MHA/BNHA Stories.

By ziakitty

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What can I say? There will be yandere. This book is mainly being made for a friend of mine on this site, KoiF... More

Home, Sweet Home.
Desk Oddities.
Little One.
Good Deeds.
July Fifteenth.
Bad Life
Three Days.
Game Of Tag
Childhood Relived.
Yes, Sir.
Full Moon
Two Years.
Happy Little Accidents.
Safe Space
Purr For Me.
Snow White Queen.
Revel in the Darkness.
You Are His.
Merman or Siren?
Just a Dream.
Dealt With.
Beautiful Music.
Beautiful Mistakes.
American Heroes.
The Basement.
The Gift.
Discord Fun.
Something old, something new, and something used.
Family Again.
Pretty Mate.
Seven Days.
Self Control.
It's Time for a Change.
Teacher's Pet.
Silver Fox.
Fun Times on Discord.
Game Over.
Sweet Dreams, Sweetpea.
Father's Day.
Acceptance Letter.
New Toys.
Accidental Touches.
Birthday Surprise.
Doctor's Order.
Sacrificial Bride
Speak not a word.
Cold Touch


399 11 7
By ziakitty

Not my artwork, credit where credit is due.

"Look at her, Sho!"

"Zashi, you have to be quieter, you'll wake her.."

"Sorry but, she's so cute, yo. She's perfect."

"We'll see, let's head back." Bright chartreuse hues looked into piercing black ones. The same ones they fell in love with so long ago. "Alright, Sho." Taking his lover's hand, they went off, just moments before e/c hues opened.

Rubbing an eye, you sleepily sat up. Had you heard voices just now? That's impossible, I'm on the tenth floor in this hellhole... Also by myself. A cesspool, that is what this place was, not some safe haven for abused, traumatized, and abandoned kids.

Looking out of your jail, you felt alone. Just the other month you had been ripped away from your family. They were shitty, in every way a family could be toxic and crappy but they were your family. The only one you've ever known.

I just...Want this all to end. To go home. You said to yourself while bringing your knees to your chest. Never knowing your innermost thoughts were being shared.

The day would go on as it always does with you going downstairs for breakfast. Helping with chores, feeding the youngest to oldest, then it's off to study. Yet today, you were called away before even a drop of food could touch your tongue.

"Y/n L/n, come to the office immediately!"

"Oooh, someone's in trouble." Chuckled a boy that was a few years older than you. He grabbed your breakfast and started eating, "ya won't need it." Your e/c eyes rolled as you left. Making it to the office in record time, you knocked and waited. "Come in!"

Stepping inside, with her head down, stomach protesting, she waits. "These gentlemen wished to see you, Y/n." There was no movement from the teenager, just a soft, "hi."

The headmistress sighed, "she's a shy one. I'll tell you everything you'd like to know." You stood there awkwardly as she spoke about you as if you were a pet.

The two men looked at each other and frowned. Aizawa heard your stomach growl, "there's no need to talk. Give us the papers, we'll sign them now, and take her today."

"Are you sure? There's other ch-'' those ebony eyes were sharp. They cut deeper than any knife or blade. "You have our answer." That shut up the older woman instantly. "Zashi." You couldn't help but look up. A man with flaxen hair that flowed down his back stood up. His eyes lit up when they noticed hers, they seemed to swirl just like the rings that adorn them.

"Hey there, is there anything you want to bring with you?" Another growl was heard, "we can come back for it. Poor baby, let's get you something to eat, yo!"

In a flash your life changed, you were taken from an orphanage to pro heroes Eraserhead and Present Mic's house. They took you out for breakfast, let you pick your own meal, then went shopping. When the three of you made it home, you were shown around the house.

Shouta noticed how quiet and withdrawn you were. How you tend to almost shy away from his husband. Pulling the slightly taller man aside, they talked for a moment before Shouta showed you to your room.

Your name hung on the door. Across from yours was another room, Hitoshi's. Next to yours was a bathroom, and after that Eri's. Opening the door, you notice that the room is painted in your favorite colors, and shades, everything you need is in there.

As you walked around, looking into the closet and private bathroom. Looking over the dressers, desk, etc. There's a knock on the door. The deep and sleepy voice of the erasure hero can be heard. "I've brought your clothes, if you're okay with it, I'll put them in your room. If not, I'll leave them by the door."

"Leave it, please..." You muttered but it was heard. That's how it went for the first few days. Your boundaries are always respected, space is given, and it's nice but it's not home. Everyone was friendly and welcoming, honestly, it was strange to you.

Never before has anyone been this kind without wanting something in return. Yet with the Aizawa-Yamada household, nothing was truly asked of you. Sure the little girl they had taken in asked if she could call you big sis or sissy but that was about it.

While this was a new bittersweet feeling, it wasn't home. Home is elsewhere and you plan on going there. This is why, only after five days, you ran away.

Right after Hizashi tucked everyone but you in, you packed up the clothes you had already. Leaving their gifts behind. Then left the safety of their home, intending to go back to your family.

Taking one last look at the warm inviting house, you shook your head and ran. Knowing that this was a trick. It might've looked and almost felt real but you know that only your family could care for you. It's what they've been telling you for years. No one will love you but them, you're unlovable.

It didn't take long for you to get lost. Erasermic's home isn't in the heart of the city. It's on a far safer side of town, unlike the one you grew up in. By now someone might have noticed I was missing. Probably Eri, she's a sweet girl. Then again, I doubt they actually care...

You're in a part of town that you've never seen before. It's not the safest or the most dangerous but that doesn't matter. What matters is getting to a working phone. Your old one was broken, Aizawa promised to get a new one but it hasn't happened yet.

Finding a pay phone or someone that was willing enough to let you use theirs was much harder than you thought it would be. "You look lost, kid." A random voice made you turn to your left, that voice was coming from the darkness. An alleyway with no light whatsoever. Your instincts said to run fast and run now but for some reason, your legs wouldn't move.

It crept a little closer, just barely standing on the edge of the tenebrosity, as if afraid of the streetlight. "Whatever it is you need, I can help you with." You tried to step back but still, your body wouldn't listen. "A phone? Maybe directions, a nice warm bed, and food." This was the worse time for your stomach. "All those things and more....If you just..."

Suddenly her legs started to move her closer to the dark alleyway. No matter how much she struggled the h/c tresses teenager couldn't control her movements. "Come here, little girl, come to me." At the edge of the dead end, fearful e/c eyes closed. This was it, this is how you'd die!

Something wrapped around L/n's body, sending the young maiden flying through the air until she landed on her butt. Finally, the s/c individual's body listened to her mind's commands. Slowly e/c optics opened, just in time to see a grey scarf leaving, it moved like a giant snake being summoned to its master. A deep angry voice was heard over a chorus of screams.

A new darkness consumed Y/n then, one that was made up of hair, eyes, arms that held gave protection and security.

"How is she?"

"Is big sister Y/n gonna be okay, papa?"

"I'm so sorry, Sho! I should have gone to check on her sooner. Our poor baby."

Voices, you were hearing voices again. They were filled with concern, laced with fear, and tearful. "She's okay, I got there in time. The doctor says that our girl needs to rest, that's all. So, let her rest." You didn't open your eyes, your breathing stayed even as if you were still sleeping.

Those voices became whispers but you could still hear them. These people, they cared, they worried about you. Sure you had ran away from their home but they took you back with open hearts and arms. Unlike your biological family who left you to rot.

"We'll have to talk with her once she wakes up. Go on, I'll let you guys know." The sound of serval people leaving nearly had you open your eyes. Then there was the soft clicking of a door. "I know you're awake, Y/n. You don't have to keep faking it, I sent the others away."

Slowly an eye opened, Eraserhead, no, Aizawa Shouta was there, looking over you. His face was seemingly less grumpy, even more tired, but overall relieved, "care to tell me what happened?" You looked away, "if not then will you listen to me?" When no reply came the older individual talked, telling you about his own experiences.

It was shocking to know that this underground pro had a similar background, that there would be no judgment. There would be a punishment though, you're no longer allowed outside without one of them with you.

That's how your new life would go. At least, for a few weeks. Or so you thought. During that time you connected with your newfound siblings. Hitoshi showed you tips on how to not get burned out by your extroverted father Hizashi. The best places to read when you want to be alone. Music stores, gaming areas, training spots, etc.

Honestly, your relationship with the purple-irised teen is a fun one. While little Eri happily followed you around like a duckling. The crimson-eyed child was overjoyed at finally having a big sister. She often asks to sleep in your room, or for you to read her stories. Each week there's a new family drawing or picture for you. You're always included.

"Toshi, Eri-Chan, do you two want to watch a movie with me?"

"Yes, please! Can we?"

"Sure, I've got the night off from training..."

"Yay." Cheered the fair-complexioned child while walking over to the couch. You smiled at that, feeling a bit of shame hit your heart for what happened in the past. Somehow your sweet sister has gotten it into her head that you left because she's bad. You have to explain and reassure her from time to time. Given Eri's history, you don't mind.

Halfway through your movie night, Hizashi returned home. The voice hero grinned seeing all three of their sweet babies together, enjoying themselves and getting along. Though the yellowish-green-ringed ophthalmic father was a bit jealous.

Things with Mic are iffy at times. As much as he tries to bond with you it doesn't always work. The fact that your other adoptive parent does and is willing to try helps put you at ease. Knowing that no matter what the blond radio host will rush to your side. Take you out places, or tone down his extrovertedness so as to not drain their introverted baby. Makes you feel wanted.

"I hope you three didn't eat too much junk, I'm going to start on dinner soon."

"What are we having tonight, dad?"

"Can we have candy apples for dessert?"

"Maybe, and any requests?" All eyes were on you. "No food requests but..." You looked down, your almost shy nature taking over. "Can I help you with dinner?" You'd think the man had just won the lottery or something with how happy he was. Nodding eagerly and buzzing about.

Cooking something you were forced to do before was now a small act of kindness. However, if you had to pick, you'd choose cooking with your other father, Shouta. He couldn't cook at all but that made things much more fun as you got to teach him something.

Out of everyone there, the person you're closest to is the sable ocular and maned teacher. You two have similar interests when it comes to being alone. Or just needing downtime to recharge.

It was no secret that you favored him, calling him Dadzawa over just dad. The first time you called him that he had the smallest little grin, which was hidden behind his scarf.

The night went on, you all enjoyed a nice dinner, then played a few card games. Before cuddling up together on the couch to watch more movies. Somewhere in the back of your mind you heard your old family saying how unlovable you were but it was nothing more but muffled noise.

Sure your new home had bars on the windows, you could still open them! There's a tracking device on your phone, there's nothing wrong with a parent wanting to know where their child is. Making sure they're safe while outside, and they might even follow you from time to time. None of that mattered though as you now know that you're just so....


2139 words. This request took so long, mainly because everything seemed to be against me writing. Hope you liked it! Fendi_lm

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