Can't You See Me?

By Haeminji1

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Campus heartthrob Kim Minji is seen giving Hybe Entertainment CEO's daughter Haerin a ride home. I didn't eve... More

twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
twenty four
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thirty one
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thirty eight
New Story!

twenty seven

2.3K 155 33
By Haeminji1

Haerin's POV

"I'm going to Yale." It's been a couple days since my graduation party and I finally gained the courage to tell my father I'm not going to SNU.

"Kang Haerin if you do this you'll ruin everything I've been working on these past few years. Mr. Nishimura is at his wits end. One more slip up and he's calling off the engagement. I'll cut you off and you'll never receive anything from me ever again. You will no longer be allowed in this house." My father angrily began throwing everything on his desk around the room, shouting at me. I'm not backing down this time.

"I don't want to marry Niki. I don't want to go to college here. I want to be far far away from you and everything that resembles you. You have spent the last few years making my life a living hell and I won't tolerate it anymore. I'm going to the states and I'm going to do what I want to do." I spit out my words with venom looking at the drunk man in front me directly in the eye. This man has done nothing but ruin my life. He marches over towards me grabbing the collar of my shirt dragging me out of his study and into the hallway.

"I'll give you ten minutes to pack up whatever you want, but then I want you out of my house forever!" He threw me against one of the many statues that graces our hallway then walked back into his study slamming the door. As soon as he wasn't in my sight anymore I started violently sobbing. He is evil, but he is my dad. I vigorously wipe the tears from my face and run up the stairs into my room slamming the door. What am I supposed to do now? I didn't think he would kick me out this easily. Before I can form another thought my door slammed open causing me to jump.

"You need to get out of here." Kazuha started going through my drawers pulling out random pieces of clothing and throwing them on my bed.

"He gave me ten minutes, slow down Zuha." I grab her wrist trying to calm the frantic girl. She whipped her head around and I can see that her eyes have tears brimming in the corner causing my heart to break. This is real. This is happening.

"I heard him call the police as soon as you ran upstairs. You need to get some stuff and leave now. I can bring you other stuff you need later." oh my god. The cops? Is it really that serious?

"Where am I even supposed to go?" After a few seconds of silence my mind automatically went to Minji. I can't just spring this on her and her family, but I really don't have many options. I pulled out my phone and dialed Minji's number and after a few rings she answered.

"Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while." Zuha was running around me putting clothes in a duffle bag and then she walked into my bathroom presumably packing in there as well.

"Minji can I come over for a while?" I haven't talked to her since the party because I wanted to give her a couple days to catch up with her family and friends since she hasn't seen them in a year as well.

"Yeah, are you okay? Is something wrong?" There was worry laced in her voice, but I had no time to comment on it.

"I'll explain it when I get there."

"Do you want me to come get you?" Zuha motions for me to hang up the phone because I was running out of time.

"No no I'll come to you. I'll see you later." I hang up the phone feeling a little bad, but I'll inform her about the current situation when I get there. Kazuha basically threw the duffle bag at me urging me out the door. This will be the third time I have just ran to Minji's house. I need to get my license.


I ran the entire six miles it takes to get from my house to Minji's. Honestly I should have joined the track team in school. I know I look disgusting with the summer humidity making my hair stick to my face and sweat coming from places I didn't even know could sweat. I took a second to catch my breath then I rang the doorbell and a couple seconds later Minji opened the door with a worried expression on her face.

"What the hell happened to you?" Minji dragged me into her house, shutting the door behind me.

"I ran here."

"From where?" Minji continued to drag me up the stairs, not looking back at me.

"My house." She halted once she got to the top step causing me to stumble a little bit. She immediately turned around her eyes comically wide with her mouth agape.

"You ran all the way here from your house?" I just nodded and Minji started laughing almost hysterically. I raise an eyebrow at the giggling girl. What's so funny? "Why didn't you just let me pick you up?" I looked around to see if anyone was within sight and no one was, but I still felt nervous to tell her out in the open so I pulled her behind me into her room shutting the door.

"My father kicked me out." I whispered out afraid to touch anything since I was so sticky and gross. I looked up and Minji's flabbergasted face from earlier hasn't changed. She might even look even more surprised if that's possible.

"I don't know what to say. What happened? Are you okay?" I laugh awkwardly scratching the back of my damp neck. I need a shower asap.

"I just told him that I am going to college in America no matter what and that I won't marry Niki so he cut me off and kicked me out." Minji stayed rooted in her spot for a moment, clearly thinking. It started to get a little awkward with how quiet it was. This was a mistake. I should've gone to Leeseo's or something, but then that would have caused more chaos to the situation probably.

"You can stay here." I looked back up and Minji was closer than she was before, clearly confused and stressed.

"Thanks, but maybe I can find somewhere else to stay if you are uncomfortable." Minji quickly began shaking her hands in front of her face and then grabbed my hands interlacing them within hers.

"No, no, stay here. I want to make sure you're okay. You can stay here as long as you want." I felt a small smile tug on my lips at her words.

"Thank you." Minji went to go for a hug, but she stopped stepping back a little bit.

"Haerin I know you are probably really stressed out and sad right now, but you are really sticky and gross please take a shower." The awkward atmosphere quickly vanished as we both started laughing.

"God I'm sorry." I groan while wandering into Minji's bathroom to take a shower. All I heard outside of the door was her snickers continuing on making me smile.


Minji's POV

Haerin has been in the shower for a hot minute and honestly it might be kind of mean, but she definitely needed one in the state she showed up here. I have never seen someone so sweaty before and I was constantly around football players, and the cheer girls. However, she still managed to look pretty, which is really frustrating. How can she never look bad? God I bet she even looks good as soon as she wakes up in the morning. Wow, I'd love to wake up next to Haerin and be the first person I see in the morning.

"Min...I forgot my clothes." I turned around and her little head was poked between the crack in the door that was hiding her body. Oh my god. Kang Haerin is naked behind that door. Holy shit she is naked not more than ten feet away from me.

"I uh well I-"

"Minji, could you please bring my bag. I'm cold." My eyes widened as I scramble around my room looking for her bag. God where the hell is it? How hard could it be to find a bag? After a few more seconds of me scrambling I heard my bathroom door creak and soft footsteps next to me. I look up and there she is freshly showered with one of my towels around her body. I try my best to just look at her face, but I can't help my wandering eyes. My eyes lower to her exposed collarbone and to her soft arms and smooth legs. Oh my god STOP. I look back up and Haerin's face is beat red. She clearly knows I was checking her out. I mean I wasn't really hiding it.

"I um sorry I can't find it." Haerin just nods wordlessly not making eye contact with me clearly uncomfortable. She eventually found it hidden under my bed a little bit and gave me a small smile without reaching my eyes and scurried back into the bathroom. Holy shit I want her so bad it might kill me. After a few minutes the bathroom door creaked again and out came the younger girl in a sweatshirt and a pair of sinfully short pajama shorts. Suddenly I felt terrible for checking her out so openly, causing a pit to form in my stomach. "I'M SORRY!" oh jesus christ way to embarrass yourself further.

"For what?" The cat-eyed girl sat criss crossed on my bed staring up at me. She really looks like a cat right now. I mimic her posture sitting across from her, folding my hands in my lap.

"I was looking at you inappropriately." After a few seconds of weird silence the younger girl bursted out in laughter rolling over on her side for a second before popping up again.

"Kim Minji, when did you become so polite and proper?" she was still laughing but it was more broken apart now. I felt a small smile form on my lips knowing that she didn't care that much that I was looking at her like that.

"I'm sorry I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I know we promised to each other that we would be together, but we aren't yet so I shouldn't be acting like this. I just want you to be happy and comfortable with me.-" I continued to ramble on and suddenly Haerin grabbed my hand and placed it on her sweater covered chest where her heart was. I could feel it beating even through her clothes and that silenced me. I looked at her eyes and she was looking at me so lovingly that I could melt right here on my bed.

"I love you MJ and don't you ever forget or doubt that again. I'm always happy and comfortable when I'm around you...even when you are perving." my eyes widened and tried to remove my hand that was still on her chest but she just kept it in its place. "What? Now you don't want to touch it?" Haerin smirked at me with an evil glint in her eyes.

"Haerin please." I whine trying to remove my hand and she eventually releases her grip. I look over at the clock on my wall and realize it's 12:03 am. I quickly get off my bed going to the desk and getting the little gift I got for Haerin's birthday.

"What is that?"

"Happy birthday!" I smile, handing over the small wrapped gift to the confused girl. She gave me a small smile and began unwrapping it. Once she pulled the top off the box her gift was in she gasped. It was a heart shaped necklace and on the back K.M. was engraved on it, my initials. I know it's probably cheesy and lame, but I knew she would like it and by the way her eyes were tearing up I could tell she did.

"Minji thank you so much!" The younger girl flung her arms around her neck squeezing her face into my neck. After a few seconds I felt her press a light kiss where her face was on my neck causing shiver to go down my spine. "I love it so much."

"I'm glad you like it." I grab Haerin's arms pulling her away from me and take the box pulling the necklace out. "I wanted us both to have something to remind us of each other no matter how far we are apart ever again." I turned the younger one around and put the necklace on her.

"I'm never going to be apart from you again." I felt a smile creep onto my face at Haerin's sweet words turning her back around so she is facing me.

"You're eighteen now." I wiggle my eyebrows at the smiling girl playing with her. Her face soon fell into a scowl as she groaned.

"God Minji, you always know how to ruin the mood!" Haerin rolled her eyes grabbing me and shoved me onto my bed crawling next to me cuddling into my side. God I have missed this.

"You love me." I smirk at her pulling her closer to my side, rubbing circles on her back. Haerin just sighed, nudging her nose on my neck making me giggle at the sensation.

"I do."

"I love you too."


Haerin's POV

I open my eyes slightly to see the sun peak through Minji's window. Wow, I fell asleep In Minji's bed with Minji. I still feel her warm embrace holding me against her. God even in her sleep she won't let me go. I roll over her still holding onto me and when I do I scream.

"HYEIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Hyein was standing right beside my side of the bed hovering over me like a creep. My screaming seemingly woke Minji up because she jumped right and fell right out of her bed.

"Waiting to see how long it would take for me to stare at you guys for you to wake up. It took about five minutes. If there is ever an intruder you guys are screwed." Hyein sighed, shaking her head and laid right on top of me spreading out her legs rolling back and forth.

"Hyein you're so creepy, get off of me!" I try to shove her off, but she stays firm with a chuckle escaping her lips. Out of the corner of my eye I see Minji get off the floor with a scowl on her face.

"Hyein get out!" minji walks over to the other side of the bed, grabbing Hyein by her arm, ripping her off of me.

"God, I just came in here to tell you that Hanni is waiting down stairs." and as if on cue Hanni was busting through the door.

"Please tell me my innocent Hyein didn't walk into you nasty people doing anything!" Hanni jogged over to Hyein, reaching up and covering her eyes. All i can do is roll my eyes and their silly antics. Not one minute of peace can I have.

"Is my room a meeting office? Get the hell out!" Minji shoved both Hanni and Hyein out her room, slamming the door behind him.

"Leave my best friend alone, she's just a baby!" I could hear Hyein yell from the other side of the door and Hanni's loud laughter after. What a great start to the morning.



I changed my mind. They are sickeningly cute. I don't want them together anymore. Also are they together or not I'm confused?

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