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[Name] woke up, her mind immediately panicking as the memories of what had just happened flooded back.

Before she had lost consciousness she was sure that he would of gotten angry and killed her.

She immediately looked around at her surroundings, this wasn't the same room he had kept her in before.

There were no windows which meant no chance of escaping that way. Michael clearly wasn't taking any chances this time.

It was very dark and the only light was coming from a small lamp in the middle of the room, shining a dim light across half of the room. She couldn't even see the walls of the room it was so dark, [Name] assumed that this room must be underground, some sort of basement.

Another new thing was that her arms were tied behind her back with thick rope in addition to the same leg chain that had trapped her before. Michael clearly didn't plan on letting her go any time soon and now she had betrayed his trust, getting herself much more secure bindings.

[Name] felt desperate and tears threatened to spill as the weight of the situation dawned on her, she was sure there would be no getting out this time. Even if she did find a way to escape what could she do, Michael always seemed to be a step ahead and she was sure that another escape would just end the same as the last.

She sighed and tried to wriggle her wrists, seeing how much slack she had with the rope but the knot was tight and secure. Without her hands it would be impossible to get the leg chain off.

No chance of escape.

Her mind began to wonder to the only other chance she may have. Gaining his trust.

There was no other way. If she gained his trust enough maybe Michael would let her have some freedom. That would only be if he really trusted she wouldn't leave though, and [Name] knew that would take a long time, if it was even possible at this point.

She heard some sudden rattling, jolting her out of her thoughts and causing her to look in the direction of the noise.

A door in the ceiling opened up, allowing light from above to spill in and also revealing Michael as he slowly walked down some stairs, his cold stare fixed on her.

[Name] began to feel uneasy, she knew that he would probably be mad and she also knew what he was capable of.

He stood in front of her silently, watching her as if to see what she would do. Eventually he spoke.

"Why" he grunted

She looked up at him with wide eyes "Why what?"

"You know what. Don't make me repeat myself" His voice was still low and croaky but it was clear he had been practicing and was a little more comfortable talking than before.

[Name] was quiet for a moment, unsure of how to reply to him. In the end she decided to just be honest.

"I was scared Michael! You took me out of nowhere after all these years, away from the life that i had, and kept me locked in a room. Not to mention you barley talked to me and i was on edge the whole time because i didn't know what you wanted!"

Michaels eyes flashed with sympathy for a moment before they returned to the cold piercing gaze. Perhaps he was capable of feeling, even if it was only slight moments.

"Don't ever try that again."

"You can't just keep me here!" [Name] resorted, feeling desperate and almost angry now.

This didn't go down well with Michael, the next moment [Name] was pressed up against the wall, Michaels hand around her neck.

"You don't have a choice" he growled

She grasped his hand, trying to pull it off her neck as she struggled to breath but his grip was too strong.

"Do you understand?"

[Name] nodded and he released her, causing her to fall onto the floor, gasping for air.

She looked up at him from her position on the floor, her eyes wide and full of tears as she heaved, letting her lungs fill once again.

She searched Michaels eyes for any sign of emotion but he simply looked cold, detached. How could any human be this cruel, [Name] thought.

She knew that it was going to be extremely difficult to ever gain his trust again, maybe even impossible. She was still going to try, all she had to do was comply, do everything he asked with no resistance and then maybe Michael would start to trust her, believing that she wouldn't try to escape again.

"I'm sorry Michael" She said, making her voice come out as quiet and apologetic.

Michael stood motionless for a moment, studying her before he responded.

"Just don't do it again" He nodded, crossing his arms in from of him, looking down at her as she stood back up from the floor.

"I don't want to have to hurt you [Name]" he grumbled, looking deeply into her eyes before turning and heading back towards the stairs.

"You will stay down here until you learn to behave yourself" He said as he slowly walked up the stairs, shutting the door behind him and taking away the light that lit up the room, plunging most of it into darkness. Only the small part illuminated by the lamp remained.

[Name] sighed to herself, rubbing her sore neck which she was sure would be bruised because of his grip.

This interaction was the most she had heard Michael talk this whole time, that was the only positive, at least he might explain some things to her at some point.

Her biggest worry was now being shut in this basement, it was dark and cold and she desperately wished to see the suns light again.

She needed to get out as soon as possible.

Gaining his trust would be her only way out.

She had to do it.

His Friend [Michael Myers x F Reader]Where stories live. Discover now