Pandora's Hope

By MissyLove1001

472 39 1

Hoseok and his girlfriend broke up just a few months ago and now all he wants is to get laid with no strings... More

Best Friends
One More Time for the Last Time
Berry Berry Strawberry
Jamais Vu
The Middle
Me and My Friend
One Night Angel
New Face
Ok, but Not Really
Trust the Process
Tunnel Vision of Love
Safety Zone
Morning After
Huimang 희망
Holiday Spirit
New Year, New Me
House of Cards
Pains, Trains, and Automobiles
Come Back Home
A Whole New World
Fight or Fight
Hope in Numbers


6 1 0
By MissyLove1001

Hoseok feels like he's just been hit in the chest with a 700 ton boulder. What is Jin saying? How is her car at the train station but she didn't get on a train? What does he mean they don't know where she is?

"Was there a camera that saw her car?" Hoseok asks frantically. "There's got to be a camera to see who was in her car."

"The camera didn't show much," Jin says softly. "It was dark and her car was parked halfway outside of the camera's range with the driver side door facing out of view. All we know is they pulled in then went in the opposite direction on foot."

"It was dark? When was it left there? Jin she just texted me the other night! When did this happen??" Hoseok is out of breath and he's almost convinced he's hallucinating.

"It was around 3-something Tuesday morning," he says trying to keep Hoseok from trembling.

"Jin!" Hoseok shouts reaching into his pocket. "Jin she texted me!!" He pulls up the message on his phone to check the time she sent her last message. "Jin! 3:27 am!!"

Jin takes the phone from him and looks at the message. He stares at the screen a bit with question marks written all over his face.

"It had to be her!" Hoseok shouts jumping from the couch. "They found her phone in the car. It had to be her! She left her car there! I have to find her!"

"Slow down," Jin says getting up after him and stopping him from running out the door. "Where are you going to go?"

"The train station. I don't know, I'll retrace her steps or something. She could be alone on foot or something. I need to go."

"Hoba, you need to talk to Namjoon first. They're already working on finding her, we don't need you getting lost out there too."

"I don't care, I need to find her."

"I know, just breathe for a second," Jin says guiding him back to the couch. "Let me call Namjoon."

Hoseok sits a moment while Jin calls Namjoon. Before there's an answer Hoseok is already back up on his feet again pacing the floor. Sitting still is impossible right now. Jin is unable to get Hoseok to sit back down until Namjoon arrives to get whatever information they know and give them updates on what police have found.

Hoseok shows Namjoon the message she sent him adamant that she has to be the one who left her car at the train station. Why and where she went remains a mystery, but it's the only connection he's been able to make since she disappeared so he's hanging on to it.

Namjoon pulls up the security camera footage on his phone from the train station to show them. As Jin said, it's dark and Hoseok can hardly see anything. Nari's car is shown pulling into the lot and parking far in the back. The only thing that can be made out is whoever was driving was alone and sat there a bit before getting out of the car.

"It's her," Hoseok says. "I can't see shit but I know it's her LOOK AT THE TIME!" He points. "That's when she sent me the message! It's her!" He jumps up to his feet again ignoring the burn his thighs are experiencing from his unconventional workout.

"If she drove," Namjoon says softly. "Do you know where she possibly could have gone on foot? Or why?"

"It's Leo! Whatever is going on it's because of him I know it!" Hoseok says with certainty. "She would have said something to me. She would have told me she's in trouble."

"But she didn't say anything like that in her message," Namjoon says.

Hoseok pauses. She didn't say anything like that. She never hinted to anything being wrong.

"No...she didn't." He looks at the floor trying to find reasoning.

"Does she normally text you at 3 in the morning?" Namjoon asks.

"No. I mean it's not unusual for her to be up at that time though. Even on her off days she would still be up late as if she were at work."

"Did she only carry her car key around? It was found in the car but we didn't find any other keys."

"Her car key would be on that big ass key ring she carries," he chuckles softly recalling a memory. "She carries 75 freaking keychains around with her car key, the key to the bar, the key to his place, and the key to my place."

Jin and Namjoon look at each other as if communicating telepathically. Hoseok realizes it's possible for someone else to have sent the message from her phone. Someone else could have driven her car and abandoned it at the train station. Someone else could have her other keys. Someone else could have a key to his front door. And someone else could no doubt be Leo.

"Fuck," Hoseok says under his breath. "Where's Leo? Have you talked to him?"

"We tried," Namjoon says remorsefully. "We couldn't find him. He hasn't been home and we haven't seen his car out anywhere."

"Fuck!" Hoseok yells. "Find him! Find her!"

"We're trying, Hoseok," Namjoon says.

For Hoseok they're not trying hard enough or fast enough. He's pacing and fidgeting and having sudden outbursts as his entire being goes through a whirlwind of feelings and emotions. Jin isn't convinced that he would be ok left alone, but Hoseok assures him he'll be fine. He needs to just process everything.

But processing everything only drives him insane. After Jin and Namjoon leave he's left laying in his bed staring at the ceiling deep in thought.

Was it really her that sent the message or did Leo text him pretending to be her? He knows he's done it before after Nari found out Leo had texted her mom and sister pretending to be her. He doesn't know what to think. But he knows he needs to find her.

Against his better judgement he goes out at 10:45 pm and drives to the train station. He goes to the back of the lot where her car was found and sits there a moment. He looks around taking in everything in sight. The spot is definitely a bit of a distance from the station's entrance.

He looks out the other direction to see where the driver of her car most likely went on foot. There's nothing. No road or buildings. Just open field for about a mile. Did she park there and run away? Did Leo park there and flee to a getaway car waiting for him somewhere?

Hoseok is going crazy. He drives around the area a bit hoping to find something, anything to give him a clue as to what happened. He even tries driving by Leo's apartment again which doesn't appear to have anyone in it. At about 1:30 am he finally convinces himself to go home.

The moment he steps through his door and looks at the corner of the room where all of her jewelry and crafts are left he breaks down. His legs can no longer carry him and his eyes are only able to spill an endless stream of tears. His throat burns from the pained wail he lets out as he cries into the floor boards. His chest is tight and he can hardly get any oxygen in. He's heaving and coughing and crying and slamming his fist into the ground.

He doesn't know what to do or where to go. He doesn't know how to ease this pain coursing through his entire body. He's never felt a pain like this before. This emptiness taking him over and the silence in his apartment echoing his cries is all that's left.

He pulls out his phone, barely able to see through his tears, and begins tapping out a message. Still hunched over on the floor he desperately sends message after message. Why? He's unsure, but he doesn't know what else to do to find some semblance of relief. His biggest fear is finally staring him in the face.

She's gone.

Hoseok: I know it's late
Hoseok: And I know you don't have your phone anyway so you'll never even get this
Hoseok: But I love and miss you so much
Hoseok: My heart breaks more and more every single second I have to carry on without you. Please come back to me. I need to know you're ok. I need to know you're alive. I need to know that I won't have to get through the rest of my life without you. I need you Nari.
Hoseok: Please just give me a sign. Anything, baby. Let me know it's you. Let me know something.
Hoseok: You're my best friend. The absolute love of my life. My soulmate. My world. Please come back to me. I love you. I love you so fucking much Nari please tell me you're ok.
Hoseok: I can't handle this
Hoseok: Please don't leave me
Hoseok: I love you so much

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