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It had been 15 years since [Name] had been to Haddonfield.

Her drive there felt longer than anything before, each mile she drove closer she began to feel more uneasy.

She had tried to forget about her time there however there was one person who refused to leave her mind.

Michael Myers. The outcast in school who she had befriended.

Since leaving Haddonfield [Name] had been told what Michael did. Her stomach dropped every time she thought about him. How she had longed to visit him and cried when she wasn't permitted to.

Still, a part of her always wondered what had become of Michael.

He was only a child after all... did he really deserve to be locked up for so long?


[Name] turned the key of her parents house, her house, and unlocked the door. Stepping into the house flooded her with memories of her childhood, all tainted by the fact she spent it with a murderer.

The house had been more or less left the same as when she had left. Her parents had passed a while after and [Name] finally decided it was time to go back.

She had been doing well for herself, managing to secure the job she wanted and the home she wanted.

She didn't need to come back here. All she needed to do was hire someone to collect the belongings and then sell the house... but deep down she knew this was for some sort of closure.

Recently she had started having dreams, no, nightmares about Michael, him coming back for her.

She could still remember the haunting tone of his voice as he screamed out to her before she was dragged away.

"I'm never letting you go"

She had tried to shake off the dreams and uneasy feelings and chalked it up to it almost being the 15th anniversary of the incident.

[Name] slowly walked down the corridor, tracing the tips of her fingers along the walls like she used to do when she was a kid.

She opened the door to her room and peered inside.

It was exactly the same. Nothing had changed. She half expected her parents to have packed everything up or got rid of things but it was the same as the day she left it.

She found herself reaching for a box under her bed, full of drawings from Michael or of her and Michael. The drawings were sweet and full of childlike innocence.

[Name] looked through the drawings, remembering how she had dragged Michael into her bedroom to draw with her or how she spent her afternoon after school drawing something for him.

Her eyes lingered one one drawing that Michael had given to her for a moment, allowing her to see something that made her heart drop.

It looked to be a drawing of himself and her however the drawings looked like none of the others. It was in black and white for a start and looked nothing like a child's drawing.

Then she noticed the dried red stain in the corner.

It could only be one thing.



[Name] had been to the police immediately, trembling as she tried to explain how she believed that Michael had somehow escaped and that he was coming back for her.

None of them believed her story, one even laughed at her for claiming that Michael would attempt to break out just for her.

[Name] stormed away, trying not to let the anger get to her.

She stepped outside, the cold evening air hitting her and bringing her back to her senses. She needed to leave.

It was only a 5 minute walk from the police station to the house and she was regretting not driving there in the first place. She hadn't known how quickly the sun would set and she most definitely wasn't thinking clearly in her haste to get out of that house.

It was cold, dark, and [Name] was paranoid, looking over her shoulder every few seconds as if she expected to see Michael walking towards her all of a sudden.

Never had she thought that Michael would actually come back for her until now. She wanted to convince herself that it was a coincidence. He was back for some other reason.

Maybe that was the case. Then all she needed to do was to get out of Haddonfield as quick as possible.

Fear kept her walking at a fast pace, in fact she was practically jogging now. She just hated the feeling of not knowing and right now there was a whole lot of that.

She didn't know where Michael was being held or if he had even escaped. She didn't know his current wears abouts or whether he was really after her. And if he was she didn't know what he wanted with her...

When [Name] got to the house she ran to the car immediately. Her stomach dropped and she felt weak looking at the scene before her.

Each tire had been slashed several times and the car windows were smashed too.

He had been here.

[Name] ran into the house. She was terrified and knew he could been in there but she needed her phone, keys and wallet if she were to get out of here another way.

Her pace immediately slowed. All the lights were off and it was deathly silent. It felt like a scene from a horror movie.

She went to grab her things and [Name] let out a small and terrified gasp. All her stuff was gone.

And standing at the end of the hallway...


His Friend [Michael Myers x F Reader]Where stories live. Discover now