Dragon Overlord system

By Black_knight032

20.3K 791 30

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29

chapter 8

716 29 1
By Black_knight032

     After thirty long minutes of discussion they decided to have Clay make familiar contract with Freya. As it turns out all humanoid races have jobs that can give certain skills. One of the jobs Freya holds is beast tamer which always her to make contracts with magic beasts. At first Clay did not like the idea until they swore that the contract did not make him a servant. For beast tamers there are two type of contracts.

                  The first was a contract of subservience that made the beast absolutely obedient. This method was most commonly used because it lowered the chance of betrayal to almost zero. For a dragon such a contract was a complete insult.

                    The second contract method was a partnership contract.  As the name suggests it was made on the premise of equal partnership between tamer and beast. It also gave Clay the right to dissolve the contract at any time. Since that was the case he agreed to their plan.

                Receiving his consent Freya quickly proceed with the contract. Once it was finished Clay could feel a faint connection to her. The connection he was feeling would grow stronger as Freya and him got closer.

" Alright with that out of the way I think we should head out of the forest" suggested Zeke.

"Sorry I am not ready to leave yet at least not until I have my first evolution" Clay stated.

                    He took a quick look at his status earlier and he was ready to evolve. it's just he needed decided what path he will take. His choice are either attack, support, defense and speed. Each came with pros and cons but the question which best fit his current situation. Even after think for a few minutes nothing came to mind. Since he was was drawing a blank Clay asked Eve for her advice.

"If you want my opinion then I recommend going with the earth dragon tree. Since you have the royal dragon bloodline it is easy to use other elements with practice. However there is an element that earth dragons control that is not easily learned" Eve replied.

              Realization struck Clay as he listened to her suggestion. With his bloodline regardless of what evolution he can still use all elements. The problem is he has to learn how to use these elements through training. Some elements will be easier than others however one element's difficulty stand above the others. That is gravity a sub element of earth. Due to it not having a physical form like most elements it is harder to grasp.

              By choosing the earth dragon evolution path he could get skills that control gravity and help him understand it more. Nodding his head Clay told the siblings to watch over him while he was evolving. Before they could respond he already ran into the cave and selected to evolve. When he did a cocoon of gold and silver light wrapped around his body.

(Outside the cave)

            Meanwhile outside of Clay's cave Zeke and his sister were talking. Both of them were shocked that even if he knew them for a short time Clay trusted them so much. They couldn't help thinking it is because he is so young which made them feel responsible for watching over him. This was twice as true for Freya because of her being a dragonkin. They soon got in to what kind of dragon he would choose to evolve in to.

"If you ask me the best would be a fire dragon to increase his firepower" Freya suggested.

"Are you really this stupid obvious it would be better to pick a water dragon. With it he can play a support rule which suites a king best" Zeke retorted.

                Since both of them knew he was a new with the potential to become one of four dragons. It became easy for them to figure out what kind of evolution he would have. They also discussed how to enhance him as more time goes on. Depending on them it is likely he can either become overpowered or even the legendary dragon Overlord. Their heartbeats quickened at the idea of possibly being the first ones to complete the game.

            As they were busy imagining the possible future a loud roar came from the cave.

(Inside cave)

            Clay broke out of his cocoon once he woke up from his evolution. Feeling a near overwhelming sense of power he opened his mouth and let out a roar. When he finished roaring Clay still had alot of pent up energy. His roar done Clay decided to take another look at his status.

[Name: Clay Aurum-Argentum

Race: Dragon/????

Level: 10

Racial level(s): Young Earth Dragon lvl 11/20.  ????-????

bloodline: Royal dragon bloodline

Mana core: rank 2

Health points: 1120=>2130

mana points: 1000=>2000





Status points-17

Skill points-17


-Dragon's endurance(max level)

-Golden dragon body technique( Level 2)

-Silver dragon manipulation technique(level 2)

-Earth magic(level 1)

-Earth Dragon's Armor(Level 1)

-Earth Dragon's breath(level 1)

-Fly(level 1)]

              At a first glance he noticed that all of his stats have doubled.  With his mana over two thousand he immediately knew that he really needed to redouble his efforts. Another thing he noticed was that both techniques automatically leveled up and with it so did his useage. His previous flaw of allowing mana to leak was also no longer a problem. Next he looked at his new skills.

[Earth magic(level 1): Earth magic is the study of using the power of the ground beneath you feet to fight. As your mastery grows so does the range and intensity of your spells.]

        Reading that over knowledge about the spells he use right now appeared in his head. Even more interesting was that in the spells he can use one used his dragon's breath as a catalyst. For now he ignored that to continue going over his skills.

[Earth Dragon's breath(level 1): As a dragon it is no surprise that you have skill to breathe the very elements. As an earth dragon your breath contain sharp rocks within it.(cost: 4 mana/sec)]

[Earth Dragon's armor(level 1): All Earth dragons at a young age begin form the armor that will follow them throughout their lives. As an earth dragon grows stronger so does their armor. Any damage to the armor can be repaired through either rest or spending mana. Of course mana cam also be used to reinforce the armor as well.]

[Fly(level 1):  Duh you're a dragon aren't so of course you can fly. This little just makes your talent for flying higher. Therefore much sure you level it up and stop hoarding point you points hoarder.]

                The description for his Fly skill made Clay's brain stopped working for a second. Until now all of the messages he received were like they were computer generated. This time though it actually sounded more like someone telling him off.

"Hey Eve is my system actually alive or was that some kind of glitch" Clay asked.

Eve was silent for a moment before replying, "no it was not a glitch ,and as for if the system is alive that would be yes in a way".

            Although her response was not clear Clay could understand a few things from it. Still he held his curiosity for now and focused more on his changes. Looking down he noticed a jagged rock armor covering the back of his hands all the way until his elbows. Flipping to his palm revealed that his scales had turned gold with a silver boarder. Feeling like he checked himself out enough Clay left the cave.

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