Double Act (A One Direction F...

By Rachel19

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19 year old twin sisters Lara and Livvy are complete opposites. Together they make an amazing duo, an unbreak... More

Chapter One: Introductions
Chapter Two: Sneaky Sister?
Chapter Three: I can't do this
Chapter Four: A bit of advice
Chapter Five: "We're Double Act..."
Chapter Six: The Judges
Chapter Seven: The Phone Number
Chapter Eight: Bad Apologies
Chapter Nine: Bootcamp
Chapter Ten: The Results
Chapter Eleven: Meeting our Mentor
Chapter Twelve: When She Finds Out
Chapter Thirteen: The Phonecall
Chapter Fourteen: Probably
Chapter Fifteen: For Now
Chapter Sixteen: Running Late
Chapter Seventeen: Nialler To The Rescue
Chapter Nineteen: Wicked Witch of Wotsit-Land
Chapter Twenty: Him Again
Chapter Twenty One: Spaghetti
Chapter Twenty Two: No More Fainting
Chapter Twenty Three: Poor Sock
Chapter Twenty Four: Nothing More
Chapter Twenty Five: Ringtones
Chapter Twenty Six: Live Shows
Chapter Twenty Seven: Just A Dream
Chapter Twenty Eight: Not Again
Chapter Twenty Nine: Stupid X Factor
Chapter Thirty: So close
Chapter Thirty One: Everything Has Changed
Chapter Thirty Two: Goodbyes
Chapter Thirty Three: Botched Apologies
Chapter Thirty Four: Surpise Guests
Chapter Thirty Five: A Visit from Curly
Chapter Thirty Six: Guitarless Performance
Chapter Thirty Seven: Back Again
Chapter Thirty Eight: In the Wings
Chapter Thirty Nine: When Everything Goes Wrong
Chapter Forty: Finally Snapped
Chapter Forty One: Worst Night of My Life
Chapter Forty Two: Worse
Chapter Forty Three: Results Time
Chapter Forty Four: A Rant From Baby Brother
Chapter Forty Five: Brownies and Partie Invitations
Chapter Forty Six: Party Time
Chapter Forty Seven: Explanations
Chapter Forty Eight: Let Me In
Chapter Forty Nine: Guessing Games
Chapter Fifty: Christmas Miracle

Chapter Eighteen: Who You Are

2.5K 47 10
By Rachel19

Double Act - Chapter 18

~~ Lara's P.O.V ~~

So that was his game. The catch. He was only being nice because he thought we had talent, and that he could win with us in his groups. No other reason at all. He didn't even care about why we had left so suddenly.

I didn't really know why I was so surprised by that. I mean, he's Louis Tomlinson. He dated Eleanor Calder. Why would he ever in a million years like me? When did that idea ever enter my mind? I must be mental.

As I stood next to Liv in that light-filled room, I tried my hardest to avoid looking up at our audience, but that was harder said than done.

I stepped closer to my sister. "Liv, I'm not sure I can do this again," I whispered to her. I didn't even have my guitar! I expected her to turn and hiss at me to not be so stupid, maybe even throw in a little slap or pinch. But no.

She sighed. "Lara, you did it the first time, you did it the second time," she smiled, and placed her warm hand on my own ice cold one. "I know you can do this,"

That shouldn't have convinced me. I should still have been nervous. They were just words.

But somehow they meant more to me than that. My sister was being nice and, dare I say it, supportive of me, and I wasn't about to let her dreams of becoming famous disappear. Besides, James told me to do two things back in that hospital room. Look after my sister, and win X Factor. I could do both right now by putting everything I had into this performance.

So I did.

~~ Harry's P.O.V ~~

I eyed the two girls carefully as they adjusted their posture before the gentle music started. They both took deep breaths before opening their mouths and singing, both of them showing the emotion of the song in their faces and body language. Everything a professional should do.

"I stare at my reflection in the mirror,

Why am I doing this to myself?

Losing my mind on a tiny error,

I nearly left the real me on a shelf,

No, no, no, no, no..."

I stared in awe as the two girls harmonised perfectly, hitting every note as amazingly as Jessie J herself. I glanced beside me at Lou, and saw that he was almost drooling over the girl on the left. I held back a smirk, and turned back to the performance.

"Don't lose who you are in the in the blur of the stars!

Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,

It's okay not to be okay.

Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart,

But tears don't mean your losing, everybody's bruising,

There's nothing wrong with who you are,"

There was a pause, filled with the soft echoes of 'Who you are, who you are,'. In that break one of the girls stepped forward, throwing a nervous glance back at her sister before turning back to us. I noticed that she was shaking with nerves, her hands clutching desperately at the microphone as though it would fall to the floor at any moment. She tucked her hair behind her ear, and opened her mouth, finally lifting her gaze from the floor.

~~ Louis' P.O.V ~~

I couldn't believe that they were here. They had made it.

Lara and her sister stood there in the center of the floor. I was so busy gazing at Lara that I barely heard the music. I loved the song, but as Lara stepped forward everything seemed to go silent. I saw nothing but her as she glanced nervously backwards, trembling as she sucked in a breath.

Then she raised her head, her gaze piercing in to my own. I expected to see the happy eyes that belonged to the girl that had left here so quickly the previous day.

Instead, I found myself longing to look away. She looked like she were about to burst in to tears. She looked hurt. She looked heartbroken, and her voice so angelic. All of this made me feel many emotions, but for some reason I felt guilty. But why would I feel guilty? I hadn't done anything wrong, had I?

I felt angry, too, and wanted nothing more than to go and murder the person that had made her look so upset. But I couldn't move. Her voice broke through my thoughts, and I froze to the spot. It was just me and her, everything else sort of faded out.

"Yes, no's, egos, fake shows, like whoa,

Just go, and leave me alone,

Real talk, real life, good love, goodnight,

With a smile, that's my home!

That's my home, no..."

~~ Harry's P.O.V ~~

Wow, Lou was right; they are good! I could honestly listen to the duo all day. I watched the 2 girls walk off in to the crowd of people, simply to avoid me catching Louis' gaze. In doing this, I caught one of the girls throwing a spiteful glance in Lou's direction, eyeing him with something that could only be described as disappointment.

She shifted her gaze to me, and smiled shyly before turning back to the two people in front of her. I frowned. Wasn't that the girl that was supposed to be Louis' secret crush? Why was she mad at him?

"Harry!" Joey called, rushing over and flashing me a smile. "Would you mind terribly showing Double Act the way back to their rooms?" he asked hopefully. "Everyone else is busy and... well, would you mind?" Without even waiting for a reply, he hurried over to another guy, who was fiddling with a microphone. "Thanks, Harry!" he called over his shoulder.

"I... fine," I sighed, and moped over to where the two girls were standing with a slightly older woman. They looked up at me as I approached them, and I put on my politest smile.

"Hello!" I greeted, waving awkwardly as they took in who I was. One of the girls eyes widened, and her hand flew to her mouth as she enhaled deeply. "I'm Harry!" I added helpfully, just in case she didn't know who I was.

She nodded frantically. "I-I know..." she managed, seeming to find it difficult to breath. I glanced past her to find the other girl that had performed and an older woman, probably their mother. I realised that the girls must have been twins, seeing that they looked remarkably similar, and nodded in realisation.

I smiled at the girl struggling to breath, but turned to her sister instead. She smiled politely, keeping herself together a lot better than her twin. "I'm here to show you the way back to your rooms," I told her, nodding at the older woman as she eyed me suspiciously.

~~ Lara's P.O.V ~~

"Is this Mr Tomlinson?" Molly asked, rolling up her sleeves upon spotting the approaching lad. I spluttered, and put a hand on her arm to calm her down.

"No, Mol," I assured her. "That's one of his bandmates, Harry Styles," I explained.

She nodded slowly. "Oh," she relaxed again. "Has he lied to you, too?" she snapped, glaring at him as he made his way closer to us. I chuckled, and shook my head just as he approached the three of us. We all looked round, but I was soon sent in to fits of giggles at Liv's reaction. I tried to hide them as she fangirled desperately in front of one of her biggest celebrity crushes.

Harry smiled awkwardly at her before turning to me. I smiled and waited for him to speak. "I'm here to show you the way back to your rooms," he told me, nodding at Molly, who was still eyeing him suspicously.

We said our goodbyes to Molly and let Harry lead us through hallways through the house. Liv soon rushed off to call all her friends and check her twitter etc, leaving Harry and I alone as he walked through the seemingly endless corridors.

"So why do you hate Louis so much?"

His question caught me off-guard, and I frowned. "What makes you think that?" I demanded, trying to hide the blush that was creeping up my neck.

He laughed, flicking his curls to one side. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's the way you tense up every time your sister mentioned his name?" I chewed on my lip. "Or possibly the evil glare you payed him back there in the conservatory?" his smirk began to annoy me, and I rolled my eyes. "So why is it?"

"I have no idea why I'm telling you this," I sighed. "But I have to give you something for putting up with my sister back there!"


Authors Note: Hello lovely people!!Xx

So it is Monday once again! I hope I didn't rush this chapter too much? It's a bit longer than the others, and the next one with be about the same length, I reckon.

I'm so exciteed!! I wore my clothes backwards the whole weekend (and yes, it was uncomfortable) and I raised £70! I'm so pleased :) And I cannot wait for Friday! Comic Relief is going to be amazing, and 1D are on too! AND on Saturday, the boys are gonna be on Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Live! Dream Weekend television! <3

IT'S SNOWING OUTSIDE!! School might be shut tomorrow! I doubt it, but I remain hopeful.

So I hope you liked this chapter. I might go through the first couple of chapters and make them a bit longer, because they are unbelievably short. Bye guys!xx <3 Thankyou for reading, and votes and comments would be amazing!:D

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