All 6 of Them (the Pack fanfi...

By justwritingtingz

28.2K 663 84

A group of six Youtubers who call themselves "The Pack", all disappear at a sudden attack on their homes. The... More

Chapter 1- Lachlan
Chapter 2- Mitch + Jerome
Chapter 3- Vikk
Chapter 4- Preston
Chapter 5- Rob
Chapter 6- Captured
Chapter 7- Just Visiting
Chapter 8- Torture Pt. 1
Chapter 9- Torture Pt. 2
Chapter 11- Sweet Escape
Chapter 12- Hospitalized
Chapter 13- Why?
Chapter 14- Awakening
Chapter 15- Darkness
Thank You, Amazing People!
Chapter 16- Back to School in May
Chapter 17- Find the Pieces
Chapter 18- Fighting
Chapter 19- Success
Chapter 20- Goodbye
New Book

Chapter 10- Finally

1.1K 30 1
By justwritingtingz

~Jasmine's POV~

I stand there, in my usual corner. I wait for there torture to be over and finally set them free. I pace back and forth. They're supposed to be back from the room? What's going on? I see several men enter the room Mitch was thrown into. I panic and wait to see why they had gone in there. They return with Mitch unconscious. I run after them, hoping this isn't severe. They put him in a medical room and hooked him up the the system. I get a call from the boss on the phone I looted from the man's body.

(Boss-B, Jaz- J)
J- Stevens, here.
B- I need you to wake Mitchell up, now!
J- What? Me?!
B- Yep. We need him for our final "test".
J- Fine. Will do.
I hang up.

I walk into the room as the group of men leave. I walk to Mitch's side and feel his pulse. At least my mom's a medic and taught me how to treat myself. I grab the syringe from the table and insert it into his arm and remove some blood. I test his blood and he has a symptom that causes him to faint at a high amount of pain. Good. He should wake up soon. I sit beside him and stroke his hair, waiting patiently for him to awaken. His breathing is normal and so is his heartbeat. I kiss his forehead calmly and fall asleep on his chest.

~Time Skip~

I wake up to Mitch starring at me, smiling. "You're OK!" I jump up and hug him tightly. He hugged back. I help him up and unhooked him from the system. "Do you have enough info yet?" He asks.

"Yep. It's all in here." I show him the body camera on my chest. "Wow! I didn't even see it! It's so small." Mitch says. "That's the point. It's soooo useful!" I exclaim. "Now. Let's get out of here." I smile then make my moves.

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