Money comes first [On Hold]

By EmiYuan

167K 10.4K 2.6K

Getting reincarnated into a novel? That's okay Being a maid? That's okay The novel I reincarnated in was Tr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Incorrect quotes
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Scenarios that might actually happen
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Adias thoughts on others
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Special(because why not)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Random fanfic-cannon scenarios
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Special(because its cale and choi han's birthday)
Chapter 22
Chapter 24

Chapter 23

1.8K 112 18
By EmiYuan

(Huge ass time skip-why? Because I can)

"So this is where you are," Adia said while looking at Cale and the destruction he has caused "....aunt" the other replied reluctantly.

"Oh and you're destroying the slave traders' hideout, good job dear"

' does she always know everything I do?' These were the thoughts of a certain redhead while destroying buildings.

"Well you do that dear I just wanted to say that from today forward I will....go on an undercover mission so you will not be seeing me" Adia spoke while walking away from her nephew. "Ah-...alright....wait what" before Cale could clarify what he had just heard Adia was already nowhere to be seen.

"......goddamn it"


"'re leaving for how long?" Cale ask while sitting down and talking to his aunt "until I decided that the information I have taken is useful" Adia replied while sipping her tea.

"Why are you like this" Cale said while rubbing his head

'now you know how you make Alberu feel dear' she thought while simultaneously speaking again "daddy issues"


"No wait I don't think I can have it if I don't have one in the first....just ignore what I said earlier ok my dear nephew"


After a long silence, they both decided to ignore the whole conversation and Adia left Cale to do her undercover mission, Cale, on the other hand, is mentally crying about his slacker life running away.


"Papa, where are you going?" The little girl asked her father with a curious look "oh don't worry dear papa will come back so while you're with mama be a dear and don't tell her papa left ok?" The father said while holding his luggage eager and ready to leave.

The little girl was naïve, of course, she believed her father was-in her eyes- could do no wrong.

"Ok, papa!"

Little did the girl know, that single decision destroyed her whole life.

"Jesus!....what's with these dreams...damnit" Adia takes to herself, finally waking up from the bed she was sleeping in.

At this very moment, Adia now lives as Charlotte, a citizen of the Empire that is under the imperial prince...Adin.

'I fucking hate that bastard' were the thoughts Adia would have whenever she woke up, case in point it is quite understandable.

Now as a person in disguise of course one would have a background and a job.

So let's all properly welcome Charlotte Ranger a peasant girl that is working in the palace as a maid, not well known and not unpopular too, just somewhere in between. Does her job efficiently and did not get any suspicion from the imperial crown prince.

But every day working in this palace can be quite taxing....she is very tempted to just freeze Adin to death and be done with it so Cale wouldn't have to deal with him in the future.

Sadly she holds back knowing this will not just disrupt the future but also the plans she has for the white bastard.

And so as of now, she is but just a simple maid who is doing her job and is clueless about what's actually going on with this Empire.


"Congratulations Miss Charlotte! You have been promoted to work under his imperial highness, crown prince Adin!" The head maid said while looking at Adia with excitement, truly if the head maid were to hear the inner thoughts of Adia at this very moment she would most certainly pass out and call it treason for every thinking of such things.

'Fucking piece of shit, what's his problem! Promoted? More like demoted, now I have to look at his face...his fucking ugly ass face every time I work...SHIT'

"Yes, thank you very much but I will always work as hard as I can for that is my job head maid Miller!" A nice and innocent smile was drawn across Adia's face and it was very much fake.

After the announcement, Adia was tasked to move her things to the side of the palace where it's nearest to the prince.

'Fucking Adin making me work and carry my luggage, I hope you stub your toe so hard that it falls off bleeding'

In the end, all Adia could do was suck it up and ignore the urge to kill the man as she didn't want to get caught, but to some extent, she knows she could get away with's just the butterfly effect that's stopping her to do so.

But she worries, her existence obviously changes some things within the story. That alone was obvious but as it seems in the moment it is just simple changes that surprisingly didn't affect the big picture.

But none of this really mattered to her, it's the e work was ending because of her actions she wouldn't mind, as long as Cale and Witira is alright...she will kill her self if need be.

Ah, what a vicious thought.

{A/N: hey guys sorry for not posting for so long but I have a reason aside from being too busy this time😅

My phone got confiscated by my teacher and a family problem sorta happened and my aunt got murdered....but like it's all good

Fun fact I'm actually finalizing this chapter at her funeral so sorry for any grammatical error or spelling mistakes (I might take some time off but worry not! This story will not be abandoned obviously!...I just need some time

But as for the reward of being it is!}

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