By Harpix_

79 14 69

In this Energy story, John and the others go to Earth. But that doesn't mean that all evil will go away fore... More



5 1 3
By Harpix_

''Gosh, i can't wait to start working today!!'' Shawn said excitedly, gulping down a cup of coffee.

it was currently 7:00 AM in the morning, and Shawn was getting ready for his first day at the bakery.

''Yeah, yeah,'' Earlia said. ''i can tell.''

Shawn stood up.

''Okay, uhh, i'll be back in a few hours, okay?'' he said. ''Try not to miss me too much.'' he grinned widely.

She sighed. ''I would never miss you..'' she said. ''And try not to get yourself fired.''

Shawn winked, and left through the front door.

And Earlia was alone. She sort of hated it, she sort of liked it. Because that meant that there was no Shawn bothering her every minute.

''I don't even know what i want to do today..'' she said, rubbing the cracks in the wooden table. ''going outside is too much. What if i run into someone? that would be awkward.''

Maybe she could read her book. But she didn't like to read this early. 

Eventually, she decided that she would just go outside anyways. 

Even though it was early, the streets were still crowded. Earlia sighed in annoyance. 

She passed by an alleyway, and someone snatched her by the arm. 

''Hey! what the-'' Whoever it was, they quickly covered her mouth to stop her from saying anything else.

''Hush, hush, hush...''They said. ''I just wanna see you for a quick second.''

They uncovered her mouth, but they did not let go of her arm. 

She turned around and looked up to them. White hair, different colored eyes. You probably know who it is, but she doesn't. 

''Who are you..?'' she said, trying not to panic. ''And why the heck did you snatch me in here?''

They smiled.

''You...look very interesting. I've never seen a human like you before.'' they said. ''Oh, what am i saying? i should introduce myself. My name is Eternity.''

her heart sped up at the name. This was the person Frostina told her about...right?

''..What do you want from me?'' she said. ''You snatched me like you wanted to kidnap me.''

Eternity chuckled.

''Like i said before, you look very interesting.'' They said. ''interesting enough to rip your soul from your body.''

Their grip on her arm got stronger. It hurt, because her wounds were still healing. 

''Let go of me!'' she shouted. ''Or i'll do something you won't like it.''

Eternity gave her a serious stare. 

''Do it.'' they said. ''i dare you.''

Earlia used her electricity powers to electrocute them, and they let go of her arm. As soon as they did, she started to run. 

''Oh? powers? That makes me want your soul even more.'' They said. ''People with powers have the best souls.''

Eternity appeared in front of her and grabbed her by both of the arms. 

She struggled, and tried to get out of their grip, but they were stronger than her.

''Aww, you don't have to run, sweetheart.'' they said. ''It won't hurt that me.. You'll only feel a ripping stinging pain, and then you'll fall weak to your knees and fall into a deep sleep forever.''

They slowly brought their hand towards Earlia's chest. It glowed a flaming yellow and red, and she could feel the heat erupting from it. 

She didn't know what to do, she didn't know what to think. The only thing that ran through her mind was fear fear fear and more fear.

She sweated, waited to feel the excruciating pain. But something unexpected happen.

Something clucked Eternity right in the head, and it landed on the ground right next to them.

They leaned down, still not letting go of Earlia, and looked at it.

'' a rock? who threw that?'' they said. 

''Me.'' said a voice in front of them. 

Eternity looked up. It was a girl. More specifically, it was Martha.

''hmm?'' Eternity said. ''Another female..who are you?''

''What? you don't remember me?'' Martha said. ''But who i am doesn't matter right now. You better leave that girl alone.''

Eternity brought Earlia closer. 

''What are you going to do if i don't?'' they said. ''I could rip her up right here.. right now.. what is a weak little girl like you going to do about it?''

Martha inhaled. 

''You want souls right?'' she said. ''why not take souls away from bad people instead of innocent people?''

Eternity shook their head.

''And how do you know this girl is innocent? You don't even know her.'' they said. ''She could be a bad person.''

''She doesn't look bad to me.'' Martha said. ''Since there are so much bad people in the world, that means you'll get a lot of souls.''

Eternity stood there for a while, staring at her.

''Fine.'' they said. They let go of Earlia, and they vanished.

Earlia rubbed her arm. It was sore from Eternity gripping onto it so tightly.

''You okay?'' Martha asked, who stood in front of her.

Earlia avoided eye contact with her. 

''y-yeah... i'm fine...'' she said quietly.

Martha raised an eyebrow. 

''Hmm.. you don't sound okay.'' she said. ''You're stuttering. Are you in pain? traumatized?''

''I'm fine.'' Earlia said a bit louder. ''I just.. wasn't expecting all of this to happen..''

Martha nodded.

''Yeah, i also felt like that when they appeared.'' she said. ''You also have powers?''

''mmhmm..'' Earlia said. ''Got them when i was four.''

Martha's mouth made a ''ooh'' sound.

''At such a young age..'' she said. ''That must of been..rough.''

Earlia sighed. She didn't want to get into this type of conversation.

''Listen, i need to go. i-''

''What's your name?'' Martha asked.


''Your name.'' 

Earlia slowly looked at her.

''It' s Earlia..''

''Oh.'' Martha said with a smile. ''That's a beautiful sounding name, but i'll just call you 'Lia'  okay? for when i see you again. Because you seem interesting.''

Earlia didn't know what to say. No one has ever given her a nickname or called her interesting.

''Well.. Lia..i hope i'll see you again sometime.'' Martha said. ''Try to be careful okay?''

Earlia slowly nodded, still not knowing what to say. 

Martha smiled. 


Martha walked away, and Earlia looked at her until she could no longer see her. 

Earlia inhaled, her heart started to speed up. 

''i'm going home... i need to go home..'' she said, breathing heavily. 

She began to speed walk home, sweating, and started to feel paranoid.

She quickly opened the front door and sat herself on the couch. 

She didn't know what to do. She started to feel scared for some strange reason. And being home alone while this was happening was not making her feel any better.

She wished someone was here.


She wished Shawn was here.

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