Web Warriors: Part 2. Legacy...

By nightcrow92

1.1K 73 47

Arash and Peter go back to New York after the events of Persia and Arash have to deal with the consequences o... More

Prologue: Far From Trials
P. FFT: Chapter 1
P. FFT: Chapter 2
P. FFT: Chapter 3
P. FFT: Chapter 4
P. FFT: Chapter 5
P. FFT: Chapter 6
P. FFT: Chapter 7
P. FFT: Chapter 8
P. FFT: Chapter 9
P. FFT: Chapter 10
Part 1. Absolute Carnage
1. AC: Chapter 1
1. AC: Chapter 2
1. AC: Chapter 3
1. AC: Chapter 4
1. AC: Chapter 5
1. AC: Chapter 6
1. AC: Chapter 7
1. AC: Chapter 8
1. AC: Chapter 9
1. AC: Chapter 10
1. AC: Chapter 11
1. AC: Chapter 12
1. AC: Chapter 13
1. AC: Chapter 14
1. AC: Chapter 15
Web Interlude: Doing Too Much
Warrior Interlude: Visiting Hours
Part 2: Legacy Incarnate
2. LI: Chapter 1
2. LI: Chapter 2
2. LI - Chapter 3
2. LI - Chapter 4
2. LI - Chapter 5


177 6 3
By nightcrow92

About the Story:

The events of this book take place after "The Prince and the Spiderman" so if you haven't read that one please do so you understand the background of some of the characters of this one and other things on the plot, also there is a connection to "The Immortals" book some things that have happened to Arash are in there like a little preview of events mostly on the Prologue and Part IV of that book, oh! And there is a big spoiler there about Farah's background so yeah if you haven't read that, spoilers ahead.

Also this story will develop inside Earth-100792 which is an earth number I created at the start to develop my book "The Prince and the Spiderman" and now is a whole universe called "Vizier Universe" (see my guide to know the books related to that one or the Reading List of said universe), this fic have interaction with everything related to that universe/earth.

The story will be divided in parts in 5 parts and is gonna have some little "One-Shots" in the middle of each chapters that are canon to the universe and the book, they are happening around the same timeline this book is covering, so...yeah, just something to spike things up.


There might be some strong language, some angst, fluff, death of a character, some mild PTSD, some sexual references and fighting are to be expected.


I own not much here except my main OC and other OC's around this book, rights about the MCU references or Prince of Persia references go to Stan Lee, Kevin Feige, Ubisoft, Jordan Mechner and Marvel Studios, just because this is inside the MCU therefore I will reference plots and characters, as well to some things related from the Marvel comics or the Marvel Universe in general.


Copyright 2022 © | All Rights Reserved, no part of this may be copied, translated (without my permission) or stolen. Any resemblances to other works are purely coincidental. If there are any issues please message me privately

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About my Original Characters (OCs):

· Arash Mohammadi:

His Name: Arash Mohammadi name comes from going through a lot of Persian names and choosing the one I liked the most, taking the first letter of my real name as reference, also apparently it means "Luminous, Luminesce, Brilliant, Bright or Shining" also I found "Radiant and Dazzling" and also "Truthfulness" all good giving his royal status and powers that shine in golden and is also the name of a hero in Persian mythology or folklore, so I think it suits well for him because of that and his last name I just found it to click, it doesn't mean anything in particular...I think?

As for his superhero name, he used to go by "Vizier" taken from the "Prince of Persia" video games, but he renounced to that title (it's a family thing the mantle of that hero name, kinda like Black Panther) and now his name is Nightcrow, a little alias he used during The Snap (reason that made me change my profile name to that one before Part 2 of this book) and it was inspired by Nightwing name from the "Batman" comics and I used the name of a bird I'm very fond with because of personal reasons, since Arash is my first Marvel OC he became reference for personal things on myself.

Physical Appearance: if you guys comes from the first book, you already know that Arash is played by no other than Zayn Malik, black hair, brown eyes, light but somehow a bit tanned skin and freaking gorgeous daddy...well more now, I'm using more the reference of his "heartthrob"/"twink" times when starting on One Direction like from "Take Me Home" to "Midnight Memories" eras, mostly trying to find references where he doesn't have a beard still and not many tattoos.

His Powers: Sadly after the ending of the first book, Arash is partially depowered, his powers used to come from a family ring and he kept the control of his powers thanks to his vital organs, however now his powers (Energy Control that helped him grab and move things, create force fields, energy blasts, turn invisible or explosive orbs and heal) are not at the same as before and even have a new way to control them that he needs to learn to re-master them, he used to also have Time Control powers but those were more related to The Dahaka and he lost those (to know more about The Dahaka you should have read Part 3 of the first book if you didn't and also more of it in "The Immortals" book mostly on the Prologue and Part 4). However we will see him use his fighting and weapon skills a lot mostly with his two special swords and daggers, also...maybe another weapon that he is gifted on the Prologue, you will see.

(His two Persian swords and how his daggers look like as well)

His Family: His parents died on his early teens, so he is under the care of his parental uncle (Ervin Mohamadi) and his aunt (Razia Mohammadi, wife of his uncle), he has 2 much younger siblings (Elika (girl) and Dastan (boy) Mohammadi), all of them part of the royalty in Persia being the rulers of the country (fictional country that I created for this universe, Persia was an empire, now for what I understand Persia now is more like a lineage and they are basically part of Iran), Arash is the former King and now Prince as he gave the title of King to his uncle on the ending of the first book.

· Farah Hosseini:

His Name: Now, my main character is obviously Arash, however during his book on Part 2, I created Farah who joined him at first as his personal assistant turned into a friend and even teammate and he comes along with him for the journey of this book as well, her name comes from the game of the "Prince of Persia" being the female character that tags along with the Prince and it's kinda a love interest, but here she isn't obviously lol and her last name...well...I tell you about it on the part of "Her Family".

Physical Appearance: just like Arash if you read the first book you already know that the faceclaim for Farah is the singer Kehlani Parrish, her hair would be changing during this book like raven hair or red hair, she has light tanned skin and covered in a lot of tattoos, dark brown eyes and she is basically a gorgeous queen.

Her Powers: I took inspiration for her powers from the spell "Accio" from the "Harry Potter" books, so she can basically summon things on her hands, basically teleport objects close to her, she mostly uses a bow and arrows (a reference to the character of the same name from the "Prince of Persia" video games), but she can work around any weapon, but prefers that one or also using a spear or long daggers, it's kinda a mystery where her powers come from, Arash and the other think about a mystical background, however she got them during puberty and there will be more info about them here, can anyone guess where her powers come from with that clue I gave?

Her Family: **(SPOILERS AHEAD ABOUT "THE IMMORTALS")** She is presented as an orphan, however on "The Immortals" book we learn that her mother is actually Aunty Zahra (real name: Razah Hosseini), a villain from that book and the first book from this universe, there is no info about who her father is, other than Zahra and since she is gone she doesn't have an actual biological family around anymore, but she considers Arash her family (basically like a brother) after what they being through those 5 years during The Snap.

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Characters Suits Aesthetic:

Nightcrow (Arash): If you read his previous book you know that Shuri gave Arash a new suit according to Okoye "is better for duty" and coming from Wakanda is obviously made of vibranium, I thought at first of using as reference the suit that Zayn has on the music video for "Like I Would" but then, looking for a helmet I came across some cool suits and stuff, so the suit is going to be a combination of the pictures below, the suit from the right is going to be mostly the suit, however I didn't like the helmet because it looks very much like Predator and villain like, so I decided it would look better with another helmet and I picked the one from the picture of the left and since both seem to use a some kind of hood.

I think the desing of the hood from the left and the detail of the shouders and stuff look pretty good so that goes on it as well, the only thing you may add with your imagination mostly is that the details on silver from the picture of the left and the details in orange from the picture on the right are going to be golden instead, closer to Arash colors sheme that now is more black and golden instead of the ones from previous book  (orange, beige and green), so he is taking more on the identity he created for himself in Persia than the colors from Vizier.

(P.S.: Oh, let's not forget that Arash now has Nat's necklace that she used during the events of "Civil War" where she met Arash and she left it for him on the events of "Endgame" after her passing. Also he doesn't have his family ring that enhanced his powers anymore but he has the C3PO golden ring on the top pic which was a gift from Peter for his birthday)

Dawn (Farah): For Farah, I wanted to upgrade her suit as well, before she had a more traditional armor, like the actual Farah of the "Prince of Persia" video game, now for this one I opted for her to use this awesome suit from Katniss Everdeen that she didn't use on the "Mockinjay" films but she did in the promotional pictures, so let's let Dawn have a go on this one...also I didn't want for Peter to be left out as the only one with bright colors in the team since Black Cat, Venom and now Arash all use black color suits.

Spiderman (Peter): Peter is going to have his Iron Suit and "Night Monkey" suit from the films, not gonna give him the "No Way Home" or the final suit of "Far From Home"...yet...maybe, we will see, for now I think the Iron Suit is pretty cool and they miss the oportunity to keep using it, I think he still has it in my little preview that I put in "The Immortals" book so yeah, Iron Suit stays and as for Night Monkey...you guys should wait and see in what moment he uses it, if you remember Arash gifted him that suit as he made it during The Snap instead of being an incognito suit made for him by Fury's orders, so we will see for what he will use it here

(P.S.: Just like his boyfriend, Peter has some accesories here, the Rebel Alliance necklace from "Star Wars" franchise is a gift Arash bought for him during the events of "Endgame" while they were planning on bringing everybody back and he gave it to Peter at the end of his book. On the other hand he gifted Arash the C3PO ring but he also made sure to have something for them together as a couple and he used the R2D2 ring that goes along with his boyfriend's one)

Black Cat (Felicia): Felicia is going to have the suit from the Spider-Man videogame, I think it suits better as it looks a bit more refined and with some tech unlike her usual catsuit with the fluffy collar, that it was what I visualized she used on the previous book, so on this one as a team member, her clothes are going to be much more formal.

Venom (Eddie): Lastly for not least, Eddie and Venom, Eddie kept the jacket from the Avengers Time Travel mission from "Endgame" that they gave to him (and Farah) since he (they) didn't need a full suit like the others, so every time they get a call he is gonna put that on as a "suit" since he doesn't actually need one. Venom is gonna transform the shape of the veins on his chest into the Spider Logo he usually has on the comics and it makes sense he has it here since he is now part of the "Web Warriors", so to go along his transformation now includes that.

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About Me, Spider-Man, the MCU and Marvel Comics:

If you guys have read the previous book of this one (The Prince and the Spiderman) you already know my opinion about Marvel and their characters, Marvel are my favorite in the comic books and superhero department, ever since the 90's block of cartoons called "Action Hours" were they aired "Spider-Man", "X-Men", "Iron Man", "Fantastic Four" and "The Incredible Hulk", they were everything to me, even my dad wanted me to be more into DC Comics like he is I ended up more close with Marvel, but I like both, however my love goes mostly to Marvel.

When the MCU started to take over the world of cinema with their own universe and films I was beyond hooked, let me be honest about something, I didn't know about the Avengers until I saw their movie, I mean I knew Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye and Thor but I wasn't very familiar with them, being a team, I remember I watched a show called "The Avengers: United They Stand" and I didn't realize it was an Avengers until I remembered Hawkeye, Vision, Ant-Man and Scarlett Witch from said show and like search about it in the internet (I was little don't blame me, I don't remember the name of a lot of shows I wish I could remember now as an adult to re-watch them), but now that I know I love them so much, everything from the MCU so far have been wonderful to me and I'm even grateful for those movies or series that even they are not part of the MCU (Like X-Men films and series or other films like Daredevil, Elektra, Ghost Rider or the first Hulk film) I'm just here for watch the heroes I love in action.

Like I said "Spider-Man" is up there as one of my favorites with the others I named, I loved Salam Rami trilogy, Andrew did a good job and very charming as Spider-Man even the second movie kinda doesn't do it for me and Tom Holland...well just like Andrew I developed a little crush on Tom, he is very charming as Peter Parker and his Spidey is on point, I hope he continue to work, even I don't have a crush on him any more (kinda) he still crush it (and can get it with all due respect to Zendaya lol), but anyway reason for me to continue more of this is to dig more into Spider-Man world, I re-watched the 90's cartoon and did a lot of research into comics so I'm bringing some stops here and I hope you guys like them and actually the name "Web Warriors" come from a "spider team" on the comics, you guys will learn later why they choose this name for the team.

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Now, most of you guys may wonder if I will go through the events of "Far From Home" or "No Way Home" mostly since I basically go over the first one for the Part 3 of my book, the whole trip and the identity of Vizier being compromised by the controversy of that part is basically my own take on FFH with Arash taken the hit instead of Peter and without Beck or the fake multiverse, will he still make an appear here? You guys will have to read to know.

As for NWH well if you guys read "The Immortals" you saw how Arash will work more closely to Strange and Wanda, so I think I will do the same that I did with FFH, I will do my own twist of events with the whole Multiverse and Spider-Verse deal, also taking dialogues and using them around, I don't know if it will be for the last Act or before that, we will see.

The MCU will have a little more impact on this Universe than the other universes I created, since this one started very related to that (ZET-J being a re-written version of things on it, Illuminaways trying not to touch much and Midnight being it's own deal) I think I will keep it that way, but you guys will have to wait and see what movies or shows will have more reference here or not, also since "The Immortals" take place during the events of this one, wait to have a lot of references to events on that one or events on that one influencing this one as well, more heavily for the last parts, but anyway I hope you guys are ready for this new ride with my boy Arash.

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