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[Name] sat on the cold, damp floor, deep in thought. The encounter with Michael had been terrifying, yet it provided a glimmer of insight into his emotions, however fleeting. She realized that if there was any hope of survival, it lay in understanding the man behind the mask.

With a new determination, she decided to focus on his words and actions, looking for patterns, any clues that might give her a way to connect with him.

Michael's visits became more frequent, and he seemed to observe her from a distance, watching her every move. Slowly but surely, [Name] began to establish a routine. She obeyed his every command, ensuring she appeared willing and non-threatening. She hoped to show her willingness to cooperate and to build the bridge of trust between them.

Maybe by appearing compliant he would feel more at ease and begin to trust her more.

Each time Michael came down to visit her she began trying to talk to him more, to build up more of a connection between them so that things would seem more friendly.

Surprisingly he would respond to most of her questions and topics, he seemed much more comfortable talking now.

She noticed how he seemed slightly more relaxed now, he wasn't on edge, like he was about to find her escaping or at least attempting to.

At first he kept his distance, sitting near the stairs which was the only exit but slowly he began to stray further from them, eventually coming to sit right by her.

It hadn't taken too long either. [Name] had found it hard to keep track of time due to not having a clock and no windows showing her the outside however she could tell it hadn't taken too long, nowhere near as long as she thought it would of.

"Michael what do you want to do in the future?" She asked.

It was a question she had been dying to ask, surely he couldn't expect to keep her here forever and she was also curious to know how he came to get basic supplies like food and

He certainly didn't have a job so he must've stolen them from somewhere, did he plan on doing that for the rest of his life, how else was he going to get by?

Besides, his mask made it so that he couldn't go out in public as it was likely he would be seen and reported by someone. Even without his mask, his name was well know by people all over after what he had done.

Michael remained silent for a moment, his eyes locked onto her. It was as if he was contemplating whether to respond or not.

Finally, he let out a low, gravelly sigh, his voice carrying a touch of frustration. "The future... doesn't concern me," he muttered, his gaze drifting away from her.

Both of them were silent for a moment, [Name] wasn't sure how to respond.

She shifted uncomfortably where she was sat, the chains rubbing against her skin making her wince.

Michael took note and walked over to her, producing a key. His tone became serious as he looked down at her.

"don't make me regret this or you'll never see the light of day again" His eyes were locked onto hers, cold and stern. She nodded in response and Michael freed her from the chains.

"don't try anything funny, there's only one exit," he pointed to the door at the top of the stairs, "and if you think you're getting past me you must be dreaming."

She already knew this and although she was pretty strong and could probably hold her own in a normal fight, Michael wasn't exactly the normal standards. He was extremely strong and she knew that she wouldn't stand a chance against him.

That didn't matter anyway, [Name] had already established the fact that the only way she was getting out would be by gaining his trust... and that plan appeared to be working.

Even if it was only a small victory, she had managed to get him to trust her enough to take off her chains. This meant he was no longer worried about her escaping, his guard was lowering.

That was good for her. Perhaps this wouldn't take as long as she had originally thought.

Breaking her from her thoughts, Michael stood up and moved towards the stairs. "I will be back... i'm locking the door so don't even think about trying anything." He said before leaving.

He came back about 10 minutes later and called for her to come over to him.

"Would you like to watch a movie?"

[Name] was confused at this but she nodded.

"Yes i would like that" She smiled at him and followed as he walked up the stairs and into the living room.

She saw that Michael had already set up, laying the sofa with many pillows and blankets, making it look extremely comfy.

There were also many different snacks laid out on the table.

It made her smile, and she almost forgot about everything that had happened before, this felt like a bit of normality.

She sat down on the sofa, shuffling pillows around behind her to get as comfortable and relaxed as possible.

Michael sat down next to her, pretty close but leaving a little space between the two of them.

As she waited her mind began to wonder. Mainly how Michael had managed to get all this stuff without being seen in public but also how he had managed to get electricity in this seemingly abandoned house.

"What do you want to watch?"

She thought for a moment before settling on a movie. "[favourite movie]"

Michael nodded and began typing it up on the TV, pressing play once he had found it.

They both watched the movie, it began to get dark outside. [Name] began to feel more relaxed, she was glad to experience something close to normal life.

She began to feel more tired as the movie went on, nearing its end. She let her head fall and rest on the closest object which happened to be Michael shoulder.

He turned to look over and opened his mouth to say something but her eyes were already closed. Michael watched as her chest rose and fell silently. He turned off the TV, not wanting to wake her and gently placed a blanket over her.

He stayed where he was on the sofa, not wanting to disturb her too much, letting her sleep on his shoulder.

He gently began to run his hand through her hair, watching over her as she slept.

It was the first time in a long time things had been this peaceful for the both of them.

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