By kishu6926244

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warning: MATURE CONTENT "Sugar" Check "Toothpaste" Check "Books" Check . . . . . . . . "A packet of rice" Ch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
I am sorry

Chapter 9

284 27 36
By kishu6926244

I really wanted to make this chapter of 20k+ words but i can't wait anymore to update. 🥺

I need you to comment as much as you can to motivate me. I shall soon update other books too.

Happy reading.❤️

Ayesha – Are you really back? I thought you will not come today.

Ayesha asks Arihant, seeing him getting in the office.

Arihant – I was not intent to either. It’s just like I felt the need to know the details of your discussion with Sachin.

Ayesha – Well, he seems to be very genuine and hardworking. I didn’t see any fault in him or in his deal.

Arihant – Don’t you think that you judged him so quickly? I mean, I think you should give him more time.

He frowns.

Ayesha – I don’t think that it’s required. In fact, I think it will be better for us to seal the deal before he goes to somebody else.

Arihant rolls his eyes and Ayesha’s eyes lays on coffee on the table.

Ayesha – Oh. Didn’t you had your coffee?

Arihant – Yeah, it just got cold.

Ayesha – Too bad. Arti worked hard for it.

Arihant – What do you mean?

Ayesha – She made this coffee with her own hands.

Arihant – Why would she do that? We have coffee machine in our office.

Ayesha – Of course, we do. But when you wanted the coffee, the machine was not working properly. She had to make it herself.

A wave of gladness ran through him, but immediately something else came into his mind, too.

Arihant – That means she made the coffee she brought for Sachin too? 
He said with a tired expression.

Ayesha – I don’t think so, because the coffee machine started working by then. She must have brought that from the coffee machine.

Ayesha – I think I should throw this one.

Arihant – No, no. Please don’t.

He immediately stops her and takes the mug of coffee from her hand.

Ayesha – But why, Sir?

Arihant – Because. Because I feel like having it.

I wish I could come up with a better excuse.

Ayesha – If you want a coffee then I’ll bring you a new one. It has been several hours since this coffee was made.

Can’t she just leave me alone?

Arihant – You don’t have to be bothered. I’ll manage with this one only.

Ayesha – Let me make it hot at least.

Ayesha tries to take the mug from his hand, but he pulls his hand back.

Arihant – No, no, please. I want to have it the way it is.

Ayesha – Are you sure?

Ayesha was surprised by this kind of behaviour of Arihant. She has never seen him like this.

Arihant – 100% Aisha. Thank you so much for your concern, but would you please like to leave me with my coffee?

Ayesha – Sure, Sir.

She leaves without arguing further.

Now Arihant is all alone with his cup of coffee.

Did she really make this exclusively for me?

Ah, she didn’t have to go through this much.

She could have waited for the machine to get fixed.

He was trying his best to decline the already buried smile, but couldn’t. He took a sip of the cold coffee, but never tasted tastier than this. He finished it all without even thinking that the colder coffee is nothing but just better.

The way he was looking at the mug after finishing the coffee, it seems as if he was never going to wash this cup again.

At least that’s what his expressions said.
Arihant sees Naveen who was still working, which was weird because the working hours were over.

Arihant – Naveen?

Naveen – Good evening, boss.

He said, standing up from his chair.

Arihant – Good evening.  What are you doing here so late? I mean, it’s not your turn to stay back.

Naveen – Yes, Sir, it’s not. It’s Lata’s turn, but she requested me to switch the shifts because she had some urgent work to do.

Arihant -  OK then, goodnight.

Arihant turns to leave, but Naveen stops him.

Naveen -Sir?

Arihant turns to look him.

Naveen – I didn’t want this matter to reach your ears, but I have not gotten the semi year’s accounts so far.

Arihant – Why? Arti was about to give you that, wasn’t she?

Naveen – Yes, Sir. She was supposed to give me that today, but she didn’t.

Arihant – She must be still working on that.

Naveen – Well, if that was the case, then she should have been working here instead of hanging out with friends and eating chocolates.

Naveen deliberately picked this topic to fill Arihant’s ears against Arti.

Arihant – Hanging out? Friends?

Arihant was surprised.

When did she make friends here?

Naveen – Yes, Sir. At least, that’s what it seems to me.

Arihant – What? What do you mean?

Naveen – I saw her roaming with a guy after she left the office.

A guy?

Arihant – How do you know that he was her friend?

Naveen – They looked like one.  I mean, they were laughing and playing like friends. Even, like, more than friends. She looked very different this evening. Like a totally different person who we don’t know. We have always seen her as a reserved and introvert girl, but I must say, She must have some talent to make such good friends in this big city and that too in such short period of time.

Naveen was not leaving any stone unturned to provoke Arihant against Arti.

Even Arihant was looking baffled.

Naveen knew that his trick worked.

But maybe not.

Arihant – Naveen?

Naveen – Yes, boss?

Naveen was expecting him to say something controversial.

Arihant – You should be paying more attention to your own work than others personal lives.

Now this was a shock to him.

Naveen – I was not poking in anyone’s personal life. I just felt that you would like to know this.

Arihant -  And why did you feel that way?

Naveen could not say anything but just kept on thinking what to say because he did not expect it.

He thought that it would work in his favour, but it clearly didn’t, and now he is completely off guard without having any weapon.

Arihant -  Why did you think that it would interest me? It’s her personal life and choice to be friends with anyone she wants. Who are you to spy on her? And who am I to know everything about her?

Naveen – Sir, I was just.........

Arihant -  You just need to stop being a gossiping aunt of office. That’s it.

Arihant left, leaving Naveen there alone, who ran his fingers in his hair in frustration.

Priya  – Aarti, can you be a little bit faster? Otherwise we’re gonna be late.

Priya said to Arti, who was hurriedly making the breakfast.

Aarti- I’m trying as faster as I can.

Priya – Let me help you then.

Priya comes to her, but just then they both hear the doorbell.

Aarti – Priya , please see who is on the door.

Priya – Sure.

Priya quickly opened the door, only to see a girl with a very happy face.

Preeti  – Surprise.

Yeah, this is Preeti, who came all over here to meet her best friend and was expecting to be welcomed by her only. But, Priya was standing in front of her.

Priya – Do I know you?

Even Priya gets confused.

Preeti  – No, you don’t. But someone who lives in this house does.

Preeti tried to be as confident as she could be.

Aarti – Who is it, Priya?

Arti came from back.

Aarti – Preeti .

Arti was happily surprised seeing her friend after so long.

Preeti - Aarti.

Preeti ran to Arti to hug her.

Very tight.

Aarti – What a surprise. How are you here? And when did you come? Why didn’t you inform me? I would have come to pick you up.

Arti turns on the shower of questions on Preeti, breaking the hug.

Preeti  – It wouldn’t have been a surprise then.

Priya – Is anyone going to tell me what’s going on?

Priya interrupted the reunion.

Aarti – Oh. Priya, she is Preeti. My best friend.

Preeti  – Since childhood.

Preeti emphasis.

Priya – Well, I would love to welcome you the way you should be welcomed, but I’m really very sorry. Aarti and I are getting too late for the office.

Preeti  – No worries. You guys go ahead. I shall wait for you.

Aarti – Are you sure?

Preeti  – Yes. Absolutely.

Priya – What are you even thinking, Aarti? You have a guest who is here to specially see you. How can you leave her all by herself and attend the office?

Preeti  – No, Priya . It’s alright.

Priya – No, that’s not. Aarti, you stay at home. Take half days leave. Come to office after lunch.

Aarti – But I have not gotten the leave sanctioned yet.

Priya – Oh, come on. You have been extra hard working lately. You can be compensated that much.

Aarti – Are you sure boss wouldn’t be mad?

Priya – Mad at you? You must be kidding.

Priya smirked.

She leaves both of the best friends alone in her house.

Preeti – What did she mean by that?

Preeti found Priya's last sentence quite suspicious.

Aarti – Nothing. Don’t pay attention to her.

They walk into the hall.

Aarti – You tell. When did you plan to come here? And why didn’t you even tell me?

Preeti – It was no plan. Your brother in law had some work here. So I just thought why not to make his work trip my vacation trip?

They both sat on the sofa.

Aarti – And where is our baby Munna?

Preeti – For my convenience, he is more comfortable with his dadi .

Arti gets up and gets into the kitchen to make some coffee or tea for her friend.

Preeti – By the way, how is your life is going here? It must be amazing.

Now here Preeti’s line of taunts starts.

Aarti – Why do you say that?

Preeti – That’s why you have forgotten to call me.

It seems as if Preeti came all well prepared to complain about each and everything.

Aarti – Don’t say like that. I do call you, don’t I?

Preeti – Do you even remember when was the last time when you called me?

Aarti – I just got busy.

Preeti – Yeah, yeah, I understand.  People tend to get busy with time adjusting in their new lives.

She rolls her eyes this time.

Aarti – You have been taunting me since you came.

Preeti – What do you think I came here for?

Arti signs in defeat.

Arihant -Hey, Priya .

Arihant greets Priya, who was busy in her work.

Priya – Good morning, boss. How are you?

Arihant – I’m great. What about you?

Priya – I’m better than great.

He took a pause, thought for a while and then went ahead.

Arihant – And how is your friend?

Priya -I have many friends. Which one are you talking about?

Is she deliberately trying to make me take her name?

Arihant – I meant by your roommate.

Priya – Oh, Aarti.

Thank God it didn’t go further.

Priya – Why are you asking about her?

Arihant – Because she is absent. She didn’t inform me beforehand. So I thought that she must be sick, that’s why she has not come.

Priya -Oh, no, no. She was coming, but suddenly she had a visitor.

Arihant -Visitor? Who?

His eyes widened.

Priya -I exactly don’t know, but some childhood friend.

Arihant -  Childhood friend?

By any chance, is it Sachin?

Priya -Yes, boss. But can you please excuse me, I have something important stuff to do.

He wanted to ask more, but couldn’t.

Arihant – Sure.

Priya went ahead with her work, but she was not a child to not to understand Arihant’s concern.
She turns around and grabs her boss's attention.

Priya -Boss?

Arihant looks at her.

Priya – Your wait won’t last long. She will be coming within couple of hours. She has taken only half day’s leave.

She said with a wink in the last.

Arihant – I heard you. You may go now.

Arihant says with a fake smile to let her know that she has irritated him.
But she leaves giggling from there.

Arihant -  Childhood friend.

Arihant murmured, wondering if it’s really Sachin.

Anjali- Aarti.

One of the seniors of Arti comes to her.

Aarti -Yes, ma’am?

Anjali- Boss wants to see you.

Aarti – For what?

This is not the first time when Arihant has called Arti, but just like every other time, she gets nervous.

Anjali – He didn’t specify anything but just asked for you.

What could it be now?

Aarti – OK.

Aarti – May I come in, Sir?

Arti asks at the door.

Arihant – Hmm.

He didn’t look at her.

Aarti -Sir, you called me?

She asks, standing right in front of him.

Arihant – Where have you been since morning?

He was still looking into the file.

To be honest, he was just pretending to be busy in the fire.

Aarti -Sir, I took half day's leave.

Arihant – Who did you inform?

Why is he being so much detective early in the morning?

Aarti – Sir, I messaged Ayesha ma’am.

Arihant – Did she sanction that leave?

Now Arti’s throat dries up.

Aarti – No, Sir.

Arihant -Why?

She knew that she didn’t do anything wrong, but his attitude and the way of speaking was scaring her.

Aarti – Because I applied for the leave just half an hour before office timings.

And finally he looks at her, which scares her even more.

Arihant – Don’t you know the protocol? You must apply for the leave two hours prior the office timings so that the leave could be approved.

She gulps.

Aarti -Sir, it was an emergency.

Arihant – Do you even know the meaning of emergency? Having a sudden guest is not an emergency.

He kind of screamed standing up.  The way he suddenly went towards her made her take two steps back in fear.

Aarti -I am sorry, Sir.

She whispers, looking down which made Arihant realize his mistake.

He closed his eyes for a few seconds and took a long breath to calm himself down.

Arihant – Aarti. I didn’t mean to say everything this way. I just want you to realize that work doesn’t stop for anybody. And this anybody includes everybody. Anyone can wait but work cannot.

Arti was listening to him, but was not understanding his intention behind telling him all these things. She was finding it quite weird, but Arihant didn’t seem to notice that.

Arihant – And you should not be wasting your leaves like this. You cannot take leave for every small thing. You need to learn how to balance out things. Right?

He continued his way without realizing that what he is looking right now to Arti.

Arihant – I hope you understanding.

Arti couldn’t believe that Arihant wanted her validation.

Aarti -Yes, Sir. May I leave now?

She really wanted to leave from there as she was getting more uncomfortable.

He wanted to say more, but…….

Arihant -Sure.

Arti took her way to get out as soon as she hears him.

Arihant – By the way.

She turns to look at him.

Arihant – Since you already took the leave, I hope you took care of your guest very well.

Aarti – My guest has not left yet, Sir.

What the hell?

Arihant – You mean your guest is still at your home?

He screamed again, but not so loud.

Aarti -Yes, Sir.

Arihant – But why?

His eyes were about to come out.

Aarti – Because I insisted.

Now this is getting on his nerves.

Arihant – Why did……..

'Hold on, Arihant. Hold on.

You have no right to ask her any more questions.'

You have already asked everything as a boss you could, but now you are crossing your line.

Although Arihant wanted to know more, but his inner self stops him.

Arihant – Fine. Go now.

Arti leaves quickly.

Arihant was baffled. He needed someone to vent out his anger on. He couldn’t say anything more to Arti. But it does not mean that he didn’t have anyone to lecture.

He restlessly went to Priya.

Arihant- Priya .

Priya- Yes, Sir.

She stands up from her chair.

Arihant-Are you out of your mind?

He kind of stormed at her.

Priya-Why? What happened, Sir?

Priya was confused.

Arihant- Are you really asking me what happened? I never expected this from a intelligent girl like you.

Priya- What have I done, Sir?

She was even more confused.

Arihant- You have allowed a complete stranger in your house in your absence.

Now, there is no limit to Priya's confusion because she never expected Arihant to get into anybody’s personal space.

Priya-That’s not a stranger. It’s Aarti’s guest.

She said hesitantly, not knowing what to say.

Arihant- Exactly. It’s her guest.  Do you know that guest?

Priya kept staring at Arihant’s face in all the confusion she had. It’s not like she didn’t have anything to answer, but she didn’t know how and what to answer to stop Arihant here.

Arihant- I know that you don’t. That’s why you should be extra cautious. Wait!  Is that guest of Aarti’s going to have a sleepover at your place?

Priya couldn’t even react to this.

Arihant - Oh my God.  You girls have completely lost it.

Arihant leaves from there, rolling his eyes.

Priya- What has gotten into him?

Priya murmured to herself.

Naveen- Even I don’t know. He has been very cranky lately.

Naveen joins her from behind.

Priya- Exactly.

They both kept staring Arihant getting out of the building.
Preeti hears the doorbell and went to open the door. She had no idea that who she was about to welcome.

She opens the door, only to see a familiar face.

That’s right.

It’s Arihant.

Preeti – Hello.

She greeted him with a light smile.
But he couldn’t recognize her.

Arihant- Who are you?

He asks, pointing finger at her.

Preeti – Mr Chauhan, didn’t you recognize me?

Preeti was kind of offended.

Arihant- Have we met before?

Arihant puts pressure on his brain.

Preeti – Of course we have. At Aarti’s place.

Arihant thought for a while, narrowing his eyebrows, and then it clicked.

So, she is her guest.

Now, he felt relieved.

Arihant- You. You are brown sari, right?

Preeti -No, no, it’s orange kurta.

Preeti said, looking at her kurta.

Arihant- No, the other day you wore brown saree.

Arihant reminded her about the day when they met at Arti’s place.

Preeti -Yes, I did.

Now Preeti remembered.

Preeti – Please come in.

Preeti may have asked him to come in, but she was finding it a little bit awkward, him being present in this house without the presence of Arti and Priya.

Arihant- I expect you to know that Priya and Aarti are not at home.

Preeti showed this awkwardness without being rude.

Arihant- Yeah, I know that.

He said casually, coming in.

Preeti – What brings you here then?

Think Arihant. Think something.

Arihant- I came to grab some file.

Preeti -File?

Arihant- Yes, file.

Preeti – Let me call Aarti. She can help with that.

Arihant- No need. No. I shall ask her in the office.

Arihant started working outside but was stopped by Preeti.

Preeti -No, please don’t go now. Let me make you some coffee or tea.

Preeti was still trying to be a good host.

Arihant- No, no, you don’t have to bother. I’ll come some other day when Aarti and Priya would be here.

They both walked to the door.

Arihant- I’m sorry to bother you.
Arihant said before opening the door.

Preeti – No issues.

Arihant- I’ll take the leave then.

He was about to open the door to exit, but just then the doorbell rings.
Arihant quickly opened the door and saw the delivery man standing in front of him.

Delivery man- Hello Sir. I’m here to deliver this package to Miss Aarti.

Arihant was curious.

Arihant- Who is this from?

Arihant extended his hand to take the parcel, but the delivery man took it back.

Delivery man- I’m sorry Sir, I can’t tell you that because of privacy reasons. Can you please call Ms Aarti?

Preeti – she is not at home.

Preeti interrupted, but Arihant couldn’t wait to know about this parcel.

Arihant-She is.

Preeti looked at him with disbelief, having big eyes.

Arihant- She is Aarti.

He tried to confirm this to delivery man.

Delivery man- But she just said that Aarti is not at home.

Delivery man was definitely suspicious of them.

Arihant- She was just kidding, right, Aarti?

He was signalling her to play along through eyes.

Preeti -Yeah.

Preeti had to put fake smile to make it look real.

Arihant pushed her to sign the paper quickly. He took the parcel from the delivery man’s hand and brought it immediately into the house.

Preeti – Why did you make me lie?

Preeti asked, coming from behind.

Arihant- If I didn’t, then this delivery would be delayed.

Preeti – That wouldn’t make any difference to anyone.

Arihant- Shall we open it?

Arihant ignored what she said, having his full attention on the parcel.

Preeti -Wait. You are so weird. Just now you made me lie to have this package delivered, and now you want to open it. And that too without its owner’s permission.

Preeti scoffs.

Arihant- Do you even know that the house you are in is mine? So whatever in this house is mine. So is this parcel. So let me open this. And this is not a request, and I dare you to tell Aarti about this.

Arihant was not directly threatening her, but he was simply threatening her.

Preeti – You are completely different from what I know about you.

Preeti stared him from the head to toe.

Arihant- As if I care.

Arihant murmurs and starts digging the parcel, only to find out lots of expensive chocolates in there.

Preeti – Oh my God, so many chocolates.

Preeti screamed in excitement.

Arihant- Why are you getting excited like a toddler? These are just chocolates.

Arihant, Preeti - Wait. These are chocolates.

They both said in Sync, but the reason of their surprise is different.

Preeti was surprised because she knew that Arti doesn't eat chocolates and Arihant was tensed because Arti had been sent chocolates.


A small element to show affection.

He immediately started looking properly on the parcel to find out the sender's detail.

Preeti – What are you trying to find?

Arihant- I’m trying to find who is this from.

Preeti - I don’t think it has been mentioned.

He stops and thinks for a while.

Arihant- It must be from Sachin .

She murmurs, but loud enough to be heard by Preeti.

Preeti -What? Sachin . Did you just say Sachin ?

She was astonished hearing his name.

Arihant- Do you know him?

Preeti – Of course I know him, but how do you know him?

Arihant- He is my business partner. Like kind of associate.

Arihant said, kind of throwing the parcel away from sofa.

Preeti – Is he really your business partner?

Arihant- What is so great about him that is making you so excited?

He looks at Preeti tiredly.

Preeti – Oh my God. If he is your business partner, then it means that he must have met Aarti too.

Now, this is where Arihant gets interested from.

Arihant- Yeah, but why are you getting overexcited?

Preeti – Oh my God. Oh my God. God, please make it happen this time.

Preeti literally have gotten no chill.

Arihant- What do you mean?  Why are you looking so happy?

Preeti -I just can’t believe that Aarti has already met him and she has not told me about this.

Preeti shows her displeasure towards her best friend.

Arihant- Why would she? It’s not like he is some Shahrukh Khan.

Arihant rolls his eyes.

Preeti – He is more than that for her.

Now this caught his attention.

Arihant- Who he and who her?

He asked raising his eyebrows.

Preeti – Sachin is more than Shahrukh Khan for Aarti.

What the hell is this now?

Arihant- And why is that so?

Preeti – Because he has been her first crush.

Arihant couldn’t even react because the bucket of ice has been showered upon him.

He wanted Preeti to repeat what she said to confirm, but couldn’t gather courage to ask her because it was unbearable for him.

Preeti - Oh my God, did I just say this? I shouldn’t have. I dare you to tell Aarti about this.

Preeti immediately realized that she spilled Arti’s secret in front of her boss.

Preeti -Great, we are equal now.

Preeti said, trying to pretend casual.

Arihant- That seems to be.

Arihant whispered as he was still lost in his thoughts.

Preeti - I just can’t believe. They have already met and have developed such great bond that he has sent her a box of chocolates and she didn't tell me anything.

Preeti was again back at complaining.

Preeti – When will she be back?

Arihant- Why do you want to know?

Preeti- Oh, Aarti’s boss. You have no idea that how much explanation she owe me.

It really looked to Arihant that Preeti had a lot to discuss with Arti.

Arihant was again back in the office, but more restless and anxious.

He needed to do something.

Actually, anything.

He himself was confused as hell that what has gone wrong with him.

This is her mere life, but why the hell am I getting so affected with these small things?

'Because you care for her.'

What do you mean by that?

'Look.  Don’t forget that her mother had given you the responsibility of her safety. It’s important for you to know what’s going on in her life.'

She is not a child. She is an adult. It would be very wrong of me to interrupt in her life.

'Who said you were interrupting in her life? You are just keeping a tap on it and there is nothing wrong in that for her Wellness.'


'No ifs, no buts. This is the only solution to your anxiety and restlessness. You have started caring for her to an extent where you cannot see her getting hurt.

That’s right.

Arihant was clearly not in the right state of his mind. The way he was confused, his unconscious mind started giving him excuses for his actions.

He was just assuring himself that everything was right with him.

He is absolutely fine and there is nothing he need to discuss with himself and sort it out.

But there was something he knew he needed to sort out.

He quickly calls Ayesha, who picks his call.

Arihant  – Distribute chocolates to whole office after working hours.

He said without even saying hello.

Ayesha - Why? Are we celebrating something?

An obvious question.

Arihant  – No. I just felt like doing it.

Well, that is not obvious and Ayesha knew it.

Ayesha - You don’t do anything uselessly. What has happened?

Arihant  – I just said nothing. Just do as I say.

He hung up without even listening to her.

Now Ayesha knew that something very terrible is happening with him.

Ayesha did what Arihant asked her to.  She made all the arrangements to distribute chocolates to the whole staff. Everyone in the office was delighted to have this unexpected surprise. They gladly accepted the chocolates from their boss except one.

That’s right.


She didn’t take the chocolate because of her health issues.

Hence, only one packet was left.

Ayesha keeps that one packet in front of Arihant.

She may not know his purpose of doing this, but she had understood that he had something to do with this left portion.

Arihant  – Whose portion is this?

Ayesha -It’s Arti's . She just said that she didn’t want to eat it.

Arihant  – Why is that so?

He rests his back on chair.

Ayesha - I don’t think we have the authority to ask her or to force her to do what she doesn’t want.

And there she has uncountable chocolates at her home.

Arihant  -And I thought she likes chocolates.

He scoffs.

Ayesha - Why? Why did you think that?

Ayesha was kind of frustrated.

Arihant  – Don’t you realize your line?

Arihant didn't like Ayesha being so interrogative.

Ayesha - And don’t you realize that what you’re looking these days to your people?

Ayesha was trying her best to show him the mirror, too tell him what he is unable to notice.

Arihant  – What are you talking about?

Ayesha took a deep breath and decided to leave this topic here. She was sensible to understand that this is not the time when Arihant would get the real meaning of her words.

Ayesha -  Nothing. I think that this is something for you to realize yourself, otherwise you won’t understand it.

She leaves from there, leaving Arihant alone in his cabin.

Arihant  – Everyone has gone mad.

Arihant whispers, rolling his eyes.

He was actually thinking that everyone has gone insane except him.

But the reality is that he is the one who is not making sense these days.

Preeti- I didn’t know you have started eating chocolates. Are you that good on your medical terms?

Preeti commented seeing Arti eating chocolates.

Arti- No. I am as same as before. These chocolates are sugar free.

Arti says licking chocolate from wrapper.

Preeti- Really? Who are they from?

Preeti asks out of curiosity.

Arti thinks for a minute and answers.

Arti- From a friend.

She didn’t tell Vikrant’s name.

Preeti- As far as I know, you never tell anybody about your diabetes. Not even our close friends. I wonder who friend this could be of yours who know you this well and that too in such a short period of time.

Preeti’s curiosity was getting high.

Arti- Him being my friend is kind of an accident.

Arti didn’t want Preeti to know everything about him.

Preeti- I am hearing this for the first time. Friends by accident.

Preeti couldn’t take this fact positively feet Arti was having new friends here.

Actually, for her, the problem is not Arti’s new friends. What she is scared of is being forgotten by Arti.

Arti means so much to her.

She is possessive about for place in Arti’s life.

Arti- I know that it sounds weird, but that’s how it is.

Preeti stares at Arti.

 Arti- What? What are you looking at?

Preeti-  You may not realize this to yourself, but you have changed.

Arti- So these changes are good or not?

Preeti- They are. You look so relieved and relaxed than earlier. Your decision of coming here was absolutely correct. It has changed you for better.

 Is that really so?

Arti- I should be feeling good after listening to this, but I’m not liking the fact that you are saying I have changed. You know, I never wanted to change, and I still don’t want to.

 Preeti takes Arti’s hand in hers.

Preeti-  Keep changing is one of the most important rules of life. You must change in order to get ahead in life. Changes are always good if you are surrounded by people who genuinely care for you. I am happy that you do have those kind of people around you here.

 Preeti was indirectly talking about people like Priya and Arihant.

Arti- Who are you talking about?

 Preeti thinks for a while.

Preeti- Priya. And your friend who sent you these chocolates.

 She wanted to take Arihant’s name, but she didn’t want Arti to know what happened this afternoon.

Preeti-  By the way, it is a guy, right?

Arti- Preeti. As I have said, he is just a friend

Preeti-When did I say anything?

Arti-  Yes, you didn’t. And I don’t want you to say anything after that expression of yours.

Preeti- Is he good to you?

 Preeti kept on being interrogative.

 Arti didn’t have a clear answer of this question. She actually can’t say with confidence that Vikrant is good with her, but she enjoys his company, for sure.

Arti-  He may not be that good to me, but he is a good friend.

Preeti- Better than me?

 Now Preeti was direct, but Arti was astonished. She never expected Preeti to be insecure.


 Arti understood that Preeti was nothing but being insecure.

Arti-What are you talking, Preeti? You and Vikrant can’t be compared.

Preeti- Oh. So his name is Vikrant. Tell me more about him.

 Preeti was still interested in knowing more about Vikrant.

Arti- What do you want to tell? I don’t know him enough to tell anything.

 Preeti was not able to digest what just Arti said.

Preeti- You just said he is your good friend.

Arti-Yeah, just a friend, not a relative.

Preeti- Should I understand that you are being secretive now?

Arti- What will I be secretive about?

Preeti- Maybe about that new friend of yours? Oh, correction, your new best friend.

 Now, Arti was not able to eat those chocolates in front of Preeti. She had to keep them aside.

Arti- Preeti, are you listening to yourself? Like what are you talking? Where have you taken this matter? I never said he is my best friend.

 She was trying her best to convince her.

 It wasn’t just Arti who matters to Preeti the most. It was Preeti, too, who means Arti so much.

Preeti- Yeah, but the way you were talking about him is enough for me to know that.

Arti- In what way I am talking about him? You know Preeti, that no one can take your place in my life. You have been my best friend all my life and you will always be.

Preeti started laughing hard puzzling Arti.

Preeti- Oh my God. Really, Arti? I thought that you have changed, but thank God you have not completely changed. I mean, you might have changed, but your priorities are still the same and I love that about you. You still don’t get jokes. I was just kidding. I have known you all my life. I know how you are and how are your intentions. You don’t have to explain me everything. But I love it that you tried to make me explain. That shows that I still matter for you. I still mean to you as much as I do before. You know what, I thought that you have completely changed, have forgotten your past life. I thought you have forgotten the people related to you. Thank you. Thank you so much for being the same. Thank you so much for making me still relevant and important in your life.

Arti smiled feeling light.

Arti- You really thought that just because I was being unable to make  calls frequently?

Preeti-  Don’t put me in tough position to answer that. Anyone would have felt the same. Even you too.

Arti nods looking down.

Arti- Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for giving me a chance to explain myself by coming here. Thank you for making me this important in your life.

Preeti- But I still don’t think that you consider me important in your life.

Preeti gets in her playful again.

Arti- Don’t get back at it again.

Arti rolls her eyes.

Preeti- What? I’m absolutely right. If that wasn’t the case, then you would have told me about Sachin.

Arti- I was about to tell you. It’s just that I didn’t get the right time.

Just then Arti realises something.

Arti - Wait a minute. How do you know about him?

Preeti was definitely caught in her trap. She tried best to think of some excuse but miserably fails.

Preeti- That doesn’t matter. The point is that you didn’t tell me that you have met him.

Arti- I just said that I didn’t get the right chance to tell you, but it’s very important for me to know that where did you get to know this from?

Preeti- Will you stop engaging me in useless matters and give me the details about him?

She tries to divert the topic but Arti was adamant.

Arti- Not until you tell me from where did you get to know about him?

Preeti- Since when you became so stubborn?

Preeti narrows her eyebrows.

Arti- Like you said. I have changed for better.

Arti gets into her room leaving Preeti with her curiousity in drawing room.

Arihant – Wouldn’t you say that what a pleasant surprise that I have come to pick you up?

Arihant asks Arjun who just gotten out of plane at airport.

Arjun – I want to but I will not.

Arjun just walks away and Arihant just follows him.

Arihant – Why is that?

Arjun – Because if you have come yourself to pick me, that means there is something wrong going on with you. And something wrong with you can never be pleasant for me.

Arihant – Why do you have to be so complicated every time? Can’t you behave normally? Like normal people.

Arjun suddenly stops and looks at Arihant who couldn't understand Arjun's reaction.

Arjun – Normal? Now, what do you mean by that?

Arjun raises is eyebrow.

Arihant – You know, normal means normal.

Arihant answers casually shrugging his shoulders.

Arjun – Right now you are sounding abnormal.

Arjun rolls his eyes and again starts walking towards Arihant's car.

The gets into the car but sits on the seat next to driver's.

Arihant –  I cannot believe you are making me drive.

Arihant complaints while sitting on driver's seats and starting the car.

Arjun –  What is there not to believe about? Are you not the one who came willingly to pick me? And now when you have already come, then do this task properly.

Arjun was waiting for Arihant to say something but Arihant  Himself was waiting for Arjun to speak.

 Well, someone had to initiate.

Arihant – Nice weather, right?

 Arjun turns his head to look Arihant in a weird way.

Arjun –  What has possessed you? Like, seriously, which Ghost has possessed you?

Arihant –  Can I not even talk about whether?

Arjun –  Of course you can, but there is nothing nice about weather. Summers are about to start and this humidity is getting on my nerves. And you don’t like this kind of climate either.

 End of what Arihant initiated.

 Arihant was weird today and even Arjun could notice that. Arihant was driving slower than usual, as if he doesn’t want to reach their destination.

Arihant – Come on, let’s grab some ice cream.

 And you suggest as soon as he sees a ice cream parlor.

 Arjun was more pissed now.

 Arihant. What? What are you looking at?

Arjun –  Since how long we both have known each other?

Arihant – Probably more than 15 years. Why?

Arjun –  Good that you remembered that, but do you remember us having coffee or ice cream kind of thing in these 15 years? We always have things when we are together.

Arihant – But it’s good to have changes sometimes, isn’t it?

 Arihant said, and quickly gets out of the car to avoid more further interrogation.

Arjun had no other choice but to join him.

Arihant –  Two hot coffee without sugar.

 Arihant gave Arjun again a reason to stare him.

Arjun –  Were we not supposed to have ice cream?

 Arihant was clearly confused and in chaotic mood today. He was kept doing blunders to hide the previous ones.

Arihant –  You want to have ice cream? You could have said that.

 But he was clearly getting unsuccessful every time.  He was looking like some dumb child who is trying to avoid exam.

Arjun couldn't hold it any longer and sneered a bit.

Arihant –  What are you laughing at?

Arjun –  Just leave it and tell me that why are we not going hotel?

Arihant –  I am not avoiding to go hotel.

He answers without looking at Arjun.

Arjun –  When did I use the word avoid?

Not again.

Arihant –But you meant that, didn’t you?

Arjun –  No, I didn’t. I just simply asked because I thought that you are not in the mood to work today.

Arihant –  Has that ever happened?

Arjun – Who knows? I thought maybe because of your birthday season.


My birthday is near.

Although, Arihant is not a child anymore but he never forgets his birthday. Infact, he is always excited for it.

How could I forget my birthday.

Arihant -  Yes. My birthday.

He whispers.

Arjun – Don’t tell me that you were about to forgot your birthday.

Arihant – Is that why you were here?

Arihant asks as if it's not a big deal which definitely offended Arjun.

Arjun – You know what? I regret arriving here just for your birthday, and that too in advance. I should have come at your invitation.
What is wrong with me?

Why am I not able to respond sensibly?

Exactly, that's not what Arihant is.

Arihant looks down in confusion and embarassment giving Arjun the idea of the turmoil going on in his mind.

Arjun -  What is wrong Arihant?

He asks softly.

Should I tell him?

Should I discuss with him?

But what shall I say when I myself is not sure what's going on with me?

Ugh! This is so embarassing.

How can I tell him that I am having this coffee here to avoid seeing Arti and Sachin together in office.

' Don't forget. You are giving Sachin extra chance to get closer to Arti by not interrupting them.'


I can't tell him.

He would probably laugh at me.

Arihant was taking time which clearly made Arjun understand that he is not sure about something and Arjun is also not one of those who tries to know everything by pushing someone on edge.

Arjun -  Don’t you have something important to do today that you are wasting your time here?

' Tell him. ‘

' Tell him. ‘

Arihant -  Actually I have.  That new associate of mine was about to come in office today.

I can't.

He really couldn't.

Arjun – Then why are we here? You should have been in the office. He must be waiting for you.

Arihant -  He must be there, but he would surely not wait for me. He has better company.

He was clearly agitated.

Arjun - What did you say?

'Tell him. ‘


But not everything.

Arihant - He knows Arti since their childhood. They must be chatting gladly.

Arjun –Why would they chat? I mean, Arti is your employee. She is supposed to work even in your absence.

Arihant -  Why are you seeing her fault? Sachin should also think about her work.

Even in this scenerio, Arihant can't think against Arti.

Arjun – If you are sitting here wasting your time and not thinking about your work, then why would he do that?

Arihant -  I am not wasting my time. I’m sitting here with my best friend, having the best coffee of my life. Isn’t it important?

Arihant was putting unsuccessful effort to justify himself.

Arjun -  Arihant.

Arjun was serious now.

Arihant – What?

Arihant gulps which is new to Arjun.

Arjun -  I’m not glad to say this, but I think what I have been hearing about you lately is all true.

Of course.

Arihant’s behaviour was screaming the change in him.

Arihant – What have you been hearing?

Arjun – That you have gone insane.

Arihant – Who are you hearing this from?

Arjun – It doesn’t matter now.

Especially when I’m seeing this with all my eyes.

Arihant couldn't argue any further.

How could I?

When I myself am convinced that something is bothering me and that is the reason of all changes in me.

‘ What a choice of words. Say that you have become impertinent.'

Arjun -  Why are we even here?

Arjun needed a specific answer but again Arihant tried to play diplomatic.

Arihant -  I have announced half day in office. Employees will leave within a couple of hours. After that we can go to the office.

Arjun -  But why should we even wait till then?

Arihant didn't find a suitable answer. That's why he chose to stay quite but Arjun joined the dots and almost reached there.

Arjun -Don’t tell me that you are waiting Arti to leave the office.

Not almost.

He is there.

Arihant -  It’s not like that.

Arihant says defensively.

Arjun – It is everything like that.

Arihant left with no choice but accept what Arjun was thinking is absolutely correct.

Arihant – I just don’t want to see the atmosphere of my office getting ruined.

He meant by trying to not to create a scene seeing Sachin and Arti together.

Arjun – Why don’t you fix it yourself then?

Arihant – I just don’t want to see them chatting uselessly.

Arjun – Wait a minute, Arihant. Just say that you can’t see them together happily talking to each other.

Arjun’s assumption was the arrow on point which baffled Arihant.

Arihant – Now you have gone insane. Why wouldn’t I be not able to see them together?

Arjun – You must know that.

Arjun scoffs.

Arihant – You are the one to say that.
Arjun – And you are the one not to accept that.

Let's show him what he is thinking is baseless.

Arihant – Let’s go.

Arihant stands up.

Arjun - Where?

Arihant – Office.

Arjun rests his back folding his arms and smiles.

Arjun – Look. Few seconds ago you were not ready to go to the office. But now you are. Just to prove me that I was wrong. Since when did you start caring about others opinions?

That's it.

This is the dead end for Arihant.

It's not like that he didn't want to say anything but he was left with nothing to say. His heart was screaming but his lips were sealed because of the limitation of words.

He quickly went out of the cafe followed by Arjun and they both drove to office.
Arjun and Arihant are in the office.  Thankfully, Arihant didn't have to see Arti and Sachin's chit chat.

But that wasn't going to be the case very long.

Arihat was checking some accounts when Arjun sees Arti and Sachin being sitting on the same laptop through the glass wall.

Seeing them together made Arjun smile. The wierd part is that he himself didn't realise but Arihant did.

Arihant – What are you looking at? What is it that you’re finding so amusing?

Arjun – What you are not being able to see.

Arihant -  I have eyes too, Arjun.

Arjun – But I guess you don’t have courage.

Now, Arjun was playing with him.

That too, deliberately.

Arihant gets up from his chair what Arjun was taunting him about.

Only to be move mad than before.

Arjun -  She looks so comfortable with him.  They must have been very good friends in childhood.

Arjun wanted to tease him more.

Arihant – They were not friends. They were just classmates.

Arjun – And how do you know that?

Arihant -  I have my sources.

Arjun - I didn’t know you started using your sources for spying your employees personal lives.  That’s off limits.

Arjun gives him a disgusted look.

Arihant -  I don’t see any need to answer that.

Arjun -  Yeah, because that’s not a question. That’s a fact.

Arihant stays quite.

As if he could say something. Huh!

His silence provokes Arjun to poke fun at him.

Arjun -  They look so good together. It wouldn’t be a surprise for me if they start dating.

Arihant -  Pull a break, Arjun. You don’t need to imagine things.

Arjun – First of all, I’m not imagining anything. I’m just expressing what my eyes are seeing. And.

He says looking at them and turns his head to look his best friend.

Arjun - You don’t have to behave like an offended one. Sachin or Arti, they both have nothing to do with you when it comes to their personal life.

Arjun was getting can Arihant's nerve.

Arihant -  Why are you making me the bad person in this whole scenario?

Arjun – What scenario, Arihant? And what bad person? I am just talking about two random people in your office and you are reacting as if it’s effecting you to your core.

Arihant -  Why do you have to talk about them?

Arjun – Are you even listening to yourself, Arihant? What you are saying does not make sense. It would be alright for you if you come back to your senses and do your work as well. It’s quite evident that their togetherness is bothering you.

Arjun was spilling facts .

Arihant – Why would it bother me?

Arjun – I don’t know, and I don’t even expect that too. But it’s quite visible. Anyone can see and understand what’s going on in your mind. Stop making a fool out of you in front of your people. You are their boss. You need to maintain your aura around them.

Arjun started this for fun but eventually he got serious .

Arihant – I didn’t do anything like that.

Arjun – That is just your misconception. You have no idea what kind of rumors are lingering around about you.

Even Arihant was aware of everything but still choose to neglect.

Arihant -  I don’t care.

Arjun - You should and you have to.

Arihant was waiting Arjun to pause but ........

Arihant -  You know what? You shouldn’t have come in the first place.

He being frustrated leaves the cabin and Arjun.

I hope you commented.❤️




























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