Scandalous Engagement✅(PREVIE...

By NanaAmiinah

215K 6.6K 1.8K

One Number Dialed wrong. Could it have been a coincidence? Nah, i would preferably stick to fate. Amirah Ad... More

Introduction X Teaser.
BLURB + 01|First Impression.
|11|Fashion Galore.
21|Fate's Explosion
31|Made of Metal.
36|The Walk Into Forever.
41|All Bark And No Bite.
48|Burns And Scars.
51|Where Loyalty Lies.
|55|Playing it His Way.
64|Our Meet Cute.
Final Takedown Notice.
How To Get The Complete Book.

70|The END.

3.1K 362 281
By NanaAmiinah

Happy New Year🎉🎊

Hello Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

Before you read (I'm sure no one will actually go through this AN anyways) know that Amirah and Kamal loves you.

It's my Birthday Tomorrow😎.

I pray that 2023 gives you what your heart needs. Ameen.


Thank You for the Happiest days of my life.



I released a huge sigh of relief after having my daughter placed atop my chest, too tired to move a limb all I could do was smile at the nurse and my mother who was staring down at me with tears in her eyes and her hand holding mine in a firm grip.

A daughter. My daughter. It evoked another smile on my face.

"Alhamdulillah Amirah. Alhamdulillah." Ummi smiled and thanked the nurse who offered her a chair to sit directly beside me. She helped me up and adjusted the baby from my chest to my awkward arms for feeding.

I was absolutely clueless as to what to do despite the books I made Kamal read to me, it was like everything flew out of my head the moment I saw her. She was a pretty thing, although slightly pink but wrapped up in a white shawl over some kind of white baby clothes from what I could see. She was unlike anything I've ever beheld before, her eyes were closed and her wide mouth was dry. Ummi and a nurse helped me feed her.

I felt the first suck at every part of my body, like little zaps of electricity were exploding in every part, I shut my eyes close at the sensation and held the head closer as per their instruction.

Labor came to me two days after our arrival to London, UK. I made Mommy, Ummi and Sumayyah promise not to call and tell Kamal that I was in labor until everything was over. I was offered to be given the epidural injection to decrease the pain I was experiencing, I declined because of two reasons,

1. I've read about it and its side effects,
2. I wanted in on the whole experience.

Now that I've had a taste of what it feels like I made a mental note that next time side effects or not I was getting that injection because it fucking hurts.

It took me six hours of pain to deliver this big-headed cutie. I was already moved to a private ward where I knew a lot of fussing over was coming my way especially after Mommy walked into the room dabbing her eye with a tissue and her phone held in a way that told me she was on video call.

She turned the screen and Kamal's face stared back at me, he looked seventy shades of worried as his eyes roved over me before they settled on the baby in my slacked arms.

A yawn slipped out of my lips before I could speak a word.

"Alhamdulillah, you should get some sleep. We'll talk when you wake up." He voiced out before I could find my voice.

"It's a girl." I whispered in between yawns.

Man was I sleepy.

I couldn't say much about what happened next because when I woke up my Daddy was in the room talking on the phone. A huge smile broke over his face as he rushed towards me promising whoever he was talking to on the phone that he will call back later.

"My beautiful daughter is a mother. How are you feeling my dear?" He asked taking up the seat Ummi was occupying earlier.

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah Daddy, how did you manage to make it this early?" I moved to sit on the bed.

"Do you need help?" He asked moving to do as he enquired but I just shook my head biting my lip hard at the pain I felt from God knows where. When I settled comfortably he answered my question. "I wasn't much far from here, I was in Birmingham for a conference when your mother called."

That explains it.

I was told that Daddy performed the birth customs for her, he called the Adhan in her ear and Mommy has fed her a small portion of softened date before I fed her.

Ummi and Mommy were huddled in a corner with Sumayyah who was taking pictures of the baby.

Only God knows for how long I've been asleep.

I chatted a bit with Daddy before Sumayyah returned the baby to me. I had a conversation with Kamal during the early stage of my pregnancy about the name of our child and he said that he was free with whatever name I wanted as long as the meaning was reasonable. So, I decided without letting him know that if it was a female her name will be Asiya obviously and if it was a male I was going to name him after my father, I even concluded on nicknames, I chose Yasmin or Amaan depending on the gender. So Yasmin it is.

After getting fed which by the way was done with Ummi's help once again I wore a cap to cover my askew hair and readjusted Yasmin properly so that a picture of us could be taken. This will be for Kamal's little photobook, it's an important occasion.

Kamal wasn't able to come until the next day, my love looked tired when he finally reached us. I don't know if he forgot who were in the room with us or had no care about propriety anymore, it probably was the latter because he greeted them first before moving towards me. For the first time since we married he displayed affection publicly.

He placed a chaste kiss to my head and caressed my cheek with his right hand. The two women took that as their cue to leave and left us in each other's company. Baby Yasmin was on my chest so Kamal just picked her up effortlessly and stared at the sleeping baby.

"Can I kiss her?" He asked in a meek tone after several minutes of silence, from his stance I recognized that he was praying for her.

"Hurry before the nurses see you." He peppered her face with tiny kisses, cooed about her beauty and whispered soft words about how much Daddy loves her.

"What about me?" I asked, sulking.

"You know we love you more than anything."

"Hey, I'm part of that 'we'. Do not ever include yourselves in a team and not put me in it." I warned before turning serious. We talked about our daughter's name and I told him about the name I chose, Kamal calmly dropped a kiss to my open palm in unspoken gratitude. "But we'll be referring to her as Yasmin, I love that name too." I added the last part with a grin.

He nodded before whispering Du'a in her ear as well as other rituals done to newborn babies. When he was done I was sitting on the bed with my legs dangling over the floor. I gestured at him to sit beside me and he did so without a word. With the baby in the crook of his left elbow he extended his right and wrapped it around me pulling me in for a side hug, I responded by placing my head on his shoulder.

Kamal has already heard about everything from the beginning of my labor to the delivery from yours truly (me) on a video call yesterday. Amna and all the others too called several times, congratulated us and prayed for baby Yasmin and I.

"How does it feel?" I asked him as his hand ran circles over my arm. We were wrapped in our little world that was filled with utmost tranquil and peace like nothing before.

"Words cannot explain how it feels, I'm holding myself back from shouting it at the top of my lungs, I feel like throwing you up and around like a toddler, I feel like doing thousands of things Maryam but I'm holding myself back because being a father is not easy..."

"Ah ah. It is not easy, try her name with yours on your lips." I interrupted teasingly.

"Asiya Yasmin Kamal, Asiya Kamal Hashim, Yasmin Kamal or Asiya Kamal." He did as was told while I cheered him on with hoots and ayes.

He laughed at our behaviour, so much for being parents. "There's no better person for me in this world than you Maryam, I love you wife."

"I love you too amigo." I pinched the bridge of his nose, "There's no one who could deal with your brooding like I do."

"What of my love? My romantic side, is there anyone who could deal with it apart from you?" He asked moving Yasmin from his left to right.

"Your nonexistent romantic life you mean?" I joked and got a glare.

"There might be some girl somewhere who'll find the nonexistent romance life to her liki.."

I shoved him hard, "The only girl you'll ever look at in a romantic way is me, the only girls you'll find beautiful will be myself and Yasmin, then Fatimah and Amna. After us there'll be no one. And yes, only I get to deal with your every side, same goes for you Baby. "

"It's a deal." He took my hand into his before using our clasped hands to touch our daughter. "I'm most grateful for having you and Yasmin, Maryam. I love you." He whispered into the air. "I love you both so much."


We returned to Kano eight days later, Yasmin's naming ceremony held five days later which was exactly two weeks after her birth. The whole event passed by in a blur, I wore three outfits only, a biege swiss lace, a purple and nude ankara and a mint green french lace. Yasmin though wore over 5 outfits until I couldn't count anymore, Layyah appointed herself in charge of changing her so I had no say in the matter. In summary, everyone looked beautiful, two days before the ceremony we went to the spa, the saloon, got our hair done, pedicure and manicure covered before henna. In two days Yasmin and I were bound to leave for Azare.

The house was empty save for the three of us, Yasmin was lying on his chest as we cuddled up on a sofa watching a movie. We were in a sort of comfortable silence that wasn't meant to be broken but the baby on his chest disagreed because she woke up and released a wail that was too loud for someone her size.



I spent 40 days with Hajiya Ammah, 40 days of being washed with water that was too hot for my soft skin, there was a day I almost dipped the whole of that old woman into the tub I was forced into headfirst. Headfirst in a way that she'll consume a good portion of it in her mouth before hitting her with the leaves she uses on me.

It was that serious.

At first she appointed someone for the job; of washing me that is. When she noticed that things were done my way because the poor woman had no choice but to follow my instructions she decided to do the task herself and there's no day that passes without the two of us fighting like a cat and mouse in the bathroom.

"I'll miss my darling Asiya but not you. Definitely not you." She visibly bristled.

My mouth gaped open at the severity of the expression that followed after the words. "The feeling is mutual old woman." I sassed back even though I knew deep inside me that missing the woman was inevitable. But she did not have to know that or any other positive thing I might be feeling towards her.

She gave me a funny look before buttoning Yasmin's sweatshirt romper. Hajiya Ammah might be regal but she wasn't lazy, I've never seen her work as much as she did with us. She took care of Yasmin's every need, hit the nape of my neck several times in the middle of the night to feed a sleeping baby.

Why couldn't she wait until the baby was up and wailing? That's Hajiya Ammah for you.

Well, I parted with her in tears, we held unto each other as tightly as possible with she wishing us a safe journey and me thanking her for everything.

Weird, I know.

Kamal was elated at our return, he turned into the perfect definition of a doting attentive father and husband, taking care of us while I took care of him.

Jules came to visit her darling in December, she came with dresses, an Elsa costume, ballet shoes, ribbons and all sort of girly stuff. She even brought her an ipad for watching cartoons.

"Jules she's 2 and a half months old." I deadpanned after taking the item out of its box.

"Worry not, in three months it'll be helpful and you'll be crawling with gratitude. Now let bébé et maman wear their ballet dresses. Thank you and shoo."

That was how she slipped into a baby pink knee-length dress, white panty hose and a pair of baby pink ballet slippers. My very much crazy friend dressed my daughter in a matching outfit, there was nothing different except the writeup on the front of the dress. "Baby" and a crown in glittery gold was on Yasmin's while "Momma" and a crown in glittery gold too was on Juliette's.

Such a toddler in an adult's costume.

I was appointed as their photographer and was forced to take several shots of the two models until Kamal returned home and found us in my garden. I took his return as my cue to leave, greeted him with my arms wide open and the camera abandoned on one of the settees lavishly spread around the garden. To say I was satisfied with the outcome of my garden will be an understatement. I was planning to host a little tea party with my friends after adding a few decorations that will enhance its appearance before Jules leaves.

That night I left Yasmin with her father and stayed with Jules in my room until his call came through pleading at me to come feed our baby. I bade Jules goodnight with the promise to continue from where we stopped the next day.

Kamal and I made a pact about diaper change and all other activities regarding Baby Yas in the evening. We agreed that he would be in charge every night except nights when emergencies arose from work. Amirah Umar and I raised our business idea to Hajiya Ammah who agreed that it was a good idea, we both didn't want our parents to be involved because we wanted it to be something we started from the scratch with our very own sweat. I wanted to be a full-time mom so I decided that for now while Yasmin was still so young I will be a silent partner, the one who provides the funds. The managing side of the business will be covered by Amirah Umar.

I stared at my baby as she slept, she has my pretty nose and my sexy eyes. I won't do that ass kissing thingy and say that she looks exactly like her father just because he's my husband or because he's handsome. No, Yasmin looks like her mother more than she does her father. I don't care if I was being possessive about it one bit, I do not care if I was arguing with myself over mine and Kamal's share in her features given that he contributed greatly to you-know-what-I-mean.


Kamal's birthday this year was celebrated at the same restaurant he took me to on my 24th birthday while I was pregnant with Yasmin, it was disastrous because I was at the peak of my nausea period so we couldn't do much that night, all I wanted was a warm bed and my husband's arms around me which I got immediately after we got home. But this time I made sure everything went as smoothly as possible with Yasmin squealing and gurgling on a high-chair beside us, Kamal fed her milk while I examined the heavenly tart I just stole from his plate. Not chocolate though, apple pie tart.

I thought there was nothing like the chicken pot pie I just had but the taste of this completely opposite meal made my mouth water.

"Tell your Amma to quit stealing my food." He absent-mindedly told his daughter and got rewarded with a babble. He decided that Yasmin should refer to me as Amma, who was I to argue? I secretly love that name, but for now I couldn't give him the pleasure of knowing I did, so I made faces whenever he used the name.

Yasmin is a talkative, she babbles gibberish all the time. Wonder where she got that trait from, not from me. Definitely not from her dad. Not from Her Royal Highness Hajiya Ummi, maybe my Daddy or her namesake.

Well, we ate in bliss before leaving for our safe haven.

I slipped out of my Avar belted maxi dress, shoes and dropped my purse at entering my room with the intention of joining the other two in our room after changing. Before I did my phone rang and I stopped in my tracks.

Kamal's number appeared with no indication that the contact was saved.

What in the world?

I rolled my eyes at the clingy man, always too keen to have me with him. Someone once told me that men often times grew unattached after their wives gave birth. That wasn't the case with Kamal because he became much more attached to me, so gummy.

But, I wasn't complaining. I love it that way, it makes me feel important.

"You just had to call me yeah? You couldn't wait." I asked when I got to our room dressed in a pair of leggins and a tank top. Yasmin was sleeping soundly as he rocked her in his arms.

"Call you when?" He asked, looking and sounding sincere, "I didn't call you."

So I moved closer until I was a breath away from him and turned my phone's screen to his face. He stared at the number before pointing out the numbers that differed this number from his, the last letter and the third to the last.

"Call back let's hear." He suggested, laying Yasmin on her side before getting up and taking off his Kaftan top.

He returned to the bed after shielding the chest I was making googly eyes at with a drab brown long-sleeved shirt.

I hate that shirt and he knew it.

So, I dialled the number back and waited. The call got picked at the fourth ring.

"Hello Assalamu alaikum." A female voice began, I furrowed my brows then replied.

"Hope I got the right person, am I speaking with Amirah?" The girl asked.

"Yes you are." I replied trying to figure out where I knew that voice from, it sounded familiar. And how she got my number, something as confidential as my number didn't go flying around the air.

"Thank God, it's Sa'adah Habib, your childhood friend."

My eyes widened at the realization.

Fucking hell.

"Sa'adah oh my God, I can't believe this. How are you? Where are you now? I can't believe it." I literally jumped around the room shooting series of questions her way without waiting for the first to be answered.

Kamal laid back observing how giddy I became over a phone call.

"I've been looking for you for so long. In fact I got your number almost two years ago now but fortunately and unfortunately a mix up happened along the way and I called the wrong person. Know what? It's a long story, did you say you were in Kano?"


Dear Diary.

I got the medal for "Most lucky girl in the world." and no one can steal that from me. I have the most amazing people around me, my family, friends, my husband, my daughter. Alhamdulillah is all that I can say.

I'm officially a legal partner of an Interior designing firm, Born to Adorn.

I'm most grateful to my Lord.

Thank you dear diary for being part of the best and happiest days of my life.


Yours Truly,

1. Maryam Amirah A. Bawa.
2. Kamal's Sweetheart.
3. Yasmin's Amma.

Those two are wrapped around my pinky finger.

I love them ❤️ and you who stole my diary to read without me granting you permission to.



Our love was still strong.



Hello Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh.

Alhamdulillah for the end of a very blissful journey.

Dea Silent reader, Dear Outspoken reader❤️, Dear Inspiration ❤️, Dear Muse❤️, Dear "Update the fckn book/Update SE Amina Garba" Maama and Ammi❤️, Dear Pleader❤️, Dear Bla bla bla❤️, Dear Book❤️, Dear Gadgets❤️, Dear Brain❤️, Dear Characters❤️,

There's nothing I would've loved more than to mention those that have been with us from the beginning to the end and have played a major role in the book's process but tbh it is unlikely that I'll be able to get everyone's names in a short period of time but YOU know yourselves. Thank you for being there, I appreciate having you in my life.

I love you❤️.

See you next time I See you!

Plus, an epilogue will be on its way but I'm not promising any time soon. I hope SE passed a few lessons.

Let's talk about our favourite characters here... So we know who appears in the epilogue and who doesn't.

Maryam Amirah, Hajiya Ammah, Ummi, Daddy, Amirah Umar, Sumayyah, Jules, Afra, Sa'adah, Yazid, Mufasa, Asma.

Kamal Hashim, Mommy, Daddy, Fatimah, Amna, Mukhtar, Khadijah, Tahir, Kyda, Jawad, Layyah, Haifa, AA, Sa'eedah, Faruk.


And others. Who did I forget sef?

Aaaand, SE will be moved to several platforms Inshaa Allah including Okada books, aJoara books and more. I hope the love you have for the book doesn't stop on wattpad only.

For more information about my books; existing and upcoming ones, you can reach me out on Instagram @ameenatou_ or @x.wiltedrose

It's my birthday tomorrow, 01/01 you know. I accepts Birthday gifts ooo!!! Thanks.

Thank you and GoodBye❤️.


Nana Ameenah Uthman.

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