ℰ𝓉𝒽ℯ𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓁 - ℬ𝓊𝒸𝓀𝓎 ℬ𝒶...

By _IUseArtAsEscapism_

16.8K 982 691

Forbidden romance Bucky Barnes x OC AU Lana Adams is the only talk of New York. With her stunning looks and u... More

𝒮𝓎𝓃ℴ𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈 & 𝒞𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉
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698 44 24
By _IUseArtAsEscapism_

A/N: Okay I gave y'all early spice because it's about time. They won't do the "deed" for a little while longer though. Hang in there because there will still be lots of spicy stuff besides that! 6500 words people, I got carried away!

CW: Brutal ballet training, mental and physical abuse. Mentions of drug use and ED, fat phobic comments. Phone sex... Yes, you heard that right!! Praise kink, mutual masturbation.


As soon as Alana got out of the car, she wished Bucky a happy Thanksgiving and promised they would meet up again within the week. She was terrified to go into the theater and see the look on Adeline's face. It would indeed be a disappointment, but she prayed she wouldn't lose the part. Lana had no idea when Peter was going to get here again, and she also knew that Rebecca would have a lot of questions Lana would have to get out of.

There was a part of her that realized she had messed up the secret dating from day one. Maybe she could start over and not let anyone know from here on out. Make up a story to her parents the next time she and Bucky meet up and say they got into a huge fight and broke up. Tell her brother at the dinner table during Thanksgiving that it's not going to work out. It was just a matter of pulling it off correctly so that she could have that privacy in her life again for once.

Sprinting up the stairs and tying her hair into a neat bun as she made her way through the large lobby. The rehearsal room had to be packed with students, and she feared the expression Adeline would have as she stared at Alana from across the room.

Busting through the doors. She made eye contact... instantly with her Mistress. Adeline flicked her gaze away from her and continued instructing the class, not paying her any mind as Lana sat down and put on her pointe shoes in record time.

Peter walked in not even five minutes later and sat next to Alana, whispering to her gently. "You okay?"

Her expression was uneasy as she tied the ribbons to her pointe shoes. She chews her lip and nods.

"I'm fine."

"How was the drive over."

Lana looks over at Peter, having a look of fear and dread. "Bucky met my parents," she whispers.

"What?!" Peter shakes his head, lips parting in shock. "How did that-"

"We can talk about it later," she whispers, and Adeline is still staring at the both of them. Lana finished tying her ribbon and standing up. Peter follows her to the center of the room, and Lana begins to stretch, bringing her leg up to the bar.

Adeline rounded them and walked extremely close to her. Looking over her figure Lana stood up straight, avoiding her inspecting eyes. Mistress brought her hand beneath Lana's chin and smacked it up to stare directly in front of her.

"You don't hang your head during rehearsal!" she spits. Her hand moves to Lana's stomach and pushes her posture inward. She forced herself to suck in. She hadn't thrown up in a while, and she was scared to step on the scale.

How much had she gained?

Peter looked at Lana for a moment before turning away to continue practicing.

"I want you to stay late tonight. I need to have a few words with you, Adams," she turns away and continued talking to the rest of the class.

Peter inched closer to her. "That was way more tame than I was expecting," he mutters.

Lana sucks in a breath and shook her head. "Please stay tonight... I don't think she's done."


After class ended, Peter sat in the corner, watching Adeline sand in front of Lana. He had no clue how long Alana would be staying in the rehearsal room, based on how Mistress was glaring into his best friend's eyes in anger.

"You come into my practice and slack off! You come in late! You gain weight! What have you been eating?!" She hisses, walking closer to her. She grabs her arm and flicks the muscle of it.

Peter saw she had been gaining weight again, but she looked healthy. In her eyes, you could see the pain when she didn't eat, her sunken features, and her protruding bones. He and Greyson were trying to help her, urging her to stay away from the toilet bowl and sinks she would throw up into.

He wanted to cry for her. All he wanted to do was grab her and hold her in his arms, just to apologize for what was happening.

"You are lazy and worthless! I should have cast Natasha as Sugarplum because at least she shows up on time and is consistent!"

Lana stared ahead of her. She had grown used to blocking out any form of yelling and degrading over the years. She was practically numb to it at this point. All she could feel was the tears streaming down her cheeks. She gulped and clenched her teeth, trying not to break down.

"You're crying?! You're crying because you are weak! You have no commitment to your craft!"

"I'm sorry, Mistress, I was late."

"No. You apologize to Peter! You apologize to him for having to leave class to get you here."

Lana feels the tears plummet down her cheeks in gentle trickles. Adeline snapped in her face, and she blinked them away. Wiping her eyes.

Adeline backs away. "APOLOGIZE TO MISTER PARKER, NOW!"

She flinches away, shutting her eyes and slowly opening them again, she met Peter's gaze, and his brown eyes were softened. Why couldn't she hug him right now?

"I'm sorry, Peter," she whispers.

Adeline raised her brows. "That doesn't sound like an apology... I don't think I heard it. Did you, Peter?"

He nods. "Yes, Mistress, I heard it," he replied, rasping out the words in a forced tone.

Adeline picked up her cane and threw it in Peter's direction. Lana's hand flew to her lips, and she gasped in fear. He lunged away from the piece of wood, and they both heard it clatter to the ground. "DID YOU HEAR HER, PARKER?!" Adeline roared.

"NO!" He screamed back.


"I'm SORRY! I'M SORRY, PETER, FOR PULLING YOU FROM CLASS!" Lana cries out, all of her sobs breaking through her cold and hardened exterior.

Adeline glared at Alana and stepped closer. "This is pathetic. The only reason I haven't cut you from this role is because your father donates more money to the theater than anyone. If you truly want to impress me. Do ten in a row! Ten pirouettes. I want to see them now!"

Stepping back, Lana positioned herself, feeling that lump in her throat as she tried not to lose it. She wiped her nose and readied herself for her turns. She spotted each one, and with every turn of her head, she met Adeline's eyes again. After only six, her foot gave out, and she fell to the ground with a groan.

"GET UP!" Adeline snaps.

"Mistress," Lana sobs. "I've never done more than eight, and that's on a good day!"

"I want ten out of you! You should be able to accomplish that with the fact you slept in today!"

She carried herself to her knees, and Peter had his hand over his mouth. He was so close to standing up and taking her out of there.


Finally getting to her feet, she positioned herself again, the tears continuing to well in her eyes. She spun once, twice, three more times and got through the sixth turn. Her toes were on fire, and she wanted to make sure she didn't fuck up her nail again. She probably already did.

Finally getting to the eighth turn, she tried as hard as she could to get to the ninth but landed in a proper posture early.

"Do you need hearing aids, Adams?

"No," she answers.

"How many turns were you to do?"

"Ten," Lana mumbles.

"How many?!" She raised her hand to her ear, urging Lana to speak up.

"I said ten!"

Adeline scoffs, folding her arms over herself. "Do you love Ballet, Miss Adams?"

She nods in response.

"Oh, you do? Well, you're not practicing like it! You are supposed to look like a fairy! Instead, you look like a seal flopping around on a dock! Keep your head up and dry those eyes!"

Lana wiped her nose and puffy eyes again. Peter was staring at her in shock. Never had it been this bad. Not in a long time did it ever get to this point.

"Keep your head up and suck in. Your stomach is going to throw off your balance and make you tip over!"

Peter couldn't take it anymore. He stands up and runs over to Alana, grabbing her arm. He blinked. "Peter- Peter, don't!" Lana begs.

"What is it, Mister Parker?"

"We are leaving. We both will see you tomorrow at Thanksgiving. I can't wait because you and her mother will get along spectacularly!" He hisses. Lana covered her trembling lips, and he tugs her body to his side. "C'mon, Alana, I'm taking you home."

"You are not dismissed, Miss Adams!" Adeline snaps.

Peter's nostrils flared in anger. "She is dismissed. Last I checked, I know her father pretty well, and he could stop funding this theater in a millisecond! Do you want me to give him a call right now?" He threatened. He could feel Lana shaking underneath him and trying her best not to lash out and defend herself.

Adeline raises a manicured brow. "Are you threatening me, Parker?"

"Yes," he snaps. "I will fucking tell Martin about everything you said today, and he will not be happy about it. So are we dismissed, or do I need to make a call?"

Jaw ticking, Mistress Adeline nodded to herself. "Yes you are dismissed."

He grabbed his bag and hers, swinging both of them over his shoulder, and as soon as they reached the lobby, Lana looked up at Peter with big eyes. Leading both of them outside, he walked her all the way to the parking garage and opened the car door for her, letting her step inside, and he shut it with a slam.

Rounding the BMW, he slid into the driver's seat, put the key into the ignition, and sped out of the parking garage.

Lana loses it, ugly crying into her hands, and Peter grabs her left one, holding it. "I'm so sorry," she wails.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I was so rude to you around Bucky, and you just defended me in there. She threw her fucking cane at you!" Her shoulders shake. "This is all my fault, and she's probably going to take away your part-"

"No, she won't. She's too scared of your dad. I'm sorry, Alana. You didn't deserve that."

"I didn't even eat fucking breakfast this morning!" Lana begins to hyperventilate. "I know I've been eating, but I-

"NO!" Peter snaps. "Don't fucking do that, Alana! Don't let yourself spiral like that!"

"She called me a seal, Peter!"

"That's not your fault!" He bared his teeth.

"Yes, it is! I just need to cut back again. I can-" Her sobs cut off her words, and she gripped her hands into her hair. She began tearing away at her bun and pulled the hair tie out, unraveling it. "I just need to skip Thanksgiving tomorrow-"

Peter hit the steering wheel with a thud. "Don't you dare! You eat like a queen tomorrow! You understand me? You eat everything in front of her and make her feel like a horrible person because that's how she deserves to feel!"

She couldn't see anything anymore, her eyes were blurry, and she leaned back in the seat. "I'm sorry-" she breathes in a shaky breath. "I'm so fucking sorry I'm like this!"

He groans. "Lana, please stop crying because then I'm gonna start crying!"

"Peter... I don't want to go back to my house tonight," her head shakes.

"Come home with me. You can hang out with May and I tonight."

"No... If I don't go tonight, they will lose it during the holiday. I need to blow this over."

"Right... Wait, what happened with Bucky," he looked over at her, completely confused.

"Oh, My parents walked into the elevator, and he introduced himself. They had the exact reaction I expected out of them. Petty and had to ask about his job just to confirm their suspicions. My mother laughed at him when he said he was a mechanic."

"Did he take it well?"

"We walked out of the elevator, and he kissed me. He told me it was OK and that I didn't have to be worried about hurting his feelings, and then we got into the car and..." she thinks hard and fast. She needed a way out, a way to tell him that she wasn't interested anymore, so this could turn into a fling and nothing else. "I told him I wanted more, and he said he didn't."

Peter's brows jumped up his forehead. "What?"

"He didn't want to be with me."

"He... He didn't?" His shock is extremely evident on his face.

"He just said he wanted to keep his life private, and I can respect that. I mean, my life is kind of a shit show," she laughed softly, wiping her nose and taking a breath.

She hated lying to her best friend about something as simple as this. But if no one knew about Bucky, the better it could be for everyone.

"That's surprising... He seemed like he really liked you."

"Yeah, well, even if he did, it was just a fling. I'm just happy Rebecca never found out about it."

Peter chuckles, shaking his head. "Yeah, that would have been an even bigger shit show."

"Just drop me off outside. I can handle it," she pulls her phone out of her pocket and sees a bunch of messages from Greyson, all spammed from earlier in the day.

Reading through all of the gibberish, she sighs, shutting her phone off. But after a moment, she decides she could maybe text Bucky for a minute.

Peter looked at her on her phone. "What are you doing?"

"Texting Grey, making sure he's alive," she chuckles.

She did that for a moment and sent a quick message to him.

Lana: How's mom and dad holding up? Am I safe to return to ship?

Looking over her shoulder in the corner of her eye, Peter was watching the road as he drove. He was focused, and she looked back down at her phone, sending Bucky a message.

Lana: Hey stranger. Thank you for today and understanding everything. See you tomorrow night maybe?

The text from Greyson banners at the top of her screen.

Rat Lord: Abort Mission ABORT!

Lana sighs.

Lana: Are you still high?

His speech bubble appeared for a moment before the text finally sends.

Rat Lord: No!! But mom and dad have been fighting all night. How was practice?

Lana: Shitty. I don't want to talk about it right now.

Rat Lord: Okay. Get home quick and come hide in my room for the night.

Lana: No. It smells like pot in there!

Rat Lord: Fine! Your loss! Just vacate the living room ASAP!

She liked his message and ran a hand through her hair. Her phone buzzed again, and Bucky had sent her a text.

Bucky: Hi. It's really no problem, Alana. I would love to see you tomorrow night. I was planning on cooking, but we don't have any ingredients in the house.

Lana purses her lips and thinks to herself. Opening up her uncle's text messages, she wrote him:

Lana: Hey! Can you send me the recipes you plan on using tomorrow night?!"

She switches back over to Bucky's contact and replies to him.

Lana: What is your address? Send it to me.

Bucky: Okay... Stalker.

Looking away from her phone, she had to hold back her laugh in front of Peter. Bucky definitely had a lot more confidence over text. She should do this more often.

He sends her the address after a moment, and she goes to the food delivery website on her phone that she uses all the time, keeping the tab open so she can do this later when Wade eventually texts her back.

Another text comes through.

Bucky: Are you okay?

Biting back her smile, she texted him again quickly before finally turning off her phone.

Lana: I'm good. I'm going to text you later when I crawl into bed. I have some things I need to take care of.

Finally looking at Peter again, he raises his hands, waiting for news.

"Oh. He's sober. But he said my parents have been yelling all night," her eyes watched Peter approach her apartment building, and he sighed, buttoning his lips.

"I'm sorry about today, Lana. I know it was a lot."

Looking into his eyes, they softened. His dark collection of browns reflected off the lights of the city. She unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned over, hugging him tightly. "Thank you, Peter. I love you."

He rubs her back, burying his face in her neck and feeling tears sting in his eyes again. "I love you too," his voice breaks.

Holding onto him for a moment, they both cried together. "I appreciate you going out of your comfort zone to stand up to her," she giggles through her tears. "Could you do that to my mom and dad?"

Peter laughed gently, sniffling. "I'll think about it. I think my courage gene is gone in that department."

She tapped him on the back one more time, pulling away. "Can you come over early tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Of course."

She opened the door, hopped out, and leaned down to look at him again.

"Bye, Peter," she grabs her bag from the backseat, and he gives her a small smile before driving away.

The trip upstairs to the apartment felt like ten years. The pit grows in her stomach as she tries not to lose her mind in the elevator yet again. As soon as she reached her floor, she heard the screaming back and forth from the hallway to the apartment. She unlocked the door, and the noise suddenly stopped.

She dropped her bag next to her and slipped off her pointe shoes she never changed out of. They were goners anyway because of today. Her feet had bled, but the blood had dried in her shoe. She hisses at the pain and grabs some black socks from her bag, putting them on quickly before she can clean out the wound later.

Walking into the kitchen, Martin storms over to Alana and raising his hand and slapping her so hard her teeth clicked. The fire burned in her skin, and she cried out, backing away and looking at her mother. "What the fuck?!" She screams.


Lana's brows pinched as her cheek began to welt. "At practice. I was... at practice," she stammered.

"Practice ended four hours ago! It's midnight!" Her mother faked concern and started at Lana. "Where were you? Were you with James?!" She accuses.

"No! I was working my ass off and was punished by Adeline for being late this morning! Peter got me out!"

"For Christ's sake, you are a liar! You walked out with that boy and spent the day with him! You left your poor brother here on drugs?! What is the matter with you!?" Julia hisses, standing up from the counter to plant herself next to her husband.

"WHAT?!" Lana exclaimed, shaking her head in disbelief. "I was the one who made sure he was okay when he got home after you two kicked him out on the streets! What is the matter with you?!"

Martin got a challenging expression on his face. "Don't talk back to your mother like that!"

"Or what?" Lana stares at him. "You going to slap me again? Like I'm a child. As much as you don't want me to be, I am grown up. I'm twenty-two and am gonna be twenty-three in two weeks! I can fuck whoever I want! I can be my own person, and I shouldn't have to hear anything negative about it from either of you!"

"AS LONG AS YOU LIVE IN MY HOUSE, YOU ARE A CHILD! MOVE OUT, AND THEN WE CAN TALK!" He backed Lana toward the wall. "You hear me? Gain some responsibility if you're such an adult. Stop sleepin around, get married and raise a family!"

Lana's chest heaves as she stares into her father's eyes. "Huh," she laughs to herself.

"What?" He snaps.

"It's funny, you want me to commit, but the men that I pick, you say, aren't good enough."

"You love Peter! Why not marry him? His aunt has money!" Julia exclaims.

Head hitting the wall, Alana groans to herself. "Of course. Yeah, I love Peter, just not like that! I don't want to marry him!"

Martin scoffs. "Of course, you don't," he pushed off the wall. "Marry a poor mechanic who can't provide for you and your children. End up on the streets of New York because you decided to take your spoiled ass to FUCK A DIRT, POOR MECHANIC!"

"IM NOT FUCKING HIM! In fact, I broke up with him today!" Her voice cracks, really trying to sell the act.

Martin and Julia both jolted their heads back. He stuttered for a moment and shook his head.

"You what?"

"I broke up with him today! I told him that I couldn't be with him because I needed to get serious and find someone who could provide for me. Hell, maybe I will marry Peter! I'll break the news to him tomorrow at the table! I'll get down on my fucking knees and beg for his hand in marriage!"

"I would love to see that!" Martin replied with sarcasm in his tone.

She felt that rage boil up inside of her, and that competitive part of her told her to do it. Fake be engaged to Peter for a little while, fake all of it, and then her parents won't have to worry.

"You know what..." she nods, shrugging to herself and clapping her hands to her sides. "I'll do it. I'll go to the jeweler tomorrow and buy a ring for him. I'll propose at dinner."

Julia didn't look angry anymore. In fact, she looked elated. Martin nods, raising his brows in approval. "What a relief. But I need to be at work early tomorrow; check on a few things before I'm home for dinner tomorrow night," he announces.

Lana couldn't believe how easily he just switched up his attitude when she finally accepted defeat. Actually, she could. Because all fights with her father would stop once she admitted she was wrong.

Her mother shook her head at her daughter with a gentle smile, walking up to her and hugging her right. Alana just stood rooted in her spot, not believing how her mother was acting. She pulls away and sighs.

"I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Wade and Vanessa will be here, and May and everyone can see what you plan for the proposal. Wake up early, get a nice outfit, a workout, and some makeup on," she tapped her daughter's cheek and walked toward the stairs to follow her father.

Lana was stunned. She just got the first hug from her mom in a while, at least one that wasn't in front of her friends.

Unable to process the information, Lana shook her head and walked to her brother's room. He had music blasting, and she knocks on the door loudly.

"Yeah?" He calls.

"Grey?" She replied.

"Come in- Oh, wait! Hold on.."

He runs up to the door and unlocks it. It swung open, and she passed him to sit on his bed. Greyson locks the door again, sitting back down in his corner that had his expensive PC setup, and his Forza video game was open. He had his headphones around his neck.

She stayed silent for a minute and met his eyes as he watched her warily.

"You hear all that?" Lana asks softly.

"Yeah," Greyson gulps, sitting down in his spinning chair and brings his knees to his chest. "You marrying Peter?"

"No," she whispers. "I just wanted them to get off my ass."

"Well, I think they will be even more on your ass if you're marrying that kid. You don't have feelings for him, do you?" He asks, grabbing the controller again and starting to drift the car around a corner on his screen.

"No, I don't. I told Peter tonight that I broke up with Bucky, so now he'll probably think I did it because I like him."

Greyson pauses his game and spins around. "Are you kidding? You broke up with Bucky?"

"No," she chuckles.

He blinks, shaking his head in confusion. "I am so confused right now. I'm starting to think I am not sober," he rubs his head. "Just hungover as shit."

Lana looked at her brother with a genuinely severe expression. "Listen, Greyson. You're gonna be the only person who knows that I am still together with him, okay? I want to be with Bucky. But you are the only person who can know. Do you promise you won't tell mom you won't tell Peter, and you won't tell dad. You won't tell anyone that Peter and I's relationship is fake and that I'm actually dating Bucky."

He raises his brows, scooting back and shutting off his PC. "Okay, Alana... what the fuck?"

"I know it's fucked up," she whines, bringing her hands to her face.

"You can't do that to Bucky. Think about that. Technically you're going to have two relationships, is what you're saying!"

She shakes her head. "Peter and I will be fake. Kisses on the cheeks in public; people already know that we're super close. It's not gonna be anything different."

He stares at his sister like she should be institutionalized. "But it will be different because the press will see everything. They're gonna start asking questions. You and Bucky will not be able to go out. Do you understand that you won't be able to build a relationship with him?"

"Yes, I will!"

"How?" He brings his hands out to clear a point. "Paparazzi's caught ya two times already."

"I don't know how I'll do it, but I will. Greyson, just promise me!"

He sighs, biting his lip in annoyance. "Okay, I promise," he thinks for a moment, running a hand through his hair and laying back on the bed in thought. "But if Peter doesn't know that, he's gonna think it's real."

"It's fine. I can deal with that," she mumbles.

So... Peter's, gonna think you're in a real relationship. To be perfectly frank, and because I love you, you're one of the most sexually forward women in the city, and you're not going to do anything with him?" He looked up, craning his neck to meet her eyes.

"No," she replies.

"Oh my God, Alana. This is fucking insane."

"I know!" She lays down next to him and sighs.

"You have to tell Peter that this is not a real engagement."

Lana thinks for a moment and all of the things that Bucky said start to make sense. The way Peter acted tonight, how he got her out of the situation, going completely out of his comfort zone just to stand up for her.

"Greyson, I need you to tell me something," she whispers.

"What?" He asks, still looking at the ceiling.

"Has Peter ever told you that he likes me?" She questions.

"No," Greyson replies way too quickly. She sits up, meeting his eyes and tilting her head in nervousness.

"You're lying."

"I'm not lying!" He defends.

"Yes, you are. Because Bucky guessed the same thing!"

"Alana... what?" He laughs, trying to seem indifferent about the situation.

"Bucky said in the car today that Peter likes me, and after what he did today for me at practice, I'm starting to think that that's true."

He swallows, hitting his head on the sheets. "Fuck, he's gonna kill me."

"Wait, he told you?!"

"Yeah. A long time ago. After you two made out-"

"Ew! He told you about that?!" She cut him off, completely annoyed with Peter now because he went and told her brother about their drunken night.

Greyson nods. "He's in love with you, he always has been, and I'm telling you right now, if you fake date him, it's going to ruin your friendship because he will think it's real. I know you care about Bucky; it's obvious. I haven't seen you this happy in years. But don't lie to Peter. Fake it for the press, but have a private conversation with him and tell him that it's not real," Greyson's voice was solemn.

"I don't wanna hurt him," she gets tears in her eyes again and sniffles.

Her brother sits up, looking her in the eyes. "He'd be more hurt if you lied to him."

"Fuck, this is so complicated," she sobs, wiping away her tears and buttoning her lips.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"I got to go to bed," she declares, brushing a hand through her hair. Lana stands up suddenly, feeling sick to her stomach. After all these years, she thought Peter cared about her in the way you would a sister.

She wanted to throw up but hadn't even eaten anything besides hot cocoa in the last 24 hours.

"Go to bed, Lana. I love you. Thanks for helping me with... today," he grimaces to himself. "Can you pass me the Advil on my dresser?" He asks, pointing to the bottle.

Lana nods, standing up from his bed and grabbing the pill bottle from the dresser, and throwing it to him. "Night, Rat Lord."

"Night, sugarplum witch."

"Fairy!" She corrects over her shoulder, and he chuckles. Lana opened his door and walked through the dark apartment, her eyes finding the skyscrapers apartment and office lights shining through. She sighs, stepping into her room and locking the door behind her.

She undressed quickly and turned on the shower. It took her about fifteen minutes to wash out and clean her bloodied and blistered feet. To shampoo and condition her hair and make sure that her entire body was clean. Lana felt disgusting from this whole night. She wanted to erase what happened with Peter and Adeline and everything else... except for the moments with Bucky.

If she could start the day over, she would.

Stepping out of the shower, she dried off her hair and body, wrapped herself in a towel, and walked into her closet. Lana puts on some PJs and climbs into bed. For the next 30 minutes, she scrolled through her phone, ordering a bunch of ingredients on the food delivery site. Wade had texted her back all of the recipes, and she just checked off the boxes one by one by one.

After looking through all of the ingredients once more and the recipes, she submitted her order that would be delivered to Bucky's at 8 AM tomorrow.

Before Alana decided to go to sleep, she texted Bucky one last time.

Lana: Goodnight. Wake up bright and early, you got some cooking to do with your sister and mom <3

She sighs, looking at the phone for a moment before typing another message.

Lana: You enjoying your new phone?

The bubbles appeared, and it took a moment. He had to be getting used to using the keyboard. The message sends, and she reads it.

Bucky: Yeah. It's complicated, but I can figure it out. Thank you, Alana.

She smiles to herself. He was even using proper grammar, such a cutie.

Lana: Of course! What are you up to??

Bucky: My mom and Beck aren't home. She had to go to the hospital for the night. She wasn't feeling well.

Lana's brows raised, and she clicked on his contact, pressing the call button. After two rings, he answered.

"Hi," he rasps.

"Bucky, is your mom okay?" She asks softly, keeping her voice down.

"Yeah. She just had to go in for her checkup, and they needed to run some tests. They won't be in till morning. I dropped her off after I dropped you off, and Becca wanted to stay with her tonight, so I took her to the hospital."

"You're all by yourself?" She asks gently.

"Yeah. It's okay, though. I'm talking to you," she could practically see his smirk through the phone. Lana rolls over and puts the phone on the pillow peering over at the time.

"You wanna talk at midnight?"

"Why not. How was practice?"

Lana looks at the ceiling and sighs to herself. "I hurt myself again."

His adorable giggle comes through the phone, and her mouth drops in offense. "Rude!"

"Sorry!" He chuckles. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll live," she murmurs. "I just have been thinking about you kissing me all day. I couldn't focus on dancing," her voice lowers a little.

The call is silent for a moment, and he clears his throat a little. "Yeah?"

"Mhm..." she hums. "It's all I could think about, you kissing my neck, leaving your mark on me because I'm all yours."

She could hear his sigh over the phone, which wasn't impatience either. "Do you want to do something for me, James?" Lana murmurs. "You said you want to go slow... I don't have to see you, no one is home, and you have the house all to yourself."

His gentle whine of frustration filled her ears, and she grabs her wireless earbuds from her dresser. Putting them in, she leans her head back. "Do you want to touch yourself for me, sweets?"

Bucky groans. "Alana..."

"I'll ask you one more time and don't lie to me. Do you want to touch yourself, James?"

"Yeah," he admits. "It hurts, angel."

She smirks, "Then do it. Touch yourself for me."

"Can... are you going to talk to me through it?" Bucky asks, sounding out of breath.

"Yes. I'll do the same. We can do it together," she spoke, reaching into her fleece pj's and dipping beneath her panties. "We can cum together."

He takes a deep breath, and the surround sound from the headphones makes it feel like he is right there. She furrows her brows, shutting her eyes as she makes gentle circles across her clit. She heard him let out a soft sigh, she wanted to see him, but she had a good enough imagination to settle for the sound of his voice.

"Bucky, are you-" she groans softly. "You doing it?"

"Mhm," he hums needily. "I wish it was your hand," Bucky admits breathily. "Feels so nice."

She continued tight circles along her clit. "I wish you were doing this to me. How long has it been since you last touched yourself, sweetheart?"

"A while," he whispers. "Oh God," Bucky groans, deep and ragged. Lana buttons her lips, feeling a chill run through her entire body.

"How much do you want my hand? Do you want my mouth? My tongue dragging up your cock and my lips wrapping around you so you can run your hands into my hair," she whispers, still keeping her voice down.

"Fucking hell. How are you so good at this?" He breathes into the receiver.

She giggles to herself, listening to him moan softly in her ears. "Would you like that, Bucky?"

He whimpers. "Uh-huh... that would be nice."

Lana bucked her hips into her hand as she dipped two fingers into her wetness, back arching. She moaned slowly. "You know what I want?"

"What?" He replies, breathing in a laborious way. That needy and wanting way that always turned her on when guys did it. She felt her release approaching fast. It was like she had just taken a drug.

"I want you to move your perfect lips down my body, Bucky. I wanna watch you eat my pussy and make me cum-" she groans quietly, biting down on the back of her hand. "Please, Bucky, can you do that for me?"

"Yes, Alana... I will, I promise," he moans. "Christ, I'm close."

"Me too," she sighs, her full lips parting in need, keeping her eyes shut and imagining his mouth against hers as they kiss, right here in her room.

They just listened to the sounds of each other's moans for the next few moments, they had no idea how much time had passed, but they were reveling in it. Her hand reaches underneath her shirt, and she pinches her nipple between her fingers and whines. "I can just imagine how pretty you are right now," she whispers. "You're being such a good boy, aren't you?"

"Alana," his voice breaks.

Good to know... Praise kink.

She bit back her smile and grinds her hips against her hand, increasing her pace with her fingers until she's walking the line, about to fall off the edge. "Darling, I'm so close. You want to cum with me?" her body heats up, and he moans with her.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm-" The sudden ring in her ears of his voice breaking in a moan causes Lana to flutter around her fingers. Her arousal drips down her fingers as her climax rips through her entire body. She wanted nothing more than to scream for him, but she moans quietly, drawing her voice out through her finish. Her fist balls in the sheets, and she pants gently.

"Bucky," she breathes in a bliss of pleasure.

"Yeah?" He pants.

"How was it?" She giggles quietly. "You okay?"

"Yeah," he swallowed thickly. "That was amazing. I just feel lonely right now," he chuckles gently, and Lana giggles back. She pulls her fingers from her trembling legs and stands up to wash her hands in her bathroom, and changes into a new pair of underwear.

After a moment, she climbs back into her sheets and lays her head on the pillow. "Bucky?" She asks.

"Yeah?" His raspy voice asks again from the other end, sounding exhausted.

They both did.

"Was that okay?"

He chuckles. "Yeah. I didn't have to look at you, so it eased the pressure a little."

She smirks. "Why? Are you too flustered in my presence?"

"Yeah. You are too much for me in person. You stripped in my backseat today and expected me to look at you and not feel something?"

"Yeah, that was kind of the point," Lana quips.

"You're insane," he whispers.

"Only for you, Mister Barnes," she purrs. "Now get some sleep. I have a delivery coming for you at eight AM tomorrow."

"A what?" His voice changes in shock.

"Patience. Goodnight, sweets. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight, angel," Bucky murmurs.

As soon as the call ends, she sighs to herself, takes out her earbuds, puts them back into the case, and places her phone on the dresser to charge.

He was going to be the death of her.

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