Wednesday (Wednesday X Reader)

By HorrorFox_Universal

58.8K 1.2K 732

You play as y/n,a blood elf driven by mischief and get kicked from your previous school for losing... More

Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 2
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 3
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 4
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 1
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 2
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 3
Friend or Woe Part 1
Friend or Woe Part 3
Woe What a Night Part 1
Woe What a Night Part 2
You Reap What You Woe Part 1
You Reap What You Woe Part 2
Quid Pro Woe Part 1
Quid Pro Woe Part 2
Quid Pro Woe Part 3
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 1
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 2
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 3
A Murder of Woes Part 1
A Murder of Woes Part 2
The Addams House Part 1
The Addams House Part 2
Addams House Part 3
Idea for chapter.i need comments help.

Friend or Woe Part 2

2K 46 29
By HorrorFox_Universal

"Wake up!"Y/n yelled loudly,jolting me awake.

" the absolute..."I glare at y/n.

"We're late."she stares blankly.

""Or almost late.I already have our uniforms on,thank my abilities for that,and Enid is right out the door waiting for us.And she's a bit antsy."y/n explained,pulling me up.

She then grabs my wrist and we start running downstairs.

If this was any other person,I would snap their neck for touching and pulling me,but this is y/n.

A slightly different story.

Y/n's pov.

I pulled Wednesday along and we made it down just in time to hear where we are going.

Weems said me and Wednesday are playing the cello and violin for a band thing,which made me  a bit mad.

But otherwise,I just zoned out.

I got pilgrim world,and Enid switched with Wednesday so me and Wednesday could investigate stuff.

And so Enid can hand with Ajax.

I really zoned out on a lot.

I was hyper today,energetic,but also really not ready fro the world.

At least i'm not feeling hungry for fresh normie blood.

Eugene also asked Wednesday something,but again,I was not paying attention.

I finally stopped zoning out when a woman was speaking.

"Good morrow,my young Nevermore kin.I am Mistress Arlene.A real OC.Original Colonist.

Now prithee,put your cell phones on vibrate and make haste,for you are about to travel back in time to the year of our lord 1625,to Jericho's first pilgrim settlement."Arlene spoke happily.

"Yonder.Behold,the meeting house.Inside is a collection of artifacts related to Jericho's most beloved and pious founder,Joseph Crackstone.And beyond is our privy.America's first gender neutral restroom,"Arlene grinned.

"I haveth a question."Wednesday spoke.

'Pray,be quick,child"Arlene smiled.

"In the meeting house,which of Joseph Crackstone's artifacts are on display?"Wednesday continued.

"It is truly a treasure trove,including original farm tools,tableware,even the Crackstone family chamber pot."Arlene explained.

"Sounds interesting.Me and y/n volunteer to work there."Wednesday stated.

"Pray no.That exhibit is being renovated.Today,thou will be working at the beating heart of Pilgrim World."Arlene smiled.

We were working at a fudge place.

I realized I was still holding on to Wednesday's arm a bit before we had to change into stupid pilgrim clothes.

"Sorry Wednesday.I was zoning."I apologized.

"Your fine.Didn't bother me that much."Wednesday stated blankly.

Wednesday's pov.

Y/n suddenly let go of my wrist and apologized.

I told her it was fine and that I was unbothered.

In truth,I had gotten used to her hand being there.

It was...comforting.

Y/n snapped her fingers and our temperary clothes were on.

"I hate this look."She murmurs,holding a thing of fudge.

German customers come in and I speak to them in German.

Y/n's pov.

I held a tray of very sweet smelling fudge.

The hazelnut fudge I'd maybe try if my pallet could eat normie food and not just fruits and blood.

German people have a very distinct smell.

Wednesday must've said something truthful,yet not nice to hear,because the whole group left without even trying a sample.



We see Eugene getting bullied for eating sme fudge,and wouldn't you know.

It's those assholes who bothered us before.

Me and Wdnesday put the trays down,and I teleprot behind the main one.

"Hiiii!"I grin.

He turns and I punch him straight in the jaw,knocking him to the ground.

Wednesday deals with the others,while I pull the main dude up,and put his arms and head in the fake guilitine thing.

And I lock his head there.

He got this punishment since he and his friends tried to do the same with Eugene.

I think the main kids name was Lucas.

We all left the scared boys alone and brought Eugene somewhere else to talk a bit.

"Nobody's ever stood up for me before."Eugene smiled,wiping his face,which was sticky with chocolate.

"You said Hummers stick together."I smiled slightly.

"I know this might come as a shock,but I don't have any friends."Eugene frowned a bit.

"You remind me of my brother,minus the desire to strangle said brother every waking moment.Now follow me.I need to know more about this Crackstone.We have a meetinghouse to break into."Wednesday stated,walking towards the meetinghouse.

I follow the two as well,with a small innocent smile.

I smile a lot more when I'm around Wednesday.

The door has a lock on it.

That's not good.

"Give me your retainer."Wednesday commanded,her hand outstretched for Eugene's retainer.

"What?Why?Your teeth are really good.Not as straight or white as Enid's,but...""Hand it over!"Wednesday glared.

While Wednesday and Eugene talked,I took a small lockpick out of a pocket and started picking the lock.

Wednesday's pov.slight time skip

"The fudge is definately the best thing about this place."Eugene kept talking.

"Stop talking,keep watch.And I need your retainer to-""And we're in."Y/n interupted,opening the door.

I give her a small confused look.

"What?I like to occasionally steal things with a family friend.Bald dude with electricity in his fingers."Y/n states.

Familiar,but I don't have the time to think about it.

We walk inside.

My grandmother once told me secrets are like zombies.

They never truly die.

I'm not sure what secret Crackstone is hiding.but I have a strange feeling the answers to my future lie in the past.

The Old Meeting House 1625.

I notice the girl from my visions.

Thing,y/n,this is the girl from my vision.She's even holding the same book."I point.

"And this is the book!Codex Umbrum.Latin for Book of Shadows."Y/n finds the book and opens it.

"Great.It's a fake."She glared,showing the blank pages.

"Just what in the fudge are you two doing here missy's?"Arlene yelled.

"Mistress Arlene.How now?"y/n smiles.

"How now indeed.I proclaimed the meeting house is under repair.I know thoust heard me."Arlene scowled.

"I told her the door was unlocked and you were dying to learn about Crackstone."Eugene piped up.

I sigh at that."Yes,and the display case was already open.The book's a replica."I state.

"You don't say.The original was stolen last month during the two O clock witch trial."Arlene explained.

"It was probably the only authentic thing you have in here,yet you still charge $29.95 a ticket?"Y/n comments.

"Hold thy tongue.I'm reassigning you three.To fudge-churning duty."Arlene squinted in anger.

"The original meeting house,the one in that painting,where is it?"I question.

"How the hell should I know?I only moved here from Scottsdale in April."Arlene scoffed,making us go.

We escaped and went to the weathervane.

Y/n snapped our normal uniform on with my abilities before we were there though.

Much more comfortable.

"I thought you were supposed to be at Pilgrim World?"Xavier asked me as we walked in.

"We deserted it while our sanity was still intact."I explain.

"Oh yeah?You two want a coffee?It's one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment."Xavier almost flirted.

"We're actually here for Tyler."Y/n chuckles awkwardly.

"I told you two he was bad news.Twice."Xavier frowned."But who I speak to is my own business."I glare slightly,ringing the bell for Tyler.

I see y/n give a small apologetic smile.

Xavier gave her a small nod.

"You rang?Want the usual?"Tyler smiled happily.

''And some help.You know the original pilgrim meeting house,the one from the 1600s?Do you know if it's still around?"Y/n asks.

Tyler gives her a less friendly look than I would have liked while talking to her.

"What's left is out in Cobham Woods,but it's pretty much a ruin."Tyler stated.

"Show us."I demand.

"Uh...There,but,look,it's kind of sketchy.Squatters and meth heads use that place as a crash pad.My dad had it cleared out every few weeks.What's this about?"Tyler explained.

"Nothing."I lie.

"You're becoming obsessed with this monster in the woods thing."Tyer frowned.

"Would you rather I develop an obsession with horses and boy bands.Thank you for the help."I stare blankly,feeling slightly annoyed.

Y/n has a weird look on her face.

"Hey,listen,the ruins are kind of tricky to find.I could take you this afternoon.My shift ends at 2:00."Tyler grins.

"Principal Weems would hang,draw,and quarter me if I miss the big statue dedication.And as enticing as that sounds,i'd prefer to keep a low profile.Besides,we know our way around the great outdoors."I grimace.

"Don't tell me you were a girl scout."Tyler teased.

"I could eat Girl Scouts for breakfast.I have an uncle who went to prison for that."Y/n stated.

I wave a small and semi friendly goodbye before me and y/n walked out to leave on our own.

Once we were out though,y/n giggled a bit.

"What are you laughing at?"I ask.

"Your come-back.The horse and boy band one.It was funny."Y/n smiled,her giggling coming to a close.

"Sorry for laughing.That was probably annoying."Y/n sighs,smiling.

"No,your laughter is fine.Just...out of the ordinary."I state,us quickly walking through the forest and following the drawn map.

It was starting to get a bit cloudy and dark.

"Oh yeah.I don't really laugh much,do I..."Y/n stared at the ground for a moment.

"Could I know why?"I ask.

Why I asked that,I will never know.

"Everyone who's ever met me said my laughter was loud and annoying,and that I laughed to much,even my parents.I guess that affected me more than I thought.It's fine though."Y/n smiles sadly.

"I'm...sorry to hear that."I look down.

"I'm over it.Plus,being in the woods with you and Thing right now is quite relaxing,so i'm fine.And I got over that laughing thing YEARS ago."Y/n kicks a small rock.

We saw the shack and commented on it.

"I was expecting a bit more."y/n grimaces.

"I was expecting more too."I reply.

"Who are you talking to little girl?"An old man stated meanly,not seeing Y/n.

"Use little and girl to address me again and I can't guarantee your safety."I glare.

"This is my place.Get out!"The old drunky yells.

"Thing,a hand here?"I ask the hand.

Thing jumps out and constricts the mans throat.

Hey!Hey!!Get off!Get off me!"The man yells.

Y/n comes suddenly behind him and bites his shoulder.

He passes out instantly and y/n almost throws up.

"Oh...nope.So unclean."she weakly states.

"Why did you..?"I ask.

"Vampires and blood elves secret a venom like spiders,so they can drink blood,but not neccesarily kill their victims.And make sure their victims wake up with nothing but a bad headache."Y/n explains,still dry heaving.

I feel bad for her.

"Your gonna want to disinfect your mouth wish mouth wash when we get back."I tap y/n's shoulder.

"Yup.We can go in now though."Y/n gives me a pained smile.

I look around a bit,seeing nothing.

"There's nothing here."I frown.

Thing taps'use your visions.touch something'.

"No,I can't just touch something.My visions seem to happen spontaneously."I explain.

"Ask your mother for advice?"Y/n suggests.

"I would rather dye my hair pink then ask my mother for advice."I glare.

Thing taps'prove it.try touching things.'

"Oh,you want me to prove it to you?No.Nothing.Ah,I bet this will give us some real insight."I sigh,randomly touching things.

And then I touch a beam.

"Wednesday!"Y/n yells.

A crowd was shouting and pulling the white haired me over to Crackstone.

"Burn her!Burn her!Burn her!"the crowd shouted.

"Devil spawn!"One shouted,

"Beast!"Another glared.

"Witch!Repent!Begone!Witch!"The crowd sneered.

"Stand aside!Goody Addams!You have been judged before God and found guilty.You are a witch,a sorceress,Lucifer's mistress herself.For your sins,you will burn this night,and suffer the flames of eternal hellfire."Crackstone yelled with a lantern in hand.

"I am innocent.It is you,Joseph Crackstone,that should be tried.We were here before you,living in harmony with nature and the native folk.But you have stolen our land.You have slaughtered the innocent.You have robbed us of our peaceful spirit.You are the true monster.All of you!"Goody yelled.

Goody was pushed into the barn,and it was set ablaze.

Everyone else who was in the barn was chained.

"Mother!Mother."Goody cried.

"There is no time,child.Leave me.Save yourself.He's chained us all to the floor."Goody's mother explained to her child.

"I shan't leave without you."Goody replied.

"Run.Avenge us.Find the others and save our future.Please my sweet lamb.Run.Run as fast as you can.You are our only hope."Goody's mother convinced Goody.

Goody ran out of the barn and away from the town,finding others.

"He won't stop until he's killed us all!He's here."Goody spoke to the rest of the outcasts.

"There will be no escape for you."Crackstone yelled.

I snapped out of my vision and shot up,wet and cold.

I was being held though.

Y/n's pov.

Wednesday collapsed when she touched the beam,and I caught her just in time.

She would've hit the ground otherwise.

'Wednesday!"I yell,trying to get her to wake up.

I calmed down for a moment.

This is just one of her visions.

Even Thing said this was fine.

I just held he head on my lap so she'd at least have less of a headache.

Thing tapped a 'why are you holding her?'

"I know she get's bad headaches after her visions,and she almost collapsed.I want her to be comfortable."I explain.

'do you like her?'Thing tapped.

My face flushes up a bit at that question,but I answer honestly.

"I have no idea.I wouldn't even know if I like anyone.I think she's really pretty,her personality is great,and her eyes hold hidden emotions,but that's all I think."I explain.

'So you do like her.'Thing taps.

"Maybe.This vision is quite long,is she ok?"I ask Thing,as he was getting a bit antsy too.

About ten minutes had passed.

And rain was starting to fall.

another thirty minutes later.

I was really getting worried.

She hadn't woken up yet,and it was raining heavily.

Thing was even checking her pulse a couple times.

"She'll...she'll be ok,right?"I ask worriedly,my ears drooping in fear.

Thing didn't tap anything.

I start pulling Wednesday a bit closer to my body,so I could hear her heartbeat.


Please be ok.

Please wake up soon.

I'm getting worried.

Another ten minutes passed...

And Wednesday shot up in a jolt.

She pulled my body with her,as I was holding her that tightly.

Wednesday's pov.

"Wednesday!Your ok!"Y/n hugged me tighter for a moment before pulling away.

"What happened?"She and Thing asked.

"Thing,y/n!I saw her!The girl from my visions.Her name is Goody Addams,and I believe she's my ancestor from 400 years ago."I explain.

"Well that's good to know."Y/n laughed,pretending to be ok.

How long was I out for?

There was a crack outside.

"Must've been the bearded man from earlier,he might've woken up."i state.

Y/n looks through a crack and almost screams.

"It's outside."She pulls me up and we run outside to see the monster.

She was still holding my hand,once again,when the monster swiped her,er body being flung into a tree.

"AGh!"She screams.

The monster runs away,and I would've gone after it,if I knew y/n was ok.

"I'm fine!Come on!"She yells,pulling me along.

She's a good three inches taller than me or more,granted,I am 5'1.

But her legs are also just really long too.

She kept running until she crashed into someone.

"What the hell are you doing?"Xavier yelled.

"We were following the monster."Y/n explained,wincing slightly.

"You saw it?It's here?Do you have a death wish?"Xavier asks us,seeming worried.

'What are you doing here?"I ask him.

"I overheard you saying you were checking out the old meeting house.It's lucky I showed up when I did."Xavier stated.

"I did learn one thing.The monsters human." I state

"It's tracks turned from monster prints,to human ones."Y/n explains,holding her arm slightly.

"Show me."Xavier demanded.

"The rain washed them all away."I frown.

Xavuier scoffs at this.

"We know what we saw."Y/n glares.

"I'm trying to keep an open mind."Xavier sighs.

"How big of you."I roll my eyes.

"I do think you two might be right about Rowan though."Xavier admits.

'Why the change of heart?"Y/n questions.

"I texted him again today.I said maybe we could meet over spring break and go snowboarding like we did last year.This time,he texted right back.Said he couldn't make it."Xavier explained.

"Only you didn't go snowboarding last year."I finish for Xavier.

"Part of me wanted to blame his recent weirdness.I didn't want to think something had had happened."Xavier sighed.

The cover up is worse than the crime."Y/n comments.

"Now I need you two to be honest with me.Why'd you come to the old meeting house in the first place"Xavier frowns.

"I was trying to learn more about Crackstone.Figure out how he's connected to this."I admit.

"Yeah,you were trying to use your psychic abilities,right?"Xavier asks.

"What makes you think I have any?"I squint my eyes in distrust.

"Lucky guess.When did they start?"Xavier looks at y/n for a moment.

"About a year ago.When they happen,it feels like i'm touching a live wire.I usually enjoy that sensation."I look down in thought.

"Yeah,but you can't control it and that freaks you out.My dad's a psychic.Vincent Thorpe.My brother's his number one fan.Watched his Vegas Special so many time,I'm surprised it's not imprinted on his eyeballs.So I've lived with a self described master.The first thing he'll tell you is that visions can't be trusted.They only show one side of the picture."Xavier talks.

"I saw Joseph Crackstone in front of me as clearly as I'm seeing you now.He gathered all the outcasts in the meeting room and burned them alive."I retort.

"Okay.He was a sadistic asshole.It was 400 years ago.It's got nothing to do with now."Xavier states.

"But what if it does?You saw Rowan's drawing.Crackstone was standing in the quad."I scowl.

"You're creating a story in your head and using visions to back it up.They're telling you what you wan to see."Xavier scoffed.

"Are you mansplaining my power?"I ask Xavier.

"All i'm saying is my dad,the expert,would warn you that psychic ability isn't rooted in logic.It's triggered by emotions.And let's be honest.Emotion isn't your strong suit."Xavier pointed out.

"Your dad is wrong.Psychic abilities affect people differently."Y/n stands up for me.

Xavier scoffs at that.

"I believe Rowan was right.Something bad is going to happen,and I need to stop it.Starting with that monster.Whoever that is."I stare darkly.

Xavier walks away from us and we go back to our room.

While walking back,I noticed y/n kept winced every time her arm moved and when her back shifted a bit.

"Are you ok?How hard did the monster throw you?"I stop to look at y/ns arm a bit.

"Hard.But I'll be fine.You've been asking if i'm ok a lot lately Wednesday."Y/n chuckled before wincing again.

"I may need your help wrapping this though.Like a vampire,I have regenerative healing,but it's slow."Y/n grimaces.

"I suppose I'll help."I state quickly before starting to walk again.

We made it to our room without anyone seeing us and y/n changed into a black t-shirt and dark red pants.

I changed as well into a black nightgown.

"Let me see your arm.I'll deal with your back afterwards."I frown.

Y/n hands me some clean bandages and let's me wrap her arm.

It's thankfully not broken,but it is bruised and bloodied up.

I finish with her arm and move to her back.

"Can you grab the bandages when I bring them around?"I ask y/n quietly.

I'm right behind her,so talking loud is hurtful to her sensitive ears.

"Yeah."She replies.

Enid walks in on this,and with y/n shirt being partially up,she thought we were doing something.

"Oh!Um...Sorry.I didn't mean...I'm not interrupting anything,am i?"Enid looks around sheepishly.

"I did not know you two were like that.'Enid added.

"I banged my back and arm up,and Wednesday is helping me bandage myself."Y/n explains for me.

This is slightly awkward.

"Really?Oof!I thought you had healing abilities?Like a vampire?"Enid looks at y/n's back and winces a bit.

"I do.But it's slow.I should be good in a few days though.I can def still play the violin tomorrow."Y/n smiles.

I finish up with her bandages and she lets me get off of her bed.

"Much better.Thanks Wednesday!"Y/n beams brightly.

I blush a bit and turn away,mumbling a your welcome before walking to my typewrite,sitting down,and typing.

I thought nothing scared me.

But that was until y/n got hurt,and when I stared into the eyes of Joseph Crackstone.

I don't believe in heaven or hell,but I do believe in revenge.

I usually serve it warm with a side of pain,but I've never faced an adversary cast in bronze.

Y/n already told  me and Thing the plan while we were walking back,so tomorrow will be fun.

I still can't believe how I feel about y/n though,

Or how I may feel about her.

But that bright smile,and how pretty she is.

And how much she's warmed up to me.

It makes my black and cold heart beat with the slightest bit of warmth.

And I don't hate it.

But how long was I out for?

And why was I so close to y/n when I woke up from that vision?

I'll ask Thing in the morning.

I must finish this chapter,and get some sleep.

3091 words -------- 12/19/2022

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