The Rule Book

By facelessinfernal

305 10 2

If you ever have to use this I'm sorry, I hope this helps you survive. Follow it closely and read it carefull... More

Staying up late
Waking up in the Middle of the Night
The Bus Ride (morning)
Welcome to school
School Lunch
8th period
Tips and Tricks for School
Bus Ride (Afternoon)
Rules for Flight 801
House sitting
Getting a Snack at Night
Rules for Camping
Rules for Babysitting
Rules for Pet Sitting
Rules for the Arcade
Rules for the Circus
Rules for being an EMT
Rules for the park
Rules for the Red Door
Rules for The Trail
Rules for The Mirror
Rules for the night shift
Rules for the Garden
Rules for my doll collection
Grandma's house
The Movies
The bowling alley
The casino
The aquarium (EMPLOYEE MANUAL)

New Teachers Step-by-Step Guide for [REDACTED] School.

9 0 0
By facelessinfernal

I'm assuming you think that by becoming a teacher you can better help a new generation grow into smart, quick decision making people. Hold on to that hope. Actually while I was digging around here I did find an old teacher manual, and it's pretty consistent with what we know about this school you'll be teaching at. So I'll pretty much just be writing what I see on the manual.

Hello, if you receive this document then we can assume you are a new teacher at our wonderful and prestigious school. You'll be teaching for periods 1-7 from times 8:25-3:10 [eastern times] . We do however have a staff manual and it is a mandatory read. If not, you are signing a non verbal agreement that you are putting your own life in danger. We cannot guarantee your safety but by reading these rules you are increasing your chances.

1. The one rule you should never forget is that our students are our number one priority. In the event that it is your life or theirs, it should always be theirs. This the most important rule. If for whatever reason you forget everything else, remember this one. If you put your life above theirs on purpose, we will deal with you personally.

2. Always remember the basic supplies. A bag, some extra snacks, your lunch, some spare pencils and pens, your glasses, salt, holy water, a crucifix. You know, the normal stuff.

3. Stay in your classroom at all times. You may only use the restroom or eat lunch if you are on break. The it cannot get you if you just stay in the classroom until permitted time of leave.

4. We're aware students may not have a face and no you are not going crazy. If the student becomes hostile, other students should know how to handle the situation. If they can't, refer to rule 4.A.

4.A. If they cannot handle it on their own, you may at that point stab the faceless student 3 times in the abdomen. The abdomen is where their "heart" is. Leave the student out in the hall, and call the janitor. His number is 312645.

5. If at any point in time you see a faceless student, but they simply walk out of the classroom, ignore them. They are just trying to get back to their world.

6. The clock in your room should always read 2:22. If it doesn't, even if it's just a minute off, smash the clock. This should bring you back. Oh and don't worry, we'll get you a new clock.

7. The appropriate dress wear here is a black button up shirt and white pants. This can be worn in any way, just follow this dress code. After all, your a representation of our fine school.

8. If you teach a fourth period class be weary, we're not sure what Chef keeps putting in the students food, but it makes the students... not themselves. We're not sure how to get rid of him, do not try to remove him. If a student becomes hostile, throw them out in the hall. We know that it roams in this time, but if the student was one you were supposed to be teaching, they'll know how to survive out there.

9. If you see a man in his late 60's, about 5'5, with a gray mustache, bald head, and completely gray eyes that is Mr. Barnam. Sometimes he likes to follow students here. I hope you made holy water and brought that crucifix because he is a threat to all students. If you see him, scream, this should startle him. Then throw holy water on him and hold the crucifix in front of his face. Keep repeating that Lucy will be here soon. Other staff will be able to help in a short while.

10. If you brought meat by chance, you can always leave some in the hall, it may spare you/ or your students.

11. If you see a body in the halls with a face, call the staff. Their number is 001200.

12. We recommend not eating out of the student cafeteria as this may cause you to become hostile as well. And if you were to harm students then we would [REDACTED] to you, and I'm sure that you don't want that.

13. If the lights turn any color then they usually would, refer to the student rule book guide, those specific instructions are in there.

14. On your student roster there is a student named Anthony, Diaz. Do not ever say this name, it will trigger a lights out event. We can explain why this may happen at the bottom.

15. Don't burn sage, doing that cannot help you and in fact will anger the faceless students.

16. If you ever see a faceless student wearing a black cloak, shoot them with the emergency pistol. It's in the safe behind you covered up with a poster that is blue and says, "you can do it!" The code is 21-25-01. Do not miss, that is your only bullet.

17. Make sure your classroom remains spotless. The janitor will become angry, and he will become incredibly dangerous to both you and students if he becomes angry.

18. If there is ever a fire or tornado, the students may not exit the school. Instead being them to R hall. This is the one and only time you may being our human students to R hall.

19. Make sure to wash your hands all the time. Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands....

20. I will be gone between the times of 12:12-1:11. [Eastern time]. You will not be able to find me, please do not try.

21. If you need assistance do not go to the teacher named Pane. They did not receive the same teaching manual as you.

22. There will be a woman with an extra arm and no face that enters around 2:22. Other students cannot see her. She is our secretary Ms. Strange. Just give her a thumbs up and she'll walk away. She is not a threat to you or other students and she is simply checking in on you.

Anthony Diaz was a student who attended our school in [REDACTED] Z.Y. He was a bright student, but then he went down R hall. He survived, but was clearly traumatized. Later he went into our "other students" realm. When he returned he was covered in blood. The final incident is when Anthony entered Chef's kitchen. Something that we have since completely banned others, both human, and non human staff from entering. When Anthony got out he had a baseball size bite gouged out of his frontal lobe, seemingly unfazed. However these events had changed Anthony and he has since passed.

Whenever people mention just his first name, this triggers the it to come, this is not ideal. We're still not sure why his name does this or what exactly Anthony saw, but we want to keep other students from following in his footsteps, we hope Anthony found peace.

Truly yours ~[Mr. Olmworld]

Well I hope that you weren't hoping to become a teacher, because I highly doubt you would want to now. As always stay alive, don't thrive.

Yours truly ~[REDACTED]

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