His Friend [Michael Myers x F...

By morana06

114K 2.8K 793

You didn't make fun of him You never called him a freak You were his friend Even after all these years he rem... More



8.5K 200 24
By morana06

The next few days Michael would come to the room and give [Name] food. He would sit and stare at her for a while and then he would leave.

He hadn't spoken again since the first time he had spoken to [Name]. She wondered if he even still knew how to speak properly after being in a facility for all those years with hardly anybody to speak to.

She still felt nervous... uneasy but those feelings were turning into frustration and confusion the longer he left her there with nothing to do, just keeping her to himself.

[Name] wanted to get out. She wanted to go back to her home and pretend none of this ever happened. She knew people would be worrying and wondering what had happened to her.

Michael would come to the room at the same time every day. She didn't know exactly what time it was, she had no watch or clock, however she still had some rough sense of time from using the suns position in the sky.

She had attempted to pick the lock many times and get the chain off her ankle however it was a lot more difficult than tv shows made it out to be.

She was determined to figure it out though. She was determined and knew that she could do it.

Truthfully, she couldn't think of another way out. The chain was made of metal so there was no chance of her being able to break it and if she couldn't get the chain off then there was no leaving this room.

It took a long time and [Name]'s hands were aching as she fiddled with the lock but finally she heard a click. The lock sprang open and the chain fell from her ankle.

She smiled, proud of herself as she rubbed her ankle. There were deep imprints left behind from where the metal had dug into her skin, making it extremely sore. The chain had been very tight.

She looked out of the window, out of habit and realised it was about the time that Michael would come.

She quickly tried to secure the lock back onto her ankle. Panic set in as she tried to push the two parts back together with trembling hands. It took a bit of effort but at last she heard a satisfying click to tell her it was on.

She mentally cursed herself for taking it off during the day when she would have a far greater opportunity to escape at night. She decided she needed to be more careful from now on.

A few minutes later [Name] heard footsteps and Michael came into the room, holding a plate of food as usual.

She took the food and looked up at him, meeting his intense gaze. It made her feel powerless against him, she hated the feeling.

After a moment Michael came over to her and instead of taking a seat in the corner of the room like usual he sat next to her on the bed. He didn't say anything, just say there quietly, watching her as she ate some of the food.

Then he gently reached his hand out towards her head and started to play with her hair, letting his hands fall through it and then bringing them back to do it again.

[Name] wasn't sure what to do, it was odd but the sensation was pleasant, making her feel more calm. This was the first time that Michael had been more gentle with her, the whole time he had been using a lot of force against her.

She breathed out a sigh of relief and sat there, allowing him to play with her hair.

After he had been doing that for a while he moved his hands to take hers. His hands were large and the skin was rough and calloused with a few healing cuts and scrapes running along them.

These were the hands that could he rough and harsh, bringing pain and force as she had experienced but now she also knew how gentle he could be.

[Name] shuddered as she wondered what Michael would do if he ever found out of her plans to escape, especially if he caught her in the act like he almost did today.

His thumb gently ran across her own hand and he stared down intently at what he was doing, almost mesmerised.

"Michael..." She said

He looked back up at her, his brown eyes wide through the sockets of his mask. He had dark circles around his eyes and he looked tired. The mask was dirty and looked pretty battered, like it had been through a lot.

"Could you losen the chain... it's hurting my ankle"

He paused for a moment and looked down at her leg before reaching into his pocket and taking out a key, he took off the chain and held her leg in his hand, taking in the red marks.

She took in the pocket he kept the key in although she didn't think it would help her whatsoever, after all Michael was much taller and stronger than her and there was no chance that she could overpower him.

"I'm sorry" he said in a quiet and croaky voice

He gently rubbed her ankle where the chain had been digging in, attempting to massage the area.

He then attached the chain onto her other ankle, it was still tight though he hadn't done anything about that but [Name] was still grateful for the relief her other ankle felt now it was released.

He then stood up from the bed and after talking a final look at her, took the empty plate and left the room, once again leaving her alone.

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