1

109K 5.8K 1.9K

Campus heartthrob Kim Minji is seen giving Hybe Entertainment CEO's daughter Haerin a ride home. I didn't eve... More

twenty one
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Twenty three
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New Story!

thirty six

2.1K 139 29
By Haeminji1

Haerin's POV

I can feel my heart pumping in my chest more than ever before. I never really noticed it. I know it's there pumping helping the blood flow through my veins, but I can really feel it. I can feel Minji's presence near me, but I don't see her. I can't look at her right now or I know I'll break down so I keep my head to the front staring at the judge sitting at his giant bench. The courtroom is fairly empty, making every little noise reach my ears. Niki and Leeseo haven't arrived yet, but they will be here any second.

"This should be very quick. We have all the evidence we need and witnesses. They have no defense." I just nod as Mr. Hong was trying to reassure me. He continued to talk going over with me for the 100th time about what will be brought up in court. They will be showing the photos and videos Leeseo took of me. It will be the first time I'm ever seeing them as well, which gives me a sour taste in my mouth. Why do the jury need to see it? Can't they just take my word for it?

A slight breeze went by me causing me to break my attention from the stand and direct it to the group of people walking by which consisted of Niki, Lesseo, and their two lawyers. Niki was wearing a pressed black suit and Leeseo was wearing a black dress. It almost looked like they were in mourning. I felt a large hand being placed on my shoulder which I knew belonged to Mr. Hong.

"Don't be nervous." I just nod pulled my attention away from my two offenders as the judge announced themself making everyone stand.

"You may be seated." Everyone sat down getting ready for the case to start. The judge announced the case to everyone in the room and I was the first one to make my way to the stand. "Okay Miss. Kang you may begin." I felt my mouth go dry not being able to look up at the courtroom. I heard a cough and I looked up and Hyein was giving me a thumbs up. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that I had my friends here for support.

I went through the story from the beginning of the party to the events that led us to being here today. Niki's lawyer came up and started asking me more specific questions after that.

"You and Niki were romantically involved, correct?" Why does that even matter? If we were, does that still give him the right to do what he did to me?

"Not really." The lawyer scoffed at me, bringing up paper evidence to the judge showing photos and different writings proving otherwise.

"These photos and text tell a different story. You were together for about two years and all of a sudden cut off contact with him. You came to his party and led Mr. Nishimura to a secluded area and came on to him." huh? That didn't happen?!?

"No. I did go up to Niki, but because he said he wanted to talk to me. He's the one that took me to a secluded area." I felt my hands begin to shake. I've been taking my medication, but clearly it's not enough right now.

"You wanted to get Niki alone and things just seemed to get a little too heated didn't they? Things went a little too far, but you are the one that started it." Mr. Hong immediately got up with a frown on his face.

"Objection, your honor."

"Sustained." Niki's lawyer huffed and made his way right in front of me with a scowl on his face.

"That's all I have your honor." He made his way back to Niki, sitting next to him. Has Niki been telling him that I led him on? My eyes made their way to Niki who still had some bruising to his face even weeks later and scars from where Minji punched him to near death. Clearly he didn't mention Minji to his lawyer since she doesn't have to be brought to the stand today. Soon Leeseo's lawyer made his way up to me.

"What is your relationship with Miss. Lee?"

"We are friends...were." The lawyer nodded and began pacing in front of me making me more nervous than I already was.

"You led her on, making her believe you liked her." he said it more as a statement than a question. Literally where are they coming up with these? I thought Mr. Hong said this would be quick and easy. Clearly he was mistaken.

"To be completely frank I don't understand why any of this matters. Even if I did lead them both on. Even if everything you guys are saying is true. Does that excuse what they did to me?" I felt a smug grin come across my face at the shocked expression from Niki and Leeseo's judges. I'm not weak and I won't let them treat me like I am. I scanned the room looking for Minji and when I found her she had a proud smile on her face.

After a few more questions and Hyein and Hanni coming to the stand as witnesses it was finally Niki and Leeseo's turn to make their way to the stand. Leeseo was first with Mr. Hong questioned her about the recordings and she admitted that she took them and pleaded guilty pretty fast, honestly shocking me. Niki then made his way to the stand and as he did he looked me directly in the eye. He looked so hollow and sad. Even after everything he did he was my friend and I do feel bad. He used to be such a nice guy. My lawyer questioned him for a little while, answering him honestly, making his lawyer mad.

"I just have one more question. Why did you do it?" I felt my breathing stop waiting for his response. He took a deep sigh looking at me momentarily then averting his eyes back to Mr. Hong.

"I was angry. I spent three years with her trying to make her love me back. Trying to get her attention, but I always came in second. Even when the one she loved was thousands miles away she still chose her. I just wanted her to feel my pain. She could never truly know the pain I was going through, this was the only way I could physically show her what she was doing to me." I felt tears start to form in my eyes at the older boy's words. Did I really hurt him bad enough that he wanted to inflict physical pain on me? Did me rejecting Leeseo really make her want to join forces with Niki to bring me pain? Mr. Hong brought out a remote pointing to the large screen at the side of the room and there several photos of my body were being shown alongside a video from Leeseo's camera roll. Gasps filled the room at the video. I won't look at it.

"Look Niki. Look at the screen!" Mr. Hong basically yelled, causing it to echo throughout the courtroom. He just shook his head, refusing to look. I felt my blood boil at that. He is the one that did that to me. This is all his fault. Why can't he accept it? "Look!" Mr. Hong yelled one more time. Niki's eyes slowly went in the direction of the video. My eyes followed him and I saw it at the same time as him. It hurt to see it, but strangely enough it felt good knowing they both saw what they truly did to me. I looked at the boy whose shoulders were now shaking as tears streamed down his face.

"I'm so sorry Haerin! I'm so sorry!" He whipped his around to face me where I could clearly see him. He looked so broken. The Judge stopped the questioning, releasing the jury to make their decision. I looked behind me and there Dani, Hanni, Hyein, and Minji were sitting.

"Hey." Hanni waved awkwardly causing me to laugh a little bit. Dani smacked the back of her head.

"Dani! We are literally in a courtroom. I could get you arrested for assault!" Hanni immediately covered her mouth with her hands in shock along with the other four girls. "Haerin, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that!" Hanni closed her eyes and banged her head against the railing in front of her. I just laughed again at the awkward girl's antics.

"It's okay Hanni really I don't care." The older girl sighed in relief giving me a thumbs up and laid her head on Dani's shoulder.

"Haerin you did amazing up there you were so cool!" Hyein smiled big, shaking her hands like she was cheering.

"Yeah you got this in the bag!" Danielle smiles, reaching over the railing and patting my head. I looked over at the end of the bench they were sitting at and Minji was looking over at me with a small smile, but her eyes looked sad. I got up from my seat and walked over towards the older girl so I was directly in front of her.

"Want to get ice cream after this?" I winked at the sitting girl who just looked at me shocked.

"You're thinking about ice cream right now? I literally just cried for ten minutes and you are thinking about ice cream." The older girl looked absolutely scandalized. It was hilarious.

"I'm hungry. I can just ask the other girls if you don't want any." I playfully smirk at Minji and then try to walk away, but she grabs my hand stopping me.

"No no I'll get ice cream with you!" Minji stood up pulling me back towards her.

"That's what I thought." Minji just laughed pulling me towards her planting a quick kiss on my nose.

"We are literally in a courthouse. Can you two keep your hands to yourself for five minutes christ!?!?" I looked over and Hanni was frowning with her arms crossed.

"You were literally making out with Dani in the backseat of my car on the way here. I don't want to hear anything" Minji smirked at the now blushing Hanni. Why do I have the most annoying friends?

After waiting only thirty more minutes the jury came back in with their verdict. I felt my heart stop watching them deliver their verdict to the judge. After a couple seconds of him reviewing he spoke.

"For Miss. Lee, she was found guilty on the account of possessing and recording and being an accessory in Miss. Kang's assault. She is sentenced to two months in Cheongju Women's correctional institution. Mr. Nishimura was found guilty on the counts of first and third degree of assault. He will serve one year in Seoul Detention Center with no parole." There were cheers behind me presumably coming from the girls, but I don't feel happy. I know I shouldn't feel bad for them, but I do. They are young. People make mistakes. One year is a long time. I can't bring myself to look over at their reactions. When I looked up, a man was putting Niki's hands behind his back, cuffing them.

"Wait! Can I talk to him first?" The man didn't seem like he wanted me to do that, but he eventually nodded his head, but stayed in his place. Niki just looked down at me confused. "I just wanted to let you know that I forgive you. So don't spend the next year thinking too hard about it." I don't want Niki to spend everyday thinking about what ifs. I know people probably think I'm crazy for forgiving him, but it helps me as well. It will help me move on as well.

"Why? I did something terrible to you. I don't deserve your forgiveness." Tears were falling from the young boy's face, making me sad. I wrap my arms around his neck. He can't hug me back since the man is holding his hands behind his back, but I felt him melt a little at my touch.

"You don't get to decide that Niki. When you get out, work harder at controlling yourself. I know you'll meet the love of your life one day and you'll be happy." I let go of the boy plopping back down on the balls of my feet.

"Thank you." I gave him a small smile as the man behind him started guiding him out the door. I tried to find Leeseo, but it seems she was already taken out. Well at least I got to tell one of them what I feel. Minji came up behind me, interlacing her hand with mine.

"You are the strongest person I know, Kang Haerin." Minji smiled at me as she pulled me in the direction of the exit, the other girls in front of us. "What did you say to him?"

"I told him I forgave him." Minji just sighed, shaking her head wrapping her arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to her.

"Haerin the woman you are." I just laugh leaning against her as she leads us out of the building to the parking lot. "Now how about that ice cream?!" The girls in front of us cheered agreeing. I guess we all are going.


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