All we need is Love - Vegas P...

By AuroraTheThamizhachi

66.5K 2.7K 1.5K

Vegas who is a famous actor falls in love with a small-town boy named Pete. By fate, they are forced into a c... More

🦋1.The beginning🦋
🦋2.Stranger 🦋
🦋4.First meeting🦋
🦋5.Worst day ever 🦋
🦋6.Lucky but unlucky 🦋
🦋3. My destiny🦋
🦋7. Didn't expect it🦋
🦋8. 🔞One kiss is all it takes🔞🦋
🦋9.Sweet Stalker🦋
🦋10.Bad Reputation🦋
🦋11.Tailorbird, No way escape🦋
🦋12.Our Love Story🦋
🦋13.Two Angels 🦋
🦋14.Welcome Home🦋
🦋15.Yummy Yummy🔞🦋
🦋16.Sexy Sweat🔞🦋
🦋17.Second Mom🦋
🦋18.Angry boyfriend🔞🦋
🦋19. Surprise 🦋
🦋20. Sensei 🔞🦋
🦋21. Scary Night🦋
🦋22. Is It You?🦋
🦋24.Deja vu🦋
🦋26. Don't You Dare🦋
🦋27. Karma is a Bitch🦋
🦋28.Role Play🔞🦋
🦋30. Not Again🔞🦋
🦋32. Unexpected🦋
🦋33.Suprise Gone Wrong🦋
🦋34.Unanswerable Questions🦋
🦋36.Broken Trust?🦋
🦋37.Bloody Sweet🦋
🦋38.Dance Dance🦋
🦋39.Let's Start Again🦋
🦋40.Fyck It🦋
🦋41. Suspicious🦋
🦋42. Peripeteia🦋
🦋43.Who Are You?🦋

🦋29.New Year New Life🦋

1.2K 59 80
By AuroraTheThamizhachi

(Happy New Year guys🎊🎊🎉🎉 Let this new year give lots of love and happiness along with the new Biblebuild series❤️❤️

Comment from which country you are to find how many of us are connected across the world this year😍😍)

After the incident, Vegas passed out and didn't wake up for nearly five hours. Pete panicked for a second if Vegas is dead. And that too because of him. But upon seeing the beautiful chest of Vegas heaving up and down he calmed down.

Pete slid into the blanket and gave pecks to Vegas' face to wake him up.

Honey, wake up. Have something to eat.

Five more minutes, Vegas sniveled.

Are you okay baby? Does it hurt anywhere?

Hmm. It hurts like hell.


My full body. Especially my virgin ass.

Hey, it's not virgin anymore.

Yes, all thanks to you.

Hehe, Pete giggled at his response.

Taste your own medicine buddy. It hurt me in the same way when we had sex the first time.

Hey, we didn't have sex for seven fucking rounds!

Huh...ok ok I am sorry. I can't explain from where I got that strong libido. I think Tay must have added something to the water I drank.

Yeah maybe. Enough. For now, I want to sleep again. I feel tired like a pregnant woman.

Maybe you are, Pete teased Vegas.

(A.n - If you guys want we can change this story into a mpreg and make Vegas pregnant 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Just for fun)

Pete took the half-sleeping beauty into his embrace and spooned him.

Pete and Vegas stayed in the same room for three more days as Vegas was barely able to walk on his own. When he was okay they returned to their house.


Ten days of Christmas break from college life awakened a desire to try something different in Pete's heart. He tried different ways, new ways to enjoy but it went in different and new directions.

One day he wanted to paint. So he tried painting. But what he can paint? After searching the entire house for a portrait, he came across a portrait that was hung in the hall. Vegas likes to collect many artistic things. Luckily (Unluckly) it got caught in Pete's eyes. He took it and went to the garden. And then he took brushes to start his masterpiece.

Pete's masterpiece👇👇👇

The result astonished Vegas, making him to ban Pete from touching the brushes again.

(A.n - Source of this photo is google. This is completely for entertainment purposes, not intended to hurt someone. If you are not comfortable, you can let me know.)

Another day, Pete suddenly got interested in music. He thought he has a beautiful voice. That is what Vegas says when Pete moans during sex. So he got his own speakers and microphone by pleasing his sugar daddy. It was fine, to be precisely bearable until Aunt Mei started losing her hearing ability because of the same beautiful voice.

( Aunt Mei is Vegas' housekeeper and also the person who welcomed Pete when he reached the house at first).

At last, he wanted to give cooking a try. But it ended with a poop party Nop had in the bathroom for the entire day. Unfortunately, Vegas couldn't attend the party as he was on diet that day. 😂😂

Pete wanted to find what he is good at so that he can do something for Vegas in that to surprise him.

Every day went like this. Everything was usual. Except for one thing. Vegas went out every day. Pete knows Vegas has to work every day even though he can live his entire life with the money he has now.

But still, he went out early in the morning and came really late. And his face every day showed how tired he was.

What the fuck did he actually do every day?

Pete had this thought every night but he ignored it. He knows Vegas won't use the trust he has in him.



It was New year's eve. This year was more exciting for Pete. Because this year he has one more important person in life other than Lek and his mother.

Pete wanted this new year to be different for Vegas as well as for himself. He wanted to propose to Vegas. He heard Vegas saying "I love you", but he didn't hear Pete say.

He ordered a special kind of netted black G-string underwear. So that he can celebrate a special spicy new year's night.

He took out the box which he hid under the bed from Vegas' eyes. Something is missing. He needs something to make the underwear more special.

Suddenly an idea struck him. Pete took out his kit and started doing his work. After finishing the work he was proud of himself. He embroidered a design in the thong part of the underwear.

( Imagine this in the front part of the underwear )

Sure Vegas will be surprised to see this he unpacks the gift on me, Pete thought to himself.

Pete, I am back, said Vegas who came back from the office. Pete intelligently hid the box again before Vegas came inside the room.

Today you didn't work till late at night?

No, today evening is for my baby.

Hmph! Where has this love gone for the past few days? Pete thought but didn't say it aloud. He doesn't want to spoil the new year's mood.

Shall we go shopping?

Now? It's already evening Vegas. No need. Let's stay home.

It's alright Pete. We will return soon

I am tired Vegas.

Please na.

Pete tried his way to stay at home so that he can use his surprise.

Pete please na. If you come with me, I will buy you your favorite pork curry.

Pete's face instantly brightened when he heard about food. He surrenders to only food. So he said ok on the condition that Vegas will buy him two bowls of curry.

Vegas took him to the farthest shopping mall for unknown reasons. Pete rampaged every store in the mall buying all kinds of things.

After two hours of shopping, Pete was so tired. When they were about to get out, Vegas announced,

Pete, hold these bags. I have to go


To the restroom Pete. It's urgent. I can't control myself anymore.

Ok ok, give me the bags. Go fast.

Vegas who was a luggage carrier for Pete always gave all the bags to him and went.

By the time Vegas returned Pete's eyes started to drop due to sleepiness.

Vegas, I am tired. Let's go home.

Hmm ok.

In the car, Vegas asked Pete to sleep if he is so tired. Pete who wanted his energy back so that they can enjoy their night, agreed and slept.

Pete...wake up


Pete woke up from his sleep after some time.

Where are we?

Pete asked when he noticed they are not in front of their house. Rathe it more looked like empty ground. Soon a chopper landed.

What happened Vegas?

The company branch we have in the next city has some problems, Pete. So I called a chopper to go there

It is serious?

Not so serious but I have to be there.


Come, Pete. We will go there together.


Pete and Vegas got inside and it took off. Pete always has a habit of watching the lights of the building while flying on flights. As it is night now, he expected it to be more beautiful.

Strangely, it was dark. There were no lights on.

Vegas, isn't it strange that there is no light? And that too it is new year night.

They were in the air when suddenly Pete saw something in the sky.

( Imagine Pete is seeing this while in the air)

It was drones having countdowns from three, two, and one.

Vegas, look at that drones.

Pete said to Vegas in excitement. After the countdown, there was nothing, no crackers, nothing. Pete who was confused glanced to see the beautiful sight.

( Imagine the lights were on in the shape of "I ❤️ U" )

Vegas look here. Doesn't it look like a proposal to someone?

When Pete turned towards Vegas, he was already on his knees with a ring in his hand.

Vegas, what is this?

Asked Pete surprised by his actions.

Sorry, Pete. That day I wasn't able to express myself properly.

The first day when I saw you in my caravan, to be frank, I fell in love at the very sight.
Maybe you are the reason I started to believe in destiny.

So I, Vegas Theerapanyakul who own millions of hearts surrender my heart and soul to you, Pete.


Will you be my boyfriend as well as my wife?

Asked Vegas with a cute eager face.

Ha, Pete chuckled at Vegas' question.

Don't you already know how I feel about you?

But still, I want to hear from you, Pete.

Ok, listen. I am in love with you already Vegas. So much in love, you drive me crazy whenever I don't find you next to me in the bed. You ask me to be your boyfriend and also your wife, but I have already imagined our grandchildren running around us in our old age. You were not in my past Vegas but I want you in present as well as in the future.

Will you be?

Sure, Pete.

Then I too agree to be your boyfriend and also your wife.

Vegas put the ring on Pete's finger so did Pete on Vegas' finger. They kissed each other. At that time the entire was filled with colorful bursting crackers.

So this is why you were late every day?

Yes, sorry that I spent very less time with you for the past few days. Do you like this?

I love it

(A.n - This chapter is specially dedicated to my girl Sri_aroura who is sitting next to me in my room and urged me to write a chapter for her to read as she is free now. The consequence of having a best friend😒)

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