Two Unlikely Worlds: The Hell...

By ClayNotDead

187 7 2

A lost soul wandering the human world, trying to find a purpose in their otherwise meaningless life. A fellow... More

The Day Before [Copy-Pasted]
The Fight [Copy-Pasted]
Meeting Them [Copy-Pasted]
First Day
A Psycho Family?
Everyone's Insane Here-..
A Plan, A Plan To Stay Away From Them.
A 'Calm' Night, I guess?
A Trip, And A Talk.
A Day In Bed.
Getting 'Comfortable' In This Hell
A Day To Do Whatever, And For The Two Of Us [LONG]
Ending The Bloodline Here.
Back In 'My' Bed.
A 'Me, Myself, And I' Day. [Rushed-?]
Visiting A Friend, And Sneaking 'Home'
Family Fun Night? Why not.
Let's Try This Again, Shall We?
Holiday Set-Up.
Christmas Chaos
A New Years Night Out [LATE ASF]
"Mama, I'm An Escapee!"
A Totally Normal Day.
Keeping That Idiot Bestie Safe. [Short :'D]
Sunday Morning Service Chaos, Because Religion Screws People Over.
Valentine's Day Mission Gone Wrong.
Now Look Where That Got Me, A Place Where Secrets Unfold. [Short,& Mostly Chats]
Liu's A Kind Soul, And Avoiding 'Training' Any Way I Can.
They'll Wait For Me, In The Darkness Of My Dreams.
Training Day! Except It Doesn't Go As Planned...
Mission Fails, Alternate Universes, And Half-Assed Confessions.
Hanging Out In Another Universe Can Be Kinda Fun?

Happy Birthday, I guess.

2 0 0
By ClayNotDead

*This is a bit of a timeskip, s o r r y*


I slowly opened my eyes a bit to see my phone on my face and Toby inches from my face as well.

"...What are you doing dumbass?" I asked, pulling my phone off of my face and smacking him on the side of the head.

"Hey- Anyways, happy birthday! The party's about to start, are you coming or what??" He replied, pulling me off of my bed as I groaned loudly.

"I forgot it was my bir-" I tried to get out but was met with a skin-colored mess being thrown my way, and I had basically no time to react, so I got hit with it.

"Get changed, bitch!"

"Mmph, oh- Thanks I guess-?"

"..Mhm, no problem-"

Soon enough, he had left the room and I started putting the dress on.

It took me a few minutes to get myself sorted out, which included fighting with the hairbrush because my hair was stupidly tangled and had been for a while since I wouldn't say I liked brushing it, and almost throwing myself out of the window because I couldn't find my chest binder. (And realizing I can't walk in heels to save my life...)

But after a little while, I had put everything on, and I was now standing at the door to our room, hesitating to open it.

"Why am I fucking... Should I even be doing this..?-"
"I mean, at least people are celebrating my birthday, so it isn't all that bad-"

I took a deep breath and quickly put my mask and eyepatch back on, which had been off before.

"Perfect, now I'll be the baddest bitch." I smiled, before swinging the door open to be met with at least 5 people in front of me.

"Happy birthday Black Heart!" They all screamed out in unison and I just looked at them.

"...Happy birthday?"



After a few minutes of me hugging them like they were gonna up and die, while me screaming my damn head off, I finally calmed down and just looked at them.

"What was that??" Toby asked, and I just shrugged as I ran past them, gawking at all of the decorations like a five-year-old.

"Is this all for me??"

"Of course, why wouldn't it be?-"

"You don't know my old house."


"Shut up, I'm getting food!"

I smiled as I almost tripped down the stairs, fumbling in the new heels I bought as I ran to the kitchen to see a damn near fucking buffet-.

"What the-"

"Ah, Black Heart, you didn't know? For each person's birthday celebration, we have a buffet-type meal, and the birthday dinner at around six to seven, it's pretty much an all-you-can-eat."

"...All. You. Can. Eat?!"

My eyes lit up, this was my dream, and some-.


I almost threw myself on the table which had the mountain of food, until Toby stopped me.

"Look, the food's good, but there's more Heart, c'mon." Toby suggested[?], before pulling me away from the food heaven.

"I'll miss you food-heaven..."

"Black Heart.."

Soon he started telling me about what the mansion does for birthdays and other holidays, and I just looked like a six-year-old.

I was just happy these people were celebrating my birthday, to be honest-..

After a while we finished, and I was just screwing around, I was already bored.

"Black Heart, it's your damn birthday, do something at least!"

"How 'bout I ask you a question~."

"...Alriiiight, what?"

"Y'all don't age and stuff right?"

"Yeah.. Why?"

"Am I gonna stay 14 forever-?"


"I think I know the answer already, thanks, I'm going out."


"Nah, I'll be back eventually."

I stood up from where I was sitting and stumbled to the front doors.

"Man, fuck these heels.." I mumbled to myself as I opened the door and just sat down on the steps.

I just buried my face in my hands and wondered how I got to this point.

"Okay, so I was in school... Then I realized someone was probably stalking me, then my douche of a dad decided to try to kill me probably..- How did I end up in a dress having a birthday party at a murderer's mansion?!" I mumbled, trying to piece it all together.

"Not sure, but I wouldn't change it for the world." Someone said behind me, and I turn my head around to see Toby peeking his head out from behind the cracked door.

"Leave me alone b- Wait, what?" I questioned, starting to shiver.

He closed the door and sat next to me, pulling me closer to him.




He strangely felt both warm and cold at the same time, but I didn't mind.

The sun was starting to set and I just started taking off my face gear while slightly smiling, Toby doing the same shortly after me.

"Heh, when it gets to the colder months, it gets dark stupidly fast.."


It felt like we just sat there, frozen in time for forever, the sun slowly setting as we watched the darkening forest.


"Hey lover-bitches, are you coming back in or what? We're having another karaoke because everyone liked Black Heart's performance, then we're having cake!" We heard from behind us, and we looked behind us to see Jeff standing in the doorway.

"We're coming!- Wait, lover-bitches?! Oh, you've fuckin' done it now!" I retorted back, before standing up and dragging Toby inside with me as I got ready to pull off a heel to hit him with it.

"Black Heart, let's not-"

"Nah, I've been preparing to do this, if it must be with a shoe, SO BE IT!"



After a good ten minutes or so, we finally stopped fighting, after some intervening... I still won though.

After that mess, everyone gave up on the karaoke, and we just settled for a movie, I got to pick since I was the birthday bitch, and I chose Coraline, the best movie ever~.

Half of the others were annoyed, and the other half seemed indifferent.

"I know how to work this, I swear to fuck!" I screeched as I tried pressing buttons on the remote, it was for a TV I had never dealt with, so I had no clue how to work it, but I insisted I would start it...-

"Just admit you don't know how to do it!" A voice screamed from the crowd behind me, and after a few seconds, I finally got it to start, and I rushed to my spot, which was in the front next to Toby and the other 'Proxies'.

"I told y'all I knew how to do it-"

"Yeah no, you didn't."

"S h u t I t ."

Shortly after that the movie officially started, and I was excited.



After the movie ended, everyone started shuffling toward the dining room, where a pretty f'ing big cake stood on the table.

"Holy mother of god, that thing is huge!" I exclaimed, pointing at it like a little kid.

"Well, of course! We have to feed basically everyone in the mansion, and then some for if they want seconds..-"

"Wait, how did y'all know I liked chocolate-?"

"......We just knew?"

"I'd understand that from you, stalker."

"Oh fuck you!"

"Naaah, buy me dinner first."

"I thought you were Ace?"

"I am, I'm just funny."




I nodded a bit and sat in the chair he told me to sit in, and I felt embarrassed immediately.

I mean, who wouldn't?

After what felt like an eternity of silence, they all started singing a shitty version of Happy Birthday.

It sounded as if a middle-high school band tried to sing/play it, to be honest-.

But I just sucked it up and looked at my legs.

After it was finished, the slices were almost immediately given out, and I got a giant piece, which was pretty much entirely chocolate.

...You best know I dug into that bad boy.


Once everyone finished getting seconds, thirds, and fourths and were walking away with leftovers, everyone was permitted to do as they wanted until 'bedtime'.

Toby covered my eyes and led me to who knows where, but I knew it was almost freezing.

"Where the hell are we going? I'm cold as shit!" I asked, blindly following this idiot.

"It's a surprise~" Was all he replied with, and I just groaned, until eventually we stopped and I could finally take off the blindfold.

Once I took it off I saw we were at a small 'lake' with fake-ass moonlight in the forest.

"...What- What is this?"

"A special place for a special Enby."




I sat down near the fake lake and I started shivering again.

"Why'd you make me come out here, I'm not wearing paaants!" I whined, and he just took off his sweater thing and put it on me.

"One, I can put it on myself, two, why-?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Why not?"


We just sat there like that, knowing we wouldn't be interrupted again because we were who knows how far away from the mansion.

After a while I felt something, and I looked to see Toby holding my phone, trying to get into it.

"Hey, I changed my password because of you, so don't even try." I muttered, watching him fail at the passcode.

"Let me innnn, please, it's for a good reason.." He pleaded, making a small puppy face, and I facepalmed before grabbing my phone and putting in my code without him seeing.

"So why did you need my phone?" I asked, looking confused as he searched for a song.

"What's your favorite song."

"...Circles by Kira & Rachie I guess, why?"

He didn't respond, he just smiled as he dug through my Spotify and found the song, before starting it, throwing my phone on the ground, and pulling me up.

"Whoa, what're you doing??" I asked again, and he just smiled as he tried to dance with me, failing in the process.

Soon I realized what he was trying to do and I started leading the dumbass through the song.


{You can imagine your own stuff with the song >:D]


After what felt like twenty songs and us almost falling over a million times, we finally sat back down, giggling to ourselves.

"You cannot dance for shit, dumbass." I smiled, looking at him.

"Neither can you!" He chuckled, poking at me.

"Never thought we'd end up like this... In such a short amount of time.."

"What do you mean?"

"N-nothing, nevermind."

"...Alright then-"

I covered my face in embarrassment, but he just pulled me a bit closer.



I looked up at him, and just smiled a bit.

"Can we stay here a bit before going back-?" I asked, and he just nodded.

"This is nice, peaceful, and just overall great..."


"I'm..... Glad I could spend my birthday here, and that I could spend the last hour or two with you, my dumbass.."

"Me too, my Black Heart..."
"Me too..."

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