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[Name] was becoming more and more confused with Michaels strange behaviour.

Most days he would be cold and distant to her and acted as if he was treading on ice and then the next moment he would switch and become more affectionate towards her.

It was messing with her head and made her more unsure about what to do.

[Name] was still sure that she was going to escape but she just needed the right chance, a moment where Michael had his guard down and she could just slip away.

However his visits to the room she was trapped in had started to become less routine, some days he would come almost every hour, seemingly desperate to see her and some days she would be left alone, wondering whether now was her chance to go.

Luckily Michael had started to provide her with some things to entertain her. One day he had entered the room with a pile of books. He placed them down and sat next to her on the bed, asking if they could read together.

[Name] knew that she should hate Michael for taking her and keeping her here but in that moment as they say there, one hand gently playing with her hair and the other resting on her thigh her heart couldn't help but flutter.

She wasn't sure what was happening and why she felt so fond of him all of a sudden. It scared her and made her want to get out as soon as she could before she completely forgot why she was trapped here and just gave into Michael.

The whole house was quiet, she sat there listening for a few minutes to try and figure out where Michael was.

Suddenly she heard footsteps, creaking as someone climbed the stairs. She prepared for him to come in but instead the footsteps disappeared down the hall and into another room.

[Name]'s heart raced. If this was him going to sleep then this could be her chance!

She listened for a few minutes, straining her ears for the slightest movement but she heard nothing.

As quietly as she could she began fiddling with the lock of her chain again. For the most part it was quiet but every time she pulled slightly too hard, moving the chain and causing a harsh clank sound she froze, heart hammering in her chest as she stared at the door, listening for his footsteps.

But they never came.

Eventually she once again heard that click, freeing her ankle.

Relief flooded through her and she stretched out her ankle, rubbling the slightly swollen skin.

Everything suddenly felt more real as she moved over to the edge of the bed, ready to get out.

He locked the door each time he left so her only way out was the window. [Name] knew it would be difficult to get out of the window without making noise, so her best option was to be fast. If she got away before he had a chance to react then she would have a chance.

She stood up from the bed and immediately felt dizzy, black spots finding their way into her vision. She had been lying down the entire time, her legs felt like jelly as they tried to support her weight once more.

After a few moments she felt confident to move, letting herself walk over to the window and look out.

[Name] tested it to make sure it wasn't locked, letting out a sigh of relief as the window swung open.

His Friend [Michael Myers x F Reader]Where stories live. Discover now