Wednesday (Wednesday X Reader)

By HorrorFox_Universal

58.7K 1.2K 732

You play as y/n,a blood elf driven by mischief and get kicked from your previous school for losing... More

Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 2
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 3
Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Part 4
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 1
Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 2
Friend or Woe Part 1
Friend or Woe Part 2
Friend or Woe Part 3
Woe What a Night Part 1
Woe What a Night Part 2
You Reap What You Woe Part 1
You Reap What You Woe Part 2
Quid Pro Woe Part 1
Quid Pro Woe Part 2
Quid Pro Woe Part 3
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 1
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 2
If You Don't Woe Me By Now Part 3
A Murder of Woes Part 1
A Murder of Woes Part 2
The Addams House Part 1
The Addams House Part 2
Addams House Part 3
Idea for chapter.i need comments help.

Woe is the Loneliest Number Part 3

1.8K 43 32
By HorrorFox_Universal

"We're all set."Enid told the two of us.

"Good.Thing's in position."Y/n almost smiled.

"Wanna tell me what took you two were up to?"I asked.

"And spoil the surprise?Speaking of surprises,your costume's in the tent."Enid looked at the both of us.

"Costume?"Y/n frowned.

"OMG!You two look purr-fect!Only thing,where are your whiskers?"Enid asked me and y/n.

"Ask again and you'l be down to eight lives."I reply,getting in position.

Y/n stumbles a bit getting in the canoe and almost falls,I practically catch her,and she gives me an apologetic and sheepish look as she sat down in front of me.

"What do we have here?The runts of the litters?"Bianca smirks.

"Just for the record.We don't believe we are better than everyone.Just that we are better than you,"I stare blankly.

Bianca looked weirded out.

"I just want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allen Poe Cup.This is one of Nevermore's proudest annual traditions,dating back 125 years.Each team must row across to Raven Island,pull a flag from Crackstone's Crypt,and hustle back without sinking,or being sunk.First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year,as well as some special privileges.Let the Poe Cup begin!"Ms weems yells.

Everyone starts rowing and we quickly make our way across.

Someone was pushed into a hard bouey and they lost right away.

Three boats make it to the island.

"Stay here and make sure Bianca can't sabotage our boat.Thing,I need you to distract a coupl of jokers."I command Enid and Thing.

Y/n and me start running towards the crypt.

"Later Wednesday!"Xavier,who was on another team,grabbed his flag.

I knew Thing got that handled though.

I grab my flag,but get a vision.

I see someone who looks insanely like me,but with white hair.

"You are the key."She stated.

I wake up to see Bianca smirking,and y/n seeing if I was ok,while glaring at Bianca.

"Taking a catnap?"Bianca remarks before running off with her flag.

Y/n grabs our flag and we run for it."Hurry up,we gotta go!"I yell.

"See ya jokers!"Enid smiles,claw marks on the side of the clown joke.

"Cheaters!"Xavier yells.

I hear y/n scoff,or laugh at that.

"The final teams,are the Gold Bugs...and the Black Cats."Weems states loudly.

Someone started pushing our boat to the side,but Thing Punched them.

We drove our boat closer to Bianca's,revealing our spikes.

We got their boat,but y/n made Bianca dunk under the water with her magic to seal the deal.

Bianca looked livid.

"Yeah!We did it!Wednesday!Y/n!We did it!This is the greatest moment of my entire life!"ENid jumped up and down.

She stopped when she was handed the cup.

I gave a scornful look.

"Admit it.You two kinda got into the whole school spirit thing."Enid grinned.

"You never told us it was a dark,vengeful spirit."y/n smirked.

That small smile was...pretty.

Y/n in general is quite...pretty.

I left the stage and y/n followed suit.

We both didn't want to hear the speech.

"That was fun,but stressful.Who was that white haired person?She looked scarily like you."Y/n commented.

"I don't know yet."I reply.

y/n sighs heavily.

I don't remember her eating anything today.

"Have you eaten?"I asked.

"Nope.I didn't feel hungry.Should've eaten something anyways."Y/n sighs.

"Here.I've gotten used to you being forgetful."I hand y/n a blood bag.

For some reason,I look away as I do this.

"Thanks.I appreciate it Wednesday."Y'n smiles as she drinks the blood.

I've never seen her smile.

That smirk I saw earlier was one thing,but this is different.

It was kind,genuine,not at all scornful.

It was beautiful.

What am I thinking?

"What are you two doing down here?"Enid suddenly asks us.

"Hiding.People keep randomly smiling at us,it's unsettling"I state,happy Enid came and distracted me from my thoughts.

"It's called having your moment.You took down Bianca Barclay.Try to enjoy it.The girls wanna know if you wanna hang out later."Enid smiles.

Me and y/n give her a look.

'Oh come on,it won't kill you."Enid scoffs.

"We'll think about it."Y/n sighs.

"Yes!"Enid skips,leaving us.

Just as I thought we were finally free from people,Weems came over.

"It's good to see you two fitting in.Just like your mothers."Weems smiled.

"My mother and I are two different people/species/everything."I glared.

"Me and my mother are very different.I am not her."Y/n scoffed.

"The last time Ophelia Hall won the Poe Cup,your mother captained the team Wednesday.And your mother was the planner of the boat y/n.I was their co-pilot."Weems smiled as she walked away.

We went to our dorm,and Enid had a sleepover at Yoko's.

I sat at my desk,writing more on my novel.

y/n's pov.

Wednesday was strange when she gave me the blood bag.

And I caught her looking at me for a second too long.

I don't mid that.

I was able to see her pretty face a bit longer as well.

My only question now,is why am I attracted to her.

Is it her personality?

Her looks?

Her charm?

All of the above?

I can't deny it anymore.

I definately like her.

Which is going to make not drinking her blood,a little harder.

But I can't help it.

Her smell,that of moss and dying flowers,a wonderful scent to me.

Her looks,those faint freckles,black eyes,braided yet silky black hair,her gaze that lasts.

It's all appealing to me.

"Hey!"Wednesday almost yelled.

I look at her in surprise.

"Sorry.I was unfocused."I smile sheepishly.

I swear I saw a slight pink on Wednesday's cheek's when I smiled,but I couldn't be sure.

"Sorry for practically yelling,but it's getting late.You need rest,especially after using your abilities."Wednesday stated.

I gave her a confused look.

"Why do you care?"I ask softly,with no mean or monotone tones.

Wednesday's pov.

"Why do you care?"y/n asked softly,looking a little sad.

I look away from her for a moment,unsure of what to say.

"I...see you as a trustworthy friend.I don't want an ally collapsing on me when I need them."I think up on the spot.

That would be my normal answer,but this kind of hurts to say.

"I see.I don't believe that Wednesday.I know you well enough.Enid exhausted herself just as much as I did."y/n frowns.

"I see you as a closer friend than Enid.She may blab to someone about something.I trust you wouldn't do that.Your more quiet,and easy to talk to and that's that."I  almost glare.

I was trying to keep my composure.

"Sure you black raven.But I won't push.I'm going to sleep.Night."Y/n gets up and walks over to the bunks,climbing up and turning on her side.

I can't help but think I may have hurt her feelings in some way.

And that makes me feel guilty and sad.

What are you doing to me y/n Dahlia?

Thing noticed my face,and could tell i'm conflicted.

He tapped something I will not admit.

I glare at him before returning to my writing.

I can't help but think that Thing may be right though.

1044 words ------- 12/18/2022

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