One with the Pogues [jj x rea...

By zowama

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After Y/n got into a fight and gets expelled from the rich school, she joins the school where she meets JJ an... More

1. Newbie
2. Beach Party
3. Homework
4. Drugged
5. I Can't Believe Dad
6. Hurricane Agatha
7. Camerons
8. Gun
9. Plan
10. Escaping Death
11. Drone
12. Letter
13. Differences Aside
14. Barry
15. Phantom
16. Gavin
17. Ferry to Charleston
18. Sarah and John B
19. Jail Break (Gone Wrong)
21. Luke
22. Gator
23. Containers
24. Poguelandia
25. Portis
26. Negotiating
27. Back home
28. Trains
29. Neville
30. Anniversary Party
31. Shoupe Always Gets in the Way
32. Fire
33. Rip Marley

20. Free Man

264 4 12
By zowama

JJ and Pope are arguing about how much wax to put on a board. Kie and I are just talking.

A car starts honking. We look over and it's John B in his van.
"No fucking way!" I yell running over. We all hug him.

"They dropped the charges." John B says.
"You're telling me we did all that work for nothing?" JJ says. I laugh.
"Oh, the most elaborate escape plan of all time?"
"Foolproof." Kie says with air quotes.
"Yeah, it was." I laugh again.
"We might've been high when we came up with it." I say.

"Wait, where's Sarah?" John B asks. We all look away.
"She went to go meet Wheezie last night. She didn't come back."

John B tells us how he almost got killed in jail.
"What the fuck?" I ask.
"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch."
"Dude, it's okay." Kie says.
"No it's not. Sarah's missing."
"No, she's right there." Kie points.

There's a boat with Sarah and Topper. Sarah's yelling for John B.

They hug.

"Sarah, they're coming after Rafe."
"Good. He's completely unhinged. He jumped me last night." She says.
"That's why I didn't come back."
"Yeah, he's lost it. Literally almost drowned his own sister." Topper chimes in. "Thankfully I got there... just in time."

JJ and I share a look.

"Uh well, guess I owe you one, Topper."
"It's all good. Somebody has to rescue your girlfriend, right?"

I can feel the tension.

"Funny cause she's not actually my girlfriend right?" Kie and I look at eachother.
"Uh, well, what is she then?"
"Tell him." John B says to Sarah.

Sarah just looks between them for a moment before talking.
"I'm with him."
"Gotcha. Just needed a little clarity there. You clear on that?" He says looking at me and JJ.
"I think it's clear you gotta go now." I say.
"Yeah, think it's time."

"Topper. Thank you." Sarah says hugging him.
"Of course." Topper says staring at John B.

"Oh shit." JJ mutters under his breath.

Topper drives off.

We all go inside.
"Let's drink." JJ says passing me a beer.

We go outside.
"John B, wanna shotgun one in the name of freedom?" John B ignores him.

I see Sarah.
"No!" She yells walking off.

"Then there were two." I say opening my beer. He does the same.
"To us I guess."
"To us!" I yell throwing my head back.

I smile at JJ as he pulls me in to kiss me.

His phone starts ringing.
"Piece of shit." He mutters as he picks up. "Oh shit. Yeah, I'll get him." JJ hangs up.

"Pope's dad. Something happened." He says.

We run and tell Pope. We all get everyone and get to Heywards.

Sarah and I fix up his wounds.
"Pops what happened?"
"I should've known better. He came in just as I was about to lock up. Caught me by surprise. Once he had me down, he put his knee in my chest, and he asked me about that.. that key from that drawing. And in case you were wondering I ain't tell him nothing. Now did you track it down?"

Pope shows him it.
"Found it right where you said."
"Shit boy, you should've gave me it and I wouldn't have had to take a beating. Why they want it so bad?"
Pope explains the letter and what happened.

Heyward tells us to figure out what it means and to talk to Mee- Maw.

"Guys, what Limbrey said I don't think she meant to let it slip. She said the key leads to the cross of Santo Domingo." Pope says. I sit up recognizing the name.
"Can I see that?" JJ asks.
"Are we supposed to know what that means?"

"I'm guessing it's some sort of historical artifact of great importance."
"I've heard of it." I say.
"My mom mentioned it before what she said I don't remember but I'm sure there's something in her room." I say.
"Check when you get home." I nod.

Kie googles it. JJ starts talking about the Bermuda triangle.

"What does a key found in Mee-Maws room have to do with any of this?"
"Where do we come in?"
"I don't know."

We get out of the car.
"Actually Imma do this alone. I don't really need you." Pope says mostly directed at Kie.
"Oh, we're just all one big happy family today, arent we?" JJ says. I hit his chest to shut up.

We agree to pick him up in a bit and drive off.

The girls and I go inside a shop to buy drinks leaving JJ and John B in the van.

"I had to thank Topper. He saved me." Sarah says. "But that's the crime of the century."
"Tell me about it. All this crazy shits happening, and Popes giving me the silent treatment for not being in love with him." Kie says.
"And we're the dramatic ones." I say. They chuckle.
"You and JJ seem so great." Sarah says to me.
"We are." I say smiling. She smiles at me. "You guys will be fine." I add.

We get in the van and go pick Pope up.

He tells us what happened.

We all drink a bit and take it in. We agree to split the money.

"And live happily ever after?" Limbrey asks walking over. JJ instantly moves by me.
"You assaulted my father."
"Oh I didn't assault anybody."
"He can identify the psycho from a mile away." Kie says.
"Why would my employee assault your father?"
"Maybe cause you're a crazy ass bitch?" I say.

"Listen, I want the key." The guy grabs Pope. "And I won't stop until I have it."
"It's Limbrey, right?" John B asks holding up a key.
"Is this what you're looking for?"
"Yes it is."
"Looking at the tide right now it's about 20 feet deep out there. So if I just threw it in the cannel, the probability of finding it is slim to none."

"Wanna give it a shot?"
"Get him to back the hell up."
"Back up." He does.

"I'm willing to be reasonable."
"I'll give you the key but we want the tape." Pope says.
"Of course."
"Pope. You don't have to do this." John B says.
"It's okay."
"It's your family Pope." I say.
"It's okay."

"You're a good friend."
"The tape."

They swap things.
"I wish you came to this decision earlier and avoided all these unpleasantries." She says turning around.

She stops infront of me.
"You look so much like her."
"Like who?" I ask.
"Your mother." She reaches out and touches my hair. JJ steps forward. "It's a shame what happened." She starts walking away.
"Excuse me?" She ignores me as they leave.

"How long until they realize you gave them your dads old key?" JJ asks John B.
"10 minutes."
"Who's idea was it to use a fake key?" Pope asks. JJ and John B smile.
"Gotta say I'm surprised."
"Did hell freeze over?" Pope asks hugging them.

"She knew my mom." I mutter.
"Yeah, what the hell was that all about?" JJ asks.
"Dunno." I say looking down. "But let's just get the tape to Shoupe."

We all get in the van.

We can hear the boys cheering that Ward's going to jail. Sarah looks sad.
"Do you regret it?"
"No. He deserves it."
"He's your dad. I get it." I say.

Her phone starts ringing and she gets up to answer.

Sarah tells us she needs to get to her dad before the cops.

We're in the van and see all the cops.
"Shit." I mutter.
"Can you please hurry? I need to be there for Wheezie." Sarah says.
"You think I wanna miss this?" John B asks.

We all get out of the van and peer over the wall. The cops are running to the water.
"I'm going over."

We all jump over and get closer.

Sarah hugs Wheezie. Sarah gets her to go inside.

We walk over and see Ward standing on his boat.

"What are you doing here Sarah?" Ward yells.
"Dad! What are you doing?"
"Vic, you gotta get her outta here! She can't be here right now!"
"Just come on in, and you can talk to her!" Shoupe yells.
"Sarah, I'm so sorry, baby. I can't!" He yells lifting the anchor.
"Ward come on! You don't need her seeing this!" Shoupe yells as the cop boats start getting close.

Ward starts climbing down.
"Dad, don't leave!"
"I love you!"

The boat explodes. JJ grabs me as I turn my face.

Sarah starts breaking down. She's screaming and crying. John B isn't doing anything. Topper runs over and catches her as she falls.

A single tear rolls down my face as I watch Sarah completely fall apart. I'm unable to move and help her.

• • •

Sarah and John B broke up.

JJ, Kie, and I walk over to the Pogue and throw beers at John B and Pope.
"What are you guys doing down here? Having a good cry?" JJ asks.
"We don't cry."
"It's not your fault." Kie says.
"She's just going through it, give her some time and I promise it'll be fine again." I say.
"She's one of us."
"Sarah's a Pogue. She'll come around." He chuckles. "I'm gonna do a backflip."

"You won't!"
"You got any money?"

John B does one into the water and we chuckle.

In the morning Pope wakes us up. I get dressed and then we all struggle to get JJ up. On the way there he falls asleep on me.

We start taking the test and I give the answers to JJ.

When we walk out John B shows us how the girl asked him to the bonfire.
"We're definitely going." JJ says.
"Y/n!" Some girl yells.
"I'll catch up with you later." I say to the boys.

I walk over to her.
"You and the guys coming to the bonfire right?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say.
"Are you and JJ still together?"
"Yup." I say.
"What about the other two?"
"Look, if you only called me over to ask which of my friends were up for grabs-."
"No, that's not what I meant. I just wanted to know."
"Okay, then yeah we'll be there." I say.
"Okay, see you!" She says walking off.
"Weird as fuck." I mutter turning to find the boys.

After school Pope tells us about Denmark's diary. He reads it to us. The cross and the gold were on the royal merchant together.

"Why didn't we find it in the well then?" JJ asks. "If Denmark was able to get this bedazzled cross off of the merchant to shore. Why didn't he just hide it with the gold?"
"Because it was too big."
"Yeah. He had to hide it somewhere else."

"Right before he was hung, he buried the treasure at the foot of the angel."
"I thought this was about the key?"
"I don't see the connection." I say.

"The path to the tomb begins in the island room." Pope says.
"And what's that?"
"You know what helps me figure shit out?" JJ says.
"Oh boy."
"Smoking beers and drinking weed. The ideas just start pouring. If we sit here we'll get nowhere. And if we go to the bonfire we can get creative." He says. I laugh.

"Well, I just got disowned and I'm an official member of the I-have-nothing-to-lose-club." Kie says.
"We're so close."
"Think of how much you could think if you just gave your brain a rest."
"Okay, fine." We all cheer.

"Imma run home and get ready." I say.
"Alright, we'll pick you up." John B says.
"Okay, see you!" I say.

I walk out and call an Uber.

I get home and greet dad and tell him my plans. He doesn't mind.

I go upstairs and change. I walk past moms room and go inside. I find a box in the closet. I open it.

Dear Johnny,
I feel like a shit mother everyday. I'm lying to Y/n and Henry everyday. They don't know the truth. But I just hope one day we'll be together again. If not because of the gold, then the cross will have to do. We will do this John. I know it.

I stare at the letter that she never sent. I grab another one, this one dated to when I was three.

John B's mom just left. She packed her things and walked on out. It's been six months since I last wrote to you and you told me to stop since you worried Henry would catch on, but I needed you to know. And In all truthfulness I just hope that one day I can meet my daughter. And if not me then John B. They will love and care for eachother the way that siblings should. I understand your concerns though. I miss you.
Big John

John B is my half brother. Holy shit.

There's a honk outside. I grab my phone and run outside.

I get in the van.
"What's wrong?" JJ asks me.
"John B." I say.
"You're my half brother." I say.

(A.n: thoughts???

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