Ironblood's Helmsman

By kuwebby2

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Me, dH, and Doc are at it again! This time with a way more realistic AL story, we start out as crew members a... More

Bio (prologues)
Prologue pt. 1
Prologue pt. 2
Prologue pt. 3
Bio (From this point onwards)
Chapter 1:.......Tirpitz?
Chapter 2: Allies
Chapter 3: Friends and Enemies
Chapter 4: SCP-4217
Chapter 5: Trip down the East Coast
Chapter 6: Back at base
Chapter 7: Allies pt. 2
Chapter 8: Upgrades
Chapter 9: Dueling
Chapter 10: Meet the Future You
Chapter 11: And we're off
Chapter 12: SCP-2399
Chapter 14: Sorry Pearl....
Chapter 15: Genderbent proposal
Chapter 16: Check ups
Chapter 17: Proving mettle
Chapter 18: the Sad Story of Alice
Chapter 19: Attack on Pearl Harbor
Chapter 20: The Wall's inception
Chapter 21: A kidnapping
Chapter 22: Welcome to The Wall
Chapter 23: Ishimura and Valor
Chapter 24: AIDAN
Chapter 25: Modernity
Chapter 26: Teaching Zumwalt Sense
Chapter 27: Um....why?
Chapter 28: Rex vs Andy
Chapter 29: A Dance of Fire and Blood
Chapter 30: Aftermath of Fuhai
Chapter 31: Sea Shepherd

Chapter 13: RMS Olympic

173 4 61
By kuwebby2

General POV

It had been a few weeks since the assault on 2399 and her subsequent defeat. Things were...sort of normal some were still grasping at Starship Enterprise being tied up to the island via a rope and others were still being a little cautious of 4217 and the Sirens being around.

Currently Andy and Spee were just eating some Breakfast in the Mess Hall with the other ships. They were casually eating and laughing at the chaotic situations that occurred around them.

Graf Spee: "That kid is stuck in between a rock and a hard place, isn't he?" she said, watching as Void Walker flirted with Lincoln while a pissed Black Pearl tried to keep her away.

Andy: "Poor guy, his dorky attitude is gonna be the end of him." he said, before opening his jaws to take another bite out of his sandwich, "Or he's just really lucky."

Andy then took a bite out of his sandwich while Spee ate one of her corn chips.

Lincoln: "Girls, you really don't need to fight over me-!!" he starts but is cut off by Pearl.

Black Pearl: "No! This bitch is trying to steal you from me!" she yells.

Void Walker: "Excuse me hog, there's a lot of him to go around." she yells back.

Black Pearl: "Excuse me?!" she yelled.

Lincoln, knowing that this was the time to skedaddle used Harriet's semblance to run away while the girls continued bickering.

Alex: "You guys watching the chaos from the sidelines?" he asked as he sat down with a tray of food.

Andy: "Yup, it's pretty entertaining I will admit." he replied, "How's Eugen?"

Alex: "She's doing better, still a tease but she is only doing it because she wants to and not as a coping mechanism anymore." he replied, "Overall, there's been a lot of improvement."

Andy: "Well, that's good to hear. Any plans for the weekend?" he asked, "I'm pretty sure I have a switch somewhere aboard my ship that we can use."

Graf Spee: "What does a 'switch' have to do with entertainment?" she asked.

Alex: "The Nintendo Switch is a hybrid gaming console that is both a handheld and, if connected to a dock, a home console it's really fun to play and a lot of people have them, you should join us." he suggested.

Andy: "Yeah, tell Doc and the others to bring their secretaries too." he said, "That way we can play more."

Alex gave a thumbs up before starting to eat his meal. A little later Andy was in the commander's office filling out some paperwork as the 6 commanders would rotate as to who was in charge of the separate sectors of command everyday in the week, today was his turn.

Currently however he was dreading that bit, he had filled out the mountain of paperwork meant for the repair, supply, and maintenance of the base but he was now going through all the requests the shipgirls were making....yeah most of them were disasters waiting to happen while others were understandable at the very least.

Andy: "Why is everyone here so horny?" he asked himself.

Graf Spee: "Everyone's been very lonely at the bottom of the sea and since zhey have human bodies zheir hormones have gone haywire." she said as she walked in.

Andy: "Oh, hi Spee, what's up?" he asked.

Graf Spee: "I'm your secretary remember?" she reminded, "I'm just bringing in the mail."

Andy: "Oh right." he said, smacking his forehead and dropping the request for Indianapolis to share a dorm with Portland, "The mail."

Spee put the mail on her Commander's desk and stood behind him to see what was there and if she was needed.

Andy: "Requests......notification of a fuel leak........more requests.........thank you nothing of note." he said, "Ok, anything I should be worried or concerned about Spee?"

Graf Spee: "None that I am aware of Kommandant." she replied, "The Sakura's are preparing their forces but they shouldn't launch for another 3 months."

Andy: "Ok, put the base defenses on high alert just in case, you can never be too cautious." he said.

Graf Spee: "Jawohl Kommandant." she saluted before leaving the room.

Andy slumped in his chair, mind was telling him he liked Spee and he had all the symptoms of someone with a crush and he could tell Spee felt the same way.......but still, he had only been in this world for a few months, starting a relationship this early would just feel wrong. Sure the shipgirls and other commanders thought Andy and Spee were dating but they actually weren't official yet.

As if to break him out of his thoughts Enty suddenly slammed the door open.

Enty: "Commander!" she yelled.

Andy: "Jesus Enty!" he jumped, "What is it?"

Enty: "My sensors have picked up an unusual signal just North of the base." she reported, "Everyone's busy and the other Commanders are training, can you check it out?"

Andy: "I'm supposed to be the one giving orders but ok..." he said with a massive drop of sweat on his head, "Gimme coordinates and I'll check it out, Spee I need you to take over for me."

Graf Spee: "On it Kommandant." she said.

So it was all arranged Andy departed Pearl Harbor and sailed towards the anomaly signal. He raced North of Pearl Harbor and he couldn't exactly believe what he was seeing.

When he got there a '4-Stack' Ocean Liner with the White Star Line's iconic livery was sitting in the water. Andy recognized the shape anywhere, that was an Olympic Class there was no way it was anything else the livery and general shape made the Lusitania and her sisters improbable, and Andy couldn't recall any other 4 stacks in the White Star Line's fleet....because there were none to speak of.

Andy looked closely at the ship's livery he could differentiate older Olympic from Titanic due to the Yellow Stripe that ran from bow to stern on the Olympic being lowered to below the nameplates as opposed to the earlier livery where the stripe ran just above the nameplates. Sure enough the ship's yellow stripe ran underneath the nameplate, this one was Olympic.

Andy: "RMS Olympic, this is BRP Antonio Luna hailing you on channel 1-5-1, please respond." he hailed.

Dead silence she probably didn't have anything to respond or receive the signal with anyways so he shrugged it off.

Andy: "Ok." he said.

Andy used OFA to jump onto Olympic's deck was as if the ship had just been refitted. Everything was there, all the fittings were in their places, the paint was brand new, everything just felt new. He turned round and round as he looked at the 1910 era Ocean Liner. As he walked backwards toward the superstructure he didn't notice a female figure approaching him from behind until there was a blade up against his throat.

Andy: "Holy-?!" he yelped in surprise.

???: "Who are you? State your name stranger." she demanded.

Andy: "C-commander Francis Andre B. Yan of A-Az-zur Lane, vessel of BRP Antonio Luna." he introduced nervously, "M-most people call me Andy though."

The figure lowered her scythe and introduced herself.

Olympic: "A high-ranker huh? Well, forgive me sir my name is RMS Olympic Yard Number 400." she said, "Nice to meet you."

Andy turned around to face Olympic. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, a European Skin Tone, was wearing a tattered Captain's jacket, a worn shirt with the Union Jack, and a scarf with the White Star's.....well star and in it was her yard number, she also had a deep scar running from her cheek to her neck.

Olympic: "Well, you gonna kiss me or something?" she teased.

Andy: " for staring I" he trailed off, Izuku's personality kicking in full force.

Olympic laughed heartily at his reaction.

Olympic: "Hahaha! Oh it is gonna be so easy to rile you up!" she stated.

In response Andy smacked himself.

Andy: "Sorry, I have a thing with separate personalities taking over when I use certain powers." he stated.

Olympic: "Uh-huh, gimme an example." she said.

Andy gave her a deadpan face.

Andy: "Alright I guess." he said.

Andy activated 'Explosion' and aimed up.

Andy: "DIE!!!!" he yelled, unleashing an explosion from his palms.

This amazed Olympic and startled her at the same time.

Olympic: "Wow! That was bloody brilliant!" she yelled in amazement.

Andy: "Yeah? WHAT'S IT TO YOU OLD HAG?!" he yelled, Bakugo's personality coming into effect.

Olympic: "Wha-?! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING OLD?!?!" she yelled, offended.

Andy: "WHO THE HELL ELSE?!" he yelled, throwing his hands out, "NO ONE ELSE IS HERE BUT US!!!"

Olympic, ow very offended slapped Andy in the face and knocked him out of Bakugo's personality.

Olympic: "That is not a way to talk to a lady, much less one of British descent." she said.

Andy: "I am so so sorry for what I may have said!" he yelled, "I did warn you but-...."

Olympic then turned around with a motherly smirk. Andy then knew that he had pranked in a way that only a mother could replicate.

Andy: "*sigh* I really hate when a mom pulls that move." he said.

Olympic laughed joyfully at this.

Olympic: "Oh you will be a fun person to be around." she said, putting a hand on Andy's shoulder.

Andy then lead Olympic back to Pearl Harbor.....where she sat outside due to the depth of the harbor. Back in the Commander's office Andy, Alex, and Doc tried to figure out where to put Olympic, said liner was there with them of course. After all why wouldn't she? She has to have a choice in where she goes.

Of course by 'Andy, Alex, and Doc' I mean Alex and Doc and by 'tried to figure out' I meant argue endlessly over legal reasonings.

Doc: "She should go to Royal Navy." he argued, "She is a British ship, and she is registered in Liverpool so she should stay with my camp!"

Alex: "No! She should go to Eagle Union." he argued back, "She landed here and she was basically seized in our waters! So she should stay with my camp!"

As they bickered Andy passed the time by showing Olympic how much Passenger Ships have changed since her days of service.

Andy: "-and then down the slide is the Oceaneer Club which is a bunch of themed activities for kids." he said, showing Olympic pictures of the Disney Dream via his phone, "It includes Marvel which is super heroes and stuff, Star Wars which is space stuff, Disney Princesses which is Self-Explanatory, and if I remember correctly there was a thing for Toy Story."

Olympic: "You kids these days....what happened to the people who were entertained solely by like....a book or something?" she asked.

Andy: "Mostly disappeared, doesn't even matter the people sailing Cruises nowadays are families wanting a good time, nowadays ships are made for pleasure cruises and not revenue earning Point-A to Point-B." he said, "Back in our old world planes have advanced enough to cut a transatlantic trip down to like......4 maybe 5 hours."

Olympic stared at Andy like he was insane.

Olympic: "Those tin cans on wings can fly across the Atlantic in one go?!" she yelled in disbelief.

Andy: "Yup, took a while to perfect them but we got to the point that there over a thousand flights taking off everywhere in the world during peacetime....daily!" he said.

Olympic collapsed into her chair at this, and who could blame her? Her entire way of life was completely obsolete.

Olympic: "Wow...." she said.

Andy: "I was an aspiring pilot but wartime brought that dream to a hold and got me into this situation, which I am glad for in a sense. " he said, "If I wasn't on the Luna on that day I most likely would've never met any of you....well I would've met the 2 guys bickering behind us on trips but I digress."

The duo turned and saw that they were still bickering about where Olympic should go. Olympic looked deep in thought, looking at the commanders in front of her, going from Alex, to Doc, and then finally landing on Andy.

Olympic: "I think I know who to stay with." she said.

Alex and Doc immediately stopped arguing.

Doc: "Oh, who?" he asked.

She then pointed at Andy.

Olympic: "I'll stay with this guy's faction." she said.

Trio of Commanders: "WAIT WHAT?!" they yelled.

Spee then burst through the door.

Graf Spee: "Who is making advances on Kommandant?!" she yelled.

Olympic: "Wha- Oh! No! You don't understand." she said, "I just feel more comfortable and feel a motherly instinct around Andy, so I feel the want to stay with him."

Spee narrows her eyes, de-summons her riggings, fixes the door, and leaves without another word.

Alex: "Haven't you and Spee become official yet?." he asked.

Andy: "No, it just felt too early back then, I'll probably confess around Christmas time." he said.

Doc: "No! Dude, that's way too long a time to wait!" he yelled.

Olympic: "Yeah kiddo, you need to do it ASAP." she said.

Andy: "Look, I've barely noticed that Spee likes me back a month ago and even then I don't think she knows I like her back." he said, "Besides, I've only barely broken the 'Friend' barrier 5 months ago."

Alex: "Well, you do you I guess man." he said.

So with a new ship added to his roster and another objective to fulfill Andy left the office to rest in his dorm room.

A/N: Yup, I'm straying a little from the RP sessions here. It just felt a little fast for the trio to come in all at once, plus when I eventually get all 3 together I can give them an emotional voyage where they're all sailing side-by-side at last instead of them just appearing and the moment being mostly shattered. lacaloga148(the Storyman/Councilman 1) what do you think of the change? Lemme know. NotaChild4(the MJTM 2 Lore Guy/Sakura Empire Commander/Tanker/Councilman 6), aish_sucks61(the Newbie/Artist/Northern Parliament Commander/SN Kaganovich), and Negotiator_1-1(the Star Wars person) please keep patrlot(the God of Chaos/Cube Eater/Guy you can never win against/Councilman3) in check for me. Check out dieHero(our Military Specialist/Eagle Union Commander/USS Missouri/Councilman 5), DrDestiny(our Memelord/Royal Navy Commander/HMS Lion/Councilman 2), and 007weeb(dH's girl) for more stories like this one. I'm kuwebby2(the Realistic All-Rounder/Ironblood Commander/BRP Antonio Luna/Councilman 4), see ya tomorrow.


Me in the 918 Spyder
DrDestiny in the 911 with the modified Handbrake
dieHero in the 917
ElderofMordor in the Porsche 111 tractor (you're the newbie so you get the tractor)
aish_sucks61 in the yellow 911 GT2 RS
patrlot in the Taycan
lacaloga148 in the Carrera GT
NotaChild4 in the 930 Turbo
'China' in the Police Car alongside MendyOriente

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